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Unknown Mentalist
Kryptic Force by Unknown Mentalist

The Kryptic Force is an easy yet powerful force but very little known in the field of magic or mentalism. As with any force, here too the applications of the force are limited only by your imagination. A few interesting routines and effects are shared here. But you can surely come up with many of your own routines using this beautiful force.

The actual process to force is very fast and direct. Maybe, depending on your presentation, it may take all of fifteen seconds to perform the force. Or you can stretch it for as long as you want. This is not a psychological force. The Kryptic Force...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Pocket Numerology by Unknown Mentalist

Pocket Numerology is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.

What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a set of 4 specially designed and beautifully produced plastic wallet cards which are about the size of a regular credit card. With reasonable care, these cards should last you a lifetime, if not more.

With absolutely zero knowledge of numerology, you can perform an entire act of apparent numerology with Pocket Numerology in your pocket. With Pocket Numerology, you can...

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gimmick & PDF

Unknown Mentalist
Force Multiplier by Unknown Mentalist

Force Multiplier is a concept where multiple forces are applied to a routine or effect so that the overall impact gets exponentially bigger. So the result is far bigger than just the sum of individual parts. In a way, 2+2 does not remain 4 but becomes, say 20.

And this concept of Force Multiplier is used to create 3 effects that are propless, instant and impactful, at the same time. And you do not need anything at all to perform these effects. Just carry the simple and easy method in your head and you are set to perform these anytime, anywhere to anyone to stun and amaze. You can perform...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Bond Intuition Test by Unknown Mentalist

Bond Intuition Test is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.

What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a specially designed and beautifully produced plastic wallet card which is about the size of a poker playing card, but thicker and sturdier than a playing card. With reasonable care, this card should last you many, many years, if not a lifetime.

You can play the role of an intuitive James Bond and perform two killer routines with your B.I.T card. In the first routine,...

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gimmick & PDF

Unknown Mentalist
Tryst by Unknown Mentalist

Tryst is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.

What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a set of 14 cards which are specially designed and beautifully produced. They are about the size of regular business cards.

Tryst can be played as a grand piece if you want. It has 3 phases with 3 powerful hits - more like a 3 punch knockout - a prediction, a prophecy, and a premonition. A captivating introductory patter is also provided. An alternative performance is also explained....

★★★★★ $36
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gimmick & PDF

Unknown Mentalist
Propless Signtist by Unknown Mentalist

There are innumerable zodiac sign divination methods out there. So then, why one more? Because, the more tools you have in your toolbox, the more prepared and ready you will be for any type of work situation. Propless SignTist, as the name suggests is a completely propless and 100% surefire method. The process is simple, short, justified, and flows smoothly. You can nail the zodiac sign of a stranger, comfortably and effectively, in less than a minute. You can perform Propless SignTist anytime, anywhere to anyone without anything on you by just carrying this simple method in your head.


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Unknown Mentalist
Teletrack by Unknown Mentalist

Teletrack is a quick propless effect where the performer impossibly tracks the thought of a participant telepathically. Beginning from the 'fate' of the participant and ending with the 'destiny' of the participant, the performer is able to identify the final silent thought.

Nothing is said or written down by the participant. You can perform this completely propless over a voice phone call, in a virtual show, or face to face in close-up, parlor, street venues, or even over a text chat. The method is easy and self-working but creates wonder for the participant. There are no sleights, not...

★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Mpeep by Unknown Mentalist

Mpeep is short for Mind Peep. It is also an acronym for all the routine names in this manuscript. Based on an innovative combination of classic methods, this novel principle enables you to quickly and deceptively plant a word and then divine it from a participant's mind. 5 routines and a bonus routine are explained. In fact, based on the method, you can create several routines yourself to suit your performance situation or customize for a particular audience or participant. You can perform this completely propless, in a virtual show, or use a couple of your business cards and perform in close-up,...

