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Coins, Chips & Buttons in Magic & Mentalism: page 4


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★★★★★ $10
Ray Noble
Brother Can You Spare a Dime by Ray Noble

This routine uses 4 coins and a borrowed paper bill. Three of the coins are the same style while the 4th is different. Ray uses three silver coins and one gold colored coin when he performs this routine. The odd coin (gold) is laid on the close up mat and a bill is placed over it. Next the magic starts to happen without any clue as to how it is being done. One by one the other three coins are picked up and vanish from your hand and travel beneath the bill. Each time, the spectator picks up the bill to find the traveled coin. The first coin vanish is so complete there is shock and awe on the...

★★★★★ $19.95
Deepak Mishra
Vaniss: five coin vanishes by Deepak Mishra

Five impromptu coin vanishes at your fingertips.

Vaniss is a collection of five coin vanishes all performed at the fingertips. Imagine being able to make a regular coin vanish at the very tips of your fingers. Learn five different methods to do exactly that. This is all sleight-of-hand without any gimmicks.

You will learn:

  1. Boom-Bam Vanish
  2. Flow Vanish
  3. Strange Vanish
  4. Tip-Tip Vanish
  5. Trace-less Vanish
Please note that some vanishes are not angle proof and can only be performed one-on-one or for a small group of people. Some use sleeving techniques. Difficulty varies but is generally...
★★★★★ $30
Wesley James
Stop Fooling Us! by Wesley James

The Wesley James Magic Castle Lecture

Not everyone will immediately recognize the name Wesley James. Those in the know will. For many years Mr. James has been an underground secret. During his many years as a professional he refused to lecture for magicians or publish the effects he used in his professional performances. Since Mr. James has retired from performing and has lectured for magicians. Stop Fooling Us! are the lecture notes from his first lecture series.

"One of the best sets of lecture notes I've seen in quite some time. Top notch stuff! and a good value." - Harvey Rosenthal ...

★★★★ $5
David Devlin
Heads, I Win. Tails, You Lose! by David Devlin

A really strong piece of mentalism that is impromptu and can be performed literally in every single performing situation is not too easy to find. This, however, fits the bill beautifully.

Effect: The mentalist places a business card onto the table. The audience is told that there is a prediction underneath the business card, but that it will not be shown to them until later. The performer reaches into his pocket (or wherever) and brings out three invisible coins: a nickel, a quarter, and a dime. The spectator is told to imagine that she sees them. The performer lays the imaginary coins in...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Ken Brooke's Okito Box Routine by Aldo Colombini

This is probably the best routine ever created for the Okito Box. In the hands of the legendary Ken Brooke, this routine was a masterpiece. You will study the Master Move, the best way to secretly turn over the box. Once mastered, you will be introduced to a four-phase entertaining routine with simple props.

The effect, briefly is: A coin is in the box which is placed on top of a cardbox. The coin penetrates the cardbox. The effect is repeated. Then the coin disappears and reappears inside the box. Finally, the coin penetrates the hand of the performer! If wanted, everything can be examined. Detailed...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Ping Pong Routine by Aldo Colombini

A great routine with coins in different phases. The performer holding a Chinese coin and a silver one separately in each hand, joins them together in one hand. The Chinese coin is then placed in a small box whilst the silver coin remains in the hand holding a chopstick. The Chinese coin, as by magic, leaves the box and becomes impaled on the stick, while the silver coin is found in the box. The Chinese coin penetrates the stick, while each end is held by a spectator, and becomes free. Both the coins held again in the hand change places, penetrating the fold of a handkerchief. The routine is...

★★★ $20
Gerard Zitta
Coin Games by Gerard Zitta

Two hands off and impromptu effects you'll do for the rest of your life at any moment notice, and every time you'll meet somebody because they are fun to perform, simple and practical.

"Man both routines are very very clever! I love them! Especially the heads and tails one!!! I definitely use them! Well done mate!" - Romanos, creator of GERTI/Silver swindle

This ebook is a combination of the simplest plots you can perform in Magic: HEADS or TAILS? and WHICH HAND? They can be done separately as well.

The routine:

Take your wallet and casually throw a $100 bill (or just $1...but...

John Gelasi
Mixing It Up by John Gelasi

Four new effects using cards and coins.

"Good stuff! I really like the quarter trick ("25 Cents")." - Cameron Francis

"I really enjoyed watching these clips." - John Carey

Meet Chip: A fun, easy, and commercial routine with a signed poker chip.

A Chance Meeting: It's gambler vs. mentalist vs. magician time - hold on to your hats, people.

25 Cents: You predict a randomly chosen coin; simple but effective coin magic to liven up any card act. Includes a great variation by John Carey!

