Based on a classic principle, the 4 routines explained in this ebook can become reputation makers for you. Right from a rank beginner to an experienced professional, any performer can adapt these routines to his/her stature and pull off these seemingly impossible card mentalism miracles.
There is no sleight of hand and all the routines are totally hands off. The principle is completely self-working and almost impromptu. Only ordinary decks of playing cards are used - no gaffs or gimmicks are needed. The bonus is an esp routine performed with an ordinary esp deck.
No preshow. No stooges....
The Flying Carpet Illusion - U.F. Grant's updated floating lady with a kicker.
The carpet and the spectator revolve in mid-air at the same time. The spectators see all sides. A small platform on casters is rolled to any spot on the floor desired. Resting on the platform is a beautifully decorated two-fold screen. It supports a platform with gold fringe representing a carpet. The carpet seat is tufted and padded for comfort, and it shows up well at a distance.
A person weighing up to 110 pounds sits cross-legged on the carpet. Then two chrome-like swords are placed on the bottom platform...
Duplica is a perfectly pure method for reading minds.
Using just an index card, an envelope, a pen and the knowledge in this manuscript, you will be set to create a devilishly deceptive moment of mystery at any time. José has refined this method through many years of performance and in stripping away all the unnecessary movements and illogical elements of some popular techniques, Duplica was born.
"I think your routine is very good. I may use it a couple times myself." - Brian T. Lees (a.k.a. Topper)[Although different, the plot can be seen as a variation of an article in Abraca-Poof! - December 2016 that can also be found on Brian T. Lees digged up an unreferenced gem buried somewhere in one of Aldo Colombini's DVDs.
You produce a deck of cards and hand it to a spectator. (You will not touch it or see it any more). The spectator shuffles the deck, selects a card, folds it and puts a rubber band or a paper clip tight around it. Despite these lab conditions, you try to guess their card! And believe it or not, you will always succeed. Their card can be given back as a souvenir. It does...
The 17 effects contained in this collection can be performed with an unprepared deck. Never again be caught without a trick. The audience-tested effects range from no-skill puzzlers to outstanding mysteries that require rudimentary sleights. Nelson Hahne's clear illustrations help make everything clear.
Here's what's included:
A Close Fit - Some of you will win bar bets with this impossible-appearing optical illusion.
The Unconfused Joker - The Joker helps locate the spectator's card, though the audience thinks its impossible.
Double Vanish and Recovery - A beautiful effect by Ed Marlo where...
Feast your eyes on and fry your spectators' brains with six more insanely impossible impromptu card miracles.
TRIP EL REMIX - An amped-up version of a classic triple prediction trick with a major kicker ending. A serious fooler - and best of all, it's entirely self-working.
BIDDLE-ISH - A lean, mean, super-clean "Card Across" effect. You've never seen this spin on a time-tested classic of card magic.
BUT NOT LEAST - A wildly deceptive triple sandwich effect with an eye-popping, in-the-spectators-hands ending.
EAT FRESH - Inspired by the Buck Twins' legendary "Subway" - but you don't...
Von 1981 bis 2012 brachte Eckhard Böttcher seinen Zauber-Brief heraus. Es war seine Hauszeitschrift in der er neue Produkte beschrieb, und Tips, Anregungen, Routinen und Informationen inkludierte. Ab Nr. 96 benannte er diesen Tips und Tricks Teil "Magic Info Pool". D.h. die Zauber-Briefe sind nicht nur ein Produktekatalog sondern sie haben auch immer wieder interessante Routinen und anderes Brauchbares dabei.
Eine Sammlung von zwölf Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung von zehn Zauber-Briefen der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
Eine Sammlung der ersten zehn Zauber-Briefe der Zauber-Butike. Unter anderem werden vorgestellt:
From the Foreword:
MARLO WITHOUT TEARS began as a flip notion five years ago. My original plan was to prepare a salmagundi of previously published material by Marlo that was easy to do; to select methods which stressed subtlety and psychological cunning and required no difficult sleights. There is a neat irony here because such material is not associated with Marlo. The prevailing assumption about Marlovian magic focusses on its difficulties, complexities, and textual protraction. The look of his books are intimidating: pages of explanation, dense detail, allusions to other notes (published...
1st edition 1970, 1st digital edition 2016,...