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Self-Working or Sleightless in Cards: page 6


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David Devlin
Out Numbered by David Devlin

Three boxed decks of cards are displayed to three spectators. It is explained that in the first two decks, two specific cards have been placed in two psychologically strategic spots. In the third deck, is proof that the psychological experiment is successful. This third deck is kept by the performer, but is always in full view.

The two spectators take their decks out of the boxes, and use business cards to randomly arrive at two different playing cards. The two cards from the first spectator’s deck are used to create a card. Let’s say that the two cards are the Two of Diamonds and the...

★★★★ $3
Devin Knight
The Wandering Queens by Devin Knight

A card trick that is flashy and plays big, it is suitable for parlor or stage and requires no skill.

Four Queens are each seen in four glass tumblers facing outward. Each Queen is then turned back outward and returned to its glass. Three indifferent cards are placed in each glass with the first three Queens. The fourth Queen is left by herself in the fourth glass.

The performer waves his hands and the magic happens. The cards are removed from the first glass. There are only three cards, the Queen has vanished. This is repeated with the next two glasses. Finally, the card is removed from...

Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Four by Nick Conticello

Two locations based on a unique method.

No Mean Card Trick

Effect: From an unprepared pack he has just shuffled and cut, a spectator counts out ten cards and thinks of one. He buries the packet in the deck himself. The performer cuts the pack and deals out a 5x4 face-up array. He asks the spectator to think "yes" if his card is in the array. The performer confirms the card is on the table. Next the performer asks the spectator to concentrate on which horizontal row his card is in. After some effort, the performer discards the other three rows correctly. Finally, the spectator is asked...

★★★★★ $7.95
Raphaël Czaja
Accans Family by Raphaël Czaja

EFFECT: A spectator shuffles a packet of number cards as much as he wants and deals through it to create a random number. Then, he deals through a blue-backed deck of playing cards (in which the magician put a red-backed prediction) and stops at his number. Let's say his card is the 7 of Clubs. Unbelievably, the red-backed prediction is the 7 of Clubs!

NB: The deck is always dealt face-up. Self-working. Happens in the hands of the spectator. Examinable. Quick reset. No gaff. Uses one regular deck and one red-backed card only. Includes a handling to perform it anytime during your act with...

★★★★★ $5
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Eliminators by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is a great little booklet where U.F. Grant teaches three non-sleight replacement methods for

  • Pass
  • Force
  • Palm
  • Switch
Now all those non-finger-flingers can join in the fun.

1st edition 1943, 1st digital edition 2017, 4 pages.

Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Three by Nick Conticello

New Century Pairs Re-Paired

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: A Bit of History
  • Chapter 2: Judah's Mutus Nomen (S.J. Mutus Dedit Trick)
  • Chapter 3: Thoughts on the Classical Effect
  • Chapter 4: Third Person Singular: 30 cards in play, 3 selections. After the Judah shuffle, top ten cards are put aside and the rest laid out. Performer reveals the third card without seeing any of the faces.
  • Chapter 5: There Are No Words: The basic effect with no code words, just a modified shuffle and a few simple arithmetical rules.
  • Chapter 6: Poker Four-ay: 20 cards, 4 selections by four different people. All four indicate...
L. Widdop
Card Tricks without Sleight of Hand or Apparatus by L. Widdop

An excellent collection of sleight-less card tricks. Some require a confederate but in all cases the author provides alternative methods and presentations to eliminate the need for a confederate. Each effect is taught with an effective presentation.

  • I: The Four Burglars
  • II: Divination
  • III: An Exhibition Of Thought-Reading
  • IV: The Disappearing Ace
  • V: Another Thought-Reading Trick
  • VI: Hypnotic Selection
  • VII: The Four Burglars Again
  • VIII: Another Method Of Divination
  • IX: Bringing Back The Ashes
  • X: Thought-Reading Extraordinary
  • XI: Telepathy

1st edition 1914, PDF 32 pages

★★★★★ $2
Devin Knight
Improved Jumbo Pop Eyed Popper Forcing Deck by Devin Knight

NOTE: These are the instruction sheets that come with the trick. This PDF does not explain how to make up a deck.

The Jumbo Pop Eyed Popper Deck is one of the most used "trick decks" of professional magicians and mentalists from all over the world. This "secret weapon" is one of the cleanest ways to force a card without sleight of hand. This deck is drastically improved over older versions.

No more fumbling to separate paired cards. This has been a problem for many magicians. These cards have been especially prepared so you only have to place your thumb on any of the four corners and the...

★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Debits, Credits, and other Leftovers by Jon Racherbaumer

Polishing and old principle of mooted origin ...