★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Pretty N Propless Nxt Gen by Unknown Mentalist

Owning Pretty N Propless, although advisable, is not necessary to understand and use the principles and effects in this Nxt Gen version.

At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer divines a word being thought of by a participant.

But the true power is in its mind-boggling range of possibilities. You can literally plant any one of several different possible words in a participant's mind and seemingly read their mind to exactly divine that word. The...

★★★ $18
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Unknown Mentalist
Propless Vaccine by Unknown Mentalist

The effect as perceived by the participant: The participant freely chooses a vaccine mentally from among several options. The participant also decides on a country that will get the vaccine doses first from among a dozen competing countries. The mind reader plucks out the country from the participant's mind effortlessly. This can be repeated several times with different outcomes.

At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, video call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer...

★★★★★ $18
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Unknown Mentalist
Psycho Path by Unknown Mentalist

The mind reader begins by saying "Let's play an interesting game. Imagine you are a 'psychopath' on the run and I am a 'psychic detective'. We will use 4 continents and 4 directions...." And ends the effect by absolutely stunning the participant with an impossible-looking divination.

At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer divines the exact personality trait of a psychopath. The entire routine can be performed in about a minute. ...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Pretty N Propless by Unknown Mentalist

At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face-to-face close up, parlor, street, etc. The performer divines a word being thought of by a participant.

But the true power is in its mind-boggling range of possibilities. You can literally plant about 48000 different possible words in a participant's mind and seemingly read their mind to exactly divine that word. The combination of principles is so flexible that you can again literally apply it to any theme of presentation you may want. If you...

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Unknown Mentalist
Her Majesty Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Her Majesty Deck is named thus because in this stack the Queen is called Her Majesty for an innovative reason. This is a memorized deck that is easier to learn, remember and use than Mnemonica or Aronson stacks. Most probably, you will be able to learn this stack on the same day that you read this manuscript.

The first few cards of Her Majesty Deck are as follows: AC 3D 2D 9H 7H JS 5H KS 4H QD 6S

You can perform almost all the stack-independent memdeck material out there with this deck too.


As a bonus, the Dictum Deck is also included. This is a cyclical stack that...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Deckless Oncemore by Unknown Mentalist

A classic principle. Some new innovative applications. The result is some cool card mentalism effects. 4 main effects and 2 bonus effects are explained. The main effects are all deckless card mentalism effects, where a physical deck of cards is not used. The bonus effects are for those who want to use a physical deck of cards, anyways.

The underlying theme is that of either predicting or divining a card mentally chosen by a participant. The methods are self-working, easy to learn, and a pleasure to perform. You can in fact forget about the method and focus fully on your presentation. There...

★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Thot Card Xchange by Unknown Mentalist

The effect as seen by the audience: The performer displays a red-backed deck and a blue-backed deck. Two participants each choose a deck freely. Then both participants mentally think of a different playing card each. They need not announce which card they are thinking of. Surprisingly, when each participant deals down their respective deck, they find their thought of card missing from that deck. As a kicker twist, each participant's thought of card is found in the other participant's deck.

Another effect as seen by the audience: The performer displays a red-backed deck and a blue-backed...

★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
GPS by Unknown Mentalist

GPS stands for Geopsychic Past-Life-Positioning System.

Using nothing more than a single double blank business card and a piece of paper, you can accurately divine the place of birth of a participant either in a past life or a future life, as per her choice.

The only inputs you will be taking from your participant are her place of birth in this life and details of her birthmarks if any. The result will not only be stunning for the participant but also will be verifiable for her.

Most of the effect is self-working and very easy to perform. But the presentation is key and all the necessary...

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Unknown Mentalist
Ezorb by Unknown Mentalist

Ezorb stands for "Easy to Absorb Zodiac Resource Booklet". It contains several special tools, ideas, and inputs for improving, polishing, or embellishing your performances of zodiac-related effects and routines. No routines are included.

1st edition 2021, PDF 17 pages.

