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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 12


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Scott Xavier
PK Sense by Scott Xavier

The ability to read a thought from the mind of a spectator is just the beginning. Imagine being able to transmit a thought from one spectator to another. Not only a thought, but also the thought of all five senses. Taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing can all be transmitted by the mentalist/magician using psychokinesis, hypnosis, or what ever presentation you see fit! This is a collaborative work from mentalist Scott Xavier and magician Mark Bond.

1st edition 2011; 17 pages

★★★★ $11.95
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Stefan Olschewski
Mes(s)merize by Stefan Olschewski

"Brilliant and clever indeed. Shades of Clearly Predictable and Casino Royale. I'm sure many of us old-timers have incorporated various facets of this gem in our work, but this gentleman has forged a total masterpiece. If I were still in the saddle I would put this puppy to work. It could be used as an opener, however it's a little long winded. As a closer I think it would truly be a standing ovation masterwork of mentalism. I'll keep it close to the vest." - Larry Becker

This is much more than just a mental effect. Mes(s)merize by Stefan Olschewski is a brand-new application of an ingenious principle...

★★★★★ $20
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Larry Becker
Clearly Predictable by Larry Becker

This is one of the slickest and cleanest prediction effects I know.

A spectator gets a sealed envelope to keep, circles one classified ad in a newspaper, and removes a bill from her wallet and signs it with her initials. Another spectator completely fairly selects a card from a spectator shuffled pack. Despite all of these fair and clean selections the mentalist has predicted all of them. The selected card is printed on the newspaper, and the prediction envelope holds the serial number of the bill and a copy of the classified which was freely selected by the spectator.

Some preparatory...

★★★★★ $7
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MP4 (video)

Dave Forrest
Pretext: make impossible predictions by Dave Forrest

PRETEXT is a multi-layered deception that will allow you to easily make the most incredible predictions. In the effect included in this 18 minute instant video download you produce a folded billet from inside your wallet that accurately predicts a persons name and a card that they freely named. You'll soon realise the depth of the PRETEXT system as it allows you to accurately predict practically anything during the course of a simple card trick in a way that appears so fair you won't believe it. This is the type of prediction that simply cannot be backtracked - your audiences will be left stunned...

★★★★★ $7
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MP4 + Flash Video

Dave Forrest
Positive Thinking by Dave Forrest

Inspired by an effect by Max Maven. If you like these type of effects also make sure to check out Assertive Positive Negative by Scott F. Guinn.

Effect: You place a folded business card - a prediction - on the table in full view. Your spectator is asked to imagine three coins. They are then asked to select one of the coins, toss it in the air and catch it, calling heads or tails. Let's imagine they call tails! You open your prediction - inside you have accurately predicted both the denomination of the coin they imagined and whether it would land heads or tails!

Inspired by Max Maven's effect 'Positive/Negative', this is the ultimate 'packs...

★★★★ $7
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MP4 + Flash Video

Musical Influences by Nefesch

This ebook will teach you several mentalism effects, all of them related with music. Here is Nefesch in his own words:

Let me tell you a REAL story:

I received a call from a producer who asked me to meet him for an interview to discuss the chance of me being the OPENER for some MUSIC concert tours that would take place in Greece. So I went to the appointment he had several questions, he asked me to perform which I did, and he was truly impressed, after that he told me: "ok, I want you, but the last word on whether or not we will hire you is on the singers hands". So he gave me another...

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Bob Cassidy
The Messing Effect by Bob Cassidy

Wolf Messing (1899 -1974) is often said to have been the most talented mind reader in the world. A native of Poland, Messing moved to Russia just prior to the outbreak of World War II. His decision to emigrate followed a performance, during which he predicted that Germany would be defeated and Hitler would die if Poland were invaded. Hitler, a devout believer in psychic phenomena, showed his appreciation for Messing's psychic gifts by placing a bounty of 200,000 marks on his head. After the war he worked for many years as a performer, and it has been suggested that he was one of Josef Stalin's...

★★★★★ $50
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Bob Cassidy
The Wadcutter Catch by Bob Cassidy

Warning: Performing a Bullet Catch or Russian Roulette type of effect is extremely dangerous. Several people have died attempting such stunts. If you use any information from this ebook you are voluntarily and free willingly taking on any liability and risks to your, your helper's and your audience's well being.

