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Magazines & Journals in Magic & Mentalism: page 2


Genii Magicseen Magic Sphinx Jinx Magigram Oracle Hugard's Magic Monthly Gen Pabular Minotaur Club 71 - The Magician New Pentagram Spell-Binder Magic Wand Seance Scrapbook Magic Menu New Tops Swami Mantra Hermit Pentagram New Conjurors' Magazine Hierophant Magical Arts Journal Feen-X Tops Ireland's Year Book Chap's Scrapbook Mahatma Card Shark Cardiste Gimmick MagiZette Mojo Stanyon's Magic Magazine Online Visions Blueprint Wizard (Armstrong) Max Andrews' Magic Magazine Chicanery Mind and Magic Magazine Other Stuff Sticks and Stones Derek Lever's Magic Mag Kabbala New Sorcerer Sorcerer The Book That Doesn't Exist Enigma Katterfelto Magazine of Magic Pansylvania Seven Circles Bat Mentalist Psycho Gizmo Magic Is Fun Hoax Blackstone Magic Comics Magical Bulletin Society of Sleight of Hand Artists Hard Copy Magical Monthly Trixy Magazine Legacy Magazine Goldston's Magical Quarterly Vanish World Around Us Deceptions Tweak Conjurers Chronicle Australian Magic Monthly Abacus Cramp Magical World At Ease Pallbearers Review Magic the Magazine of Wonder Eulogy Conjurers' Monthly Magazine Mystery Magazine Wizard (Selbit) Stone Cold Magic Magazine Conjuring Record G-d D--n Truth About Magic Magic Nest Top-Notch Comics Magical News Ghosts Magical Mail Top Hat Abraca-Poof Magic Roadshow


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★★★★★ $20
Stephen Tucker
Abacus Tuckered Up by Stephen Tucker

A collection of Stephen Tucker's 18 contributions to Al Smith's Abacus magazine.

1st edition 2007; 37 pages.

  1. Play It Again Sam
  2. Out Of His Dimension
  3. Blackpool Blockbuster
  4. Imogination
  5. Spell My Number
  6. Thotdek
  7. Lady Luck
  8. Done Up Like A Dog’s Dinner
  9. Matterix
  10. Polygraph Pasteboards
  11. Pretty Polygraph
  12. The Return
  13. Shirning
  14. Faro Hate
  15. Staid Stacked
  16. Utility Poker
  17. Utility Poker Utilised
  18. Two Keys To Baldpate
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 20 (May 2008) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2008; 72 pages.

Cover: Singh

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. She's Got The X-Factor - Ning (Part 2)
  5. News
  6. Joshua's [Jay] Balancing Act - Owen Packard - article
  7. In Search Of The Holy Grail - ACAAN - Mark Leveridge - article
  8. ACAAN Reviews
    • Autobahn - Dave Forrest
    • ACAAN - Stephen Tucker
    • Route 01 - Dave Forrest
    • Number At Card - in Some Tricks - Anthony Owen
    • Meant To Be ... - John Born
  9. ACAAN Masterclass
    • EZ ACAAN - Marc Paul
  10. South Tyneside Leads The Way - convention review by Graham Hey
  11. Amardeep Singh Dahnjal: Dubai Yellowbrick Road!...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 4 (September 2005) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 1, No. 4, September 2005; 72 pages.

Cover: Andy Nyman

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. My Audience With Paul Daniels - show review by Anthony Boe
  5. News
  6. Rafael Benatar: Hitting All The Right Notes - interview
  7. Dirty Tricks: 4 Gets Dirty On Friday Nights - new TV series review starring Barry & Stuart, Pete Firman, Ali Cook, Jonathan Goodwin, Rajan and Binde - interview
  8. Radio Magic - Jay Fortune & Layman Steve - profiles
  9. Reviews
    • Edward George Brown: a magical life - Paul Gordon - book
    • Corporate Close Up With Martin Sanderson - DVD
    • Golden Welding - Practical Magic - effect ...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 19 (March 2008) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 4, No. 1, March 2008; 76 pages.

