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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 4862 to 4885 (of 10405 products)
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Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 9 (1969) by Neil Foster

Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

609 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 1 - January 1969 - 52 pages
  2. Cover - Dick Oslund
  3. Contents
  4. Cover Portrait - Dick Oslund - by Dennis R. Loomis
    • A Day with Dick Oslund's "Fun and Fantasy" - Rev. Robert Olson
  5. Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
    • "Hair Rope"
  6. It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
  7. Correction - ad for "The Professional Technique for Magicians"
  8. Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
    • re: Sorcar
  9. Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
    • patter in rhyme for 'Give Away' card - Duke Stern ...
★★★★★ $4
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 8 (1968) by Neil Foster

Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

682 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 8, Number 1 - January 1968 - 56 pages
  2. Cover - Edward Marlo
  3. Cover Portrait - Edward Marlo ... The Man - by Jimmy Nuzzo
  4. Harold Martin Testimonial - J. Gary Bontjes
  5. Contents
  6. It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
  7. Deep Sleight Technique - Edward Marlo
    • Double Stop (Marlo Drop Sleight)
    • The Four Ace Stop
    • An Observation
  8. Tops Sends Get-Well Wishes To
    • Don Sweet
    • Thomas P. Molloy
  9. Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
    • 5 to 2 & 3 Dollar Bills gag
  10. For Women Only - Frances...
★★★★★ $8
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 7 (1967) by Neil Foster

Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

639 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 7, Number 1 - January 1967 - 56 pages
  2. Cover - John Daniel
  3. From the Editor's Desk - Neil Foster
  4. Tops Picture Museum (See Back Cover) - The Great Blackstone
  5. Contents
  6. Cover Portrait - Jon Daniel's World of Fantasy - by Neil Foster
  7. It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
  8. Patter & Presentation - Gene Gordon
    • Patter for Die Box
    • From the Stuart Cramer Notebook
      • Patter for Torn & Restored Newspaper
      • Patter for the Money Maker
  9. Letter to the Editor - by Windy Higgins...
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 6 (1966) by Neil Foster

Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

631 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 6, Number 1 - January 1966 - 56 pages
  2. Cover - Toreno & Guro
  3. Cover Portrait - Toreno & Guro - by Finn Huger
  4. From the Editor's Desk - Neil Foster
  5. Contents
  6. It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
  7. For Women Only - Frances Ireland Marshall
  8. The Collector's Page - poster - Kar-Mi - Selma
  9. Entre Nous - Dorny (Werner Dornfield)
    • Dear Professor - Prof. S. C. Uttlebutt
  10. Tops Photo Quiz & Answer to Last Month's Photo Quiz
  11. Poet's Corner - Marie Antoinette Dornfield
    • Happiness ... Is Being...
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 5 (1965) by Neil Foster

Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

637 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 5, Number 1 - January 1965 - 48 pages
  2. Cover - Walter Zaney Blaney and Joyce
  3. Contents
  4. Cover Portrait - Walter Zaney Blaney - by Dave Hoy
  5. Magic on Today - Neil Foster
  6. The Al Wheatley [Chop Chop] I Knew - Jay Marshall
  7. Final Curtain
    • Edward M. Massey
  8. The Collector's Page - photo - Cardini
  9. Entre Nous - Dorny (Werner Dornfield)
  10. Final Curtain
    • Milt Levy
  11. Toots from the Calliope - L. E. Roba Collins
  12. Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
  13. Poet's Corner - Marie Dornfield
    • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ...
★★★★ $8
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 4 (1964) by Neil Foster

January 1964 - December 1964
& Tops 1964 Trick Annual
Abbott's Magic Manufacturing Company
Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

