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Kids & Children in Magic & Mentalism: page 3


Balloons Puppets Clowning


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★★★★★ $15
Stephen Ablett
Children's Show Routines by Stephen Ablett

Ten routines performed to a real live audience and then fully explained for you to use in your own show. Templates for all the effects are included in a zip file to be printed out (check your digital shelf). Most of the effects in this video can be customised for the client and themed to suit a Christmas, Halloween, or Easter show etc. The tricks together can form a complete show for your audiences.

  • Pencil Madness - A pencil on a board changes direction before revealing two comical pictures.
  • Birthday Wish List - A number of items are shown and eliminated leaving one, the gift nobody wants. ...
Graham Hey
Inside the Cage by Graham Hey

Funny stuff to make kids roar.

I always think it's a good idea not only to entertain the youngsters, but to entertain their parents too! Here is a collection of visual gags and jokes that will help put fun into your children's shows and hopefully leave everyone with a smile on their face! I have also included a few contributions from some friends of mine who are established and experienced kid's entertainers.

  • Introduction
  • Inflatable Rabbit and In the Bag
  • My snake has Escaped! and Fingernails
  • In bed with a Bug and The Rose
  • Half-price Tie, The Mirror, and The Wrong Way
  • The Bell ...
★★★★★ $15
Mark Lewis
The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Lewis by Mark Lewis

It's witty and it's full of wisdom. These are the ramblings of Mark Lewis on Internet forums. Irreverent and funny at times and full of deep thinking about magic and mentalism at other times.

Many incredible anecdotes of his varied life as a fortune teller, magician and hypnotist. In addition to this are techniques described on how to pitch svengali decks, how to do psychic readings, and most important of all how to do magic with showmanship and verve.

Included is a video clip of his legendary svengali deck routine which he has performed all over the world thousands of times plus tips...

★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Cut and Restored Balloon by Brick Tilley

A unique effect using an ordinary balloon. The performer holds the balloon by the neck. Without any false moves he uses a pair of scissors to cut a small portion of the bottom end off. This cutting action is repeated three more times until all that remains is the neck of the mutilated balloon. Putting this to his lips, he blows into the neck. Immediately the balloon restores itself and inflates to its full size. The performer then pops the balloon using the points of the scissors, startling his audience. This can lead into a dove production if you wish.

1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages.

★★★★ $24.95
Frances Marshall
Kid Stuff Five by Frances Marshall

Kid Stuff Five is aimed at the school show magician, and was compiled with the help of many magicians actually working in this field. The ebook contains hundreds of pages, with dozens of tricks, routines, ideas, etc.

    • Construction of the Magic Zoo
    • Some Final Construction Notes
    • Selection of Tricks for Children
    • "I Understand You Do Children's Birthday Parties"
    • "I Need Someone to Help Me"
    • "OK Kids, Let's Quiet Down a Bit"
    • "It's All Right, Ronald, He Won't Bite You"
    • "And, How Much Do You Charge?"
    • "And In Conclusion - - "
  • BALLOON...
William W. Larsen
Conjuring for Children by William W. Larsen

Bill Larsen reveals the inside secrets for performing magic to children in this newly revised ebook.

Aside from the author's sage and practical advice, garnered from hundreds of shows for youngsters, you get twelve entertaining routines using standard equipment you likely already own. Now you, too, can crack this lucrative field and beat out the local competition. Included are tricks using toys, animals, rings, coins, handkerchiefs, silks, etc. Most of the described effects include full patter.

Best of all, this edition has been newly revised and updated with performance suggestions and...

Billy Benbo
The Games Master by Billy Benbo

This little pamphlet is deceptively packed with information that can help you to increase your status as a children's entertainer, and increase your income. It helps to fill a gap in a branch of entertainment sadly neglected. Bill Lainsbury is a Games Master, and has been for many years. Because of this second string to his bow he has been able to work through summer and winter commanding good fees for a little outlay. In this manuscript he passes on hints and advice to enable you to start up yourself as a Games Master. Details of performance, age groups, kind of games to play, etc. are all...

★★★★ $7
Dave Arch
Giant Balloon Reindeer by Dave Arch

Ready to up your game beyond a pencil balloon animal . . . but don't have time to learn a complicated series of sculptures large enough for the platform or stage? Want a multi-phased balloon sculpture that plays well on stage and also serves equally well as a back-of-the-room sales piece? In spite of the fact that you only create one balloon reindeer as part of your show, no one in your audience needs be disappointed since they can purchase a kit (thoughtfully provided by you) with the necessary balloons and an instruction sheet that explains how to make one of the reindeers at home.


