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Magazines & Journals in Magic & Mentalism: page 40


Genii Magicseen Magic Sphinx Jinx Magigram Oracle Hugard's Magic Monthly Gen Pabular Minotaur Club 71 - The Magician New Pentagram Spell-Binder Magic Wand Seance Scrapbook Magic Menu New Tops Swami Mantra Hermit Pentagram New Conjurors' Magazine Hierophant Magical Arts Journal Feen-X Ireland's Year Book Tops Chap's Scrapbook Mahatma Card Shark Cardiste Gimmick MagiZette Mojo Stanyon's Magic Magazine Online Visions Blueprint Wizard (Armstrong) Max Andrews' Magic Magazine Chicanery Mind and Magic Magazine Other Stuff Sticks and Stones Derek Lever's Magic Mag Kabbala Sorcerer New Sorcerer The Book That Doesn't Exist Enigma Katterfelto Magazine of Magic Pansylvania Seven Circles Mentalist Psycho Gizmo Magic Is Fun Bat Hoax Blackstone Magic Comics Magical Bulletin Society of Sleight of Hand Artists Hard Copy Magical Monthly Trixy Magazine Legacy Magazine Goldston's Magical Quarterly Vanish World Around Us Deceptions Tweak Conjurers Chronicle Australian Magic Monthly Abacus Cramp Magical World At Ease Pallbearers Review Magic the Magazine of Wonder Eulogy Conjurers' Monthly Magazine Mystery Magazine Wizard (Selbit) Stone Cold Magic Magazine Conjuring Record G-d D--n Truth About Magic Magic Nest Top-Notch Comics Magical News Ghosts Magical Mail Top Hat Abraca-Poof Magic Roadshow


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Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 87 (July 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 3, July 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Peter Turner

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Peter Turner: His Majesty of Mind Manipulation - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. Masterclass
    1. Riffle Four - Chiam Yu Sheng
    2. Book of the Fallen - Peter Turner
  6. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  7. Reinventing the Magic Model - Jez Rose
  8. Live Review - Monday Night Magic - The Players Theatre, New York - review by Phil Shaw
  9. The Strolling Mentalist - Mark Leveridge
  10. Pros & Cons - "It's a good idea to feature routines...
★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof August 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • One Thing You Never Hear
  • Transporting Materials
  • Professional Show Development
  • Performance Investment
  • Oops, now what?
  • Website
  • What's in it for Me?
  • Assistant Cosmetic or Tool

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

Wilford Hutchinson
Conjurers Chronicle by Wilford Hutchinson

This house organ ran from May 1919 until February 1940. Each issue had 8 pages and was mostly filled with ads for items Hutchinson retailed. However most issues also included a trick contribution or effect (see below for the list of contents). The most interesting contribution is Graham Adams' Card Work, a series of his favorite effects, moves and in particular his take and fondness of Erdnase.

  • Volume 1
    • The Evolution of the Flags / Wilford Hutchinson
    • The "C.H." Sympathetic Blocks / Cecil Heygate
    • The Mysterious Glass Frames (stage illusion) / B. Wayre
    • The "Flu" Trick / Jas. H. Smith (The Naval...
★★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof July 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Same Show Over and Over
  • Blog/Journal
  • Productive Rehearsal
  • Referrals Out of Shelf Life
  • That's Old
  • Projection
  • Never End Articles

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof June 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Opening in June
  • Productive Rehearsal
  • Body Language / Gestures
  • Power of 10
  • Bad Mouth
  • Reach Out to your Referrals
  • Warm Ups
  • Hand Lotion

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 86 (May 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 2, May 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Henry Harrius

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox – Your View – Have Your Say
  4. Harry Harrius - cover article/interview
  5. Masterclass
    1. 2 Out of 3 Will – Simon Caine
    2. 1809 Blank – Chiam Yu Shang
  6. cartoon – Sergey Diomin
  7. Shout Outs – Here are some special ‘extra’ announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  8. Look The Other Way – Considering the Art of Misdirection – Mark Leveridge
  9. Club Land - Magic in South Africa – Part 2) – Ricki Gray, compiler
    • Cape Town Magicians’ Circle
    • College of Magic ...
★★★★★ $49.50
Jon Racherbaumer
The Legendary Kabbala (1971-1981) by Jon Racherbaumer

The meaning of Kabbala, translated from Hebrew, means something received and handed down. This definition resonates. Knowledge of magic, after all, is handed down from generation to generation, from magician to magician, and from teacher to disciple. Prior to xerography and personal computers, most magical knowledge was transmitted in this primitive, semi-private, and intimate means. Word-of-mouth reigned supreme and to a certain extent still does.

The magic scene in the Seventies was a blooming, buzzing place, atwitter with contentiousness and creativity. Close-up magic, particularly with...

