The following is a complete card routine created by U.F. Grant a long, long time ago. You will find it mysterious, entertaining and practically unknown by modern generations.
EFFECT: A series of bewildering effects with a deck of cards shuffled by spectators.
1. A deck of cards is shuffled by spectators. A card is chosen and returned to the deck. Performer puts cards in trouser pocket and spells the name of the chosen card. The last card results to be the chosen one.
2. A spectator now chooses another card. The deck is cut. Tell the spectators that you have X-ray eyes and can see...
David Devlin has floored everyone he has shown this incredible effect. Even members of his family were nailed. This is an amazing piece of mental magic. Based on an array of different effects and principles, this is certain to go into your working repertoire. It is self-working and can even be performed impromptu (at least the majority of the effect can be performed impromptu)!
The effect is this: A deck is shuffled, and two predictions are made on the backs of two business cards. One is a number and the other is the name of a playing card. Two spectators deal cards in turn until they each...
Learn how to exploit the ternary number system to your advantages. There is a new version of the old MUTUS DEDIT NOMEN COCIS or "The Pairs Repaired", as it was called in Prof. Hoffmann's Modern Magic. You will also find tricks with ESP cards and applications for the diminishing count...
1st edition...
Psychic Self is a three-phase card routine wherein you NEVER touch the deck. The deck is borrowed and shuffled multiple times. Yet, the routine is entirely self-working and will work the majority of the time. No risk; no reward. Yes, there is a chance of one of the phases not working; and even lower chance that none of the routine will work. There is a simple scripting for why one or all the phases did not work. The majority of time, you will have a three-phase miracle routine.
The scripting of the routine is what really sells each individual effect. The methods are essentially the effect...
Effect: Using a full deck of playing cards, a spectator cuts to one card that the magician asks him to remember. He selects a second card by secretly spelling the name of his thought-of card, dealing one card for each letter, and pockets it. In the first climax, the magician is able to divine the card that the spectator is thinking of. In the second climax, the pocketed card and a prediction (tabled from the beginning) are revealed: They are identical!
No gaff. No sleight. Basically self-working. This routine uses a regular deck and an ordinary odd-backed card only. Everything can be examined. ...
This effect is a variation of an effect called ACAT (Any Card At Any Time), extracted from CLUE ebook. It can be presented with playing cards, or special cards (like the Vernet PSImbol deck, or movies (like Directors's cut or Screen test), French postcards, etc.), or just with blank index cards or your own business cards (with drawings, symbols, words, numbers, etc. on the back). It is not a card trick, but rather a mystery or paradox.
It is hands-off, automatic, self-working, can be done over the phone or sight unseen, stand up, close up or stage (with jumbo cards). It is easy, practical, and...
A card feat that can be done over the radio. The magician shows the audience how to program their deck into a smart deck and proceeds to locate everyone's chosen card over the radio. A great publicity stunt that will get you booked on radio shows.
"Very deceptive, very nice!" - Tom CravenThe NTE Principle is a self-working hands-off effect that can be done over a cell phone, in a room full of people or even over the radio for thousands of people at the same time. It's an amazing effect where people select a playing card, lose it into the deck and then the magician is able to locate the card without...
You show two packs of cards. One red and one blue backed. You ask a spectator to touch one of the packs. The pack is offered to the spectator and she is asked to put the pack of cards in a pocket. Taking the pack of cards with the blue backs you fan them face and back to show that the cards are normal. You shuffle the cards, cut and complete the cut. The cards are spread face down on the table and you ask a spectator to run his fingers backwards and forwards across the cards...using his hand rather like a pendulum. At any moment he chooses you ask him to touch the back of one of the...
More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller. Clever methods combined in interesting ways.
1st edition 2015, 32 pages.
The Book of the Dead is often translated as the "Book of Emerging Forth Into the Light" which consists of a number of magic spells intended to assist a dead person's journey through the Duat, or underworld, and into the afterlife ... so begins the Cards of the Dead - The Egyptian One-Card Reading.
You present the subject with a pack of cards, preferably one that looks special (there are a couple of options in the manuscript though any deck will do), the subject chooses ten random cards, you study these, pick up an impression (the kicker), note it down, and begin with the simple esoteric procedure...
From the introduction:
This ebook is a bit of a departure for me. The material is mathematical, but it need not be performed with playing cards. It can be performed with pencil and paper close-up, or with a blackboard or a dry-erase white board in platform or stage settings. Thus it can be employed in situations when the use of playing cards would be inappropriate. However, I will describe these effects with playing cards as that is how I use them.