★★★★ $10
Dave Arch
A Kid's Lie Detector Routine by Dave Arch

With only a wireless doorbell, a stenographer's pad, and the routine you'll find here, your audiences will now get to enjoy listening in on your conversation with a child as you ask them a series of questions while they're supposedly holding a lie detector between their hands.

Please note that the way this is currently routined it is not a magic trick per se but rather an interlude that might be used to test your volunteer before using him/her in a magic trick.

And from a performer's point of view, here's what I believe to be the best part. This three to five minute routine requires NO...

★★★★★ $12
Dave Arch
Oralgami: four strange stories by Dave Arch

A series of four visual ghost stories with a magical paper folding twist particularly suitable for grades K-6 where they want scary stories (but not too scary).

For each of the four stories you will get a PDF to print fold and glue, as well as a video where Dave is presenting the story. A separate video explains how the paper is to be folded, glued and presented.

1st edition 2018

Sidney de Hempsey
How to do Punch and Judy by Sidney de Hempsey

In this very comprehensive ebook by a master Punch performer, you get an education in an art that will pay you well, if you want to use it to make money. Too few magicians have anything to offer but magic, and in some cities, too many are trying for the same jobs. "Punch" is a great addition to any magician's repertoire. Added to his magic show, it is a riotous finale. Sold separately, it is a show in itself.


  • Reminiscences of a Punch Man - Delightful reading and great background for this new art you are studying.
  • The Complete Punch & Judy Play
"Punch" is based on dialogue...
★★★★★ $5
John Palfreyman
Magic in a Game by John Palfreyman

From the Foreword by Ali Bongo:

So the telephone rings and the client says ... "Can you provide two hours entertainment?" ... "Of course!" ... you say, doing a quick bit of mental arithmetic to double your normal fee. Having confirmed the booking, you make a bee-line for the book-shelf to search for this book. Because this book ... plus a few bits and bobs ... will furnish the wherewithal for that extra hour of entertainment.

Think of the advantages! You need only do one show in an afternoon instead of two ... no mad dash when the first show runs late ... less packing ... less wear and tear on...

★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
The Red Hot Coin Revealed by Devin Knight
"This is perhaps, the greatest 'come on', or 'bally stunt' the world has ever known." - Floyd Thayer
This is a sadly forgotten effect that was a big hit back in vaudeville, but overlooked by today's magicians. It has been used by Thurston, Blackstone Sr., U. F. Grant, Tommy Windsor and other great magicians. This is one of the funniest routines in magic and you don't have to be a comedian or comedy performer to pull it off. It always results in hilarious laughter.

The premise is simple; the performer invites a boy up and shows him a half-dollar. The performer says, "This is the one and only RED HOT COIN. After years...

★★★ $5
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Tricks For Kid Shows by Ulysses Frederick Grant

25 new, good and unusual tricks plus ideas, gags, and advice. Text has been updated. This is a vintage release by U. F. Grant in the early 50s. Admittedly, a few of the tricks are dated; but, on the other hand, there are some excellent ideas suitable for today's audiences. In this release, you will find kid tricks not seen today. Your chance to be different from all the other kid show performers. The 'No Batteries' effect is novel and worth the price of this release alone. This release also contains a supplement of ideas and advice. An interesting read for Grant fans. Here is what you get.

Hugh Miller
Magic for Minors by Hugh Miller
  • Little Miss Muffett
  • Spot The Silks
  • Candy Cascade
  • Over The Rainbow
  • A Giant For Christmas
  • Miraculous Penetration
  • Five Interludes
  • Fancy That!
  • The Banger
  • Smarties
  • The Great Gold Robbery
  • Two Novel Silk Vanishes
  • Red And Green Rabbits
  • Animal Speller
  • Travelling Tube
  • The Magic Word
  • I'll Do It Again
  • Mysto
  • Paper Tearing
  • The Ribbon Egg
  • The Magic Poster
  • Turkish Delight
  • Fly-Over Silks
  • A Letter For The Conjuror
  • Matinee If Wet
  • Dis-A-Bell
  • Yogi Dresses Up
  • Tie Tactic
  • Growing Tassel
  • Growing Rope
  • The Presentation Of Magic For Minors

1st edition 1967, 87 pages; 1st digital edition...

