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Marketing, Selling & Business Matters in Magic & Mentalism: page 5


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★★★★ $10
Dave Arch
Magic Kits For Everyone by Dave Arch

Differentiating your show in the magic market on something other than price can be a constant challenge. Here's one strategy Dave Arch has used successfully throughout his career. Imagine being able to offer a free Magic Kit for everyone in your audience and then teaching them three magic tricks they can use to amaze and amuse their family and friends. In this fifteen minute video, Dave shares with you how he builds his kits for around fifteen cents apiece, the three tricks he teaches, as well as how he routines and presents those tricks in his show.

1st edition 2018, length 15 minutes 53...

Keith Parr & B. W. McCarron
How To Book Your Act by Keith Parr & B. W. McCarron

Aimed primarily at the magician who desires to work clubs, casinos and taverns, this ebook reveals how to get your act booked, even if you don't have an agent.

The authors, who've combined to give performances in 30 states and Canada in clubs, taverns, theatres and on TV, reveal the secrets that booking agents and working professionals don't want you to know. Not only does it cover how and what to include in your advertising, it provides tips on structuring your campaign to answer questions that your clients want to know.

Learn how to separate yourself from the rest of the pack, with these...

Dave Arch
Tested Trade Show Tactics by Dave Arch

Have you ever dreamt of performing your magic and making upwards of $3500 per day plus expenses? If so, then the trade show market might be something to consider. Watch as trade show veteran Dave Arch shares his top trade show tactics - including how he started and built his client base. And in addition to the video, this package provides you with a seven page MSWord (.docx download from your digital shelf) document that you can customize to use as a handout in training the sales team who'll be partnering with you in the company's booth - adding to your brand of expertise as a true sales professional...

★★★★★ $7
Dave Arch
Paper Paradox by Dave Arch

Have you ever seen the paper puzzle where you try and find a hidden message or picture without tearing or ripping the folded paper? If not, you can see it here:

You'll be taken step-by-step in this instructional video as you learn to make The Paper Paradox (without any complicated origami folds) for your own fun (and/or marketing). You'll also receive an MSWord template for customizing to your own message (download from the digital shelf). Prospects sure keep this puzzle longer and show it to more people than any business card.

1st edition 2018, length 6 min 30 s.

Brian T. Lees
Get the Second Booking by Brian T. Lees

Competition for performances today is more intense than it every was. Organizations are comparing information on large numbers of performers. Loyalty remains. But being the previous entertainer, only for the reason he/she worked it before, is not always the hiring factor. Individuals/agents are now looking beyond the cost. The non-documented elements are starting to carry a lot more weight in the hiring decision.

A dear friend once said that it is better to position yourself to be hired over and over, then to make one deposit and never perform again. That statement carries a lot of weight....

Brian T. Lees
Marketing Outside the Box by Brian T. Lees

Marketing does not have to be expensive. Newspaper, radio, and television are good sources, but they can cost a lot of money. There are other activities magicians can do to advertise their services. Many are free, and others have minimum expense. Some magicians only use these sources. This type of marketing works well for them.

To tap into these sources the magician must start to think outside the box. One must reach beyond those expensive venues and get their name out to potential customers through different media and activity. The magician must get creative, carving out exposure to their...

Will Alma
Money from Magic by Will Alma
  • How to secure Engagements.
  • What's what about your printing.
  • How to get a mailing list.
  • What fee to ask.
  • What to do after an entertainment.
  • Hints on arranging your programme
  • Etc.

9 pages

★★★★★ $8
John Booth
Forging Ahead in Magic by John Booth

John Booth takes you behind the scenes with 136 top-notch magicians, revealing a whopping 555 methods to improve your act and make it more profitable.

A true classic of magic, available in a revised, updated edition for present and future generations of performers of all skill levels and abilities. The author, a professional magician and author of Marvels of Mystery, bares the secrets of these eminent performers. These are secrets that are not to be found in other books. He tells you what they did to achieve success as a magician. He gives you facts and figures on how to use magic, how to "sell" yourself and...