659 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 4, Number 1 - January 1964 - 44 pages
  2. Cover - Robert Orben
  3. Tribute Page for John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  4. Tops Silver Anniversary
  5. Tops Anniversary Contest
  6. Contents
  7. Cover Portrait - Robert Orben - by Jack Bolter
  8. It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
  9. The Collector's Page - poster - Harry Houdini - King of Cards
  10. Entre Nous - Dorny (Werner Dornfield)
    • Prestidigitorial Pot Pouri
  11. Poet's Corner...
★★★★★ $4
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 3 (1963) by Neil Foster

January 1963 - December 1963
Abbott's Magic Manufacturing Company
Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

597 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 3, Number 1 - January 1963 - 44 pages
  2. Cover - Miss America and James Steele
  3. Routines & Ideas - Neil Foster
  4. Poet's Corner - Marie Antoinette Dornfield
    • Happy New Year!
  5. Tops Photo Quiz & Answer to Last Month's Photo Quiz
  6. Contents
  7. Cover Portrait - James Steele
  8. Final Curtain
    • Ben Chavez - by Neil Foster
  9. Subtle Problems You Will Do - John Braun & Stewart Judah
    • Judah Monte
  10. It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The...
★★★★★ $4
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 2 (1962) by Neil Foster

January 1962 - December 1962
& Tops 1962 Trick Annual
Abbott's Magic Manufacturing Company
Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

605 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 2, Number 1 - January 1962 - 48 pages
  2. Cover - Werner "Dorny" Dornfield
  3. Letters to the Editor
  4. From the Editor's Desk - Neil Foster
  5. Contents
  6. Cover Portrait - "Dorny" Werner C. Dornfield - by Frances Ireland Marshall
  7. Subtle Problems You Will Do - John Braun & Stewart Judah
    • The Matches, The Silk, and Poof!
  8. The Judah "Four Aces"
  9. A Royal Marriage - Joseph M. White
  10. Four Change Cigarettes To Cards - Allen...
★★★★ $4
Neil Foster
New Tops Volume 1 (1961) by Neil Foster

January 1961 - December 1961
Abbott's Magic Manufacturing Company
Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor

591 pages

  1. Pre-Publication Advertising sheet
  2. The New Tops - Volume 1, Number 1 - January 1961 - 56 pages
  3. Cover - Sid Lorraine
  4. Cover Portrait - Sid Lorraine
  5. Contents
  6. Sketch of Percy Abbott
  7. In Memoriam - re: Percy Abbott - 1886-1960
  8. Gone, But Never Forgotten ... Howard Melson - by Gene Gordon
  9. From the Editor's Desk - Neil Foster
  10. Doves Doves Doves - Jack LaWain
  11. Oriental Cabinets - W. W. Durbin
  12. Snap It - Mike Miller
  13. Tops & Bottoms - Don Alan
    • How to Make a Million...
★★★★ $49.95
Percy Abbott
Tops all Volumes 1-22 (1936-1957) by Percy Abbott

Tops was the house organ of the Abbott Magic & Novelty Co. Percy Abbott, the company founder and owner, served as the magazine's first editor as well as publisher. In 1940, Howard "Mel" Melson, Abbott's staff artist, began editing Tops, and continued doing so until his death in 1957, when the magazine ceased publication. It was succeeded in 1961 by The New Tops.

Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 22 (1957) by Percy Abbott

January 1957 - December 1957
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

93 pages - 3 Issues

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 22, Number 1 - January 1957 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Percy Abbott
  3. Contents
  4. Reversed Six card Repeat (111) - Simplified Method - Roxy
  5. Report On Chicago Magigals Assembly No. 9 - Sylvia Smith
  6. re: The Great Levante
  7. Dramatic Living and Dead Test
  8. Thimbles, Thimbles - Again and Again - Roxy
  9. re: Monk Watson
  10. Ring-String - Ray Hutchinson
  11. re: Chami Kkan
  12. Amazing Card Miracles - Mahendra, The Mystic (F. B. Sterling)
    • Design for Wrist Watch Gimmic ...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 21 (1956) by Percy Abbott

January 1956 - December 1956
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