Cover: Geoffrey Durham

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. The Ning Dynasty (Part 1) - interview by Graham Hey
  5. News
  6. Magic In South Africa - article by Chris van der Maas
  7. Masterclass #1
    • Anybody For Nuts? - Colin Underwood
  8. [Ian] Keable Comes Out On Top! - show review
  9. Masterclass #2
    • The 'Happy Birthday' Trick - Trevor Duffy
  10. Dealer's Booth - Gycklaren Magic Marketing - profile
  11. Ken Brooke: 'Return' of a magical legend - obit/tribute by Steve Cook
  12. Geoffrey Durham, speaks his mind! - cover interview by Jay Fortune
  13. Reviews ...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 18 (January 2008) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 3, No. 6, January 2008; 72 pages.

Cover: Matthew J. Dowden

  1. Cover: Photo of Matthew Dowden, who the cover tells us is our new favorite magician. The cover also tells us that Magicseen has been voted "The World's Best Magazine" by the Magicseen staff.
  2. "Welcome to Magicseen." Mark talks a bit about Zakary Belamy, a photographer of magic stuff who did NOT play Dick Tracy in the 1940s. Besides telling us what's in the issue, Mark tells us that Magicseen has hit its third year (This was in 2008.) and that they've reduced the subscription so that each issue will cost only two pounds. Of...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 17 (November 2007) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 3, No. 5, November 2007; 68 pages.

Jay Sankey reflects on his former life as a stand-up comedian and discusses his unlikely role as creator, producer, and host of "Spellz," a new Canadian television series designed to teach children the art of magic. He also presents his view of the line between legitimate instruction and exposure.

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. Boris Wild: In this interview, Boris talks about his L&L DVD project. Among other things, he also discusses creativity, the value of English, and a sneak peek at some new stuff he's working on.
  5. News
  6. So You Want to...Market Your...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 16 (September 2007) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 3, No. 4, September 2007; 68 pages.

The feature article covers Juliana Chen's triumphant rise to magic stardom and concludes with a revealing interview about performing, life off stage, and her plans for the future.

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. Martin Duffy's review of Kennedy's show "Peer6"
  5. Juliana Chen
  6. A collection of heckler lines and anecdotes
  7. Where's Ali Bongo? (Hint: He's everywhere)
  8. A familiar sounding tale of a new magician's frustrated soon-to-be ex-wife
  9. Comedy Special
  10. Pro's Pointers: Comedy advice from performers like John Archer, Noel Britten, Noel Qualter, Pete Firman,...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 15 (July 2007) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 3, No. 3, July 2007; 68 pages.

Cover: David Stone

  1. Welcome to MagicSeen – editor’s letter
  2. Meet The Team
  3. Letterbox
  4. News
  5. The Think Tank, DB Or Not DB? – Jay Fortune - satire
  6. Girls Allowed! - Women In Magic – interviews with several female magicians
  7. So you want to be a … Commercial Close Up Magician – Mark Leveridge - article
  8. Kernow Magic Adventures: A Message from Our Sponsor
  9. Reviews
    • Comic Book Test & Stag Mag-ic – S. A. Lea - trick
    • Unexpected - Marc Spelmann & Peter Nardi – 2 DVD set
    • Cool – Steve Cook – ESP trick
    • Blow By Blow – Jerry Luff...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 14 (May 2007) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2007; 68 pages.

