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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 40


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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★★★★★ $15
Ferry Gerats
Astro Gems by Ferry Gerats

Divination of Zodiac sign involving a chart with the gems that are in accordance with astrology allocated to the star signs. Uses the branching anagram principle. A version of Bob Farmer's "Fate Accompli".

Effect: You reveal the zodiac-sign of someone you never met.

This is what happens:

A participant is handed a chart with all the zodiac signs and the gemstones which on the basis of astrology are allocated to these signs. While the participant focuses on the name of the gemstone of his sign, the mentalist first discloses some letters of that name and then reveals his zodiac sign.



Dee Christopher
Triptic by Dee Christopher

A professional routine. An ingenious gimmick. A versatile new take on a classic principle of mentalism.

"This is brilliant!" - Titanas
Triptic represents a package that has been evolving in concept for some time. It takes a basic principle in mentalism and turns it on it's head, burying it deeper mechanically and psychologically.

The effect is simple; three audience members are asked three questions. The performer is able to, without a doubt, prove that he knew what they were going to answer before they did.

This is a piece that is especially well suited for audiences at small after-dinner...

★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Coin'cidence by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can get Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidence for half price.

This is a routine which defies categorization. It is inexplicably weird and amazingly powerful.

It can be performed with your own coins or borrowed coins. With your own business cards or borrowed business cards. It can be performed with real coins or even with imaginary coins.

The performer makes a prediction on the back of his business card and keeps it face down in full view right before commencing the routine. A participant is asked to make a free choice from among 5 coins, real or imaginary. After the participant lands on a coin,...

★★★★★ $16
Nic Holson
Heads I Win - Positively by Nic Holson

To date there are many incarnations of this classic in mentalism by Max Maven in his videomind series positive / negative, who credits Larry Becker with the original idea, so what is this one all about?

In Heads I Win - Positively you get the opportunity to demonstrate as close as you can get real thought reading. You will actually be reading your spectators thoughts while they carry out the effect; I show you how. The principal method for this part of the effect is used by us all everyday yet we don't notice it.

Your spectator does not need to tell you the coin they have chosen to use until the...

Zee J. Yan
Rainbow Unicorn by Zee J. Yan

Three impromptu close-up mentalism routines with strong impact and one extremely mind-baffling and tightly structured 10 minute stage mentalism routine.

Using a smartphone as a billet.

Tips and ideas on swami gimmick so you can carry it with you without special storing devices.

Making an extremely deceptive peek device with only 35 cent or less (literally 35 cent or less)

Turning an everyday wallet into a peek wallet without damaging it.

[Note: If you already own Greetings by Zee J. Yan, then you won't need this ebook.]

1st edition 2016, 66 pages.

★★★★★ $3
Kyle P. Merck
A Questionable Envelope by Kyle P. Merck

An envelope is shown upon which there is a question mark. Nearly a dozen cards are removed and shown to have the names of various colors written on them. The cards are mixed and a spectator is asked to remove one. The remaining cards are put away back into the envelope. The spectator can put the card away someplace on their person. In spite of this, the performer is able give them a reading (if desired) based on the color as well as divine the color of the card selected.

Included are the complete instructions for this routine which includes Kyle's color coding system "A Question of Color",...

Tom Phoenix
Connections by Tom Phoenix

This is a two phase mentalism/card magic effect, involving a couple transpositions; both begin in the mind, then manifest into the physical. It's a fun and fairly simple routine that packs a punch and will have your participants wondering.

The first phase is an in-the-hands transposition of two spectator signed cards, and the second phase is a mental transposition of thought and a physical transformation of material.

  • No duplicates
  • No gimmicks
  • No dual reality
  • This is 100% clean
Additional presentation ideas are included, as well as tips and subtleties to apply to the rest of your...
★★★★★ $14
Scott Creasey
Cartomancy for Magicians by Scott Creasey
"Without proper presentation, the best sleight of hand is nothing more than a feat of juggling." - Nate Leipzig
So how do we lift our card effects out of the realm of the juggler into the world of magic and mystery? Answer, Cartomancy for Magicians, a simple system to enable the magician to add an emotional hook to his or her pick a card tricks.

What is it?

Cartomancy is fortune-telling or divination using a deck of cards and appeared soon after playing cards were invented; in fact many historians have suggested that playing cards may have originated as a fortune telling tool long before...

