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Coins, Chips & Buttons in Magic & Mentalism: page 3


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Only 3Fly by MS

Only 3Fly is one of MS' pet effects with 3 coins. The flavor of a fingertip coin across without any gimmicks or invisible assistant, just 3 coins, 2 hands and a coherent routining. Learn today a totally practical routine suited for walkabout and cocktail performances.

"A nice variation with just 3 coins. Definitely an effect worth learning and studying" - Marion Boykin

Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Purse by Fred Kaps

From a manuscript written by Fred Kaps.

The descriptions are almost entirely Fred Kaps' own, taken from the manuscripts in his handwriting. Changes of words or grammar have only been made where the meaning could have been in doubt had Fred's terminology been used. Fred Kaps' Purse uses techniques by Fred Kaps, fully explained and illustrated with original photographs.


This is one of my pet effects that I practically always carry with me because I can do the routine anytime, anywhere, without any set-up.

The effect is: you show an elegant little purse frame...

★★★★ $7
3+MS Gadabout by MS

Learn a super practical 3 coin routine suitable for walk-around and impromptu performances. 3 invisible coins appear and behave in a magical way. Instant Reset.

"I like it, nice idea." - Marion Boykin

"Keep up that absolutely fantastic coin work you do." - Mickey Silver

Summer Vanish by MS

A visual single coin vanish employing the Curl Palm and Mutobe Palm.

"Yes, this is very well done and quite clever." - Marion Boykin

"His technique is very different than the ones I have seen." - Vinny Marini

★★★★ $7
One: visual coin routine by MS

A visual one-coin routine. Produce and vanish a coin several times. You end clean with nothing to show in your hands.

1st edition 2011, runtime 6min 3s

★★★★★ $25
Radek Makar
Eastern Moves by Radek Makar

"The clips do look impressive." - Jonathan Townsend (the creator of 3fly)

"Radek Makar is a magical breath of fresh air when it comes to coin magic. Radek takes all the hard moves and makes them easy to learn and with a little practice, much easier to do. I love his stuff and you will too as Mr. Makar cuts himself some real space with this one and and enters the room of top coin men and shows them a thing or two or three from the East." - Marion Boykin

Creating something truly amazing and novel in coin magic is quite a bit more difficult than say with cards, because the amount of possible...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Easy Money Magic by Aldo Colombini

Ten routines with coins and banknotes (no fake props). Coin magic is usually very difficult to do, and requires sleight of hand and manipulation. In this download DVD, you will find ten very strong routines requiring basically no sleights at all.

The routines are:

  • HALF DIVINATION (Didier Dupré): You predict which coin is selected and if the coin is heads or tails up.
  • MONEY MAKES MONEY (Clayton Rosencrance): You display a dollar bill, fold it, snap your fingers and a coin materializes from the bill.
  • PIN-ATRATION (Anonymous): You wrap a piece of paper around a coin and stab a pin through...
★★★★ $10
Radek Makar
Therm-o-Chromic by Radek Makar

"I encourage you to check out Radek's work, you'll be very glad you did." - Marion Boykin

"That looks great R, it looks like a winner." - Mano Tejeda

"Just got this and I can't wait to dig into it!" - Ben Salinas

Thermochromism is the ability of a substance to change color due to a change in temperature. That’s exactly what you will cause to happen in one of the two routines described in this manuscript. But that is not all, you will teleport coins, have them penetrate your pocket and have them change shape. Two amazing routines from the hot new coin expert Radek Makar. And...

★★★★ $5
Radek Makar
Into Thin Air by Radek Makar

This is a two part routine - vanish three coins, one by one, and reproduce the same three coins again one by one.

The reason Radek prefers to first vanish coins and then make them reappear, as apposed to have three coins appear and then vanish them, is the fact that you can do this routine with borrowed coins. You start with examined coins and then show a miracle which is much stronger than the other way around. You borrow coins or take them out of your pocket – at this point there is no doubt these are just three regular coins. Magic starts when you vanish them. When the coins are re-produced...