★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof May 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Marketing Materials
  • Inventory Clearance
  • Book Ahead
  • Magicians Are Not Robots
  • Added Value
  • Google Play Cards Scam
  • What's in it for me?
  • Thank You Albuquerque
  • Make Mine a Double

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 85 (March 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 1, March 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Gary Jones

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Gary Jones: Life's a Beach! - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. In The Phonebox with Terence Trent D'Arby
  6. Masterclass
    1. T&R Card Penetration - Jeramy Neugin
    2. Metal Sheep - Gary Jones
  7. Lookalikes - Brian Lead
  8. Edward Hilsum: Doves to Downing Street! - interview by Graham Hey
  9. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  10. Club Land - Magic in South Africa - S.A.M.S. (South African Magical Society) - Ricki Gray ...
★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof April 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • No Warning 20 Minute Spot
  • Competition Results
  • Magician's Profile
  • Cost and Value
  • Sponsors for Shows
  • Best Lessons from Unknowns

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly (1934 - 1940) by Will Goldston

This bundle includes all issues including the two page supplement from volume 5 which is missing in most files. This magazine was cut short due to the start of WWII. It is an eclectic collection of - at that time - completely new and innovative tricks, apparatus, and effects. It also covers the magic scene with reports, reviews and other newsworthy contributions. Will Goldston was very well connected and could draw contributions from the best magicians world-wide.

Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 6 (Dec 1939 - Sep 1940) by Will Goldston

84 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 6 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6, Number 1 - December, 1939 - 24 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Will Goldston wishes all Readers in the Army, Navy and Air Force ... A Happy Christmas and Good Luck in 1940
  4. Book Reviews - Charles Hepworth
    • Books
      • Entertaining Children With Magic - Eddie Clever
  5. Editorial
  6. Ventriloquism in War Time - Arthur Prince
  7. News of Magicians
  8. The Magicians' Club
  9. The Aladdin Brotherhood of Magicians
  10. Contributed By
    1. Two Tiny...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 5 (Dec 1938 - Sep 1939) by Will Goldston

111 pages [1 double page]

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 5 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 5 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 5, Number 1 - December, 1938 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. Let's Have Spectacle - Hilaire White
  5. Seen This Trick? - John Carpenter
  6. News of Magicians
  7. Contributed By
    1. The Mexican Coin Vanish - Rupert H. Slater
    2. Two Good Tricks for Your Christmas Party - J. P. Donovan
      • Is Seeing Believing?
      • A Coin and a Packet of Cigarettes - Gravity Defied
    3. The Mysogynist - Capt. J. R. Cleland
    4. Production of Flags...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 4 (Dec 1937 - Sep 1938) by Will Goldston

96 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 4 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 4 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 4, Number 1 - December, 1937 - 24 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. News of Magicians
  5. What is a Book Club Worth? - Hilaire White
  6. Reviews - Charles Hepworth
    • Books
      • It's Fun to be Fooled - Horace Goldin
      • Keith Clark's Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks
      • Aus Eins Mach Zehn - Ottokar Fischer
      • Watch Me Closely - Louis Lam
      • General Magic - Will Dale
  7. Contributed By
    1. "Zara" Passing a Solid Steel Rod...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 3 (Jun 1936 - Mar 1937) by Will Goldston

160 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 3 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 3 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 3, Number 1 - Summer, 1936 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. Elections, 1936
  5. Question of the Next Wearer of Thurston's Mantle - Caryl S. Fleming
  6. Contributed By
    1. Divination with Cards - Hubert Elliott
    2. Thought Reading Extraordinary
    3. A New Billiard Ball Producer - E. Lewis Philpot
    4. Okito's Inexhaustible Chinese Mat
  7. Don't Discard Your Old Apparatus - Will Goldston
  8. Bodies for Burial - A Short Story - Howard Jones
  9. Ceeley...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 2 (Jun 1935 - Apr 1936) by Will Goldston

160 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 2 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 2 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 2, Number 1 - Summer, 1935 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. Elections 1935
  5. A Letter to all Members of the Magicians' Club - Horace Goldin
  6. Contributed By
    1. A Trick for Card Manipulators - Royal V. Heath
    2. Mento-Test Card Effect - John B. Ward
    3. The Melting Knot - E. Brenton Jennings
    4. Writes Right - Rupert H. Slater
    5. Cyro's Mass Production
    6. The Mysterious Cut
    7. A Goldin Flight - Horace Goldin
    8. The "Do It Again" Rope...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 1 (Jun 1934 - Mar 1935) by Will Goldston

