First of all let me explain that this Coins Thru Table routine can also be used as a Coins Across routine, which is a routine I've been using for about 28 years while table-hopping.
This routine is unlike any other routine you've seen. 5 coins are used (one contrasting coin) and all are regular coins. No shells, no hidden props, no gaffed coins are used. Carry these 5 coins in your pocket and you will be ready to perform an impromptu miracle that will really "shake up" your spectators. And it's simple to do. In addition, there are NO weird sleights or 'knuckle-busters' used in this routine....
AA3Fly stands for "Anytime, Anywhere" 3 Fly. Using just 4 ungimmicked coins, you are prepared to perform a stand-up coin routine suitable for almost any venue. Start clean and end clean, with the coins examinable and your hands otherwise empty, both at the start and the end of the routine. You'll learn several novel ideas to wring the most magic out of 4 normal coins. This routine also includes my patter for the effect.
1st edition 2016, length 13 min
"The most visual balloon trick I've ever seen" - Dan HaussYou borrow a coin from a spectator. You ask the spectator to sign the coin, on both sides, to verify that it is their signed coin that you are using. You show the spectator a balloon and ask them to place their signed coin inside the balloon. You then inflate and tie off the balloon. For effect, you can shake the balloon to verify that the signed coin is still inside. You then proceed to do the impossible; you start to pull..."BIG THUMBS up on this. It's clever, it's easy and people are amazed by it." - Zombie Magic (themagiccafe)
Roly-Poly is one of the most commercial close-up tricks you can do, it is quick and easy to do. It's perfect when you have less than a minute to impress someone. I used this effect in my strolling restaurant gig for over seven years. This often got better response than some of my other effects. Kids love to watch this, and it always generates smiles and laughter. This was taught during my 2010 lecture tour and was well received by the magicians in attendance.
The effect is that you show an ungimmicked quarter (any quarter size coin can be used in foreign countries). You start rubbing the...
Learn some classic moves followed by new moves, routines, and ideas for routines for the Miracle Coin Panel Board. This ebook will inspire you to create your own moves and own routines. (Coin Panel Board is not included with this purchase.)
You've probably seen one. Perhaps you've even owned one. Then you gave it a try, gave up, and put it in your drawer of unused magic stuff.
Well, it's time to break out your coin panel board. EVILDAN has taken the board and breathed new life into it. You will learn about different types of boards currently available, which ones work better than others,...
This must be the most "overlooked" coin magic book ever published. The material, by Eddie Joseph, is unusual and original. There are items for both close-up and stage work; sleights, flourishes and routines. In this illustrated volume you will discover thirty coin vanishes; twelve coin changes; forty-five new moves, tips and gimmicks; ten combination moves utilizing coins and matches and thirty-seven close-up tricks and routines. This material, available nowhere else, is a potential "goldmine" for the coin worker!
This is a 2 ebook bundle consisting of Absolute Coin'cidence and Ultimate Coin'cidence. If you already own Coin'cidence or purchase along with this, you can get this 2 ebook bundle for half price.
You need to have Coin'cidence to understand the contents of this release.
The tremendous response to the innovative Coin'cidence principle and routines has pushed it to the very top of the hotlist. Now this 2 ebook bundle contains 20 killer routines with the Coin'cidence principle. Also there are 3 bonus ideas for you to develop on.
Absolute Coin'cidence
This ebook contains 9 amazing routines with different themes...
An impromptu piece of close-up mentalism that uses no gimmicks in which you demonstrate clairvoyance (or mind-reading), then your participant does - and then you finally show that you had predicted everything!
The effect: You and your participant each have a collection of coins before you on a table. You and she take turns secretly flipping over your own coins until she is completely satisfied that neither of you could possibly know the heads-tails orientation of the other’s coins. You now cover a coin of yours and she covers one of hers. Yet you are able to tell the orientation of her...
The owners of this ebook can get Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidence for half price.
This is a routine which defies categorization. It is inexplicably weird and amazingly powerful.
It can be performed with your own coins or borrowed coins. With your own business cards or borrowed business cards. It can be performed with real coins or even with imaginary coins.