★★★★ $9
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Unknown Mentalist
Propless Pin Pricks by Unknown Mentalist
"Again the Unknown Mentalist makes it all known. This is a brilliant, almost intuitive, application of a great effect. It also includes options and steps to truly make it personalized. I love this." - Marc Salem

"This is a very nice pin revelation using a well known method perfectly disguised." - Luca Volpe

Pin Pricks is an underground term for PIN reveals or divinations. And Propless Pin Pricks is just that - a set of absolutely propless methods to divine PIN numbers.

The effect from the participant's view: The performer gives his locked phone to the participant to hold. Then the performer...

★★★★★ $30
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Unknown Mentalist
Lifecraft by Unknown Mentalist

Lifecraft is a quick, solid feel good routine. The main routine is pure mind reading and there is an optional second phase too. This effect can be done face to face or in a virtual show. It can even be performed over a voice phone call.

The effect is flexible enough to be performed as a one off routine or as a part of a set. Very easy to learn and you can perform this almost as soon as you read this manuscript. No sleights, no stooges and no pre-show work. Nothing to reset as there is no set up at all. You are always ready to perform. Practically self working. Everything can be freely handled...

★★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Echo Force by Unknown Mentalist

The Echo Force is a beautiful force but way under utilized. It is powerful, effective and highly deceptive. And it can be applied in a multitude of ways. In book tests, predictions, divinations, drawing duplications and even in propless effects. The only limit is your imagination.

This force is completely self-working and you can focus totally on your presentation. There are no sleights needed, no preshow, no stooges or instant stooges. No equivoque, no dual reality, no memorization. And this works in any language.

The following 7 routines are explained based on the Echo Force.

  1. TRILLIONS ...
★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Propless Premonition by Unknown Mentalist

The participant takes 2 decks. One red backed and other blue backed. Then discards approx half the cards in each deck, and chooses a card from one of the half decks and keeps it in the other half deck. Finally hands over the half deck with the different colored back selection in it, to the performer. And you miraculously know her selection in that half deck.

Wait a minute. Here are the other conditions of this effect.

  1. Both the performer and participant are on both sides of a voice call.
  2. Both the decks in play are completely imaginary decks.
  3. The participant does all this silently and...
★★★★ $18
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Unknown Mentalist
Straphanger by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical products which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be downloaded instantly. What You Get - A sturdy plastic card in pocket/wallet size which should last you a lifetime with reasonable care.

Dictionary definition of 'Straphanger': (noun) a standing train or bus passenger who grips a hanging strap for support. (noun) a passenger who uses public transport.

A participant chooses a travel destination from a list of about 50 different places across the world. It is an absolutely free choice and there is no force. Next the participant settles on a single letter in her...

★★★★ $18
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Unknown Mentalist
Know Stack by Unknown Mentalist
"Your Know Stack is a gem!!" - Dr. Hans Christian Solka
  1. Know Stack is a cyclical stack. Given any card, you can know the next card immediately.
  2. For some perhaps easier than 8 Kings stack or even Si Stebbins Stack.
  3. More random looking than Si Stebbins stack.
  4. No math (but some memorization) needed to know the next card.
  5. Option to have either random suits or rotating suits.
  6. Can be learnt in under 100 seconds.
  7. Very easy to learn. Very difficult to forget.
  8. Bonuses included.
  9. Most cyclical stack routines/effects can be performed with this.
Bonus Stacks included:
  1. Dates Deck
  2. Cue Stacks
1st edition 2020,...
★★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Virtual Add a Number by Unknown Mentalist

Add A Number is a popular effect in the field of mentalism and magic. There are scores of methods for performing this routine. Here is another method which is especially suitable for a virtual show. This method is easy, simple and self working so you can focus more on your presentation. It is also engaging and allows you to involve and interact with multiple virtual audience members. The final impact is tremendous.

The performer asks the audience if they believe in ESP. There will be some who believe and some who do not. The routine is structured in such a manner that both the 'believers'...

★★★★ $12
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