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with Demo Video in Magic & Mentalism: page 9


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★★★★★ $14.99
Lee Asher
Thunderbird: The Modern Ace Production by Lee Asher

"I haven't purchased magic for myself in years. Thunderbird was my first online purchase, and all I can say is WOW!" - Dan M.

Imagine if you had real magical powers. How would you make four aces appear at your fingertips? Picture bringing your hands together, in front of you, and an ace magically appears between them. Without hesitation, you take this newly-produced card, and effortlessly split it into two aces. The audience's gaze is riveted to your hands. Fearful of missing your next move, they don't even blink. The third ace materializes right out of thin air - at your fingertips....

★★★★★ $9
Devin Knight
Publicity Secrets 2: How To Be A Psychic Hero by Devin Knight

Have you ever done a headline prediction and had someone say, "If you knew that was going to happen, then why didn't you try to stop it?"

Now you can apparently change the future and save lives, by stopping things you have foreseen from happening! This is a proven method that Devin Knight has used. It is the same method that caused an audience to give him a two-minute standing ovation for saving a person's life.

The effect is tied in with any headline prediction you are doing for publicity. The press is there to cover your predictions. However, a prediction turns out to be wrong. You then...

★★★★★ $9
Devin Knight
Publicity Secrets 1: How To Stop A Moving Car With Your Mind by Devin Knight

One of the greatest publicity effects ever conceived that can result in free front page publicity worth thousands of dollars.

The effect is that a reporter drives YOUR car while you sit in the front seat on a back country road. After considerable concentration, you cause the engine to stall, and the car coasts to a stop. No attempt by the reporter will start the car. Finally, you get out of the car and place your hands on the hood and concentrate. The reporter is now able to start the car! Another variation has another car passing by that is caused to stall and stops dead in the highway....

★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
Let's Get Small by Cameron Francis

"Hold that Ghost and Thanks to Walton just slapped me in the face with the hand of awesome. I'm always looking for new ways to get the Aces into play, and Thanks to Walton is my new best friend." - CrestfallenLyric (review from the Magic Cafe)

"Great tricks!" - Dave Forrest

"(Thanks to Walton is) one of the best versions of Roy's effect I have ever seen! Great work!" - John Carey

"All strong routines!" - Peter Duffie

Get ready for 10 completely impromptu packet effects. No gaffs or gimmicks. Just pull a few cards out of a completely normal deck and start performing miracles. This is stuff you will use!


★★★★ $16
Scott Xavier
X-Peek by Scott Xavier

Turn your business card into a Swiss army tool that will allow you to read minds and reveal exactly what your spectators are thinking!

This peek comes with a magic square example and a lot of practical advice on how to make it appear that you can read minds.

No funny folds. No goofy handling. You can even let the spectator hold the business card. This video is a course in peeking under the nose of the spectator.

1st edition 2012, run-time 27 minutes

★★★★ $19
Scott Xavier
Q-Bend: in the hand penny bend by Scott Xavier

[Note that this method is not the method Richard Osterlind uses for his trademark penny bend effect.]

Imagine being able to bend a borrowed and signed spectator's penny, in their own hand in a visual manner. Your audience sees the penny bending in their hand!

You'll learn a secret technique to get a penny to bend as well as make it bend visually for the spectator. This method was inspired by James T. Cheung and Mentalism Plus. (Another description of the same method can be found in Steve Pellegrino's The Underground Penny Bend PDF.)

Does not use:

  • pre-bent coins
  • any kind of bending gimmicks which need to be palmed or introduced and ditched secretly
With this method you actually do bend the coin...
★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Sanda Panda Mystery Box by Devin Knight

The Sanda-Panda Mystery Box is an ungimmicked 6"x 4" cardboard box. It is always in full view and gives you the ability to make near impossible predictions. No pre-show work and all are ONE-MAN effects. No secret assistants or stooges are used in any of the effects. NO FORCES of any kind are used in any effect.

IMPOSSIBLE CARD PREDICTION: Two participants form a card to ensure the choice is random. One chooses the suit and the other the value with no restrictions. You take the lid off the box - inside is a deck of cards and a folded 8" x 5" piece of paper. The participant unfolds the paper....

★★★★ $9.75
Michael Ammar
4 Minutes of Fame by Michael Ammar

This is an introductory offer. It will soon go to $14.95

A unique twist on the Cups and Balls that puts the spectator center stage! 4 Minutes of Fame is a very special Cups and Balls routine.