It is one thing to read about such stunts. It is entirely different to actually do them. If you want our advice: Don't do them!

Bob Cassidy is a professional performer who has practiced and performed these type of effects and stunts for many years. In this ebook he shares his advice...

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Bob Cassidy
The Messenger Disks by Bob Cassidy
  • How to give readings with the disks.
  • Effect: The two “Owl” disks are shown and their meaning explained. The mentalist next exhibits the “Hand” disk with the darkened edge and the sticker on the back. The spectator is asked to write a number, a short word, or a small picture on the back of the “hand” disk (on the sticker). This is done while the performer’s back is turned. The “hand” disk is turned face down, hiding the writing, and the disk is sandwiched between the face-up owls. (The darkened edged of the “hand” disk subtly proves that the “hand” disk remains...
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Bob Cassidy
The Bottle of Truth by Bob Cassidy

You will learn how to prepare and gimmick two different kinds of bottles which allow wonderful lie detector and murder mystery effects or which can be used as adjunct in a one on one 'psychic reading.' With typical Cassidy genius one bottle allows you to glimpse colored marbles dropped in and the other bottle allows you to force a certain color of marble dispensed from the bottle. This opens the possibility for many routines. Bob describes two.

1st edition 2002; 4 pages plus video

★★★★★ $15
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Bob Cassidy
Pseudo-Mentally Yours by Bob Cassidy

This was Bob Cassidy's first publication and appeared in 1977 as the second supplement to Invocation. You will find a great photo of a very young Bob Cassidy from 1973. The ebook is a reflection of who Bob was way back then. It contains the seeds of the ideas that gradually evolved into the act he presents today. A real treat for all Cassidy fans and anybody interested in mentalism.

1st edition 1977; 22 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Presidential Portraits
  2. The 35mm Die Can Test
  3. A 35mm Triple Test
  4. The Telepathic Diary
  5. Beating The Book Test
  6. A Brief Diversion
  7. An Experiment With Time
  8. Ultimate...
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Raymond Doetjes
Fouray Envelope by Raymond Doetjes

The Fouray envelope is a utility device which was born out of the necessity of having a 4-way out and showing it empty. Specially designed for those close-up performances. It has been a well guarded secret for the past 2.5 years now. It's here for the working mentalist who wants 4 outs in one envelope without using himber wallets! So get out the glue and paper-cutter and make as many as you want in less than 15 minutes per envelope.

1st edition 2010; 12 pages

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Raymond Doetjes
Shocked by a Miracle by Raymond Doetjes

An effect from Raymond's former show...

Shocked by a Miracle is a realistic demonstration of voodoo-like powers where one picture gets pierced or scorched and one person is marked out by either her screams or a physical mark.

The ideal effect for hypnotists employing pre-show hypnosis but also just as effective for non-hypnotists.

1st edition 2010; 5 pages (excluding cover and blank).

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Jim Coles
Influence by Jim Coles

You could start this effect like this:

Have you ever known a great salesman? I mean the kind of person who consistently outperforms his colleagues, who’s able to maintain a high level of sales even during economic slumps? Some years ago I became aware of a study of such individuals, and what was especially intriguing is that each seemed to have the innate ability to project his will upon others, to influence prospective customers in such a way that they invariably did what he wanted. I began to wonder if it was possible to hone one’s own influence to such a degree, and I’d like to share...

★★★★★ $6.50
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Simon J. Lea
POSTgraphology by Simon J. Lea

POSTgraphology is a graphology based mentalism effect utilizing those sticky yellow memo notes we are all familiar with.

A pack is opened in front of the audience and the whole block is given to one of the spectators. He or she is asked to rip off a chunk of notes for you to use for demonstration purposes and then to give one note to each of the spectators taking part - 5 is the best number of spectators but can be more or less. As this is performed as a demonstration of graphology and not magic you don't point out that there is now no way you could know which spectator would get which note...

★★★★★ $12
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Michael Daniels
Equirock by Michael Daniels

This is a conceptual breakthrough for improving the old and trusted magician's choice or equivoque.

Equirock is a simple technique to force one of three items. As a direct, ONE STEP force, it is almost impossible for the spectator to backtrack and thereby discover the method. Equirock is immensely versatile and can be used to force any kind of object or other item – a word, number, person, card, coin, book … in fact anything at all!

