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with Demo Video in Magic & Mentalism: page 15


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★★★★★ $15
Stephen Tucker
This, That and the Other by Stephen Tucker

This is a miracle trick from the fertile, inventive and, dare we say, dangerous mind of Stephen Tucker.

You have three red-backed cards: two cards marked THIS one card with the word THAT. All you have to do is keep your eye on THAT but most of the time you get THAT wrong and it is THIS and when you get THIS and THAT wrong suddenly the back of THIS turns blue!

At the end of the routine you deal the three cards down on to the table and a new card appears bearing the word OTHER. So you have to explain as you deal the cards that to do this trick properly you will need THIS, THAT and a bit...

Ruhko Varen
Wait by Ruhko Varen

[Note that the English on this video is pretty bad. However, everything is also explained visually and you should have no problem to make the gimmick and to see how everything works together.]

The effect is straight forward. Show a few tictacs on your hand and an empty tictacs box. Slam the container on your hand and make all tictacs jump into the container. Your hand is empty and the container filled with tictacs. If somebody would have counted the number of tictacs in the container is exactly the same as there were on the hand. You can handout the container with the tictacs for inspection or even as a gift.

1st edition 2015, 11 min...

★★★★★ $10
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Curious Ink by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Make ink appear anytime you want!

On this download video you learn how to make ink appear anytime you want. Also included are two mental routines which fit in your pocket and can be carried around with you all the time. Let predictions, telephone numbers, names or anything you want to transform or appear. You can use playing cards, business cards and even banknotes. The ink appears whenever you want.

  • very easy
  • fits in every pocket
  • endless possibilities
Note: You must buy something extra to perform these effects. (Costs between 8 -12 dollars).

1st edition 2015. length 25 min

★★★★★ $19.98
Dee Christopher
PYO Book Test by Dee Christopher

"Dee shared with me this concept and I must say that is really something smart and revolutionary. Being able to spark your own creativity and let the book fit your persona as performer and not in reverse. I did this years ago with my own book tests (in Spanish) but in here Dee is giving you all that work and much more. I recommend without a doubt this great release." - Pablo Amira (Mentalism Author)

"You should be charging WAY more for this!!" - Alan Rorrison (Consultant for Dynamo & Troy TV shows)

The book test is a classic in mentalism and mental magic. Every professional show demonstrating the power...

★★★★ $29
Scott Creasey
Empty Multiple Out Envelope by Scott Creasey

In this 40 minute instant download video Scott explains and demonstrates how to manufacture the Empty Multiple Out Envelope, a utility device he has been using in both his close up and stand up performances for years.

If you can use a pair of scissors, you can make The Empty Multiple Out Envelope.

With a couple of envelopes and a pair of scissors, once you have watched this video you will be able to manufacture one of these deceptive envelopes in less than a minute. Finally Scott will teach you the simple handling required using different styles and sizes of envelope, along with two of...

★★★★★ $9
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Real Linked by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Link any signed playing card with itself.

  • Spectator selects any playing card (no force)
  • You tear out two frames and link the frames together
  • The card can be signed
  • The spectator can keep the card as a souvenir after you unlink them
  • No preparation on the playing card
  • No slits in the playing card
  • Make the gimmick in under 5 minutes with household items
  • In this routine you start and end clean
  • Instant reset

1st edition 2015, length 31 min.

★★★ $9.95
Devin Knight & Al Mann
Secret of Touching Cobras - Without Getting Bitten by Devin Knight & Al Mann

The first book of its kind, it contains information you will not find elsewhere on the inside secrets of snake magic and snake charming.

Have you ever wondered how magicians and snake charmers touch deadly cobras on the nose and NOT GET BITTEN? Well, it is not just nerve. It is a clever trick that few people know how it is done. Both Al Mann and Devin Knight have done this trick many times. Al Mann learned the secrets in India from street magicians and passed the information on to Devin Knight. Devin performed this trick when he was visiting China. Both Al Mann and Devin Knight improved upon...

★★★★★ $9.95
Devin Knight
Improved Brainwave Deck by Devin Knight

Note: These are PDF instructions to make your own deck. You will NOT get a deck mailed.

Deck #2 in the Super Deck Series

EFFECT: This is one of the most baffling decks yet created! This makes the old brainwave deck obsolete. It combines the Invisible Deck with the Brainwave Deck. Two of the most popular trick decks in the world. Tell your spectators that you reversed a card in the deck on the table. The deck is in full view from the start and there is ONLY ONE Deck used. It is not switched. Any one calls out any card. There are no restrictions. Any one of the 52 cards can be named. Both...

