ReDD is a remote drawing duplication effect which can be performed over a voice phone call, video call, virtual show and also, of course, in face to face performing situations. ReDD also qualifies as a propless effect as there are no props used and both the performer and the participant are only 'interacting' with each other, either over a call or face to face. A piece of paper which may be used to jot down a choice is just incidental and is not necessary.
The mind reader poses several fun questions to a participant and also describes several activities. The participant mentally and silently...
You and the participant are on both ends of a voice call. Using an imaginary deck of playing cards, the participant 'churns her thoughts' multiple times and finally sends across a few cards from her mind to your mind. You 'receive' those cards perfectly and reveal them to her in a stunning manner. This, in essence, is the effect.
You can perform this over a video call or virtual show apart from face to face performances. And this works in any language. Two versions of the routine are explained.
PSYCHIC VERSION which is totally propless (except for a piece of paper used by the participant...
This includes physical products which will be shipped to you. The pdf can be downloaded instantly. What You Get - A set of 2 sturdy plastic cards in pocket/wallet size which should last you a lifetime with reasonable care.
An elegant propless force with a multitude of applications. Force X is a powerful and flexible tool which can be used in multiple ways. This force can be used for both propless effects as well as for face to face performance routines.
Here it is used for doing a "verbal drawing duplication" where a participant on a voice call is finally thinking of the flag of a country...
"This is a marvel!!" - Marc SalemSuppose you are performing this to a married couple. The effect as it appears to that couple is this. The husband chooses the name of a music icon but does not disclose it and keeps that name only in his mind. The wife chooses some music album sales figures and comes up with a total sales figure. To their utter shock, when the husband declares the name of the music icon, the wife's total sales figure is nothing but that icon's birth date.
You explain to them that this is a one in a 16.5 million possibility and that they have turned a near impossibility...
The methods and presentation are new and different from those given in Propless ACAAN (Vol 1). Again, this is absolutely propless ACAAN. No deck. No props at all. And this is an almost self-working propless ACAAN. Just you the performer and the participant on a voice call. That's it.
The effect from the participant's view: The performer and participant send some thoughts back and forth silently between them about a number and a playing card. The participant then imagines a deck of playing cards, shuffles the deck a couple of times and hands it over the phone to the performer (its an imaginary...
Kalendeck is a calendar deck. If at all it is possible to "Pre-Know" any stack, it is this. In other words, you probably already know this stack but you are simply not aware of it. If you know the basics of a calendar, then you already know most of this deck. Or you can easily pick this up in just a few minutes. It is that easy and that simple.
Kalendeck is a memorized deck which looks very random and well shuffled - both values and suits. Given any position, you know the card instantly and vice versa. It may take all of about ten minutes for you to learn this stack. Of course, practice...
These are physical products that will be shipped to you. You get two beautifully produced plastic cards which are approximately the size of a bank credit/debit card. These should last you a lifetime with reasonable care. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.
This routine can be performed both close up and also over a video call or in a virtual show. Using a single double blank business card, you can divine a freely thought of playing card. The participant does not say anything and she does not write anything down. She thinks of a playing card mentally...
"This is virtual magic, mentalism and theory at its very best. You are a real deep thinker" - Marc SalemThis is a pure propless effect. You can perform this over a voice phone call, video call, face to face, close up, parlor etc. It can be performed anytime, anywhere to anyone. Nothing for you to carry except the almost self working method in your head.
As the name suggests, Thought Trajectory is an effect which is like a chain of thoughts in the mind of the participant. The mind reader is not aware of the starting point, nor the process, nor the end result, apparently. Everything happens...
"I really like how you made a psychological force more surefire. It is really an interesting concept. Well done." - Luca VolpeThis is absolutely propless ACAAN. No deck. No props at all. And this is a self working propless ACAAN. Yes, you've read it right. Just you the performer and the participant on a voice call. That's it."At it's core this is a VERY direct way to verbally make a spectator think of a specific number. It's a useful and clever idea to know and an important contribution to the area of propless mentalism." - Marc Paul
The effect from the participant's view: The performer sends some...
This will go up to $3 from May 15th, 2023.
Psychabulary is instant psychic vocabulary to impress your audiences. Psychabulary is a 'system' which gives you instant ability to use about 1000 different 'alpha' phrases which make you seem like a highly qualified psychology expert
Create instant scientific sounding phrases for your patter whether it is a magic trick or a mentalism effect you may be performing, without even a moment's hesitation. Give instant justification to any magic or mentalism process, again without even a moment's hesitation. Give instant explanations for any magical phenomenon...
CAUTION: This is so powerful that you could start your own cult. So you must perform this effect with great wisdom, absolute ethics, high maturity and complete responsibility. The author is not liable for any contingent outcomes of your performances, you yourself are solely responsible for it.
SCENARIO : The performer and participant are on both ends of a voice call separated by maybe thousands of miles. The participant is holding an imaginary deck of playing cards and follows instructions of the performer. The objective of the participant is to know the answer to a question she has, related...
This also includes Future Test 2020 and Future Test 2022. This routine can also be performed in a virtual show over Skype, Zoom, Instragram Live, Facebook Live or even a basic one to one video call.
Future Test is a 'packs small plays big' kind of effect. Actually packs very small in your wallet and plays very big to a full room or in a virtual show or even over a video call. This effect is done on the back of your business card which you can later leave with the participant as a souvenir or send over to the participant's phone as a virtual image as a 'digital souvenir'.
