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with Demo Video in Magic & Mentalism: page 8


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★★★★ $5
Devin Knight
Poker Tells by Devin Knight

Effect: The performer states that some card players seem to have psychic ability. These card players can correctly sense the cards in an opponent's hand. The performer says he would like to try an experiment to see if a participant has this ability to detect playing cards sight unseen. He shows four opaque envelopes and removes the four aces from a deck. The four aces are then placed inside the envelopes and mixed so the participant has no idea which envelope contains which ace. The envelopes are placed in a row in front of the participant. The participant is asked to guess which ace is in...

★★★★★ $27
Daniel Madison
How to Cheat at Poker by Daniel Madison

Formerly published under the title How to Cheat at Cards this is an updated version released under the title How to Cheat at Poker. The new version includes T.U.T., 50 pages by Chris Stanislas, his first and only publication.

The ultimate guide to learning all of the techniques for cheating at card games ...

An insight into the mind, mechanics and devilry of a card cheat.

"...It was 13 years ago today when I almost lost my life cheating at cards, and what more poignant a day to release a book on the subject. It is a hope that How to Cheat at Cards will be one of my final publications...

★★★★ $9.99
Scott Cram
Day One by Scott Cram

The classic "Day For Any Date" feat has been updated!

Day One is a new approach to appearing as a human calendar. You ask for the year and month of the spectator's birthday, and instantly create that month's calendar for them on the back of your business card.

Day One is designed to be simple to learn, as well as quick and impressive to perform.

The role of math and mnemonics has been greatly simplified and minimized, and you don't need any previous experience with other mnemonic systems. Entire centuries are covered with less than a third of the mnemonics required by other approaches....

★★★★★ $18
Devin Knight
Word Sight by Devin Knight

Based on the original Al Mann Lexicon Phenomena, but greatly improved and so far advanced it fools those who know the original effect.

Now you can make this up using your own computer for a fraction of buying it new already made up.

Imagine revealing two FREELY thought-of words from across the room using an ungimmicked dictionary (you will have to paste two pages with word lists at the very front and two pages at the very end of the dictionary). Imagine doing this 15 feet away and never touching the dictionary during the presentation. Devin Knight's Word Sight allows you to reveal two words, sight unseen, that...

★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Tri-Sight by Devin Knight

The performer calls attention to three face-down envelopes that are on a table in full view. He says these contain three predictions. The performer then has a playing card freely selected and signed while he looks away; there is no force of any kind. The selected card is then lost in the deck. The deck is given to the participant, who cuts the deck at random and deals three cards face down onto the table. The performer then shows three more envelopes. He places the three dealt cards into these three envelopes, without looking at them. Neither the performer nor the participant knows the identity...

★★★ $5
Devin Knight
Gyrater: Floating and Spinning Deck by Devin Knight

The performer has a card selected, no force, and returned to the deck. The deck is shuffled and 7 or 8 cards are dealt face down into an arc shape. The performer introduces his card case and says this is his pet, CASEY. Casey is well trained and can find selected cards. That is because he is a pointer. (Pun Intended.) The performer holds the card case above his hand and says, "Casey stay." The card case remains suspended in the air. The performer says, "Chase your tail." The deck revolves 360 degrees in the air. Performer says, "Play dead," the card case drops into his hand.

The performer...

★★★★ $40
Twins by Nefesch

"Nefesch's new book, Twins, is wonderful. It is a great impromptu plot that makes sense and looks like real mentalism. More importantly, Nefesch gives you 13, yes I said 13, ways of doing the effect! You will find your favorites, but you will also have the knowledge on how to fall back on other methods should the need arise. Do yourself a favor. Forget any props this time around and just go after knowledge." - Richard Osterlind December, 2011

"TWINS is a fantastic piece of truly impromptu mentalism which will only be performed by fearless performers. Highly recommended!" - Keith Barry;...

★★★★ $29.90
Chris Wasshuber
Shuber Blades by Chris Wasshuber

Shuber Blades are the new versatile and cool accessory for the modern card magician. They protect your cards like a card clip or card guard, but are not limited to a single deck of cards. Anything from a single card up to two decks can be protected equally well.