160 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 1 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1, Number 1 - Summer, 1934 - 36 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. A Word to Students - Louis Gautier
  5. Elections
  6. Contributed By
    1. An Original Bowl and Silk Production - Shu Foo Yai
    2. The Human Penetration Mystery - "Cyro"
    3. Coincidence Extraordinary - Brian Godfrey
    4. "Could You Deal Me a Nap Hand?" - G. W. Hunter
    5. Simplified Reckoning with Hammond's Set-Up Pack - Carlo Rossetti
    6. A Good Production Tube - Le Walke
    7. Cutting a Cigarette...
★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof March 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Trick Sold / Secret Told
  • Sixpack Product Review
  • Performance Mistakes
  • Point Of Law
  • Cheap Magic
  • Competition
  • Change Things Up

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★★★ $12
Harry Houdini
Conjurers' Monthly Magazine All Volumes (1906 - 1908) by Harry Houdini

In 1906 Houdini released his own magic publication the Conjurers' Monthly Magazine. It was short-lived and in large part an organ for Houdini to voice his personal opinions and grievances. Nevertheless, several historically important and interesting articles can be found in this magazine.

815 pages

★★★★★ $10
Harry Houdini
Conjurers' Monthly Magazine Volume 2 (Sep 1907 - Aug 1908) by Harry Houdini
  1. Conjurers' Monthly Magazine - Volume 2, Number 1 - September, 1907 - 48 pages
  2. editorial
  3. Robert Houdin's Proper Place in the History of Magic - Harry Houdini - has had the rights purchased to be published as a book
  4. History Makers in the World of Magic - Harry Houdini
    • Ludwig Leopold Döbler
  5. London Notes - Theo. Hardeen
  6. Viennese Notes by Herr Ottokar Fischer
  7. Harry Day
  8. Reading and Rubbish - Reviewing Books and Tricks from the Press Wise, and Otherwise
    • More Novel Notions - Robertson Keene
  9. photographs of magicians [8 pages]
  10. Spirits and Ghosts
  11. Our Mail Bag
    • Alexander...
Harry Houdini
Conjurers' Monthly Magazine Volume 1 (Sep 1906 - Aug 1907) by Harry Houdini
  1. Conjurers' Monthly Magazine - Volume 1, Number 1 - September, 1906 - 32 pages
  2. Salutatory
  3. Unknown Facts Concerning Robert Houdin - Harry Houdini
  4. American Magician Balked [re: Arthur E. Kramer]
  5. Notes From Theo. Hardeen, Our Official European Correspondent [English Notes]
    • On Board the Kronprinz Wilhelm - August 2, 1906
  6. Notes from Our Special European Correspondent - Herr. N. Osey [German Notes]
  7. Death's Roll Call
    • Max Rossner
  8. Reading and Rubbish - Reviewing Books and Tricks from the Press Wise, and Otherwise - Harry Handcuff Houdini
    • Old and New Magic - Henry Ridgely Evans
  9. photograph - Max Rossner
  10. Our Mail...
Will Goldston
Magazine of Magic (1914 - 1922) by Will Goldston

A total of nine volumes spanning the time from October 1914 to May 1922.

Will Goldston
Magazine of Magic Volume 9 (Apr 1921 - May 1922) by Will Goldston

144 pages

  1. The Magazine of Magic - Volume 9 - bound volume cover and Index
  2. Index

  1. The Magazine of Magic - Volume 9, Number 1 - April, 1921 - 20 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Dr. "S."A.M. Wilson Objects!
  4. Cartoon - A. M. Wilson in Magic World
  5. Our Views
    • Magical Depots
  6. The Great Maurice [with photograph]
  7. News Notes and Notices
  8. The Magicians' Club
    • Magicians' Club Dinner to Compeer and Mrs. H. Rea Fitch
    • Our Welcome by the Magicians' Club
    • Who? - Mr. & Mrs. H. Rea Fitch
  9. Accepted for Review - Geoffrey Clayton
    • The Magic Art - Donald Holmes
  10. Herbert Brooks Retires from Magic
  11. American...
Will Goldston
Magazine of Magic Volume 8 (Oct 1920 - Mar 1921) by Will Goldston

148 pages

  1. The Magazine of Magic - Volume 8 - bound volume cover and Index
  2. Index

  1. The Magazine of Magic - Volume 8, Number 1 - October, 1920 - 24 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Our Views
    • The Coming Season
  4. Oswald Williams - article & photograph
  5. News Notes and Notices
  6. The Magicians' Club
    • Opening Night of the Season
    • New Members
  7. Mediums and Magic - Harry Price
  8. Tricks, Tips & Talk
    1. The Newest Rising Cards - Invented by Will Goldston
    2. Silver from Copper
    3. Which Pencil is in the Box? - Charles W. Seers
    4. The Alan Adair Billiard Ball Stand
    5. The Mysterious Lemon -...
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