It's Still a Mystery: My short, snappy approach to the mystery card plot, inspired by Paul Gordon and John Carey. ...

★★★★★ $5
Peter Eldin
Silver, Copper, Brass Routines by Peter Eldin

Three Coin Routines using a Copper-Silver-Brass and "Visible Coin Thru" (Swadling) coin set

  • Routine One: Uses CSB set and a jumbo half dollar
  • Routine Two: Uses CSB set and Swadling coin (flipper) with Visible Coin Thru
  • Routine Three: Uses CSB and Visible Coin Thru (flipper and regular half) sets and a glass

1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2013.

★★★★ $10
Nick Trost
Coinman's Packet by Nick Trost

20 mystifying coin tricks using ordinary coins. No sleight of hand required!

Another great classic from Nick Trost. In this manuscript you will find the following tricks:

  • Heads Up!
  • Nu-way coin guess
  • Three stacks
  • Coin game
  • Nu-way coin game
  • The coin clock
  • Four coin divination
  • Heads or tails
  • Double Headed coins
  • Topsy - turvy coin stack
  • Count the coins
  • Two coin across
  • Coin guess
  • Four and one
  • Four and one again
  • Tails up
  • Follow that coin
  • Tramps & Chickens
  • Heads & tails puzzle
There are some clever ideas here that you will not easily find elsewhere. If you love card tricks,...
★★★★ $14.95
Andrew Galloway
The Ramsay Legend by Andrew Galloway

John Ramsay was known for his clever use of misdirection. Probably his most famous quote is

"I work alone, but I have an invisible assistant—Miss Direction."—John Ramsay

His use of misdirection was so good that he often badly fooled his fellow magicians. Ramsay was a sleight-of-hand master with coins and thimbles, but worked essentially with all objects including cards, ropes and cups and balls. Lots of clear line drawings by Ralph O. Evans.

1st edition 1969 Goodliffe Publications; 2nd printing 1975 by Magic, Inc., comb-bound, 63 pages; 1st digital edition 2013, 93 pages. ...

Ravi Mayar
Quick Tac by Ravi Mayar

Physically impossible! Show a sealed tic tac box, show a ten pence coin, then spit blow the ten pence into the sealed tic tac box and hand it out to the spectator.

★★★★ $8.95
Geoffrey Buckingham
It's Easier Than You Think Volume 1 by Geoffrey Buckingham

This famous book, now republished in three easy to handle ebook volumes. Illustrated with dozens of line drawings by Eric Lewis. The finest coverage of billiard ball work in print, excellent material on coins, and a large number of variety tricks in the Buckingham style and tradition.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Sleight-of-hand manipulation may be any of many things, ranging all the way from the bald display of manual dexterity that is sometimes called "finger-flinging" to the beautifully conceived and charmingly executed performance of a Downs or Cardini. It's Easier Than You Think is the work of an English amateur...

★★★★★ $15
Peter D. Harrison
Moments: close-up magic with cards and coins by Peter D. Harrison

18 close-up card and coin effects plus extras taught. Over 145 pages of in-depth instructions with colour photographs. First in a series of new ebooks.

Some praise for effects included in Moments:

"Peter is the real deal. Buy everything this man sells!" – Justin Miller

"All I can say is Wow!"Cameron Francis

"Not that I need say it but this is GENIUS!! Thank you Peter!!" – Ben Williams

"A must have! Amazing!"Alan Rorrison

"BUY THIS! Very clever…" – Cody S Fisher

"Peter is a creator who totally gets it. Doesn't get any better than this."Josh Zandman


Catalyst Got Your Tongue?...

★★★★ $15
Mark Stone
Coin Ditcher Gimmick: for vanishing coins by Mark Stone

Based on an old concept that has been seriously rethought to create a simple and practical device; it allows for complete vanishing of coin gaffs and regular coins of any size up to jumbo 3" coins.

  • Coins can be made to reappear after being vanished.
  • No jacket, cummerbund or long-sleeved shirt is required.
  • The Coin Ditcher is made using readily available, low-cost materials. It requires light metal cutting using a hacksaw or angle grinder. Once made it should last a lifetime.
  • Includes 71 pages of easy-to-follow, step-by-step crystal clear photos and instructions on how to make and correctly...
★★★★ $25
John McLachlan
Goldfinger: Stand Up Coin Mysteries by John McLachlan

Develop your coin magic skills and presentations.

John McLachlan, and six of his magic colleagues in Toronto, present a 112 page eBook of coin magic to help you enchant and entertain. They begin with a dozen relatively easy Cool Moves which can be used almost immediately for impromptu quick effects at the coffee shop or in small groups. These are also used as building blocks for the more than a dozen Performance Pieces. (It is assumed the reader knows basic coin moves such as palming and your time is not wasted by repeating what most magicians know.) There are, however, some astonishing moves...

