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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 93


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★ $6
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Soft Spot: Signed Corner in Glass Bottle by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Make any signed corner melt through a glass bottle.

Imagine this. You show a complete empty glass bottle (real glass) and make a signed corner from the label of the bottle, playing card, banknote, business card etc. melt through the glass - only by a small wave of your fingertips. It's really inside the bottle! No magnets, no slits, no trapdoors and no duplicates.

  • You make the gimmick in under two minutes
  • Works with any bottle
  • The corner is ripped and signed by the spectator
  • Perform completely surrounded

1st edition 2016, length 20 min.

★★★★★ $9.90
Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Snibbets by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

An easy-to-calculate version of the Si Stebbins stack.

The name 'Snibbets' (Stebbins reversed) was coined by Rusduck. It denotes a reversed Si Stebbins stack where instead of adding 3 to get to the next card's value one substracts 3. The first to publish a negative step version was Ernest Hammond in The Magic of Tomorrow. While this may seem a rather inconsequential change, it has some advantages over the classic Si Stebbins stack. In this ebook, Dr. Solka takes you through the details of this lesser-known version of Si Stebbins.

1st edition 2022, PDF 47 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Raphaël Czaja
Sneak by Raphaël Czaja

12 card tricks based on the same principle.

Sneak is a collection of tricks based on an overlooked principle that allows you to find a selected card under impossible conditions. Thanks to the use of one readily available fake card, every trick in the book is technically effortless. This means most of them are self-working while a couple of them require the ability to hold a break or execute a double undercut. Also included for the sake of completeness are impromptu versions (except for New Deck Joker), based on a variation of a well-known card force.

1) GOOD LUCK: A spectator cuts the...

Dave Forrest
Snatch by Dave Forrest

Impossibly produce a card the spectator is thinking of from a cased deck, bound with a rubber band!

Your spectator shuffles the deck and hands it back to you. You make no moves. They think of a card from inside the deck. You make no moves. They are then immediately handed the deck to shuffle again. You make no moves. The deck is fairly cased and then bound with a rubber band. Within THREE SECONDS you produce one card from inside the deck yet the deck itself is still cased and bound. The spectator removes the band. The spectator removes the deck and is asked to locate the card they were thinking...

★★★★ $15
Fred Robinson
Snap, Crackle and Pop! A Brief Interlude with Fred Robinson by Fred Robinson

This movie was taken by Ake Hallberg from Sweden. Location is Hyde Park in London during the 1980s. The 8mm film was sent via Ulf Morling to Martin Breese who released it on DVD. You will see two performances of Fred's fantastic Ambitious Card routine together with numerous sleights and color changes. You will also see his incredible Vanish of Coin in tie.

This film is really short but a gem for all who have never seen Fred Robinson perform life. For more on Fred's magic see The Magic of Fred Robinson by Peter Duffie.

1st edition 2006, length 5:48

Peter Pellikaan
Snap by Peter Pellikaan

A printing effect. Five blank cards turn in an instant into a royal flush.

You show five blank cards. They are blank on both sides. In a snapping motion, you pull them apart and suddenly their faces show playing cards, a royal flush, and the backs are also printed.

1st edition 2024, video

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Snake Eyes by Aldo Colombini

An ebook with stunning routines using ordinary dice and a deck of cards. These effects are ALL DIFFERENT from the routines in Aldo's two DVD volumes produced by Meir Yedid and called Card and Dice Deceptions.

Contributors include: Howard Adams, Charles Brent, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Karl Fulves, Thomas Henry, Stewart James, Lewis Jones, Stewart Judah, Marty Kane, Harry Lorayne, Max Maven, Norm Osborn and Robin Robertson. You will love these routines.

1st edition 2006; 54 pages.

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Smooth Link by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Two card frames, which can be handed out for examination at the begin and end of the performance, are linked and unlinked in a clean and visual way as often as you wish.

1st edition 2019, length 29 min.

★★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Smooth Elevator by Ian Baxter

Edward Marlo originated The Elevator Cards back in 1948 and now, Ian Baxter's latest streamlined offering is available. Short, snappy and to the point, with several strong magical moments. This is totally impromptu, practically sleight free and is sure to please the most discriminating card worker. This is one of Baxter's best!

1st edition 2020, PDF 7 pages.

★★★★★ $12.87
Dave Forrest
Smoke Rings by Dave Forrest

A one card link. Singled out by the legendary Paul Harris for inclusion on his 'True Astonishment' DVD set, Smoke Rings is a truly incredible impromptu miracle!

"If I only had one playing card with which to do magic, this is the routine that I'd do, bar none." - David Forrest (from the introduction of this manuscript)

Smoke Rings is a completely impromptu, 100% examinable linking card effect which requires no preparation whatsoever. Only one card is used, nothing else. No additional gimmicks are required, your hands are clearly empty. This is anywhere, anytime magic with nothing more...
★★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
Smiling George Card Revelation by Devin Knight

The magician shows an ungimmicked deck of cards and lets the spectator shuffle them, if he so desires. A card is then freely selected using no force and pushed back into the middle of the deck. The magician then cuts the deck and deals the top five cards in a face down horizontal row in front of the spectator.

The magician then shows a dollar bill and says "A lot of people don't know this, but George Washington is also a magician and I think he can find your card!" The magician says this tongue-in-cheek.

With the front of the bill facing the spectator and being held over the first face...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Small Wonders by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Ten packet tricks performed with regular cards. Cameron and Aldo joined forces again to produce powerful routines you can and will use.