★★★★ $3
W. G. Magnuson
How To Make Money with Mind Reading by W. G. Magnuson

Here is a rare release from the past by G. W. Magnuson. In the 40s, he put out a booking system for mentalists. It showed an easy way to get into theaters with your mind reading show. This system was used by most of the prominent mentalists in the 40s and 50s including Bob Nelson.

Believe it or not, this almost forgotten system still works today, but on a more limited basis. If you are a mentalist looking to fill in some of your open dates, then you may find Magnuson's ideas to be of use.

In the 40s and 50s, many top names mentalists were using this system to make a good living, while others not...

★★★★ $49
B. W. McCarron
Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book and give private readings to clients after your show to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart booklet. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you.

Your audiences will flock to the sales...

Frances Marshall
How To Sell By Magic by Frances Marshall

This manuscript was published as a guide and a handbook to the exciting field of industrial magic. This may be the blueprint for a brand new career for you. See what experienced performers in the past have done. You can make magic pay big dividends when it is used as: A crowd stopper in Trade Shows and Convention booths, in Super Markets, Grand Openings. To capture attention in sales and pep meetings, to put over the commercial in merchandising shows. To put color, life, excitement into any talk on any subject. To make any speaker "come alive". In commercials on TV. This ebook tells what to...

★★★★★ $8
Robert A. Nelson
Manual of Publicity and Exploitation by Robert A. Nelson

This revised and updated handbook is Nelson's answer to your insistent demand for vital information on publicity and exploitation.

The Manual tells you a score of ways how to get free front page publicity - effective newspaper and magazine tie-ups - question and answer columns - merchant tie-ins - radio and TV guest appearances - publicity and exploitation stunts that mean more and better bookings at higher fees.

Learn how to properly sell your act to the Public - The Bookers - The Theatres Clubs and All Buyers of Entertainment. After all, without proper advertising, publicity, exploitation...

Devin Knight
How To Not Get Arrested At A Gig by Devin Knight

Did you know you could be doing things at your gigs that could get you arrested or lead to hefty fines? I know in the past I was guilty of doing some of these things which led me to write this e-book. In my opinion this is the definitive work on avoiding getting busted at a gig.

To the best of my knowledge, this is the first e-book written entirely on this subject. It was written to protect entertainers and should be considered a must read for all performers. It's a shame that I have to write this PDF, but unfortunately there are things that entertainers could be doing at their shows that...

Robert A. Nelson
How to Book Your Attraction by Robert A. Nelson

Even with a fine show, extraordinary talent and natural ability, you can still fail to be a financial success, simply because you don't know how to book your attraction.

This ebook will show you, as a clever mentalist, where and how you can book your show and work every day of the year. There's plenty of work for the psychic entertainer who wants to work, if he or she makes use of the information and knowledge contained in this ebook. Learn the ins and outs of working in theatres, night clubs, hotels, resorts, fairs and exhibitions. Discover the subtleties of working in radio and TV, including...

Brian T. Lees
Conversational Negotiation by Brian T. Lees

Entertainment should not be a menu of prices set in stone. There are ways you can charge more for your performances. The power rests in the key elements of communication. Bringing the conversation to an ultimate "take it or leave it" conclusion may not be in the magician's best interest.

There are four elements that need to be covered through conversation. Quoting a price without knowing those elements is a problem that chips away at the magician's profits. Magicians who make more money deploy these elements. They are not hard. In fact, they are so simple to work with that no special training...

★★★★★ $399
Wolfgang Riebe
Magic as a Million Dollar Business by Wolfgang Riebe

Do you want to take your magic career to the next level?

From whom would you like to learn the real secrets of success in the magic business? Someone that has a little theoretical knowledge and lives in one-bedroom apartment and claims to know it all? Or someone that started with nothing and today has the global hands-on experience, lives in the dream mansion, drives the big cars, walks the talk and has actually done it all?