389 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 1 - January 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Bank Night Supreme - Roxy
  5. Aero Silks - Bert Douglas
  6. Another Thumb Tie
    • Patter and Presentation
  7. Canary Asrah - George Jo0hnstone
  8. re: feather flower cleaning
  9. A Rising Card Climax - Bert Douglas
  10. Cards, Nuts and Bill
  11. Rapid Flight Cards - Karson
  12. A Tip, Magi and Hypnotists
  13. Bitzemall Egg Bag - Roxy
  14. Blindfold Magic
  15. All Do As I Do
  16. re: Mrs. Audrey Guido blindfold drive
  17. Encyclopedia...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 20 (1955) by Percy Abbott

January 1955 - December 1955
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 20, Number 1 - January 1955 - 32 pages
  2. Floating Handkerchief
  3. Perfect Transpo-Card - Rovelli (Tenente Jose Silvestre)
  4. Silks in Chick-A-Dee - Anthony Dunn
  5. Useful Cigarette Sleights - Roxy
    • Number One
    • Number Two
    • Number Three
  6. Another Torn Restored Newspaper - Wilford Hutchinson
  7. Penetra - Roxy
  8. Tricks of East Indian Magicians - Part 3 - Eddie Joseph
    • The Cups and Balls
      • The Sleights
      • The Routine
    • The Egg Bag
  9. Handkerchief-Rope...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 19 (1954) by Percy Abbott

January 1954 - December 1954
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

389 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 19, Number 1 - January 1954 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Ultra Four-Ace Trick - Billy Bell
  5. Fifty-Fifty - S. Stern
    • Second Method
    • Suggestions for Preparing Props
  6. Drum Head Tube Routine - James Reneaux
  7. Simple Memorization
  8. re: Goodliffe
  9. re: Monk Watson
  10. The Spider and the Pips - Lu Brant
  11. Predicto - A Super Mental Card Test - Roxy
  12. Some Patter in Rhyme
    • Dyeing or Color Changing
    • For Children's Shows
    • For Dyeing Other Colors ...
★★★★★ $4
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 18 (1953) by Percy Abbott

January 1953 - December 1953
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 18, Number 1 - January 1953 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Percy Abbott
  3. Contents
  4. Magical Card Finesse - Jerry Hornak
    • Sleights with Cards
      • A Rare Control
      • A Succeeding Control
      • Riffle Strip Control
      • Three Controls
        • Basic Move
        • 1 - Side Slip Action
        • 2 - Palm Slip Action
        • 3 - The Crimp Action
      • Ace Control
  5. Remember Twenty-Two - Dr. Maurice
  6. Some Magical Twists - V. C. Kitchen
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 17 (1952) by Percy Abbott

January 1952 - December 1952
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 17, Number 1 - January 1952 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. A Novel Ring Release - Oswald Harrington
  5. Three Minds and a Card - A Different Working Method - Roxy
  6. Bird Cage in Square Circle - Louis Ward
  7. A Flash Billiard Ball Sleight - Cleveland Miller, Jr.
  8. Color Changing Balls - Prince Drakon
  9. Two E-Z Card Sleights - Roxy
  10. Astrologia - Howard P. Albright - continued
    • Sealed Message Reading Routine No. 2
    • Prompter-Cards for Use in Connection...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 16 (1951) by Percy Abbott

January 1951 - December 1951
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 1 - January 1951 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Lota-Gorda - George F. Wright
  5. Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Good Wishes
  6. Matching the Card - Carl C. Newbold
  7. Spotting the Spot - Eddie Joseph
  8. Envelope and Handkerchief - Augustus Rapp
  9. Coin and Matchbox Effect - Joseph Ovette
  10. [Stewart] James Case Dismissed
  11. So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
    • Fun with Talking Teeth
    • The Party - A Skit with Talking Teeth
  12. A Card in Balloon Idea - Joseph...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 15 (1950) by Percy Abbott