Shuber Blades are two sturdy stainless steel plates with size and shape equal to a Poker card. Put one plate at the bottom, the other at the top of your deck and secure everything with the custom rubber band. The plates will protect your cards and keep them flat and clean. You can protect anything from a single card, or small packet...

Cameron Francis
Magician's Hold'em by Cameron Francis

The craziest game of cards ever played.


The magician pulls out a small packet of cards and relates a story about the strangest game of Texas Hold 'Em ever played, involving a transposition, an appearance of a Royal Flush and color changing backs. Only basic sleight of hand required. Instant Reset.

1st edition 2011; 8 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★ $5
Radek Makar
Eastern Moves: Video Vol. 2 by Radek Makar

You will receive 30% discount on this video if you have bought Eastern Moves (the ebook) before or if you add it to your current order!

Hypnotic Spellbound is a spellbound just like any other -- a few different color changes of a coin in one sequence. There is one sleight difference. There are two common ways of performing Spellbound. One of them is a show of pure skill -- the magician changes the coin's color one time right after the other without saying anything. The second most common type is the same as above but the magician also describes what's happening -- "the coin changes color from... to..." etc.


Steffan Soule
Hand Eye Coordination by Steffan Soule

This ebook teaches you how to perform Steffan Soule's Hand and Eye card trick and it shows you how to print your own playing cards. You will learn about all the latest methods to print playing cards, and you will see exactly how to invent your own customized version of Hand and Eye for your friends and important corporate events.

You can create your own magic for company parties and events using Steffan Soule's Hand and Eye as a basis for communicating ideas, themes, product branding, logos and more.

This ebook include additional artfiles to print and customize your own version.


★★★★ $15
Devin Knight
A Knight of Magic by Devin Knight

The lecture notes from Devin Knight's 2009 tour. More than a set of lecture notes this is almost a complete book in itself! Features mind-boggling effects including cards and mentalism. Effects that fooled the majority of magicians in attendance. These notes also contain directions for some of Devin's marketed effects that would cost your several hundred dollars to buy with props and tells you how to make them.

Includes such effects:

  • Sanda-Panda Box
  • Deal or No Deal
  • Hollow Light Bulb Effects
  • Paint Can Surprise
  • Streamlined Koran Paper Tear
  • Poker Tells
  • and others...
This ebook includes...
★★★★★ $2
Radek Makar
Eastern Moves: Video Vol. 1 by Radek Makar

Radek received many queries to issue his Eastern Moves ebook as video. For some it is easier to learn a move from video instructions. Radek listened and decided to issue seven videos covering each part of Eastern Moves.

This is the first part including the chapters of 'Useful Moves' and 'Flourishes' including:

  • Flint Click Pass
  • Ladder Tenkai Pennies
  • 2K Vanish
  • Bevel Slide
  • FPV Change
  • Roll and Slide Vanish
  • Zipper Vanish
  • Arm Roll
  • Triangle Roll Down
All purchasers of the Eastern Moves ebook will receive this video for free. (Check your digital shelf.)

"Crazy cool deal from a Coin Magic Guru!" - Ben Salinas


★★★★★ $24.95
Devin Knight
Retro-Gravity by Devin Knight

If you haven't heard of Retro-Gravity, it was a self-levitation that Al Mann and Devin Knight created over 20 years ago. It has been kept under wraps all these years. Whispered about on the underground, and hinted that it would be released someday... That day is NOW.

Retro-Gravity allows you to levitate 2 to 4 inches in the air. It is a special gimmick you attach to your shoe and once done is completely invisible. Any time you wear your shoes, you are ready to levitate. Anywhere, anytime under any conditions! This means you can walk around in a restaurant, party or out door festival and levitate...

★★★★★ $19.50
Arie Vilner
Underhanded Delivery by Arie Vilner

Arie Vilner is a true master of the pasteboards. His creations have baffled the best minds in magic. Here you can learn his unique techniques and routines.

