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Self-Working or Sleightless in Cards: page 3


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Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 6 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • Separated Bedrooms
  • Royal Surprises
  • Quest for the Truth
  • Tracked Down
  • Oops!
  • Faroing
  • Milk & Spell
  • Royal Sandwiches
  • Rotary Traffic
  • Brute Force Square I
  • Brute Force Square II
  • Signed
  • diES P
  • Escalero II
  • Pasillo III
  • Equalizer Sandwich
  • Odd – Even
  • French Sandwich II
  • Windmill
  • Vis-à-vis

1st edition 2013, 28 pages.

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 5 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • Famigliola
  • DC Speller II
  • E4tless
  • Progressive Assembly
  • Puzzling Progression
  • Quarter Final
  • The Jinx Card
  • en passant
  • Sigma – amgiS
  • What Became of the Queens?
  • No Big Deal
  • French Sandwich
  • And the Color Is
  • The 17-Card Trick
  • Multilingual
  • Pasillo II
  • dESPatch I
  • dESPatch II
  • Five Matching Pairs
  • Reverse Faro ESP

1st edition 2013, 28 pages.

★★★★ $4
David Devlin
Guilty as Sin Aces by David Devlin

This is a great opener for any routine or act, which uses the four aces. The inspiration for this came from David Regal's "Deep Guilt Aces".

Before you chalk this up to "another ace cutting trick", take a look at the features:

  • No rough/smooth.
  • No short cards. No long cards. No thick cards.
  • No memorization.
  • No sleight-of-hand.
  • No "messing with the deck" after each cut. When the spectator cuts the cards, neatness doesn't count. You never miss.
  • Totally self-working!

1st edition 2013, 9 pages.

Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 3 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight of hand.


  • SIMULDU: A person rips five cards in half and splits them in two packets. One card is selected. The two packets are dealt at the same time and only two halves match: The selected card.
  • THIRTEAM: Great routine and unique principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs. Each pair totals 13.
  • REMARKOBO: You predict a number reached apparently totally at random.
  • ENTERFORCE: You reveal a selection under what seems impossible conditions, with a previously written prediction.
  • FACEY: Cards are torn in halves. A freely selected...
Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 4 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • in medio
  • ESP Roll
  • Neighborly Help
  • Lucky Star
  • ESPecial Countdown
  • ESP Sandwich
  • Better Twice
  • Sandwich Twins
  • expressis verbis
  • Elimination
  • Multiplying
  • A la Thatcher
  • Terry-ficial
  • Broad Hints
  • All Good Things
  • Quatrefoil
  • Triple Do-As-I-Do
  • Dutch Derivation
  • La Pléiade
  • Helping Hands

1st edition 2013, 28 pages.

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 3 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • No Spot Card
  • Do Not Disturb!
  • Equivalent
  • Who’s the Boss?
  • Line Dancer
  • moitié, moitié
  • And Her Son
  • Color Mate
  • Six Hearts, Six Spades
  • Private Eyes
  • More Spousal Cooperation
  • Spell the 4mula
  • This Suit, That Value
  • DC Speller
  • Welcome to the Clubs
  • A Crazy Idea
  • Pseudo Princess
  • In Between
  • Any Other Sign

1st edition 2013, 28 pages.

★★★★ $10
Nick Trost
Cardman's Packet by Nick Trost

17 card miracles requiring no sleight of hand. A great classic written by a great professional for all who love card tricks.

  • Good luck card trick
  • Lie detector
  • Topsy cards
  • An Eye popper bridge hand
  • Poker face aces
  • Bandit Round-up
  • Observation test [Note that Trost has another trick by the same title. The one described here involves four deuces. The other one is a color changing deck effect. See for example Aldo on Trost Volume 13.
  • Card puzzle
  • Ace, kings, tens
  • Kings to aces
  • Osmosis
  • Deuces again
  • Ten card trick
  • Predicted card
  • Triple Thought
  • Yankee-doodle card trick
  • Handsome bridge hand

1st digital edition 2013, 29 pages....

★★★★ $12
Dave Forrest
The Butterfly Effect: an impossible triple prediction by Dave Forrest


(This is Dave's treatment of Cameron Francis' effect 18: A Powerhouse Prediction Effect.)