Jon Racherbaumer explores an old but fascinating self-working trick which can be performed with any set of counters, be they cards, sticks, stones, coins, matches, business cards, bottle caps, gummi bears, ...

  • Prelude
  • Introduction
  • My Introduction To The Version With Playing Cards
  • The Quickie Card Trick
  • Beginnings
    • A Novel Card Trick (Howard L. Grant)
    • Toothpick Magic (U. F. Grant)
    • Counting Trick (Rufus Steele)
    • A Matter Of Debit And Credit (John Northern Hilliard)
  • Spin-Offs
    • Balancing Debit And Credit (Ian Baxter)
    • The Trick That Fooled Einstein (Harry Franke) ...
★★★★ $12
Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Two by Nick Conticello

Novel Concepts with Key Cards. No sleight-of-hand is needed for any of these effects. Ideal for both magicians and mentalists.

Imagine taking a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck, mixing it a bit yourself, and offering it to a volunteer for a cut. The volunteer then cuts each half separately, chooses a card from one half, and buries it in the pack himself. Yet despite these difficult conditions, you are able to locate the selected card with absolute certainty. That is the premise of this ebook.

The Straddle Key concept is a breakthrough in key card theory. I have tested this material...

★★★★ $6
Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book One by Nick Conticello

Notes on the 18 Card Trick.

Nick Conticello starts a new series of ebooks on sleightless magic with a new take on the venerable 27 Card Trick. A card merely thought of by a volunteer is revealed at a position the volunteer requests at the start. This method uses just 18 cards and needs no complex formulas or tables, just a few simple rules. Besides the basic effect, Nick adds a presentation that elevates this item from a mere puzzle to a great card effect.

1st edition 2017, 11 pages.

Nick Conticello
Potpourri Bundle by Nick Conticello

A collection of sleightless often mathematically based tricks and routines bundling three of Nick Conticello's ebooks.

★★★★★ $62
Roberto Giobbi
Card College Light Trilogy by Roberto Giobbi

The best series on self-working/sleight-less card magic now as a price reduced bundle. It is probably the most useful card series of all time, because it is not only ideal for the beginner to start learning and performing card magic, but also a wonderful series for professionals who want to renew their focus on strong and effective card routines, or for the busy professional who wants to add a couple of strong card effects without having to practice for months.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Perpetual Motion Poker Deal by Aldo Colombini

This effect was created by Bruce Cervon who gave Aldo permission to teach and release it. It is a wonderfully simple and unique poker deal demonstration that never has to be reset, because at the end of the routine the deck is ready for a repeat - ideal for table hoppers. Uses a regular deck of cards with an additional set of aces.

Aldo also teaches a number of easy false cuts and shuffles which you can use in combination with this demonstration, but they are not necessary. With a good presentation this can be just as effective as other story routines, such as "Sam and Moe" or "Sam and the Bellhop",...

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 12 by Werner Miller

More tricks based on the binary and ternary number system. Miller also exploits figures that cannot physically exist, subtly reinforcing the apparent impossibility of his trick creations.

  • Binary Dice
  • Ternary Dice
  • Day Off
  • Unreal Realities
  • More Impossible Figures
  • Zodiac Puzzle 1
  • Zodiac Puzzle 2
  • Zodiac Puzzle 3
  • Crazy Laces
  • Ariadne
  • ESPectulator
  • Dicey ESP
  • Twin Assistance
  • Multiple U/D Choice
  • Progressive U/D Deals
  • Semi-Progressive U/D Deals
  • Marching Lock-Step
  • Follow the Star!
  • Get Me Out!
  • The (Not So) Easy Task

1st edition 2017, 35 pages.

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Instant Infinity by Unknown Mentalist

Based on a classic principle, the 4 routines explained in this ebook can become reputation makers for you. Right from a rank beginner to an experienced professional, any performer can adapt these routines to his/her stature and pull off these seemingly impossible card mentalism miracles.

There is no sleight of hand and all the routines are totally hands off. The principle is completely self-working and almost impromptu. Only ordinary decks of playing cards are used - no gaffs or gimmicks are needed. The bonus is an esp routine performed with an ordinary esp deck.

No preshow. No stooges....

Nick Conticello
Potpourri 3 by Nick Conticello

A Further Collection of Impromptu, Sleightless, Mathematical Tricks

Nick Conticello is proud to present the third and final installment of the Potpourri series. Herewith is another collection of impromptu, sleightless, mathematical effects with cards. Each book has a theme, and this one is no exception. The entire ebook is devoted to what Nick calls the Australian Shuffle. (You may refer to it as the Down/Under Deal.)