As a magician, you may not have heard of Wolfgang Riebe. Why? He never focused on the 'magic scene' - instead he focused on the 'layman out there' and building a mega...

★★★★★ $49
B. W. McCarron
Magic Miracles You Can Do (Pitch Book Publishing Kit) by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book at your performances to double your performance income!* Now with color cover.

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for making and selling printed copies of the Magic Miracles You Can Do book. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you. Your audiences will flock to the sales...

Brian T. Lees
Cold Calls For Hire by Brian T. Lees

When performance opportunities from brochures, flyers and other marketing activities slow down you need to pick up the phone. Cold calling has played a major role in almost every industry. These calls fill cancellations in schedules, book shows while traveling from city to city, and can help fill those calendars during the slow months. When you find yourself waiting for the phone to ring there is no reason you cannot make a few calls and book yourself. The materials in this text will get you started.

  • What makes cold calls work
  • Join the telephone soliciting team
  • Best times to call
  • Pre-call ...
★★★ $0
Howard P. Albright
Three Publicity Trix by Howard P. Albright

As a thank you for supporting Magic World Publishers, we are pleased to offer a free PDF digital manuscript, containing three top-notch gems of mystery by Howard P. Albright. Good tricks in themselves, yet they also get you free advertising each time you perform them.

CLUB SPECIAL - A sure-fire sensation; leaves the audience with a quantity of tokens that advertise you in unique fashion.

TALK OF THE TOWN - An uncanny mystery; your name, etc., appeals on several initialed cards from an ordinary deck. These are left with the audience so they always have your contact information at hand. ...

B. W. McCarron
Finding Your Destiny with Numerology Pitch Book by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book at your performances to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table — money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Finding Your Destiny with Numerology book. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you. Your audiences will flock to the sales table to buy this easy to read...

Devin Knight
Natural Facelift for Entertainers by Devin Knight

This is not an ebook of magic tricks, but rather a book of tricks of the trade that will make you look younger and more professional on stage. The same techniques used by Hollywood stars. It is not my normal book on magic, but still, is one of the most important PDFs I have written.

Youth sells. I will say it again, youth sells. As performers get older, they often find that their bookings diminish and that they lose gigs to younger performers. These younger performers may not be more talented, but they are younger and often preferred just because they are younger or younger looking. I know...

★★★★★ $20
Devin Knight
So You Want To Do A Magic Lecture Tour by Devin Knight

The first PDF of its kind; written by one of the world's foremost expert on doing magic lecture tours. Devin Knight has done multiple lecture tours and hundreds of magic lectures from coast to coast in America.

He shows you step-by-step how to book a magic lecture tour. He shows you how to book magic clubs, magic shops and conventions. If you are a talented magician and want to make a name for yourself, then Devin reveals the inside secrets. He tells you what they will pay you and all the details you need to know. How long should your lecture be and what do you need to bring with you? All...

Brian T. Lees
Advanced Marketing by Brian T. Lees

Marketing is the key to a magician's success. The amount of work he gets depends on how well he gets his name out. All of us use the common sources: newspaper, Facebook, direct mail, email and others. Many fail because they make their debut in these areas only to drop out and not keep them going.

Even with common sources covered there comes a time when magician's cast their eyes on higher income. At that point, the opinion is such that they must jump into expensive media. Newspapers, radio, television and others sound good. They should. It is a sales person presenting this information in...

Brian T. Lees
Fundraiser Host Coach by Brian T. Lees

Fundraisers have always been popular. There will always be organizations that need to raise funds. And, there will always be needs out there that fundraisers will be launched for. The success of these events depends on community support, and ticket sales.

When organizations host fundraisers they always reach for the free, and least expensive ways to promote their event. Many of these organizations are very good at their activities and operations. But the reality is that they do not focus their daily operations on event promotions. As a result, they often need help.

This text is a coaching...

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