★★★★ $10
Radek Makar
Eni-Where by Radek Makar

Original and good new card tricks appear frequently, but new amazing coin tricks are much much harder to come by. Eni-Where is one of those rare effects which will fool you badly. This move allows for a perfectly clean production and vanish of a regular coin. There are no gimmicks, no pulls, magnets or other stuff. Before I say more watch the video demo below. It is pure magic.

This is such a fair and clean production that you will think this is a doctored video. To be honest when I first watched it that is what I thought. But it is exactly what you will be able to do once you know how it...

★★★★★ $15
Victor Farelli
Convincing Coin Magic by Victor Farelli

A Practical Treatise on Coin Sleights and Effects with 54 explanatory photographs and diagrams.

Farelli was regarded by his fellow magicians as "beyond all other writers on conjuring in that he sought not only to explain the 'how-to' in minute detail, down to the last crook of the little finger, but he also threw in a thousand asides—the origin of the trick, a bibliography, alternative props or moves the performer might use, a quote from David Devant, the psychology behind the feat, audience reaction to it, and tips on practicing" (Robert Lund). Contains a select bibliography of coin magic.

Paul Fleming wrote: ...

★★★★★ $6.50
Jim Coles
Influence by Jim Coles

You could start this effect like this:

Have you ever known a great salesman? I mean the kind of person who consistently outperforms his colleagues, who’s able to maintain a high level of sales even during economic slumps? Some years ago I became aware of a study of such individuals, and what was especially intriguing is that each seemed to have the innate ability to project his will upon others, to influence prospective customers in such a way that they invariably did what he wanted. I began to wonder if it was possible to hone one’s own influence to such a degree, and I’d like to share...

★★★ $4
Jeff Stone
Dream Vacation by Jeff Stone

The Effect: The magi weaves a story of smuggling Pesos across the Mexican border. Then demonstrates by placing a signed Peso in one hand and an empty (just examined) film canister in the other hand. The spectators hold onto the hand with the peso to keep it from escaping ... yet the other hand (no where near the peso hand) shakes the Film Canister ... silence ... silence ... then suddenly you HEAR the coin appear in the canister. It can be immediately handed to a spectator to open. No switches, no dups and everything is examinable before and after the performance. Don't believe me? Watch the...

★★★★★ $15
Scott F. Guinn
U.N. Coin Box Routines by Scott F. Guinn


Two powerful and commercial routines using Okito-type coin boxes (Boston Box and a Slot Box) and international coins with gaffs.

You will need a range of gaffs:

For Routine # 1:

  1. Two copper/silver coins (C/S), one side showing a US half dollar, the other an English Penny.
  2. One each of the regular matching coins--an English Penny and a US half dollar.
  3. An English penny expanded shell (EXP).
For Routine # 2:
  1. Three Chinese coins that are the size of a half dollar
  2. An expanded shell Chinese coin (CES) to match
  3. An expanded shell half dollar (EXP) ...
Scott F. Guinn
Two Sides of the Same Coin by Scott F. Guinn

Three powerful coin magic routines with "tricky coins"--professionally routined, complete with patter! Easy of execution, but strong and commercial!

Scott has held nothing back: the routines are masterfully explained, profusely photo-illustrated, and include all the subtleties and nuances, along with complete, professional performance scripts! The three effects can be performed one right after the other to form an entire coin set--in fact, that's exactly how Scott performs them. There is good variety between the routines, and audiences absolutely love all three.

Kung-Fooled - a twisted...

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Twilight Passage by Scott F. Guinn

This is the first installment of Scott's "Sit-Down Coin Magic" Series. Combining two classic plots of coin magic ("Twilight" and "Coins through Table"), Scott has come up with a powerhouse of coin magic that Guy Camirand called "A beautiful routine!"

A large silver dollar is dumped from an elegant box, and the box set aside. A mirror is held up to the coin. The coin's reflection is pulled out of the mirror--there are now two coins! The two coins are placed in front of the mirror. One at a time, each coin and its reflection are pulled away, leaving you with FOUR coins! The coins magically...