EFFECT: You display a deck of cards and begin by telling your spectator two pieces of information:

  1. One of the cards in the deck has had its back altered.
  2. The deck is in a completely random order but for three cards which you have specifically positioned for the experiment.
The deck is spread face up and the spectator is asked to verify that the deck appears to be in a completely random order. The spectator confirms that it is. You begin to deal through the deck, face up on...
Biagio Fasano & Michael Daniels
Jiggery Pokery by Biagio Fasano & Michael Daniels

Jiggery Pokery is a self-working three-phase Texas Hold 'em routine for mentalists and card workers and develops a principle by Ben Harris which he published as Psi Poker. This ebook is fully endorsed by Ben Harris

"This is great. I am thrilled. BRILLIANT." - Ben Harris

"A great self-working audience-participation routine. I like this ebook very much." - Peter Duffie

"Interesting and clever" – Gianfranco Preverino

"I appreciated your work (particularly the first part about the Prediction effect which looks excellent) … not only and simply for the work itself but for the passion I found in it. Only with research can...

★★★★ $7
David Britland
Parallax: a topological miracle by David Britland

How many effects do you know that use only one playing card? Well Parallax is just that.

The performer shows a playing card (any size works from jumbo card down to regular size) . A spectator holds the card face up. He grips it firmly and does not let go until the effect is over. Nevertheless the performer turns the card face down, visibly, right in front of the spectator's eyes. Yes, the card turns over whilst the spectator is holding it. It looks quite impossible. Only one card is used and the effect is performed openly and without cover of any kind. It's a topological miracle that you...

★★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Three Jacks Bettered by Ian Baxter

Jon Racherbaumer steps forward with a very keen Introduction to this Baxter treatment of the classic Three Jacks Deal. “…celebrate and perform Baxter’s latest, evolutionary entry.” It has been around since 1928, but this version guides it well into the 21st century.

Ian Baxter has accomplished something remarkable. He has taken a wonderful classic self-working effect, that has been described and worked on by such luminaries as Walter Gibson, John Scarne, Rufus Steele, Harry Lorayne, Ed Marlo and made it even better, more direct, less dealing procedures while preserving the effect, the sleight-less feature as well as adding an additional climax....

★★★★ $12
Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 2 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller. All of the effects make use of ESP cards. In some cases a non-ESP alternative is presented.

  • Empty Net Goals
  • Another ESP Twizzler
  • 1, 2, 3!
  • Triplet
  • Rainbow
  • mm-aa-tt-cc-hh
  • Color Twins
  • Color Clue
  • 100 Percent
  • Chased
  • Old Maid
  • Parallel ESPlus
  • The Last Pair(s)
  • Latin ESP Square
  • Identidem
  • Identidem Light
  • Mirimodis
  • Two-Way ESP
  • Consonus
  • Deciens

1st edition 2012, 28 pages.

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 1 by Werner Miller

sub rosa – Latin for "in the strictest confidence"

Welcome to the launch of a new multi-volume series on original semi-automatic ("self-working") tricks, mainly with cards. Enjoy this compilation of easy-to-do, mathbased magic without any sleight of hand, created to amaze and to intrigue both the performer and the audience. Have fun!

  • Eye Candy
  • Peteresque
  • Cherchez les Femmes
  • The 13th Card
  • Girl Guides
  • Alternating Colors
  • Who?
  • in situ
  • Family Affairs II
  • Dressage
  • Halves
  • Calling for the Mate
  • From the Middle
  • My Spouse
  • Smileys
  • apart – together
  • assorti
  • Clues I
  • Clues...
Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 2 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight of hand.


  • CORSIQUIN: A person rips five cards in half and splits them in two packets after having a card selected. The two packets are dealt at the same time and only two halves match: The selected card.
  • TWO ROWDU: With a few coins you show that you made two (or three) predictions in this wonderful packet trick.
  • BOOK PAGE LINE: The name says all. A simple but very effective book test involving a book and eight cards.
  • SIMPLE TRIPLE MINDS: You will love the principle behind the routine. After a spectator deals three packets of...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 1 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight-of-hand. Except for the last effect, the routines are totally impromptu and use only a packet of cards.


  • STAKATE: A revelation of two freely selected cards and a final effect with a prediction.
  • SYMPAMATES: Five cards are torn in half and two spectators find two matching symbols.
  • COLOR QUARTET: Four selected cards are found after the packet has been shuffled.
  • EZ GAMBLE: You win in a game of poker with ten cards and three spectators.
  • BASICDU: A spectator picks a card from a packet of red-backed cards and you pick a card a blue-backed...
★★★★★ $12
Werner Miller
Enigmaths 9 by Werner Miller

Werner Miller continues with his ninth and last volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.

"Any trick requiring a sleight is not honest. You are telling a lie with your fingers. (...) A puzzle is more clever than a trick, because with a trick you cheat to get the result. With a semi-automatic effect – using a principle – one tends to feel a little more honest." - Stewart James (1908-1996)

1st edition 2011; 35 pages. Illustrated.