The basic idea is that the performer predicts the sum of a seemingly random array of cards or numbers. The spectator has quite a bit of control...
More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2015, 30 pages.
Here we offer three new approaches to Bob Hummer's classic Mindreader's Dream effect. A spectator merely thinks of a card and out of the performer's view deals some cards to impress the card on the subject's unconscious mind. The dealt cards are lost in the pack. The performer asks the spectator some questions, studies the subject's nonverbal responses, and slowly but surely names the thought-of card.
One method requires a small stack, the other two are impromptu. All use ordinary cards and no sleights. The deck need not be complete.
This item will be of interest to mentalists and card...
A spectator cuts the pack of cards and counts off 25 cards. Shuffle these cards and have five of them selected by members of the audience. The magician does not view this selection process as his back is turned away during all this. The cards are replaced and the pack shuffled. A spectator is asked to place the cards in five rows of five cards each on an unprepared stand or easel or display board. (When performing this close-up or at a party situation the cards may be placed on the table surface, rather than using an easel.) Note: The cards may be placed in any order, on any row, either face...
This is an interesting study of the X-Force and variations thereof only the way Jon Racherbaumer can do it. The X-Force is the simplest force that every magician has learned to do at one point in their life. Jon dissects the X-Force or Criss-Cross Force and then puts it back together in different and new ways. This is fodder for those that want to go into the fine and nuanced details of performing this force.
This is an oldie but goodie, it helps solve a problem with certain church shows. Devin has often got phone calls from church groups asking for a magic show, but to not bring playing cards because the church frowns upon them as being sinful. Here is an effective and proven way to use playing cards in church groups that think cards are based on gambling and are of the devil. Yes, these people still exist today and this treatise gives an effective way to overcome this belief. Devin was raised in a household that forbid playing cards, but he used the technique in this e-book to change his family's...
[Note: If you purchase this together with Sunken Treasury: Part 1 and 2 and Sunken Treasury: Part 3, 4 and 5 you will get The Catch-All Principle for free. Discount is automatically applied in the shopping cart. Also applies if you have purchased the entire Sunken Treasury in the past.
The Catch-All Principle allows you to covertly position a free selection at a predetermined position in the deck. It does this with the help of two key cards. The real strength and novelty of this principle is that at crucial moments the spectator is free to cut the deck, which makes it seem impossible that the selection will end up at a predetermined position - but it does.
Perhaps the best use of this principle...
[Eddie Joseph and George Armstrong both published this effect in 1949 under the same name: Premonition. The effects are identical and the methods are also pretty much identical except some minor details. Since George Armstrong describes his inspiration and when and where he developed it, while Eddie Joseph does not, I believe George Armstrong to be the inventor of this method. George Armstrong's inspiration was an effect from Greater Magic by Bill McCaffrey. But already Hofzinser has a similar routine Domination of Thought from his Card Conjuring.
A spectator names a card. He is asked to take a pack of cards from the table, remove them...
Note: These are PDF instructions to make your own deck. You will NOT get a deck mailed.
Deck #2 in the Super Deck Series
EFFECT: This is one of the most baffling decks yet created! This makes the old brainwave deck obsolete. It combines the Invisible Deck with the Brainwave Deck. Two of the most popular trick decks in the world. Tell your spectators that you reversed a card in the deck on the table. The deck is in full view from the start and there is ONLY ONE Deck used. It is not switched. Any one calls out any card. There are no restrictions. Any one of the 52 cards can be named. Both...
Tarbell Course contributor Nick Conticello is proud to release the first installment of a book he calls "a five-part meditation on one of the most powerful principles in card magic, the sunken key card."
Sunken Treasury Parts One and Two consists of fourteen effects based on essentially new concepts, material that is unlike anything you have seen before (unless you have seen Nick perform!)
Highlights include:
THE SLEIGHT-OF-MIND ROUTINE: A routine of three effects involving selected cards and a pair of Deuces.
MENTAL POLYGRAPH: A spectator thinks of a card and loses it in the pack herself. She...
Note: These are PDF instructions to make your own deck. You will NOT get a deck mailed.
#1 In The Super Deck Series
"I can say that it is absolutely brilliant!" - Cody S. Fisher
This is the invisible deck on steroids and many magicians are saying this will make the old invisible deck obsolete and everyone will want this new and improved version. It allows you do things not possible with the standard invisible deck such as showing the deck on BOTH SIDES - showing both faces and backs. Now that we have your attention, read on.
There is only ONE DECK used and it is in full view...