A Copper/Silver transportation in which the performer's hands never touch the coins.
A copper coin in the hands of one spectator changes places with a silver coin in another spectator. The performer is across the room and never touches the coins at all! No gaffs or gimmicked coins. Everything can be handled and is.
This effect can easily combine with other C/S effects, and the unique "Tweener" method can be applied to other effects.
1st edition 2021, 4 pages.
A clean and fast transposition of two poker chips.
Only two poker chips are used - nothing extra is required. This trick is based on an original coin effect by Sol Stone, to whom this ebook is dedicated.
"Love the poker chip transposition. Easy to do and really practical -- it's a good example of why and when to use the Spellbound Change. This is a quick trick I'll use." - Ed Brown
1st edition 2021, PDF 2 pages.
Entertaining tricks and amusements with coins.
From the introduction:
This volume has been subdivided into three parts. The first part, comprising tricks necessitating special coins or apparatus, will involve a little outlay. This outlay, however, is not a big item, and a few shillings spent at one of the conjuring depots, whose addresses are to be found among the advertising matter in this book, will place the reader in possession of some really effective tricks. That is, provided the performer carefully follows the detailed workings given in the book; he should then be able to amuse...
Forget for a moment what you know about classic theory, and discover a different way to look at misdirection, particularly in the world of video clips and zoom meetings. Bertini demonstrates how this applies to coin magic, but the concept remains valid for any type of close-up magic.
1st edition 2020, video 3 min 50 sec.
"Within the inner circle of coin magic, the work of Giacomo Bertini has been known and respected for years." - Stephen MinchForget what you think you know about the Classic-Palm, and discover a brand new way to approach the most important coin sleight. This is Giacomo Bertini's most complete video tutorial on the "Classic-Palm. It includes details not previously explained.
1st edition 2020, length 10 min 20s.
GIACOMO BERTINI: "Cylinder & Chips"
This is his easy version of the famous coin routine. Giacomo uses poker chips instead of coins and his own gimmick, which you can buy from him. He created this routine for professional use, such as when working at event dinners, and in any difficult situation, anywhere. The effect is amazing, like the classical version, but in this case, the routine is really easy to perform, and the hands are really empty, in front of the spectators. Very beautiful routine for stand-up workers. Beginner level.
DARYL: "The Manly Matrix"
This is a wonderful version of the classic...
On November 12th and 13th 2011 the second European Coin Magic Symposium brought 16 magicians from all over the world to Milan for two days of non-stop coin magic, with lectures and performances, private sessions and gala shows. The routines in this issue is a selection of the best. They were shot live at the symposium, and they are very impressive and strong. Expect some knuckle busters as most of the contributors in this issue are the best names in the Coin Magic genre. All routines are complete with performance and explanation.
GIACOMO BERTINI: "Matrix Colors"
You can see this amazing...
An excellent coin vanish made famous by Al Flosso, called "The Coney Island Fakir", taught to the author by Flosso himself in the 1970s. It is within the skill range of even the most untutored student of coin magic. It is highly deceptive while being completely natural in execution.
1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages, video 35 s.
This startling coin routine, "Three-Way Spellbound with Kicker," enables you to casually display a coin at your fingertips and magically change it into several other coins one-at-a-time. In the end, a silver dollar appears from out-of-nowhere as a surprise kicker.
Connoisseurs' Coins Through ... a definitive routine, one of the finest ever for the coins through table. The work of Vernon, Slydini and a host of others combined to give the easiest handling with the maximum effect. In this routine several coins pass repeatedly through the table. You begin with six coins. Three of the coins pass through the table top two times. Then you eliminate two coins and repeat the penetration through the table with four coins. Again, you eliminate two coins and repeat the trick with two coins. At the end you eliminate another coin and repeat the penetration a last...
Effect: Show an empty bottle and a coin. Visually toss a coin in to the bottle and the coin will melt through it. The bottle is then handed to the spectator for inspection and to keep. Spectator cannot find any holes or gimmicks. Also, you can do this effect with a bottle full of water or any drink. Requires two gimmicks which are easy to prepare.
1st edition 2020, length 3 min 51 s
The following effect, Twist and Untwist, enables you to practice and perform your "Steeplechase" coin roll with impunity - no more worries of dropping the coin.