★★★★ $19
Mark Stone
Coin Rattle Gimmick 2.0 by Mark Stone

The Coin Rattle Gimmick provides the illusion of vanishing several real coins after having been shown placed and heard rattling inside the magician's hand.

The Digital Coin Sound System uses an inexpensive, readily available gimmick that imitates the sound of coins falling and spinning inside a coffee mug and then vanishing from the mug.

This thoughtfully developed system allows the magician to present the effect in short sleeves, with complete freedom, with nothing to palm and nothing to get rid of.

Includes 50 pages of easy-­‐to-­‐follow, crystal clear photos and instructions...

Stephen Ablett
The Money Project by Stephen Ablett

This download DVD features six full routines, all about Money.

One Coin Routine (Gimmick)
A coin is produced, then two more. Two of the coins vanish, upon which the last coin turns into a Jumbo with a kicker ending.

One Coin Routine (Impromptu)
An anytime, anywhere one-coin routine including productions, transpositions, vanishes, penetrations and with numerous endings to choose from.

Three Coins Routine
Three coins are produced, followed by a three-fly routine, a coin swallowing routine of which they all vanish and then has several different endings.

Shopping Spree
Five banknotes...

★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Cards and Coins Parade by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Ten routines with cards and coins.


  • A BOOK IS BETTER (Aldo Colombini): A selected card vanishes from the deck and reappears in a book at a page randomly selected by a spectator. Easy to do. No palming.
  • SHADES OF SILVER (Cameron Francis): An easy ‘shadow’ (assembly) coin routine using only four coins and your hands, with a backfire ending.
  • COIN WRAP (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and replaced. You try to produce the selected card but you fail. Then, you decide to do a coin trick. You perform a couple of very strong transpositions with a copper and a silver coin. At...
★★★★ $20
Giacomo Bertini
Revolutionary Coin Technique by Giacomo Bertini

"Giacomo Does some of the finest and most innovative magic I have ever seen." - David Roth

"On our recent European tour, Roth and I were fortunate to spend time with someone who has techniques that will ROCK the coin magic world." - Michael Rubinstein

"Bertini's coin magic is not like anything I have ever witnessed in well over half a century of doing coin magic. It is nothing short of incredible. It truly looks like 'real magic.' All of his techniques are ground-breaking and far more refined than anything I have ever seen anyone else do before." - Harvey Rosenthal

"Bertini is the...

★★★★★ $15
Mark Stone
Cosmar Coin Gimmick by Mark Stone

Utility holder/vanisher

Step-­by-­step explanation with detailed photos on how to build and use this practical coin utility device (two-­gimmick set).

Each gimmick allows for secretly holding, retrieving, producing or vanishing five half-­dollar coins or four dollar-­size coins or for producing one or two 3" size coins. If used with palming coins, the gimmick will hold double the number of coins.

With easy-­to-­follow visual instructions and readily available low-­cost materials, this 47-­page ebook shows how the gimmicks can be made in minutes. Includes directions for proper...

★★★★ $5
Radek Makar
Eastern Moves: Video Vol. 2 by Radek Makar

You will receive 30% discount on this video if you have bought Eastern Moves (the ebook) before or if you add it to your current order!

Hypnotic Spellbound is a spellbound just like any other -- a few different color changes of a coin in one sequence. There is one sleight difference. There are two common ways of performing Spellbound. One of them is a show of pure skill -- the magician changes the coin's color one time right after the other without saying anything. The second most common type is the same as above but the magician also describes what's happening -- "the coin changes color from... to..." etc.


★★★★★ $2
Radek Makar
Eastern Moves: Video Vol. 1 by Radek Makar

Radek received many queries to issue his Eastern Moves ebook as video. For some it is easier to learn a move from video instructions. Radek listened and decided to issue seven videos covering each part of Eastern Moves.

This is the first part including the chapters of 'Useful Moves' and 'Flourishes' including:

  • Flint Click Pass
  • Ladder Tenkai Pennies
  • 2K Vanish
  • Bevel Slide
  • FPV Change
  • Roll and Slide Vanish
  • Zipper Vanish
  • Arm Roll
  • Triangle Roll Down
All purchasers of the Eastern Moves ebook will receive this video for free. (Check your digital shelf.)

"Crazy cool deal from a Coin Magic Guru!" - Ben Salinas


EZ Wild by MS

You will need a gimmicked coin for this routine. Start with three half dollars and change them into copper coins.

EZ Wild is the easier wild coin effect. 3 coins, no extras. One by one changes into a copper coin, finishing with surprising backfire. New moves and sequences.

Displaying 151 to 174 (of 246 products)
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