★★★★★ $10
Joseph Ovette
Practical Telepathy by Joseph Ovette

Considering getting into the mental field, but unsure where to begin?

Perhaps you've wanted to add a Q&A or crystal gazing segment to your present act and want to learn the real work from a performer who's earned a living from mentalism?

Working pro Joe Ovette reveals all in this revised and updated classic that belongs on every psychic entertainer's bookshelf.

  • Pre-show work without clipboards
  • Billet switches
  • When to use stock questions
  • Sensational Q&A
  • 100 Audience-tested answers
  • Uplifting answers
  • Confederates
  • History of Q&A acts
  • Plans and schemes for office work
  • A clever ballot...
★★★★★ $9
Unknown Mentalist
Sensory Brain Knewmerology by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can get Wallet Brain Knewmerology for half price.

The great response to Brain Knewmerology and Advanced Brain Knewmerology is the motivation to build further on them and the result is a mind boggling triple impact routine. Here one single effort gives triple payoff. This is the brain knewmerology principle on steroids.

One list with over 100 items. Three participants. Three choices. Nothing is spoken. Yet the performer divines all their thoughts exactly.

Almost propless and self working and instantly repeatable with different outcomes. Just one list to carry in your wallet along with a few of your business cards and you are absolutely...

★★★★ $15
(Benny) Ben Harris
Mentallica: Heavy Mental Magic by (Benny) Ben Harris

Mentallica is a series of hard-hitting effects drawn from Harris' one-man show: Hellucinations.

"If you like clever and practical ideas, this ebook has them. Even for effects utilizing marketed props, Ben's alternative presentations lift them up to a new level of application. If you appreciate creative ideas because this will spur you on to thinking of alternative applications for the many props that are lying idle in your magic drawers, then this book is highly recommended for you." - John Teo

The majority of effects are new presentations and uses for existing props like: The Mother...

★★★★ $4
Eddie Joseph
Mail Mentalism by Eddie Joseph

Mail Mentalism is a card trick that can be done via mail, email, phone, radio, across rooms or other communication channels. It is an automatic effect where you only provide instructions but do not require any feedback or response. The spectator will need a deck of cards. The instructions are customized for each occasion.

This is a great trick to amaze somebody long distance, be it to solicit a possible engagement, introduce yourself to a journalist, or even fooling a magic friend.

1st edition 1949, 8 pages; PDF 9 pages.

★★★★ $5
Abhinav Bothra
ESPerience by Abhinav Bothra

A three phased easy to do routine that gives your spectator an experience of what it feels to be a mentalist.

Phase 1: 5 business cards are shown, each having the ESP symbols and are laid face down towards them. The performer introduces another set of 5, with a little thought points to one of them and asks them to point a card in their pile which they think matches the performer's card. They do so, and it matches.

Phase 2: The performer draws one of the symbols on a business card and the spectator correctly guess which one has been drawn.

Phase 3: The spectator is asked if he remembers...

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Stark Horizon by Unknown Mentalist

The material here is more powerful and independent of Dark Horizon. The basic theme here also is that of languages. But the routines here are more self-working. The impossible twists and turns in the novel presentations render a more stunning impact. And in spite of such seeming impossibility, the performer is able to accurately divine the language being thought of by the participant.

No sleights. No pre-show. No stooges.

The innovative interlocking construction of the language lists is what drives the routines. The performer can fully focus on the presentation. The 4 language lists...

Ronald Levy & Devin Knight
Psychic Word Revelation by Ronald Levy & Devin Knight

A deck of 52 Alphabet cards is shuffled and handed to a participant to cut as many times as he wishes. The performer turns his back so he cannot see the cards or participant. The participant deals himself the top three alphabet cards face up and tries to make a three-letter word out of them. If those three cards cannot form a word, the participant is to discard those and deal himself another three cards. He is to try to form a word from the second group of three letters. The participant continues in this way, dealing himself three alphabet letters one at a time. When the participant deals a...

★★★★ $7
Mystic Alexandre
Anomalous Cognition by Mystic Alexandre

Intuitive ability is more common than you might think. We all have it but most of us never use it, we're blocked, our minds too busy, distracted. In Anomalous Cognition Mystic Alexander presents an empowering approach to the "Which Hand" effect. Created to empower the subject, not just show how "clever" we are!