Based on a concept by Dick Williams. Starting about 12 years ago Michael and Dick corresponded about Dick's concept for having a spectator perform the routine while fooling himself, and Dick urged Michael to work out some of his ideas on it.

Long since retired, Dick loved to see a working professional spending time with his creation. His enthusiasm was contagious and inspirational. He was hoping...

★★★★ $20
Giacomo Bertini
Revolutionary Coin Technique by Giacomo Bertini

"Giacomo Does some of the finest and most innovative magic I have ever seen." - David Roth

"On our recent European tour, Roth and I were fortunate to spend time with someone who has techniques that will ROCK the coin magic world." - Michael Rubinstein

"Bertini's coin magic is not like anything I have ever witnessed in well over half a century of doing coin magic. It is nothing short of incredible. It truly looks like 'real magic.' All of his techniques are ground-breaking and far more refined than anything I have ever seen anyone else do before." - Harvey Rosenthal

"Bertini is the...

★★★★★ $35
Dee Christopher
How To Get Away With Murder by Dee Christopher

‎"A captivating study on deceptive theories scarcely analysed. A compelling read for those in the allied arts and the curious alike." - Daniel Madison

Dee Christopher exposes the trickery, deception and fraud undertaken by the world's leading psychics, psychokinetics and mediums. Unlike other studies of this nature in the parapsychological world, the author's background lies in the art of conjuring, sleight of hand and mentalism. You will learn how to replicate these demonstrations.

Christopher divulges the secrets held close by these figures who have conned the world into believing their skills...

★★★★★ $15
Devin Knight
Clip Sight by Devin Knight

Release #9 in Devin Knight's Psychic Sight series. Clip-Sight is a utility tool that will allow you to create miracles that defy explanation. It is an improvement over an old Al Mann idea. You can do all of the below effects and MORE with this gimmick. These effects will not only fry your audiences they will fool the majority of magicians as well. None of the below effects require any sleight of hand! All are easy to do, yet are some of the most impossible effects ever created. This sold professionally made up for $59 in the past. You can easily make your own for a fraction of that!


★★★★★ $30
Kent Gunn
The Fun Shop Cups and Balls by Kent Gunn

The Cups and Balls done a little differently than most. This is an unusual, direct and very magical cups and balls routine. A white ball, a blue ball, and a red ball magically gather under one cup in different ways.

1st edition 2008, 36 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★ $20
Erik Ostresh
meLt: The Evolution of the Vanishing Deck by Erik Ostresh

This is the best vanishing deck gimmick created to this date.

A spectator picks a card, remembers it, and even signs it. The magician cleanly inserts the card into the front of the pack. He then spreads the deck showing that the card is lost somewhere in the pack. With no funny moves he squeezes the deck and it literally "melts" in his hand, leaving only one card, the spectator's signed selection!

The meLt ebook not only teaches you how to make the is a full 110 page book that includes two routines, instructions on how to make three different versions of the gimmick, and...

★★★★ $29.99
Wolfgang Riebe
The Complete Works by Wolfgang Riebe

Wolfgang Riebe has been one of the most successful professional magicians in the world during the last 30 years with appearances in over 165 countries. This is not just an ebook on prestidigitation, but original routines and ideas that work. A unique feature is that most tricks have video links where you can see Wolfgang perform the effects and routines he shares. So you are not buying an ebook on 'theory', but on practical magic that works. As a bonus he shares links to select online teach-in videos too.

This is a man who has achieved a number of firsts in the magic world, had over 200 TV...

★★★★★ $10
Kyle MacNeill & Cameron Francis
They Are What They Eat by Kyle MacNeill & Cameron Francis

a cannibal cards routine + three bonus effects

"Very, very good!" - Gary Jones

From the sleightly demented minds of Kyle MacNeill and Cameron Francis comes a cool cavalcade of carnivorous card creations: Four tricks inspired by the Lin Searles' "Cannibal Cards" plot.

The main event is "They Are What They Eat", a super direct cannibal cards routine with a powerhouse kicker ending!


Three "Vampire" Jokers are introduced. Three cards are then selected and placed on the table. One at a time, the selections are run through the Joker packet whereupon they lose their ink, turning...

★★★★★ $25
Devin Knight
Four Told by Devin Knight

Read four minds at once!