The performer makes a prediction on the back of his business card and keeps it face down in full view right before commencing the routine. A participant is asked to make a free choice from among 5 coins, real or imaginary. After the participant lands on a coin,...
None of the Above is Scott F. Guinn's anytime, anywhere coin routine that uses just one coin and nothing else; no extra coins, no tricky coins, no gimmicks, no secret utility devices. (The only utility device required, if you want to call it that, is that you must be wearing a shirt or jacket with a left breast pocket.) It includes the complete, commercial con man/hustler-themed storyline that will hook your audiences and reel them in. Like all of Scott's books, the writing is thorough, understandable, and conversational, accompanied by clear and helpful photographs.
From the introduction: ...
#4 in Scott F. Guinn's "Sit-Down Coin Magic" Series, Three-Piece Combo is a coin routine that really packs a punch. This professionally routined, multi-phase coin routine flows from one sequence to the next in a magical ride building up to a knockout climax!
From a coin purse clasp (no bag attached) three silver coins are visually extracted. One of these changes into a Chinese coin with a hole in the center.
The two silver coins travel, one at a time, to magically join the Chinese coin in your closed fist. Next, all three coins are seen and heard to be placed in your closed...
This e-book presents two amazing Matrix routines plus a bonus..."Coins Thru Table" with a cool subtlety!
Color photographs explain the moves.
These two coin/card matrix effects are designed to play one after the other for an amazing routine. The first 2-Card Matrix uses four coins and only two cards with some funny patter. All four 4 coins gather to the "leader" card. This routine is real "eye-candy". You are now set to move seamlessly into the second 4-Card Matrix.
This second matrix routine is a reverse matrix that uses 4 cards and 4 coins - they all gather to the leader and then...
Live from the European Close-up Magic Symposium 2012. This routine is taken from Giobbi's professional repertoire. It is his revised and expanded interpretation of a coin assembly created by the famous Japanese magician Shigeo Takagi (from the book Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi, published by Richard Kaufman). Here Roberto has devised a presentation that makes everything more magical. A true act of magic. This is artistic Close-up Magic at its finest.
EFFECT: The performer shuffles a deck of cards and fans them out, explaining that he will use the two cards wherever the spectator says, "Stop." At the spectators indication the performer stops and removes the two cards at that point. Both hands and both cards are shown on both sides and without further manipulation the two cards are placed together face to face, and a silver dollar is seen to slowly emerge from between them.
After rolling up his sleeves and again showing his hands empty, the performer picks up the deck from the table and shuffles it again. The cards are fanned out, and again...
This is new, revised, and enlarged edition of an old favorite. Almost everybody owns a folding coin - and there are now excellent new ones on the market. Now everybody can learn what to do with the trick.
This is number three of the Paul Diamond "Gems of Magic Book" series.
A sequel to Magneticoins, introducing more of the authors' novel creations, adaptations and presentations in the new and fascinating field of magnetic numismatic legerdemain.
1st edition 1973, PDF 66 pages....
This manuscript describes fifty close-up tricks, gags and stunts with coins - none of which require sleights. Many new ideas are employed - including new dodges that open up a new field. Every magician should be able to perform one or two coin tricks. Choose from the many in this manuscript.
PDF 6 pages
This is number one of the Paul Diamond "Gems of Magic Book" series.
Featuring a varied collection of the authors' novel creations, adaptations and presentations in the new and fascinating field of magnetic numismatic legerdemain.
1st edition...
One advanced coin move - three awesome applications
NP technique is a coin move with three applications:
1st edition 2014, length 14 min 40 s.
In the coin routine Fred Miser, three silver coins change to copper one at a time, and then back to silver. Although you will need gaffed coins (a sun and moon coin and a half dollar from an unexpanded shell set), the gaffs allow for very clean displays and make the routine relatively easy to perform. This is a coin routine performed in the hands, which automatically resets.
As an added bonus we have included Raymonde's handling for Royal Magic's "Coin Funnel," which is like a chop cop routine using ungaffed or even borrowed quarters, and ends with a surprise production. The routine is performed...