This rare manuscript was originally published in 1929 and sold for 50 dollars. It contains excellent material. The first part describes some very good slate routines with and without a flap. Here you will find messages mysteriously appearing on slates, a knockout number prediction, a trick where the magician duplicates in his slate a drawing made by a spectator on another slate. All of this is illustrated by many photographs.
Included is Nixon's Videtec Slate in which the magician holds a slate behind his back, a spectator chalks a number, a word, or anything on the slate, and the magician...
Here is French's personal method of making a "spirit answer" appear on a borrowed slate ... while sealed inside an envelope and held by a spectator. The spectator's initials may be written on the frame of the slate to prove that there are no switches of any kind employed. This mind-numbing mystery can be worked solo, as a one-man effect, with an ungimmicked slate. Instead of a slate, black cardboard or artist board can be substituted. Complete routine, with three presentations described, for stage, party or séance. Absolutely no flaps, switches, gimmicked slates or chemicals used. No stooges...
The Davenport Brothers caused a sensation in the last century by seeming to contact spirits. Leaving messages on blank slates was a common method of achieving this. Flaps, magnets and switching were among the ways to achieve results. Here is your chance to reproduce this phenomenon using an ordinary craft store slate, and a piece of chalk. A blank slate is cleaned as it is shown. Yet a bold chalk message appears without any cover or false moves. A stunning effect that startles onlookers. Easy to perform.
1st edition 2019, 4 pages.
Here are eight new routines for the Dr. Q Slates that will thoroughly baffle any audience, who will believe that you enlist spirit assistance, as there is no other likely explanation.
The Dr. Q Slates are acclaimed by professional mentalists as the most amazing and baffling spirit slate writing mystery ever devised. An apparent miracle of the psychic world. Now you can present even more mind-blowing mental and psychic demonstrations with these incredible slates.
Here in this collection are new sensational routines - new prediction tricks - new possibilities and greater utilization with...
Top routines with miniature slates by Peter Warlock, George Blake and Edwin Hooper.
PDF 28 pages.
Do you have a pair of old "flap slates" in your equipment? Well. It is time to dust off and use them! How? With the aid of a little manuscript by U.F. Grant and H. Adrian Smith. This wonderful little manuscript is full of original and practical ideas with slates that you can use immediately. It sounds strange, but you can perform the tricks detailed in the manuscript exactly as Grant and Smith explains even though the book was written in 1931! (This is magical itself... ).
From the preface:
"In launching our little manuscript upon the world of criticism, we have one aim alone - that of...
A wonderful ebook explaining all the best slate tricks and effects, by Peter Warlock, who has used slate tricks in his programs for many years. Covers the manipulation of unprepared slates, the use of the flap, various mechanical slates and aids, little know methods of fake mediums, chemical writing and many other methods that are as effective as they are unique.
Paul Fleming wrote:
It seems probable that the current war, like the World War of 1914-1918, will bring a resurgence of interest in spiritualism. Already we see the beginnings of such a revival, and if it continues we may look forward not only...
This work has the earliest known reference to a nail writer. It has an interesting section on appearing inks and covers in fascinating detail slates, ties, table lifting as well as a few other stage magic effects.
1st edition 1898; original 148 pages; PDF 80 pages.
The first part in this four part series deals with effects done with ordinary slates, ungimmicked and without flaps, that anyone can do without having to invest in expensive trick slates.
Note that this manuscript comes unbound in a package of loose sheets, the way Al Mann stored them. You can bind them anyway you like, or leave them unbound, perhaps only hole punch them and put them in a binder.
27 pages