The performer...
The performer asks a participant to play an imaginary game over a voice phone call. The participant may be thousands of miles away at the other end of the call. The participant makes several free choices but all in her mind alone, she does not say anything out loud. But the final result is already predicted by the performer in a very innovative manner. The climax can be very visual if you choose that option in performance. The participant is stunned with the outcome. The participant even gets to keep a memorable 'souvenir' after the routine.
This can be performed over a video call or even...
This is a propless and surefire star sign divination method suitable for performing over a voice phone call. It uses a novel and clever method called SignZEN to divine the star sign of a participant on the other end of a call, maybe thousands of miles away. This refreshing principle is not known to have been used in this manner before. Of course, this routine can be performed in face-to-face situations also with appropriate adjustments. You can even perform this over a text chat or on a video call.
It is clarified upfront that this method is totally different from Signature, Propless Sign Divination, Zodiac Gods, Star Signature, Elemental 1 & 2, and Birthday Calendar by the...
A path breaking approach to the classic effect. No props needed.
"I think your Propless Bank Night is brilliant !!" - Marc SalemEverything happens in the participant's mind who is on the other end of a voice call with the performer, maybe thousands of miles away. The performer even tells the participant upfront the contents of each envelope involved in the routine. And yet the participant is stunned with the result."The idea of the anagram is very good. This concept can also be used with classic bank night routines. Well done and stay safe." - Luca Volpe
A unique combination of classic...
The Spell Deck is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use memorized deck. Just a couple of very simple rules and you instantly know the value of any given position and vice versa. The Spell Deck is also flexible in that the same rules can be used to generate 4 different memorized decks. All that is explained clearly.
S.O.S Vol3 is included in this ebook. It contains 3 cool ideas for ordering suits, not just for the Spell Deck, but can be used for other stacks as well. When you combine the 4 variants of Spell Deck with these 3 Suit Ordering Systems and their built-in variants, you can create a whopping...
Most probably you have never ever seen such a mystical calendar. It looks ordinary but enables you to perform an extraordinary routine. Let me present probably the world's first Psycalendar. What you get is a set of 10 specially printed gimmicks which will be shipped to you. The pdf can be downloaded instantly.
The effect as seen by the audience. A yearly calendar on a single sheet is handed over by the performer to the participants. Each of 5 different random participants choose 5 different dates from the calendar. The performer openly ensures that no 2 participants choose the same date....
This includes just the physical coins only. For routines you must already own any of the ebooks In-spy-ring or Con-spy-ring or 1089 Refreshed & Reloaded.
The Inspyring Coin comes in two finishes – Glossy and Antique. They are only sold in packages of two with one being glossy and the other antique.
Inspyring Coin is specially created for the purpose of performing coin mentalism routines -- zero sleights involved. Most of the routines are self-working. Yet the routines are easy to learn and perform so that you can focus fully on your presentation.
Just pop your Inspyring Coin into your wallet or pocket, learn the routines, and you...
This is a two person telepathy act. The Telesthesia Code is simple and easy yet undetectable. You and your assistant (or partner or spouse etc) can learn this code in under 5 minutes. There are absolutely no words that need to be spoken nor any body signals required. You and your assistant do not even face each other and there is no eye contact. And yet, you can seemingly relay thoughts to your assistant.
This method is ideal for close up situations and with a bit of audience management can easily be adapted to a parlor situation too.
The effect as it plays out from the audience point...
The King Stack is a cyclical stack. Probably the world's easiest cyclical stack to date. As easy as the Si Stebbins stack. But much more random looking for both values and suits. If you can add 1 and 2 then you can instantly learn the King Stack, it is that simple and easy. It should not take more than 3 minutes to actually fully learn it. The real core principle of this stack can be explained in just 2-3 sentences. It is that simple and yet looks fairly random.
The King Stack is so named because the Kings have a special place in this stack and play a key role. A hidden beauty of the ...
[Note: The PDF includes both the original Reincarnation ebook as well as the new #2 edition. If you already bought the original version you do not need to purchase this version. Go to your digital shelf and simply download the new PDF.
This ebook is a sequel to Reincarnation. Here the performer not only divines the name of the country in which a random participant was born in a previous life but in addition is also able to divine the exact date of birth of the participant in that past life. And the participant herself will confirm that both the place and date of birth are absolutely true. Once again jaws will drop. Undoubtedly. ...
There would hardly be any mentalist or magician who would not be familiar with the old and well known 1089 force. At the same time, there would also hardly be any mentalist or magician who still uses this force in the old standard manner. In that sense this force seems dated.
But throughout the history of magic, this unique force has been extremely fascinating both mathematically and magically.
Here are some fresh and novel ideas related to this force which you can actually go out and use right today. There are 6 different ideas which are innovative and allow you to create full routines...
This includes physical gimmicks which will be shipped to you. The pdf can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.
IGG - According to Wikipedia "This is the most common type of antibody found in humans. It protects the body from infection."
IGG - Here this means "Instant Gig Getter". It insulates your performance from potential spectator disinterest. It also 'infects' your participant with absolute amazement.
IGG is an instant killer. You could ideally do this for someone from whom you may be soliciting a gig - an agent or a VIP client etc.
Right in the beginning, you push...