Vol. 15, No. 3, July 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Peter Turner
This house organ ran from May 1919 until February 1940. Each issue had 8 pages and was mostly filled with ads for items Hutchinson retailed. However most issues also included a trick contribution or effect (see below for the list of contents). The most interesting contribution is Graham Adams' Card Work, a series of his favorite effects, moves and in particular his take and fondness of Erdnase.
Vol. 15, No. 2, May 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Henry Harrius
The meaning of Kabbala, translated from Hebrew, means something received and handed down. This definition resonates. Knowledge of magic, after all, is handed down from generation to generation, from magician to magician, and from teacher to disciple. Prior to xerography and personal computers, most magical knowledge was transmitted in this primitive, semi-private, and intimate means. Word-of-mouth reigned supreme and to a certain extent still does.
The magic scene in the Seventies was a blooming, buzzing place, atwitter with contentiousness and creativity. Close-up magic, particularly with...
Vol. 15, No. 1, March 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Gary Jones
This bundle includes all issues including the two page supplement from volume 5 which is missing in most files. This magazine was cut short due to the start of WWII. It is an eclectic collection of - at that time - completely new and innovative tricks, apparatus, and effects. It also covers the magic scene with reports, reviews and other newsworthy contributions. Will Goldston was very well connected and could draw contributions from the best magicians world-wide.
84 pages
111 pages [1 double page]
96 pages
160 pages
160 pages
160 pages
144 pages
148 pages