The performer shows a chart consisting of five colored ESP symbols. He invites four people to participate. Each participant is asked to just think of an ESP symbol shown on the chart. The participants write nothing down, they just think of a symbol. There are no restrictions. Each person could be thinking of a different symbol, or they all could be thinking of the same symbol. They do not share their thoughts with each other. The performer begins to get impressions and calls out three symbols. He says, "If I have called out the symbol you are thinking of, please close...

David Devlin
Back Lash by David Devlin

This is a fun routine in which two cards are selected from two different colored packets. The selected cards trade packets 3 times, each time seemingly more impossible than the last. The methods are intriguing because the "move" comes after the effect. At first glance, this routine will appear complicated and convoluted. However, after working through the routine, and getting comfortable and familiar with it, you will see that it is rather simple.

1st edition 2009, 6 pages.

★★★ $7
Devin Knight
Outta Sight by Devin Knight

The Ultimate Tossed-Out Deck That Fools Magicians!

This was one of the most talked about effects from Devin Knight's recent lecture tour. A different handling for the tossed-out deck that fooled many magicians.

What makes this version different? The deck is examined and shuffled by a spectator before the effect begins. The cards are freely shown to be different to the audience. Once the deck is banded, the performer lifts up the various parts of the deck showing the audience DIFFERENT CARDS as he explains how to peek at a card.

The SAME deck is tossed out and three people each peek...

★★★★ $15
David Devlin
Quarterly Returns by David Devlin

In effect, a card is selected and signed. The card is then cleanly torn into four separate pieces. The pieces are then placed between the fingers ala The Multiplying Billiard Balls, and the hands are otherwise empty (they really are!). The pieces are then gathered up one at a time. Each side of each piece is clearly shown. The bundled pieces then instantly pop open in a "flash". The card is fully restored and given to the spectator to keep as a souvenir.

1st edition 2011, 17 pages, photo illustrated

★★★★★ $15
David Devlin
Illusive Three Card Monte by David Devlin

The performer shows three cards: two jokers, and the queen of hearts. The queen of hearts is the money card. All the spectators have to do is follow the queen. No matter how hard they try, it just isn't possible. The queen is anywhere but where they think she is. Finally, in an effort to make it easier to follow, one of the jokers is set aside. The queen is mixed with the one remaining joker. Instantly, the queen has vanished leaving only two jokers in your hands. The "joker" that was set aside, and has been in full view the entire time is turned over and is found to be the missing queen. The...

★★★★★ $8
David Devlin
Maxi Twisto ReTwisted by David Devlin

Four cards are shown. They are the Four Aces. The cards are given a "twist" and when the cards are again counted it is seen that one of the aces has turned face down. This is repeated three more times, each time an ace has turned face down until all four aces are face down. The magician offers to explain how the trick was accomplished. The cards are again counted, and it is found that the magician was cheating. There are really five cards in the packet. The magician states that five cards make a poker hand, and as long as he is cheating he might as well give himself the best hand possible. The...

★★★★★ $8
David Devlin
Devlin Cups and Balls by David Devlin

This is not an ordinary Cups & Balls routine. In this routine the balls are three different colors. The cups are ordinary, yet many magicians will suspect a chop cup set. This routine is nice for the trade show performer in that it resets instantly.

Includes a bonus routine with the Rub-A-Dub-Dub patter.

1st edition 2009, 35 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★★ $3.95
Kevin Schaller & Philipp Sahner
Break by Kevin Schaller & Philipp Sahner

Break is a gimmick that allows you to fold a kink into a card and move it to another position. It is a real kink, you can let the spectator feel and examine before and after.

  • Real kink
  • Nothing to palm
  • Nothing taken away
  • Show the card both sides
The gimmick is easy to make, very versatile and gives you a lot of space to find your own routines and ideas. Over 15 minutes of detailed video instruction of how to make and use the gimmick.

★★★★★ $18
Devin Knight
Foresight by Devin Knight

Foresight is now available as a PDF at a great savings. You get full directions and a PDF of the chart. Just print the chart off your computer on cardstock and you are set to boggle minds.

A killer effect that starts out like a comedy routine but packs a wallop at the end.


The magician holds up an envelope and says it contains a prediction. He askes a spectator to name any playing card. Performer says the named card is in the envelope. He removes an 8.5 x 11 inch picture that has the whole deck spread out. The performer says: "Look, there is your card right there."

The audience...

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