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Modern Master Magic
by Rudy Roxo

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Modern Master Magic by Rudy Roxo

When several of the foremost authors in modern magic collaborate with the owner of one of the most respected magic companies, you just know the result will be a great book. Originally released in a limited edition by the owner of Thayer Magic Studios, the first and only previous edition of this clever collection sold out and has never been reprinted … until now.

Features top-quality effects from Dr. Boris Zola, J. Elder Blackledge, T. Nelson Downs, Edward Bagshawe, M. F. Zens, Harlan Tarbell, Herman L. Weber, T. J. Crawford, and others.

Originally published in a limited edition, priced at more than $33.00 in today's money. Not just jaw-dropping magic, but a terrific comedy routine, a mystifying livestock effect easily worth $200 to any club performer, a pair of stage illusions, plus a four-part seminar on magical advertising and publicity. This book will be a welcome addition to any magician's library.

"An excellent book of fifteen tricks and an article on publicity. The tricks run from card tricks to a rabbit vanish. The majority are particularly suitable for intimate performances." - John Mulholland

"Karston's effect in the Roxo book is bound to be popular with night club magicians. I also like Roxo's idea in connection with the three card monte." - William Larsen

"Every bit as good as claimed. A book from which you can get hours of usable material." - Lloyd E. Jones

Revised edition includes two new chapters.

1st edition 1940; PDF 69 pages.
word count: 14997 which is equivalent to 59 standard pages of text