Cover: Luis de Matos

  1. Welcome to magicseen – editor’s letter
  2. Meet The Team
  3. Letterbox
  4. News
  5. Mathieu Bich: The Man Who Can Make Miracles - interview
  6. Keeping In Contact: Start-Up Guide To Contact Juggling – Lawrence Turner - article
  7. Think Tank, Creative Thinking – Jay Fortune - article
    • Faking It
    • Cutting The Cr@p
  8. Billy Bongo and his ‘Magic Circle’ of friends! - humor
  9. Nick Einhorn: Bright Young Thing! - interview
  10. Welcome To The Prestidigital Pleasuredome – article on the Prestidigital DVD magazine by Russell J. Hall
  11. Luis...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 13 (March 2007) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2007; 76 pages.

Cover: Wayne Dobson

  1. Welcome to MagicSeen – editor’s letter
  2. Meet The Team
  3. Jay [Sankey] Brings Joy! – interview
  4. Letterbox
  5. News
  6. Blackpool Convention Special
  7. Monster Bunch – a magical Frankenstein
  8. News
  9. Jonathan Goodwin, Bitten & Twisted - interview
  10. Wayne Dobson, Our Kind Of Magic! – main feature
  11. The Think Tank, Creative Thinking – Jay Fortune - article
  12. David Taylor’s Mental Breakdown - article
  13. Kernow Magic interview with Kenton Knepper, The Killer Is Back!
  14. Web Of Deceit, A Guide To Buying Magic On The Internet, Part 1 – Mark Leveridge...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 12 (January 2007) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 2, No. 6, January 2007; 68 pages.

Cover: Dynamo

  1. Welcome
  2. Letterbox
  3. News
  4. Andrew Murray, Smooth Operator - interview
  5. Reviews
    • Thirteen – Andrew Murray - DVD
    • Birthday Card – Wayne Dobson - trick
    • Telepa-Three – Jeff Pierce – ESP trick
    • Emergency Cash – Steve Shufton - trick
    • The Ultimate Floating Match – Steve Shufton - trick
    • Before I Forget – Mark Elsdon - DVD
    • The Dog’s Bo*%!*ks – Paul Gordon - trick
    • Corner of Picadilly – Paul Gordon - trick
    • Tearable Sessions – Ben Williams – 3 card tricks
  6. Whatever Happened To Wolfgang Riebe...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 11 (November 2006) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 2, No. 5, November 2006; 68 pages.

Cover: Paul Daniels

  1. Welcome
  2. Letterbox
  3. News
  4. Half-A-Minute-Heroes – magicians reveal their personal heroes
  5. Literary Examinations – Mark Leveridge – book tests article
  6. Book Tests - The History – Max Maven
  7. Book Tests Reviews
    • The Dracula Book Test – Alexander Black & Troy Cherry
    • The Economicon – Al Smith
    • The Sherlock Holmes Inductive Test - Alexander Black & Troy Cherry
    • The Master Key – Terri Rogers
  8. Book Test Masterclass
    • Dictionary 600 – Stuart Bowle
  9. Antonio [Romero] Has All Angles Covered! - interview
  10. The...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 10 (September 2006) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 2, No. 4, September 2006; 68 pages.

Cover: Paul Kieve

  1. Welcome
  2. Letterbox
  3. News
  4. Where Do Magic Tricks Come From or “Do It My Way Once Son, Before You Improve It” – Brian Caswell - article
  5. Reviews
    • The Real Secrets Of Magic DVD (Vol. 1) – David Stone
    • Razor’s Edge – Jay Sankey - trick
    • Gunslinger Pro – Steve Cantwell - trick
    • In Flight – David Regal - trick
    • World’s Greatest Magic of the World’s Greatest Magicians – DVD set
      • Card Warp
      • Cigarette Through Quarter
      • Finger Ring Magic
      • Dinner Table Magic
    • Crystal Card –...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 9 (July 2006) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2006; 68 pages.