Scott F. Guinn
Three Killers by Scott F. Guinn


Not only are these routines powerful and commercial, they are easy to learn and perform! These are the three most-performed coin routines from Scott's arsenal--the bread and butter material he has used to make a living for years. Scott has held nothing back: the routines are masterfully explained, profusely photo-illustrated, and include all the subtleties and nuances, along with complete, professional performance scripts! The three effects can be performed one right after the other to form an entire coin set--in...

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
That's How We Do It! by Scott F. Guinn

You begin by explaining and demonstrating an old stunt known as "coin snatching." You explain that this is actually a very competitive pursuit, complete with its own competitions and world records. You relate an experience you had at one such competition, demonstrating the action as you proceed:

A cocky New Yorker claimed he had a new, much more challenging technique for coin snatching, going horizontally rather than vertically. After successfully demonstrating his technique with a stack of quarters, you remark that he then exclaimed, "I'm from Brooklyn, and that's how we do it!"

One bystander,...

★★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Sparring Partners by Scott F. Guinn

#3 in the "Sit-Down Coin Magic" Series, this double coin box routine is an absolute stunner!

Two small brass boxes with lids are shown empty. The lids are replaced. After a magic gesture, one of the boxes has 4 silver coins in it! These are dumped into a spectator's hand (they can be examined) and then replaced in the box. The lids are placed on both boxes. Suddenly, the box with the coins is empty, and the other box now holds the coins! Just as suddenly, the coins jump back to the first box!

Next, the 4 silver coins instantly and miraculously change to 4 copper coins! These copper coins...

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Silverdusted by Scott F. Guinn

#2 in the Sit-Down Coin Magic series, this is one of Scott's most acclaimed coin routines. You introduce a saltshaker filled with "coin concentrate" (silver glitter). You sprinkle a little of the dust onto your obviously empty hand, squeeze, and a half dollar appears in your hand! You decide to demonstrate the special properties of this coin, making it vanish, reappear, penetrate the table, turn into a foreign copper coin and back to a half dollar! Finally, with a squeeze and a crumble, the coin dematerializes back into the shaker, and your hands are absolutely empty!

This routine is visually...

★★★ $2
David Roth
The Coin Roll (Steeplechase) by David Roth

This is a beautiful flourish where one or more coins roll across the back of the fingers. Both Nate Leipzig and Allan Shaw claim to have invented this move. Al Goshman did a wonderful version where a coin rolls up and down his hand. Extreme variations go as far as rolling eight coins, four on each hand.

runtime 6 minutes 38s

★★★ $22.50
Scott F. Guinn
My Best To You: Coins by Scott F. Guinn

This is Volume Two in the "My Best to You" series. Containing 13 gems of coin magic excerpted from Scott's long out of print books, this material has been edited and updated, with loads of tips, finesses, new handlings, and additions that weren't in the originals.


Unique plots and twisted classics, all...
★★★★★ $15
Scott F. Guinn
Great Scott's Matrix Routines by Scott F. Guinn

Do you like the Matrix effect? Here are four versions of this classic effect of coin magic, each with "the Guinn touch", plus an entire comedy script, straight out of Scott's professional performing repertoire, meaning you're really getting FIVE routines! This fun, funny, and exciting story will grab your audience's attention and lock it in place right up to the big finish!

This ebook has recently been drastically expanded to include extra nuances and finesses. In addition, all the required moves and sleights are explained, in the lauded clear style Scott has become famous for. The table...

★★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
The Gemini Book by Stephen Tucker

Stephen Tucker is the magician who prefers a clever gimmick over a difficult sleight. That is not to say that he isn't capable to execute some of the most difficult sleights - and you will get a taste of those in this ebook, too. But the real strength here are Stephen's clever gimmicks and uses for common items and the fun and amazing routines he constructs with them.

  • 13 card miracles
  • 9 bonus effects (originally published in the Talon)
  • 27 futuristic coin routines

1st edition 1983, original 73 pages, PDF 109 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction

    PARAGON - card effects...

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