★★★★★ $25
Antonio Romero
The Torn and Restored Newspaper by Antonio Romero

This routine incorporates a system that conceals the torn pieces automatically, eliminating all angle problems. This means it can be performed surrounded, and that makes it truly practical and easy to perform.

The download video contains over 60 minutes of detailed instructions with all the secrets of this wonderful routine that has made its way into the repertoires of many professionals.

It was created by Antonio Romero in 1983 and first published in his book La Magia de Antonio Romero in 1992.

This video has an English voice over by Rafael Benatar.

Antonio Romero
Periódico Roto y Recompuesto by Antonio Romero

La rutina incorpora un sistema que oculta de manera automática los trozos de periódico roto, eliminado de esta manera los malos ángulos y convirtiendo este efecto clásico en algo realmente práctico y sencillo de realizar.

Creada por Antonio Romero en 1.983 fue publicada en su libro La Magia de Antonio Romero en el año 1.992. Completamente claro y limpio, sin angulos. Un milagro instantaneo.

★★★★★ $7
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Volume 6 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Learn 5 new impossible folded playing cards or banknotes without hidden cuts or glue or anything like that. This time Ralf is a bit more sneaky. On some of his designs he first cuts, then folds, and then cuts again, making the card appear even more impossible.

  • Slalom
  • Outlet
  • Quarters
  • Linking Triangles
  • Tri-Clops
(Templates are included in a PDF you download from your digital shelf.)

1st edition 2015, length 27 min

★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Sketch by Cameron Francis

An incredible Card To Impossible Location system.

"A KILLER idea!" - Dave Forrest

"Another very commercial winner from the fertile mind of Cameron Francis. This one hits, and hits hard. It's expertly explained and taught, as are all of Mr. Francis' releases. A serious fooler, and highly recommended - - - period." - Daniel Ulin

"One of the best uses of this principle I have seen. Very clever!" - Peter Duffie

A card is selected. The spectator makes a random doodle on the card. The doodle is filled in to create a picture, say of a fish. The card then vanishes and reappears... wherever you want it to!...

Antonio Romero
Los Cubiletes Transparentes by Antonio Romero

Una rutina impresionante y un talento sin igual. Con este efecto, Antonio abre nuevas puertas en la magia de cerca. ¡Vaya idea! ¡Qué gran presentación!

"A lo largo de mi vida, he visto algunas de las mejores rutinas de cubiletes como las de Dai Vernon, Michael Ammar, John Thompson, Johnny Paul, y muchos otros con rutinas y pases brillantes. La increible rutina de Antonio me dejó atónito. Para hacer la rutina no necesitas unos cubiletes caros ni mucho menos. Antonio lo ha simplificado todo ¡y de qué manera!" - Joe Stevens

"Una rutina asombrosa, de una originalidad única: una...

★★★★★ $20
Antonio Romero
The Transparent Cups by Antonio Romero

A stunning routine of unparalleled talent! The cups and balls with clear glasses - transparent cups. Antonio breaks new ground in close up magic with this effect. What an idea and what entertainment.

"Antonio breaks new ground in close-up magic. What a fabulous idea." - Arturo de Ascanio

"In my lifetime, I've seen some of the greatest "CUPS N BALL" routines performed by Dai Vernon, Mike Ammar, John Thompson, Charlie Miller, Johnny Paul and the many others with brilliant routines and moves & sleights. Antonio's routine is smashing and completely blew me away! You don't need an expensive set of cups for the cups and balls routine!...

★★★★ $6.95
Deepak Mishra
NP Technique by Deepak Mishra

One advanced coin move - three awesome applications

NP technique is a coin move with three applications:

  • TRACELESS VANISH - An Impossible looking Coin vanish at your finger tips.
  • BRUSH CHANGE - Your fingers act like a brush for a color change.
  • COIN BEND - A visual coin bend. (NOTE: No wire/gimmick/no sleeving. This is 100% pure sleight of hand.)
[Note: You will need to wear a shirt with a shirt pocket to perform this move.]

1st edition 2014, length 14 min 40 s.

Cameron Francis
Five Alive by Cameron Francis

Five awesome card tricks using a completely normal deck!

IN YOUR FACE TRANSPO -- An Ace of Spades trapped between two Jacks transposes with a selection. Super clean!

ALL THREE KINGS (with John Guastaferro) -- A four of a kind revelation that happens completely in the spectator's hands!