Jim Kleefeld
Today's Tools by Jim Kleefeld

With these instructions and the included artwork, you can quickly make up a fascinating magic trick to perform in children's shows about building, construction or tools. You show a folder with over 20 different tools and have a child choose just one to think of. The child never says the name of her tool out loud, but you will magically know which one she chose. Next you show seven cards that each have a picture of a toolbox. Each toolbox is filled with different tools. You set aside some toolboxes where the child sees her tool. Then you automatically know which tool the child has chosen. ...

Jim Kleefeld
Bug Magic by Jim Kleefeld

An exciting collection of kidshow magic that focuses on bugs and books - including tricks, routines, ideas and resources to help you make your next magic show one with a theme that really appeals to kids.

  • original bug tricks and routines
  • bug art and bug fonts
  • commercial bug magic resources
  • bug prop resources
  • factual bug information
  • bug jokes

1st edition 2017, 68 pages.

Brian T. Lees
Working With A Clown by Brian T. Lees

There is something special about a magician and clown working as a team. Many years ago Mark Wilson, his assistant Nani Darnel and a clown named Rebo brought the Magic Land of Alakazam to life. It was a smash television hit. This ebook identifies the benefits of a clown/magician team. It also helps identify the ways a performance can be produced.

  • A Clown’s World
  • A Magician’s World
  • Working Together
  • Individual Segments
  • Working with Volunteers
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2017, 19 pages.

Bruce Posgate
Kid Show Showmanship by Bruce Posgate

This ebook provides an entirely different approach to entertaining children. Original material and suggestions - "bread and butter" information by an experienced performer. This volume explains the psychology and know-how of working children's shows.

The following is an excerpt from the book:

Entertaining children is a profitable business. Depressions may come and go; movies, television and other diversions can come and go ... but children are in constant supply. One generation after another as your potential audience.

Only an experienced performer could write a book of this kind. No...

★★★★ $4
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
How To Produce A Rabbit by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

No one can really call himself a magician, unless he can pull a rabbit out of a hat. It is the most expected trick in magic today. Even though few magicians do it; you always have kids asking, "Are you going to pull a rabbit out of a hat?"

Potential clients calling about birthday parties, often ask if you can pull a rabbit out of a hat. Some magician's try to pacify the mothers or children using a mirror box production of a rabbit. Good try, but it is not the same. People want to see a rabbit produced from an empty top hat, or even a borrowed hat. If you can do this; you have a big advantage...

Jimmy Davis
One Balloon Zoo by Jimmy Davis

Various balloon animals you can make from one modeling balloon.

Jim Davis has made as high as a thousand animals a week in Chicago's Old Town. With 56 detailed photos from life, he teaches you how to make over a dozen new and different animals, each from one balloon. These little animals have life, vivaciousness and sheer adorableness. Watch people stand in line for them as you make them. Get in on this commercial way to add more money to your magic work. Ebook includes actual patter lines and jokes, plenty of tips and every bit of instruction you need.

  • Dedication
  • Introduction By John...
★★★★★ $9.99
Wolfgang Riebe
Kids Party Magic by Wolfgang Riebe

Includes full access to the following videos (available via YouTube and as download from your digital shelf):

  • Wolfie's Kids Magic Part 1 and 2
  • Xmas Magic
  • Balloon Modeling
PLUS: Your own Cool Magic Tricks book with full print rights.

Kids Party Magic is a practical book of magic for children's magicians that contains entertaining and many original tricks that you can add to your show right away. Included are themed tricks around Easter and Christmas, as well as insights into the theory of performing for kids.

Are you looking for new comedy items and gags to perform with assistants?...

★★★★ $8
Devin Knight
The Great Apple Heist by Devin Knight

A great trick for kid shows, especially at Halloween. Two kids take an equal turn at removing apples from a bowl. Yet one child ends up with 5 apples and the other 2 apples. Baffling to an audience. Magician directs from a distance.

These are some of the most unusual effects ever developed for a stand-up performer. Effects your audiences haven't seen before. These routines are based on an ancient close-up effect that has been revised so it can be seen on the largest stage or in someone's living room. You can work this under any conditions with no angle problems or special props. Routines...

Sydney de Hempsey
Punch and Judy by Sydney de Hempsey

This is the complete dialog for the presentation of PUNCH and JUDY.

The figures used in this dialog and in order of their appearance are as follows: Punch — Dog Toby — Judy — Baby — Beadle or Policeman — Joey the Clown — Crocodile — Ghost — Doctor.

In addition to the above, the following properties are used: Punch's stick — Sausages — Frying Pan — Gallows — Coffin — The Pall.

1st digital edition 2016, 10 pages.

Displaying 30 to 53 (of 101 products)
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