  • A nice touch that will leave the subject with a moment to remember
  • An unexpected pleasure to perform
  • Has a positive impact
Note: Anomalous Cognition should not be performed as a "trick" for maximum effectiveness, but rather as a fun/casual "experiment" or "test".

Did you know...

★★★★ $8.88
Seven Past Midnight by Anabelle

This is the very first manuscript Anabelle released way back in 2003. A creative mix of Bizarre Magic and Mentalism. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the original 2003 release with the original cover on the PDF and original content. Nothing new has been added.

Brother Shadow (Carl Herron): "If you are a performer that deals with things strange and mysterious, this eBook is for you!"

Ted Lesley: "Anabelle's E-book "Seven Past Midnight" is wonderful! Get it as soon as you can and I know you'll be more than pleased. Since I have read the book, I am a fan of Anabelle."

In this manuscript you'll find:
★★★★ $13.33
The Erotic Seance by Anabelle

Finally! The Return of the Controversial Bestseller The Erotic Seance!

This manuscript was originally created in 2004 and published in 2005. Within a relatively short period of time it was off the market. Since then many people have looked for a copy, curious about its contents. Mystic Alexandre has owned the rights to this manuscript for many years and thought it might never see the light of day again, but now he feels it's time this unique piece resurfaced at a special price and for a limited time for those who are interested.

This is the unchanged and original manuscript created in 2004 with no content...

★★★★ $12
Eddie Joseph
Card Magic of the Mind by Eddie Joseph

Fourteen mind magic routines with a deck of cards.

From the introduction:

Just because one has acquired extreme dexterity in the manipulation department it does not stand to reason that CARD MAGIC OF THE MIND can be easily presented as a bunch of tricks. The Magician appears in the role of a Mentalist when doing CARD MAGIC OF THE MIND. He is supposed to be working with his MIND and not his HANDS. Any attempt at speed or undue display of manual dexterity will ruin the whole thing. One should remember to keep it that way.

  • The Author's Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Fascination
  • Clairvoyancy ...
★★★★ $9
Unknown Mentalist
Klear Fate by Unknown Mentalist

Performer shows a prediction envelope on both sides and keeps it on the table in full view. A normal deck of cards is freely shuffled by a participant and she starts dealing the cards face down on to the table. She stops anywhere she wants. Totally free choice.The card she stopped at is accurately predicted in the envelope.

A cool routine The Kohtalo (which in Finnish means destiny or fate) is included along with an alternate handling and multiple options for ending clean. The included second edition contains many tips and ideas graciously shared by Mr. Houdini. The included third edition...

Scott Xavier
The Glass is 1/2 Full by Scott Xavier

An expose of a Psychic Beer Foam Readers Skills

Have you ever wanted to make extra money at a bar as a mentalist? Why not add a Psychic Beer Foam reading to your line up of skills to share at the local pub.

With techniques borrowed from a Gregorian monk, Psychic entertainer Scott Xavier showcases the techniques to reveal a sitters past present and future!

You'll never be without money again when you add this skill. And free drinks will never be far away either.

1st edition 2015, 12 pages.

★★★ $0
Julien Losa
Ice Peek by Julien Losa

Some theoretical thoughts on peeking and meaningful spectator interaction. In particular Julien Losa discusses what personal information to ask our spectators during a routine.

1st edition 2015, 4 pages.

★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Positive Increases by Scott F. Guinn

Some of the biggest names in magic and mentalism have raved about Assertive Positive Negative, Scott F. Guinn's improvement of Max Maven's "Positive Negative." Luminaries such as Ron Bauer, Richard Busch, Dr. Bill Cushman, and Richard Webster have been effusive in their praise. It would have been perfectly understandable, then, for Scott to have rested on his laurels and let the routine alone.

But Scott felt there was room for improvement, particularly on one part of the handling. For months and months, he tinkered and fiddled with the routine. And finally, much as with the epiphany that birthed APN, a very simple and elegant solution occurred...

Mark Piazza
Zombies Eat Brains by Mark Piazza

An effect about famous highly intelligent human beings and a hunger for brains.

Billy McComb's classic McCombical Deck updated for the Zombie Apocalypse. Artwork included.

If you're a zombie, why eat just average brains? Wouldn't you want to eat the most intelligent brains available? That's the premise for this version of this classic effect! Included is the artwork for 7 special cards.

1st edition 2015, 10 pages.

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