Table of Contents

  1. Logic
  2. The Substitute
  3. Puzzle Time
  4. "1 – 9"
  5. Middle...
★★★★★ $12
Werner Miller
Enigmaths 8 by Werner Miller

Werner Miller continues with his eighth volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.

1st edition 2011; 32 pages. Illustrated.

Table of Contents

  1. It Goes Like This
  2. Segregation III
  3. Segregation IV
  4. One for YOU, one for ME
  5. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
  6. Poker Prophecies
  7. Court-Die-ally
  8. Symmetrical Surprise I
  9. Symmetrical Surprise II
  10. Hera's Method
  11. Hera’s Method – XL
  12. Any Other Card
  13. Where Is It?
  14. U/D Swapping
  15. A Trick With 18 Cards
  16. Two, Three, Four
  17. Positions of Trost
  18. Moment musical
  19. The Hol(e)y Card ...
★★★★★ $12
Werner Miller
Enigmaths 7 by Werner Miller

Werner Miller continues with his seventh volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.

1st edition 2011; 31 pages. Illustrated.

Table of Contents

  1. Cardician’s Solitaire
  2. I’m NOT Ogen
  3. Alternately
  4. Segregation I
  5. Segregation II
  6. Four Queens
  7. Two Aces
  8. Upwards
  9. Free Cut Duo
  10. Flip Coda
  11. Similar Endings
  12. Huit Cartes
  13. Countdown
  14. Flipdoodle I
  15. Flipdoodle II
  16. Escalera
  17. Pasillo
  18. Arrowbatics
  19. OLRAM Arrows
  20. Arrow Predictions
★★★★★ $7.72
Dave Forrest
Boxflip by Dave Forrest

'Card to Box' meets 'Deck to Pocket' in this insanely visual transpostion.

The Effect: You remove the deck from its case and have a spectator freely choose any card - no force - and sign it across the face. You then place the card case into your pocket before losing the signed card back into the centre of the deck. With a snap of your fingers you claim that you have made the card jump to your pocket and appear inside the card case. Your audience doesn't believe you. But, with a totally empty hand you reach into your pocket and produce...the entire deck. The spectator turns his attention back...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Stunning Card Magic: the amazing card magic of Richard Vollmer by Aldo Colombini

The amazing card magic of Richard Vollmer. Richard Vollmer, from France, is very well known to produce card magic based above all on subtleties rather than difficult sleight of hand. In this collection, Richard gives us ten of his best routines. Study them and you will have incredible magic in your repertoire. All the effects are performed with a regular deck of cards and most of them are totally impromptu.


  • DOUBLE CHAMELEON: You show four blue-backed jokers. A card is selected from a red-backed deck (say the KC). The jokers all become four red-backed KS's and then go back to...
★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Full: Three self-working full deck effects (video) by Cameron Francis

Performed by Cameron Francis himself. Stacks can allow you to perform miracles under the fairest and cleanest conditions imaginable. Stuff you just can’t do impromptu. Stuff that will seriously blow your spectator's minds. This download DVD contains three such effects. Each trick requires a full deck set up and each one is self-working. Just add presentation and stir vigorously. The three effects use completely normal decks which, after the trick is over, can be shuffled up and used to produce all sorts of impromptu miracles. All of them make very good openers. Give at least one of these effects...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Please Hold by Aldo Colombini

After the huge success of the first DVD on tricks you can perform over the phone (Can You Hear Me Now) here comes the sequel with new exciting stunning routines to perform over the phone (or for live audiences). This time, not only with cards but with other objects as well.

Here’s the contents and the contributors:

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Pre-Deck-Ability by Aldo Colombini

An unbelievable prize winning routine with a regular deck of cards!

A stunning self-working routine. Three different predictions are taken from a pad of paper and given out, one to each of three spectators. A deck of cards is shuffled and cut into two halves. A spectator cuts a portion from one half, turns it face up, and shuffles it together with the other face down half creating a topsy-turvy condition (a packet of face up and face down cards.) The spectator cuts any amount of cards from this face up and face down portion, turns it over, and shuffles it with the remainder of the deck which...

★★★★★ $10
Dr. Bill Cushman
Telephone Bill by Dr. Bill Cushman

Take a bit of “Miraskill,” a twist each of Mirabill and “A View To A Skill” and mix with “Minimal Miraskill.” Between Stewart James, Herb Zarrow, John Bannon and Dr. Bill, you will have one of the strongest effects possible to perform over the telephone.

The good doctor had been seeking a way to perform Mirabill over the phone ever since its release but it seemed impossible. Until now.

Telephone Bill looks and sounds different than any of the above but utilizes James’s original brilliant principle and is every bit as squeaky-clean as Mirabill. Live and in person it is mind bending. But over the phone? Your audience...

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