January 1950 - December 1950
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 15, Number 1 - January 1950 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Wright's Steal Pass - George F. Wright
  5. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Death of Tom Bowyer
    • reviews
      • Mental Magic - Al Baker
    • Origin of the Center Tear
    • Questions and Answers
  6. cartoon - Otho Blake
  7. A Close-Up Fooler - Clettis V. Musson
  8. Passed Through a Flame - Ken de Courcy
  9. For Vents Only - George McAthy
    • Dialog - Ed Hall ...
★★★★★ $4
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 14 (1949) by Percy Abbott

January 1949 - December 1949
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 14, Number 1 - January 1949 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. An Appreciation! - Percy Abbott - re: Howard Melson
  5. A Toast to the Flag
  6. New Indianapolis Store Open
  7. re: Edgar Bergen & Jim Sherman
  8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • reviews
      • new effect from Eddie Joseph
      • Forbidden Wisdom - Howard Albright
      • I.O.U. - C. V. Tebbetis
      • Six Foolers with a Miniature Skull - Eddie Joseph - re; Skullo
      • Laugh Card ...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 13 (1948) by Percy Abbott

January 1948 - December 1948
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

393 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 13, Number 1 - January 1948 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Bill Baird
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Bill Baird - "BB" for Billiard Balls!
  6. Cook Heads Montana Magi
  7. re: Dr. Aaron Weiss
  8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers
  9. Vancouver Magic Circle
  10. re: Herb Antes
  11. re: J. C. Bisbee
  12. Thought Lost (or The Flying Signature) - R. F. Sparks
  13. Features Abbott Effects - photo - re: Tommy Windsor
  14. Panama Rope Trick Idea - Carroll...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 12 (1947) by Percy Abbott

January 1947 - December 1947
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

393 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 12, Number 1 - January 1947 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Kathryne Campbell
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Kathryne Campbell - Vent with Loring!
  6. Colorado Magicians Honor [J. B.] Bobo
  7. re: John Musselman
  8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • reviews
      • You Don't Have To Be Crazy Bit It Helps - Francis Ireland
      • Million-Dollar Bridge and Poker Demonstartions - Thompson
      • Dope Sheet - Tommy Windsor
      • 12 Ways to Use The Comedy Lit Cigar...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 11 (1946) by Percy Abbott

January 1946 - December 1946
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 11, Number 1 - January 1946 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Duke Stern
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Duke Stern - Gay Musicican-Magician
  6. Ideas on "Repeat-It" - J. Milton Crowson
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • reviews
      • More Tips on Tricks - Milbourne Christopher
      • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Volumes 1 & 2 - bound volume
      • My Best - J. G. Thompson, Jr., compiler
      • The Owl - periodical
    • Questions and Answers
  8. re:...
★★★★ $4
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 10 (1945) by Percy Abbott

January 1945 - December 1945
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

385 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 10, Number 1 - January 1945 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Cazan
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Cazan - The Girl Houdini!
  6. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • reviews
      • The Trick Brain - Dariel Fitzkee
      • The Modern Magi, November
      • Card Mastery - Michael MacDougall
    • Questions and Answers
  7. Magic Promotes War Drives
  8. Drink Your Milk - Gene Gloye
  9. Stoogeless Tie Trick - Sheldon Levy
  10. Or Would You Rather Be a Dope? - McAthy's...
Percy Abbott
Tops Volume 9 (1944) by Percy Abbott

January 1944 - December 1944
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

389 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 9, Number 1 - January 1944 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Joe Ovette
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. The Great Ovette - Nuff Said!
  6. Thanks for Holiday Greetings - Percy Abbott
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • reviews
      • Tarbell Course, Volume 3
      • Fleming Book Reviews No. 50
      • Hugard's Magic Monthly, December
    • Questions and Answers
  8. re: Bob Haxton
  9. re: John J. Oakes
  10. "Magic on Broadway" - Al Minder
  11. Talk About Philadelphia...
Displaying 4862 to 4885 (of 10405 products)
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