  • THANKS, MEESTER (Cameron Francis): A transposition between Kings and Jokers with a kicker ending.
  • EXIT (Aldo Colombini): A packet of red cards changes places with a packet of black cards.
  • EUPHORIA 2 (Cameron Francis): An amazing prediction effect that ends with a big surprise.
  • GRAVE (Aldo Colombini): The Jacks turn face down one at a time, then they change into the four Aces and the Jacks reappear in the middle of the deck.
Peter Pellikaan
Small Wild Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Several color changes of faces and backs combined. Watch the demo video for details.

1st edition 2024, video 3:52.

Peter Pellikaan
Small Jacks by Peter Pellikaan

Cards shrink the Peter Pellikaan way.

You will need:

  • four small jacks (mini cards)
  • scissors and double sided tape
  • 2-as-4 Count

length 3min 55s

★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Slydini Fan Steal by Allan Ackerman

Tony Slydini used this move for his famous Helicopter Card trick. A card is stolen into a Tenkai palm while it is inserted into a fan.

runtime: 56s

Sly Card by bboymagic

Please note that the instructions are purely visual, no spoken words.

This is a very subtle method to find a freely chosen (not forced) card. It needs some prior preparation, but the deck (cards) are not altered in any way. After the effect there is nothing left to detect and the cards can be handed out or given away.

The method to locate the chosen card is not sleight-of-hand based. But to present it properly you will need some basic card handling skills such as shuffling, cutting, and spreading cards. Depending on how you choose to produce the chosen card you may need to be able to cull...

Biagio Fasano
Slow Oil and Water by Biagio Fasano

This is a new "Oil and Water" routine in which the magic happens in a mysterious way because each movement of the magician is really very slow and clear.

All begins with 4 mixed pairs of cards, one red and one black, being shown and put on the table. Then the magician simply shows the first four cards on top, and all their suits become magically the same color.

Now the magician will alternate on the table, not only red and black suits but also face up and face down cards. When he squares the deck, just a few seconds later, again the cards mysteriously have separated themselves into red...

Gianluigi Sordellini
Slow ACAAN by Gianluigi Sordellini

Effect: A spectator selects a card, which they then lose in the deck themselves. The performer tries in vain to find it. To locate the card, the spectator randomly points to four cards, and at the total value indicated by these, the spectator's chosen card will be found exactly.

This routine is a blend of two routines: one by Benjamin Earl and the other by Israel Rodriguez.

1st edition 2024, PDF 4 pages, 16 photos.

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Sloka Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Sloka Deck is a mnemonic deck based on probably the world's smallest mnemonic for a full deck card stack. A practical alternative to brute memorization and math rules. This creates an almost instant stacked deck for you. Very tiny and yet powerful mnemonic holds the key to your 52 cards. An easy and practical rule is embedded into this tiny mnemonic to aid instant recall. You will be able to know the entire stack within minutes of reading the instructions.

Basically, given a card you can instantly know the previous and next cards. And with a little visualization, this can be used as a memorized...

★★★★★ $2.50
Allan Ackerman
Slip Shod by Allan Ackerman

This is an Ackerman variation of the Zarrow Shuffle to eliminate the initial center block cut of the classic Zarrow Shuffle.

runtime: 1min 35s

Mario Tarasini
Slider Levitation by Mario Tarasini

Borrow any bill (any currency), hold it in your hand, attach the bill to the card and it will start to rise. Simple, visual and a clear effect.

1st edition 2020, video 25 min 45 s.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Sleights and Subtleties 5 by Aldo Colombini

These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.


  • U-CUT FORCE (J. K. Hartman)
  • TOP CONTROL (Aldo Colombini)
  • AN EASY PASS (Patrick Page)
  • THE KOSKY SWITCH (Gerald Kosky)
  • R.S. BLUFF CONTROL (J. K. Hartman)
  • THE TILT ILLUSION (Vernon - Marlo)
  • BOTTOM PLACEMENT (Joe Ovette-Frank Kelly)
  • ROTARY FORCE (J. K. Hartman)
  • SELECT SWITCH (J.K. Hartman)
  • GOLDIN FORCE (Horace Goldin).
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Sleights and Subtleties 4 by Aldo Colombini

These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.


  • KISS COUNT (Boris Wild)
  • AN OPTICAL CONTROL (Alain Choquette)
  • INZANI FORCE (Remo Inzani)
  • EASY DOUBLE LIFT (Aldo Colombini)
  • THE ELMSLEY SWITCH (Alex Elmsley)
  • CHRIST FORCE (Henry Christ)
  • OVER COUNT (J. K. Hartman)
  • KARDYRO-BIDDLE MOVE (Elmer Biddle-Tony Kardyro)
  • DOWNS CHANGE (T. Nelson Downs)
  • HAMMAN SWITCH (Bro. John Hamman)
  • AN UNDER-DOWN FORCE (Werner Miller)
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Sleights and Subtleties 3 by Aldo Colombini

These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.


  • GEMINI COUNT (Bro. John Hamman)
  • FLUSTERED (Eddy Taytelbaum)
  • VARIATION ELMSLEY (Jonathan Townsend)
  • ROLLING FLUSHTRATION (Keith Bloomfield)
  • HABACK COUNT (Max Maven)
  • SPIRIT COUNT (Gene Castillon)
  • CUT FORCE (Robin Robertson)
  • CATO (Bob Hummer)
  • BLOW AWAY CHANGE (J.K. Hartman)
  • FALSE CUT (Jean Pierre Vallarino)
  • CROSS COUNT FORCE (J.K. Hartman)
  • RIFFLE FORCE (Arthur Finley)
Displaying 743 to 766 (of 2974 products)
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