The method can also be easily extended to allow for a force from any number of items, not just three. The only props needed are your hands, a pen...

★★★ $10
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Dee Christopher
Machine by Dee Christopher

The effect is simple. One spectator is asked to think of a word. A second spectator writes the word. Neither have any clue how it could possibly have happened. Spirit writing? Synchronicity? It's up to YOU to decide how you'd like to explain the incredible experience your participants will have just waltzed through.

Machine will teach you how to construct a simple, yet ingenious gimmick to make this effect clean and direct in method so that you can use the included presentation or put your all into your own.

The MACHINE gimmick could be used on stage, at a table, on the street or anywhere...

★★★★★ $18
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Daniel Madison
Psycho by Daniel Madison

Psycho is an ebook of simple and subtle ideas and performance effects based on psychological suggestion and pseudo-psychological magic, written in 2007 and released in 2010. These notes offer a way of thinking and a refreshing approach to the art of using psychological suggestion as both a tool and an illusion within itself.

Psychological Forces
An insight into the idea of psychological forcing and 'pseudo-psychological suggestion'.

Playing Card Psychological Forces

  • Four of Clubs
  • Jack of Spades
  • Jack of Hearts
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Four of Diamonds

An expose on psychological...

★★★★★ $15
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Michael Paul
Urban Legend by Michael Paul

I've used Urban Legend to close my show for my theatre act, my Monday Night Magic parlor act in New York, and even the close up room at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. To say it's the ultimate showstopper for me is an huge understatement. Now it can be your show stopper too!

Introducing Urban Legend ... straight from the working repetoire of Michael Paul.

You know the classic razor blade trick: The magician swallows a number of ultra-sharp razor blades, and regurgitates them tied together on a length of string. Now, check out Urban Legend ... do the classic razor blade routine without...

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Michael Paul
3 by Michael Paul

Not just one, but three “packs small, plays big” routines that have been audience tested in the real world. Each of these power-house effects is loaded with personality and entertainment. Also, each effect is fully polished and ready to go right into your act. Also included is a brief, but important essay on the art of mentalism and entertainment that just might change the way you look at your show. This is stand up mentalism with an edge. This is 3.

Cutting Edge

Cleanly rub a double sided razor blade through the skin of your neck, and re-produce it from your teeth! Wonderful for...

★★★ $25
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Simon J. Lea
Rock Paper Scissors by Simon J. Lea
  • Play to win - beat your opponent every time!
  • Play to lose - lose every single time!
  • Match them - whatever your opponent chooses, you choose the same!
  • All done REAL TIME like a regular game of Rock, Paper, Scissors!
  • No stooges
  • No dual reality
  • No set up
  • No pre-show work
  • Easy to learn
If you've ever seen a performance of Rock, Paper, Scissors as a mentalism effect then you know what a crowd-pleaser it is. Bring on the first guy, beat him. Bring on the second guy, beat him, too. Ask the crowd if they want you to win or lose, if they want you to lose, then play again and lose. You...
★★★★ $23
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Walt Lees
A Magical Interlude with Walt Lees by Walt Lees

This recording contains excellent card effects with every detail carefully explained. The highlight is perhaps Walt's own Astrology/Mentalism routines actually used professionally by him for a number of years.

Originally released in the Martin Breese Magicassette series.

runtime 1 hour 20 minutes

★★★★ $14
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Christopher Caldwell
Blockbuster Prediction by Christopher Caldwell

The mentalist places a rental video tape (or DVD) as prediction on the table. A spectator chooses a good movie from a movie guide that lists nearly 20,000 movies. It turns out that the prediction is spot on.

runtime 11min 15s

★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Ted Lesley
Minimax Lecture by Ted Lesley

Ted Lesley's philosophy on magic has always been: A minimum amount of effort for a maximum amount of effect! Thus the title Minimax Lecture.

  • A Rising Card Idea
  • Mental Routines with the TL Faked Envelope
  • Black Mental Marvel
  • Another Mind Reading Idea
  • Ted Serios Outdone
  • The Fastest Card Trick in the World
  • My Adventures with the Himber Ring
  • My Encore

13 pages

★★★★★ $10
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