Kalenda is a card and diary routine in which the mentalist divines the spectator's star sign, exact birthday, and selected card. As well as being a strong effect in its own right, it can lead into a cold reading, and also combines well with Michael's Speed Dating day for any date method.
The ebook is 17 pages and it comes with a browser app which creates the necessary diary set-ups for each year, and also provides training in the method (which requires a certain amount of memory work and mental calculation). [Download this HTML file from your digital shelf.]
This manuscript was previously called Psychic Destiny published in 2005 and was unavailable for a while, but it has returned with extra notes and stronger than ever!
In Intuitive Dimension you'll present a Psychic Test or an Experiment to your subject. You could even present this as a Unique Psychic reading.
From a short stack of business cards you hand her one, and have her write or draw anything she wants on the blank side ... a number, a name, a picture, a question ... whatever comes to her mind intuitively (or you can use completely blank business cards, no matter).
Once done her...
ZenerPhobia is a compilation and collection of ten effects that can be done with a Zener deck or as it is more commonly known the ESP deck.
Included in the book:
An introduction to the symbols and a brief description of the Piatnik and Royal Magic ESP decks and their little known secrets.
A spectator uses her inane ESP powers to predict whether five unseen cards will match another five unseen cards.
Janus Syndrome
Five Zener cards are openly put into five envelopes and mixed by a spectator. The magician predicts what symbol will be chosen, and another spectator chooses...
Four Unique Playing Card Routines! Featuring Dr. Wendy Woo's RV Experiment VERSION 2. You can do this over the phone and this alone is worth the price of the manuscript.
This manuscript was written in 2009 and a release was intended then, but for various reasons not done so. Finally, here it is.
Who is Dr. Wendy Woo? Who knows, but briefly, she has been involved with remote viewing for nearly a decade and considers herself a "consciousness researcher who has sometimes experienced altered states of consciousness." In this manuscript she teaches you how to fake her abilities ...
This is mentalism with a message. This routine can generate a strong emotional connect with the audience. Language is to a mentalist what semen is to impregnation. When a language becomes extinct, humanity slides down many generations. It is undeniable that mentalists have gained immensely from languages. This release is a humble attempt at conveying mentalism's gratitude for languages.
The simple but highly effective principle of this routine lends itself to complete customization/personalization. Performer displays some language lists. Some ancient languages which are still studied today....
This effect was very popular in the early 1900s. It was used in vaudeville, tent shows, and touring illusion shows. However, today, it is almost forgotten.
This secret has been sold in the past by Nelson Enterprises, Nelmar, Joe Ovette and Del-Ardo and is now being revealed again to modern-day performers, who wish to add this novelty to their acts.
If you have seen Devin Knight perform, you may have seen him do this feat. It is a regular part of his show. This can be used by magicians, mentalists, and metaphysical performers; but, be warned, Even though there is a gimmick. This is not...
If you already own Square Skills or purchase along with this, you can get this ebook for $6 only. And the owners of this ebook can get Why A Magic Square Should Not Be a Magic Square for half price.
Many enigmatic secrets. Hidden deep inside the 'Circle of Fate' for many centuries. Now rediscovered, repackaged and revealed for you.
You will learn 5 simple, self working secrets of the 'Circle of Fate'. You will also learn 11 stunning routines. You also get the 'Circle of Fate' printable prop.
Fully automatic and self working routines. So you can fully focus on your presentation. Very novel presentations are included along with scripting and patter. Easy...
The owners of Brain Knewmerology can get this ebook for half price.
A participant mentally chooses a precious stone. Another participant mentally chooses any day of the week. The performer not only divines both these thoughts but also deduces some related thoughts as well.
An absolute reputation maker in the right hands. This is a more advanced mind reading routine when compared to my Brain Knewmerology. It is still more impossible and stunning from the audience point of view.
Nothing is spoken or announced by the participants.
And it possesses the same set of rare qualities.
Be ready for Halloween.
This is a dark, multi-phase routine perfect for anyone who appreciates magic with a more sinister tone.
This PDF teaches you how to combine a clever mental effect with REAL hypnosis to create an effect that can't be done with just regular hypnosis. This effect will help you stand out from the competition and increase your bookings.
Devin's bookings as a hypnotist have almost doubled since including this feat in his shows. This effect can also be used as an emergency effect when nobody goes into hypnosis. You can do this effect and it will appear to be real hypnosis.
Magicians and mentalists can use this as a pseudo hypnotic trick in their shows as it is not necessary to have the person really...
The Aura Effect revives several ancient ideas from the turn of the century and brings them into the modern day. These are ideas you will use. You can create the illusion that the spectators feel your aura.
Magnetic Fingertips: This has been a staple in Devin Knight's career; it was also a favorite of the late Al Mann. The performer holds his fingers in front of a spectator's palm and the subject definitely feels an icy chill radiate from the performer's fingers. The performer claims this sensation is his aura. Two methods are explained. One method is completely impromptu and can be done on...
Sync is the perfect method for guessing a name completely prop-less.
I recently went back to my notebooks to an older idea I had for guessing a name without the spectator ever having to say a word and after a few days of playing with scripting all of the pieces of the jigsaw finally fell into place.