From the Foreword written by Ken Krenzel:

Presentation and method are inseparable, intertwined ingredients in creating entreating, magical magic. Magic is a most unique performing art which, optimally, evokes astonishment, wonder, and an experience of impenetrable mystery.

Presentation style may range from serious to comedic. Berglas and Tamariz succeed in equally mystifying and entertaining their audiences.

Arie Vilner is an...

EZ Wild by MS

You will need a gimmicked coin for this routine. Start with three half dollars and change them into copper coins.

EZ Wild is the easier wild coin effect. 3 coins, no extras. One by one changes into a copper coin, finishing with surprising backfire. New moves and sequences.

Only 3Fly by MS

Only 3Fly is one of MS' pet effects with 3 coins. The flavor of a fingertip coin across without any gimmicks or invisible assistant, just 3 coins, 2 hands and a coherent routining. Learn today a totally practical routine suited for walkabout and cocktail performances.

"A nice variation with just 3 coins. Definitely an effect worth learning and studying" - Marion Boykin

★★★★ $6
Peter Duffie
Covert Assembly by Peter Duffie
  • No Gaffs or Duplicates.
  • Impromptu
  • Use any Deck.
  • This is a reworked version of "Pocket Assembly".
Peter Duffie
Embellished by Peter Duffie
  • Great finish to any routine.
  • This is a reworked version of "Valediction".
  • Easy one-time Preparation.

★★★★★ $7.72
Dave Forrest
Boxflip by Dave Forrest

'Card to Box' meets 'Deck to Pocket' in this insanely visual transpostion.

The Effect: You remove the deck from its case and have a spectator freely choose any card - no force - and sign it across the face. You then place the card case into your pocket before losing the signed card back into the centre of the deck. With a snap of your fingers you claim that you have made the card jump to your pocket and appear inside the card case. Your audience doesn't believe you. But, with a totally empty hand you reach into your pocket and produce...the entire deck. The spectator turns his attention back...

★★★★ $17
Dave Forrest
Star: torn and restored card by Dave Forrest

The Torn and Restored card that breaks the mould. Dave has kept it a secret for more than eight years.

Effect: Fold a selected and signed card into quarters and then fairly rip it up. Now, slowly and visually you start to fuse the pieces back together again. And when we say 'fuse' we mean that the pieces really fuse together before your eyes. The entire card is eventually restored and everything can be examined.

A new breakthrough method for the T&R card effect. You'll love the method - it's so devious yet so visual and it really won't take that long to get the hang of it.

All the phases...

Dave Forrest
Colour Burn: color changing deck by Dave Forrest

A blue backed deck is removed from its case. The deck is spread and your spectators are asked to call out the names of some cards that they see. You then take the named cards and, one by one, begin to magically change their back colour from blue to red. Offering a better look at the technique you announce that you will change the back of another card...


With a gentle wave of your hand, the card begins to visibly change. The card actually appears to change as you move your hand back and forth over it! You pause halfway - the card under your hand is half blue and half...

★★★★★ $15
Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Currency by Fred Kaps

Edward Victor's 11 Card Trick done with Dollar Bills.

The details and inner working of this routine have been kept secret since the days of Fred Kaps; before then it was only divulged to a handful of very close friends, and occasionally discussed by Fred Kaps with serious performers. Subsequently the original routine has been independently developed, changed and adapted by Trevor Lewis, Mike Caveney, Peter Pit, Ger Copper and other well-known performers to suit their own individual styles.

The transcript of the manuscript in Fred Kaps' handwriting has only been very slightly edited. It is substantially the routine Fred always presented,...

★★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
More Headroom by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis presents seven more self working mental magic miracles using playing cards, business cards, bills, coins, envelopes, Sharpies and discount cards. There's a little something for everyone in this collection of super commercial, high octane material.

  • RED LIGHT - An ungaffed version of Cameron's bestselling effect Red Hot Prediction.
  • OUTLET - Four Sevens are shown. The spectator names one. You prove you predicted it. Clean and simple.
  • CHANGE IT UP - A freely chosen number matches the amount of change in your pocket.
  • MAGICIAN'S HOLD 'EM - A very easy to do and effective prediction...
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