Cover: Graham P. Jolley

  1. Welcome
  2. Letterbox
  3. News
  4. J C Sum, The Ace In Asia - interview
  5. Stephen Tucker, Privately On Parade - interview
  6. No Small Deal - review of the 4Fs Convention
  7. News
  8. Reviews
    • Joshua Jay - Close Up, Up Close - DVD Volumes 1, 2, 3
    • "Diablo" Cigar - John Rogers - gaff & trick
    • Ultimate Floating Match - Steve Shufton
    • Amazing Magic & Mentalism Anyone Can Do - DVD Vol. 1 & 2 - Jay Sankey
    • Mini Magic Switchboard - Wellington Enterprises - trick
    • Ice From Water - Andrew Gerard - trick
    • More Derivative Pish - Euan McCall...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 8 (May 2006) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 2, No. 2, May 2006; 72 pages.

Cover: Shahid Malik

  1. Welcome
  2. Letterbox
  3. News
  4. John Archer, A Tonic For The Troops interview
  5. Radio Magic Extract - short interview with Jeff McBride
  6. News
  7. In The Phonebox with Barry & Stuart - phone interview
  8. Reviews
    • Educating [John] Archer - 2 DVD set
    • Barking Dog - Etienne Prader - trick
    • How To Handle Hecklers - Keith Fields - book
    • The Wizard PK Ring - utility prop
    • Victor Farelli - A Magical Memoir - Paul Gordon - book
    • Confessions Of A Celebrity Psychic - Jonathan Royale - book
    • Sean Carpenter's General Magic DVD
    • Duality - Gary Jones - card...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 7 (March 2006) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2006; 76 pages.

Cover: Anthony Owen

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. Paul Gordon interview
  5. Reviews
    • Confessions Of A Hypnotist - Jonathan Royale - book
    • Impossible Combination - Anthony Bee - close up menatalism
    • The Magic of Paul Potassy - Ewe Schenk & Michael Sondermeyer - book
    • Mark Worgan's Take On Comedy? - Mark Worgan - book
    • A Touch Of Curry - Paul Gordon - card trick
    • Dobson's Choice TV Stuff, Vol. 1 - Wayne Dobson - DVD
    • Dobson's Choice TV Stuff, Vol. 2 - Wayne Dobson - DVD
    • Drink-O - Anthony Bee - trick
    • Over And Back! - Mark Lee - card trick ...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 6 (January 2006) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 1, No. 6, January 2006; 72 pages

Cover: Luke Jermay

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. Wayne Dobson: Always a Class Act - article/interview
  5. News
  6. Linking To The Past - Linking Rings article
  7. Linking Ring Reviews
    • The Linking Ring Set - World of Magic - (8) 10" rings
    • The Chinese Linking Rings DVD - Bob White
    • Whit Hayden's Comedy Four Ring Routine DVD - Whit Hayden
    • The Ninja Rings Set - Shoot Ogawa - (4) 4" rings
    • The Ninja Rings DVD - Shoot Ogawa
  8. In The Phonebox with Steve Best - phone interview
  9. Reviews
    • Fr. Roger Crosthwaithe's SBS Tribute - The Magic Circle - DVD ...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 5 (November 2005) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 1, No. 5, November 2005; 72 pages.

Cover: The Twins

  1. Welcome to Magicseen. Mark Leveridge tells us what's in the magazine, just in case we skip the table of contents. He reminds us that this is the special Australia issue.
  2. Copyright information. Staff list. Reproduction of the cover, in case you didn't notice it on the way into the magazine.
  3. Letterbox. Letters from readers. Some controversial, some not. At least one letter on a previous issue's feature on magic in France. Some harsh words about an IBM convention.
  4. Table of Contents.
  5. Two pages of news, which was current at the time...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 3 (July 2005) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 1, No. 3, July 2005; 72 pages.

Cover: Marc Paul

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News: Objectives Achieved! A news story about the opening night of Derren Brown's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" tour
  4. Kenton Knepper interview
  5. News
  6. Reviews
    • B.I.P. Book 2.0 by Scott Creasey - mentalism
    • Deeper And Deeper by Jonathan Chase - stage hypnotism
    • Mind2Mind DVD by Marc Paul - direct mindreading
    • Everybody's Magic - 60 simple straightforward magic effects
    • Shoot In Hollywood DVD - Shoot Ogawa - advanced coin and card magic
    • Stealing The Show: The Ultimate Pickpocket Guide - James Freedman ...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 2 (May 2005) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 1, No. 2, May 2005; 76 pages.