The present work is concerned with three placement concepts. George Sands devised one in the mid-Twentieth Century. Nick published the second in Tarbell 7, and he is releasing...

★★★★★ $10
Michel Cayrol & Jean-Marie Beckers
A Bumblebee's Flight by Michel Cayrol & Jean-Marie Beckers

This is an important improvement of the classic Kruskal principle. Think about this: The spectator can shuffle the deck and you still know exactly where the count will end!

This ebook contains a new principle on Kruskal-counting and illustrates the principle with two effects. The first effect A Bumblebee’s Flight will lead the spectator’s dealing sequence invariably to a known/predicted card, even after a shuffle by the spectator. A version for cards taken out of a sealed box and shuffled twice by spectators is also provided. Performance and explanation videos by Tomas Blomberg are linked...

★★★★ $4
Michael Daniels
Understanding and Using Gilbreath Principle by Michael Daniels

This ebook is a beginner's guide to the famous Gilbreath Principle and its applications in card magic and mentalism. It includes two ESP-type routines:

Fingertip Sensation

The spectator shuffles the deck. The mentalist (who can be blindfold) then uses his fingertips to correctly identify the colour of cards.

Trinities Card Divination

The mentalist correctly divines attributes (colour, suit, value) of playing cards which the spectator has shuffled, dealt, and covered with his hands while the mentalist has turned away.

[Note: This ebook is a revised extract from Michael Daniels' ebook Trinities, plus an additional routine (Fingertip Sensation).

1st edition...

Nick Conticello
Potpourri 2: More Impromptu, Sleightless, Mathematical Tricks by Nick Conticello

After seeing several effects from this ebook, author and collector Doug Edwards said:

"The stuff you do with a shuffled deck and one or two key cards borders on the miraculous!"
1. TEN-IS MATCH: The performer removes ten matching pairs from the deck. These are mixed by both the performer and spectator and divided about in half by the spectator. Yet somehow all the pairs line up. Based on ideas of Howard Adams and Gene Finnell.

2. TALONS OF THE HAWK: Two volunteers each think of a card from a group of ten. The packets are lost in the deck by the volunteers themselves. The performer...

★★★ $8
Percy Abbott
49 Easy To Do Card Tricks by Percy Abbott

From the introduction:

Included in the 49 effects are some that are new and some that have been favorites of professional Magicians for years, but all of them have been tested on their merits as entertaining and mystifying tricks.

All of these tricks can be performed with any deck of playing cards, with little or no preparation beforehand, and in compiling them, it has been the aim to include only such tricks as may be performed simply with a pack of playing cards, without the necessity of any extra paraphernalia.

These tricks are easy to do, and may be performed once you have the directions...

★★★★ $7
Eddie Joseph
15 Exciting Minutes with a Borrowed Deck by Eddie Joseph

From the introduction:

The routine comprises five different effects, each able to stand out on its own merit. When combined, you will confuse the sharpest mind, the logical reason being that you appear to be doing the same thing over and over again, but you vary your secret procedure with each repetition.

All sleights have been eliminated and even if one had not done a single card trick before, he will still be able to bewilder and earn the reputation of a highly skilled card worker. The tricks are so designed that at no stage do you appear to be taking any active part — your spectators...

★★★★ $4
Eddie Joseph
Eddie's Dumbfounders with Cards by Eddie Joseph

No skill - no sleights - no moves

  • Introduction
  • The "Tobba" Mystery
  • Who Knows the Card?
  • Incredulously True
  • Two Secret Thoughts
  • Memory Phenomenal
  • Over the Wire
  • The Mystic Queen
  • One-Eye Joe
  • The Expert Cuts
  • Can You See Your Card?

From the introduction:

Now comes the question — Why bring all this in here? Merely to stress a point. ANY TRICK WILL BE CONSIDERED AN APPARENT MIRACLE WHEN THE CAUSE EVADES US. Pages and pages have been written in an attempt to define Magic. I will give it to you in FIVE words, "THE ART OF CONCEALING THE CAUSE". The better you are able to conceal the...

Nick Conticello
Potpourri: A Collection of Impromptu Sleightless Mathematical Tricks by Nick Conticello

Author and collector Doug Edwards said:

"I know a good trick when I see one, and KNOW-ALL NEALE is a good trick! It's impromptu and direct. And I like A COUNT, A BILL as well. The divination of the three digits comes as a complete surprise. Two real winners."

Tarbell Course contributor Nick Conticello returns with a new selection of close-up magic designed to be performed for small groups of friends or acquaintances.

1. Know-All Neale: 3 coin divination with fourth coin kicker

2. A Count, A Bill: Based on "It's the Principle " (Bob Longe, Sept. 2001 Linking Ring) with bill used...

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