It is now possible to guess any name or word thought of by the spectator without them ever having to name letters or words associated with letters from the name - in fact, they can stay completely silent throughout the entire process.
The method itself is pure simplicity and is possibly...
This is an exposure of a psychic scam being worked today that is almost foolproof. The unusual thing about this scam is that the sucker in most cases never realizes he was conned. Therefore he never reports the psychic to the authorities and the psychic can operate in the same area for years with immunity!
Millions of people go missing each year and many unscrupulous psychics and mediums claim they can find these people for a FEE.
This is an exposure of a scam that was worked on the author in his younger years. It shows step-by-step how the psychic makes it appear that he has found the...
This ebook explores for the first time, the principles inherent to probably any newspaper, magazine, or publication, in the world. Everybody reads them, every day, but nobody notices the rules and logic in the innocent sheets they hold in their own hands. These properties are good to know as they allow some pretty neat impromptu or improvised effects, or design your own routines, once you know their 'secrets'.
It is more a piece of knowledge every magician or mentalist should know. Most 'recipes' are simple, and there is no difficult memorization or calculation involved.
All the effects...
Now updated with a great memory type routine suggested by Marc Paul and also an additional book test routine.
Kube Rishi is a collection of 15 Rubik Cube Mentalism Routines.
The big breakthrough here is that after handing over your Rubik Cube to the audience, you never ever have to touch it again. Ever.
There is a lot of excellent work already in the field of Rubik Cube Magic. Kube Rishi breaks new ground in the mostly under explored territory of Rubik Cube Mentalism.
The basic premise here is NOT solving the cube or MATCHING 2 cubes or VANISHING a cube or PRODUCING a cube. But using...
Over the last few years of devising conversational mentalism material Mark has developed several routines that are so powerful that they each demand a separate release. The first of this new Private Release series is titled Fooling With Freud and is a 100% practical piece of cutting-edge mentalism.
As per the Conversation As Mentalism ethos you don't need to carry any props; this is a pure three-phase routine of direct mindreading - it doesn't use playing cards, iPhones, peek devices, stooges, guessing or the law of averages.
What is the effect? In increasingly arbitrary ways, the participant...
Would you like to have in your repertoire some killer effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props?
Then rejoice! Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 3 is just what you're looking for.
You will learn a brand new mind-game using a single borrowed key, a killer card trick with no cards, an impossible coincidence in time, the best impromptu coin prediction, an utterly incredible memory stunt and much more.
All in all, nine brand new effects that have been designed with one outcome in mind - to amaze whoever you are talking to without the aid of any...
The sequel to Mind Reader's Digest. Another series of good, practical mental effects:
1st edition 1952; 1st digital edition 2015, 17 pages.
Make extra money, capture complete attention by telling fortunes for fun and profit. Very useful for bazaars, P.T.A. carnivals, money raisings of all kinds, great for bartenders, resort and cruise work - any place where people congregate. A fascinating entertainment just for your friends. Ebook covers the secret methods employed by fortune tellers, crystal gazers, mediums, etc. Prepares anyone to give readings of facts in the subjects life. Tells you what to say and how to say it. Includes easily learned methods of fortune telling with cards, streamlined, forceful. You will use this.
Back again and better than ever! It's MentaLotto, the mental lottery mystery that's sure to please any audience.
"A clever idea!" according to noted author, lecturer and trade show performer Karrell Fox.
MentaLotto combines mentalism, audience participation and a gambling theme. The odds are a trillion to one against the mentalist making a correct prediction. Yet, that's exactly what happens, for when the prediction is opened and read aloud, it matches the spectator's selected lottery number!
No switches, confederates, electronics, one-ahead, glimpses, impressions or other methods are used. Truly...
Five mind blowing effects on one single card. Impossible killer mentalism.
Launched in FISM Italy 2015 through Charles Gauci Magic.
What the experts have said ...
"Pocket Minds cards are really clever and a great way to always have something with you ready to go. They are professionally made and worthy of any entertainer making their living with this art." - Richard Osterlind
"I like your ideas. Pocket Minds is very good. It is very nice to have a mentalism act in your pocket. Keep creating this kind of things." - Luca Volpe
"Your ideas are exceptional. This is a very practical prop...
Performed and explained by Graham Jolley in conversation with Martin Breese
This download DVD is the final work of Martin Breese’s long career in magic. So determined was he to see this produced that whilst ill he forced the hospital to send him home for the filming. He had a great passion for the work of Al Koran and great respect for Graham Jolley – ‘Britain’s most baffling mind reader’.
Martin had spent many years trying to bring these together and the passion and humor is evident as they talk about their hero. The two discuss the life of Al Koran and Graham Jolley demonstrates and...
This is a different approach to the Zodiac sign topic, with somebody you have never met before. It is not a sign divination. It looks like an improvised and casual prediction of a complete stranger's Zodiac sign.
What the audience sees, or will remember:
You show them a business card with all the Zodiac signs on it. You ask a participant to name their sign, and on the back of the card, his or her sign was already drawn.
You will need a one-time preparation with index cards and a jacket, (or a wallet) to carry it. It does not require pre-show work, pocket writing or dual-reality.