Cover: Paul Zenon

  1. Welcome to magicseen - editor's letter - Mark Leveridge
  2. Letterbox
  3. Next Issue
  4. News
  5. Noel Britten: At That Funny Stage - interview
  6. Noel Britten Live! At Hull University - show review
  7. Cups & Balls - article by Mark Leveridge
  8. Cups & Balls Reviews
    • El Duco's Golden Cups And Balls Set
    • Brett Sherwood's Silver Engraved Cups And Balls Set
    • The Complete Cups And Balls Book - Michael Ammar
    • The Complete Cups And Balls 2 DVD Set - Michael Ammar
  9. Reviews
    • The Grail - Mike Rose - card effect
    • Escalator - Gaeton Bloom - card effect
    • Supalok...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 1 (March 2005) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2005; 72 pages.

Cover: Ali Cook & Pete Firman

  1. Welcome to magicseen – editor’s letter – Mark Leveridge
  2. news
  3. Post Bag - letters
  4. Derren Brown: The Only International Man of Mystery – article/interview
  5. subscriptions
  6. Reviews
    • Secrets Of A Commercial Card Magician, Volume 1: Paul Gordon – audio CD
    • The War Magician: The Man Who Conjured Victory in the Desert – David Fisher – historical book
    • Some Tricks – Anthony Owen - book
    • Five Little Ducks – Harry Parrott - effect
    • Red Herring – based on Monkey Nuts by Ian Adair - effect
    • There’s...
Chuck Smith & Chris Smith
Enigma 6 by Chuck Smith & Chris Smith

This is the final two disc issue.

  • A Profile of Mark Wilson
  • A Profile of Lee Grabel
  • Jeff McBride's Mystery School
  • One on one with Terry Seabrooke
  • The many faces of Taylor Martin
  • A Tour of the Houdini Museum in Scranton, PA
  • Card effects and theory with Ed Ellis
  • A visit to Fantasma magic shop in New York City
  • An interview with Steve Bargatze
  • A tour of Marshall Brodien's home museum
  • Kid and corporate magic with Tommy Jones
  • Terry Evanswood and the Magic Beyond Belief show in Pigeon Forge, TN
  • The midnight tour of the Colon cemetery
  • New York City's Edison Hotel magic meeting
  • Jay Leslie's historic...
Chuck Smith & Chris Smith
Enigma 5 by Chuck Smith & Chris Smith
  • Veteran magician Jack Kodell discusses his many firsts in magic, including creating the world's first bird act and performing in Las Vegas
  • We travel to Pigeon Forge, TN for the 33rd Winter Carnival of Magic and find a genuine warmth toward all magicians
  • Fantasio sits down with Stylesmith and reveals the secrets of his success, starting with his immigration to America
  • Lecture star Tom Craven gives Stylesmith an idea of what it's like to constantly be on the road throughout the fifty states.
  • If you've ever wondered what it takes to take an illusion show on the road, Aaron Radatz gives you the low down.
  • Stylesmith...
★★★★ $29.99
Simon J. Lea
Katterfelto #1 by Simon J. Lea

Katterfelto magazine will be quarterly and available as a hard copy full color magazine or an e-book. (Here at the Lybrary only the e-book version is available.) The hard copy version will be sent out with a free gift.

Anyone purchasing the e-book version will be able to purchase the free gifts at a significantly reduced rate. All you have to do is email Simon at to claim your discount.

For the first edition the free gift is the Pocket Book Test. If you purchase this ebook you can get the Pocket Book Test for £6.00 (+s&h). For a description see further down...

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