Twenty-five excellent tricks are concisely explained by Lloyd E. Jones for this excellent piece of mechanical coin magic. Nicely illustrated, too. The Dime and Penny ebook makes an old trick modern and definitely establishes it as one of the classics of magic.
No difficult sleights are required, no bulky apparatus, every move is described. You'll deceive your friends for days on end with the excellent magic effects possible with this one piece of mechanical magic. It's doubtful that any book devoted to a single pocket trick has ever featured such good magic as is given in this book.
Here's a compendium of 13 of Bob Hummer's unique, mind-blowing stunts for magicians and mentalists. A baker's dozen mentalism and magic effects using cards and coins. Each one seems utterly impossible, yet they work every time.
This includes just the physical coins only. For routines you must already own any of the ebooks In-spy-ring or Con-spy-ring or 1089 Refreshed & Reloaded.
The Inspyring Coin comes in two finishes – Glossy and Antique. They are only sold in packages of two with one being glossy and the other antique.
Inspyring Coin is specially created for the purpose of performing coin mentalism routines -- zero sleights involved. Most of the routines are self-working. Yet the routines are easy to learn and perform so that you can focus fully on your presentation.
Just pop your Inspyring Coin into your wallet or pocket, learn the routines, and you...
Coin routines and moves explained in video and text.
Similar product from Fred Kaps but on cards is: Kaps on Kards.
PDF 10 pages; video length 20 min
A classic publication with wonderful coin magic, some card tricks and cut and restored rope. Slydini adopted some routines from Benzais.
Effect: A collection of coins of different denominations is displayed on the table. The right hand is kept well away from the coins, which are then gathered up one at a time by the left hand. The left and right hands are closed into fists. A magical gesture is made, and all of the coins vanish from the left hand and appear in the right hand…but wait…one of the coins failed to go across. The coin is picked up with the left hand, the hands are closed into fists, a magical gesture is made, and the final coin travels from the left hand to the right hand.
This “Instant Coins Across” routine...
Inner secret coin magic after decades revealed. Detailed written instructions with dozens of photographs to assist in the learning of all the moves and new coin sleights. A full workers routine which may be performed in part of in whole depending upon the performance environment. Honed and refined in the underground over decades to its fundamental entertainment and performance simplicity. Promises kept for decades that portions of this material would never be performed before magicians and only performed before laymen so as to keep the exclusivity of the methods underground. Only now available...
This coin magic was instrumental in Roy's invitation and multiple performances at the by invitation only FFFF convention, as well as for his 2017 combined IBM/SAM close-up competition act.
A collection of wonderful coin routines.
You borrow a coin from the audience, then tell them to sign the coin. Next you put the coin on the floor. You then step on the coin and immediately slide your foot from your shoe, revealing that the coin is totally inside the shoe.
1st edition 2018, length 9 min 36 s
A totally self-working mystery that can be constructed for very little time and expense that leaves your audience completely puzzled.
Display a penny. Cover it with a matchbox. The penny has changed into a dime. Open the matchbox. The penny has traveled into the matchbox.
1st edition 2018, 3 pages + video
This famous book, now republished in three easy to handle ebook volumes. Illustrated with dozens of line drawings by Eric Lewis. The finest coverage of billiard ball work in print, excellent material on coins, and a large number of variety tricks in the Buckingham style and tradition.
Marlo's coin magic has a wonderful imaginative quality. He does things with props you've had around for years and you wonder why you didn't think of it.
A three-phase, coin box routine with no difficult sleights. Perfect for the magician who doesn't do coin magic but wants to add an astounding effect to the repertoire. Can be performed close-up and surrounded. Included is Bob's "Beat the Devil" bizarre patter story.
You will need one Boston Coin Box and two Okito Coin Boxes to perform this routine.
M.D. "A blast to play with ... I have been having so much fun ...."
R.R. "... (The routine is) a classic, down to professional quality patter."
D.S. "A real nice piece of work ... great ideas and routines ... I ... was quite impressed...
1st edition ~1940, PDF 14 pages.
This is David Devlin's pet coin box routine.
EFFECT: This routine employs four half dollars along with a copper English Penny, and a coin box. The coins are dumped out of the box onto the table. The coins may be examined by the spectators. The performer reaches into his pocket and brings out a copper English Penny, which may also be examined. The copper coin is placed aside for a moment while the performer places the silver coins in a vertical row on his right hand side. The copper coin is placed into the box, and the lid is placed on top. A silver coin is placed into the left hand. A snap...
1st edition 1941, 31 pages; 1st digital edition 2017, 26 pages....
One of Dai Vernon's favorite casual effects. The double vanish and reappearing of a coin.
1st edition 2017, 4 pages.
"I just got this today, it's great! Sometimes, the simple tricks are the best. I've already shown it to some people, and it really DOES get a big laugh. Thanks!" - Dave D.Effect: Here is a very novel comedy close-up prediction effect that your spectators haven’t seen before. Almost everyone carries a cell phone nowadays, and most all of the cell phones have a calculator. Tell your spectator that you have made a prediction and that it is contained inside a small coin envelope. Tell him the envelope contains some coins that will predict a number he will create at random, from a number...
On November 26th and 27th 2010 the first European Coin Magic Symposium brought 16 magicians from all over the world to Milan for 2 days of non-stop coin magic, with lectures and performances, private sessions and gala shows. The routines in this issue are among the best and shot live at the symposium. All routines are complete with performance and explanation.
GIACOMO BERTINI: "Magnetic Coins"
One of the best coinbox routines of his repertoire, presented by one of the most famous creative coin men.
Amazing routine for stand-up workers. Intermediate/Advanced level.
DAVID ROTH: "Winged...