1st edition 2020, 3 pages.
Charles Morritt was able to hold the entire theatre audience spellbound with what was, in essence, a pocket trick. After inviting two members of the audience onstage he would allow them to figuratively change places, thus transcending and descending their social classes using only two purses and four coins. Two copper coins, held by the "workingman", and two gold coins, held by the "uppercrust", change places while being held in purses by each witness. This updated version replaces much of the skill required by substituting gimmicks that can easily be made at home, while retaining the powerful...
This is an exceedingly clever and versatile way to gimmick a coin to create a stunning and visual effect. It works with many coins including US quarters, half dollars and dollars, some Euro coins, as well as many other coins from various countries.
Effect: You ask a spectator for a coin. The spectator or performer marks or draws something on the coin. You show your hands empty and you show the coin clearly from both sides. At this point there is no secret second coin involved. You simply move your finger across the face of the coin and the drawing instantly changes, either vanishes or transforms...
A large coin is made to spin on its edge around the inside rim of a metal basin.
This effect was popular over a hundred years ago with all types of performers both for parties and at outdoor venues. The high keening sound made by the coin attracts a large crowd of onlookers who become fixated by the combination of sight and sound.
You will receive both a PDF and a video.
1st edition 2019, 4 pages + video length 23s.
Note that different moves and techniques have been called 'Gypsy Switch' over the decades. See for example a technique to switch bills using an envelope: Gypsy Switch. The technique described here by Jon Racherbaumer uses a handkerchief and is mostly used with coins, but the basic technique is flexible and utilitarian, which means any object that is conveniently flat and compact can be switched for a similar object, using a handkerchief. This includes objects such as coins, poker chips, billets, cards (business and torn playing card pieces), and folded currency.
In its antecedent form this move appeared...
A gradual transposition of three silver coins and three golden coins with an unexpected climax. Two routines.
Many methods have been devised for the classical effect wherein three coins pass invisibly through space to join three more. "Dubbelkross" and "Simulkross" are two further variations on the same theme; but, not only are the methods altered, the effects are, too. In fact, "Dubbelkross" represents the first attempt (as far as I know) at giving this transposition a definite climax. "Simulkross" does not pretend to give a startling climax, but is interesting because coins pass simultaneously...
A clever gimmick that allows one to secretly introduce four coins singly from a deck of cards.
Al Schneider's Matrix is a classic. It didn't take long for magicians to invent ways to produce the four coins from the deck. Notable contributions stem from Ray Mertz, Don England, Paul Harris, Nick Einhorn, Michael Broden and others.
With this humble contribution, Alexander de Cova joins the row and offers a version to produce the coins singly from the deck in the course of an Ace cutting routine.
Of course, there are many variations and handlings possible with this gimmick. Play around and find your...
"This is new to me. I have not seen anything like it. Your touches make it a miracle vanish. Very clean - very natural. Excellent." - Michael CloseCoinvelope is Alexander de Cova's latest creation. With this super simple (and therefore reliable) gimmick envelope you can vanish a borrowed, marked coin and have it reappear anywhere. The vanish is absolutely convincing and easy to do. The diabolical envelope does most of the work."What a brilliantly simple, devious and clever idea! It is so deceptive, I love it!" - Nick Einhorn
The envelope can be constructed literally within seconds, without using...
You can almost smell the popcorn and hear the screams from the roller coaster as the magician unfolds the game board to demonstrate this seldom seen scam entitled Capture The Coin. With two coins placed on a checkerboard-like mat, the mark attempts to beat the game operator by moving in turn their coins one square at a time. If the mark successfully eludes the operator's coin from catching (moving into the same intersection of the lines as his), the mark wins. If the operator corners the mark's coin and then moves his coin into the same intersection of lines as the mark's coin, the operator...
A very well constructed method and routine for the classic coin in the bottle effect which does use a solid coin.
Even though there are many good routines, they all seem to have flaws. Most detrimental is the fact that a folding coin’s elastic band can break at an inopportune time, and another problem is that whenever a performer has to access a pocket to retrieve or ditch a coin it becomes a suspicious move.
These problems are dealt with nicely during Ray Roch’s Impossible coin in the Bottle routine. The hands never leave the performance area and always remain in sight. A solid coin...