RED HOT ANNIVERSARY -- Red Hot Mama meets Anniversary Waltz. Totally impromptu!

COLLECTION KICKER -- A clean "Collectors" routine with a great kicker ending.

SLEIGHTLESS SIGHTLESS -- Mind reading, clarivoyence and precognition rolled into one amazing effect!

Five Alive is a PDF which includes...

★★★★ $34
Scott Creasey
DIY I-Pad: Do It Yourself Impression Pad by Scott Creasey

"That's Absolutely brilliant, I'm soooo going to be using that!" - Iain Moran

"Bloody Genius" - Tony McMylor

"Love It" - Peter Arcane

For the first time ever, in this 30 minute video, Scott explains and demonstrates how to manufacture the cheap and easy to use, real time impression pad he has been using for years. Once you have the materials together (they are cheap and widely available) and have watched this video, you will be able to produce one of these pads in about ten to fifteen minutes.

If you can use a pair of scissors and tape, you can make "The DIY I-Pad"

No special...

★★★★★ $11
Julien Losa
BCT: Brazilian Center Tear (French) by Julien Losa

Dans cet ebook, Julien vous explique pas à pas le BCT (Brazilian Center Tear) mais SURTOUT vous livre des idées de présentation et d’utilisation. En bonus, vous recevez le chapitre « peek à glace » (extrait du livret Conspiration(2) ) qui se veut être un essai sur les différentes manières de peeker une information, ainsi qu’encore plus d’idées de présentation.

★★★★★ $6
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Volume 5 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Two Secret Moves

In this video you will learn two "secret" folding techniques to make your impossible folding collection more impossible! No hidden cuts or glue are involved. You can give the cards (or banknotes) right away as an impossible souvenir.

  • The Trapdoor Fold
  • The Circled Queen
  • Trapdoor Fold with a Star
  • Backwards Fold
(Templates are included in a PDF you download from your digital shelf.)

1st edition 2015, length 27 min

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Vivid by Cameron Francis

"Brilliant T&R! One of the best I've seen!" - Tony Chris

"Vivid is the strangest T&R card routine I've ever seen!" - Stephen Tucker

Introducing a wild test of a spectator's imagination...

A card is selected - say, the King of Hearts - and placed inside the card box. A second card - say, the Five of Spades - is then selected and lost in the deck (really, it's completely lost!). You ask your spectator to imagine that she's tearing off a corner of the King of Hearts. You then ask her to imagine taping that corner to the back of the Five of Spades. The magician removes the King from the box...only...

Cameron Francis
Flat Pack by Cameron Francis

"Flat Pack packs quite a punch!" - Stephen Tucker

"Flat Pack is cool as Ice. Love it!" - Tony Chris

Inspired by David Regal's "Sudden Deck" and Stephen Tucker's "Tardis Deck".

You display an unfolded card box, and clearly show it inside and out. You then proceed to fold it up, snap your fingers and slide a full deck of cards out of the box! It's that simple. It's that effective.

Flat Pack is great for close-up as well as stand-up work. It's super easy to make, and the angles are great.

1st edition 2014, length 20 min.

★★★★ $3.95
Aarsh Shah
A'twist by Aarsh Shah

This is an ace twisting routine. The sleight is one handed. No extra cards or gimmicks are used! Just 4 cards and you are ready to go.

It is not easy, and it has some angle issues, too. But if you practice it enough, it opens many possibilities, as it is a one handed move, you can combine it with other tricks. There is also a visual variation which can be used for the ending.

If you love practicing as Aarsh does, you'll love this.

1st edition 2014, length 10 min

★★★★★ $4.95
Deepak Mishra
Throu Tshirt by Deepak Mishra

A visual penetration of earphones through your T-shirt.

  • Very easy to learn
  • Perform it surrounded
  • No gimmicks
  • Resets in less than 10 seconds

1st edition 2014, length 3 min

David Devlin
Psych-Go by David Devlin

Two spectators are invited on stage. Spectator A gives the deck a shuffle, and then deals exactly twenty cards into the magician's hand. The performer shuffles the twenty cards, and then gives some of the cards to Spectator A and the rest to Spectator B, who proceed to shuffle them further. Both packets of cards are then handed back to the performer who shuffles the twenty cards together.

The performer now explains that this is going to be a demonstration in 'Psychic Telekinetic Teleportation'. The performer has spectator A hold out his hand into which exactly ten cards are dealt. Spectator...

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