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★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
XPERT (X Personality Test) by Unknown Mentalist

XPERT, which stands for X Personality Test, is a self-working and fun personality test that can be performed with a lot of flexibility and delivers a solid impact. It is engaging for the participant and easy for the performer to do.

WHAT YOU GET : A set of 11 cards that are specially designed to look classy and minimalistic. Beautifully produced on glossy stock, they are about the size of standard business cards. You can easily carry these in your pocket or wallet.

The participant is given several cards which have different personality traits printed on both sides of all the cards. The...

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Optik Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Optic Deck is an optical/visual memorized deck. You 'see' a number 1-52 in your mind's eye and you 'optically' or visually know what card is at that number. Similarly you 'see' any card in your mind's eye and you again 'optically' know what position the card is at.

The stack looks very random, the suits look random, there is no red/black alternating pattern and even after reasonable scrutiny it would be almost impossible to spot a sequence because there is none. Even magicians after being told that there is a stack involved will find it extremely difficult to spot the stack.

This is a...

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
The 59 Second Birthday Divination by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical product, a poker size gimmick, which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.

True, there are many star sign divination methods on the market. But very few exact birthday divinations. There are quite a few by this same author like Zodiak Gods, Birthday Calendar, Elemental, Elemental 2, Signature, Star Signature etc.

The 59 Second Birthday Divination is a unique combination of classic methods which is constructed in such a way that divining the exact date of birthday becomes a breeze for the performer and yet strikes the participant like a bolt from the blue. The special poker size gimmick...

★★★★ $6
Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 6: Audio Peek by Unknown Mentalist

Audio Peek is an unconventional peeking technique using the auditory sense and not the usual sight/vision sense. This simple and easy technique/method/habit can be comfortably incorporated into one of our most common everyday activities.

The Audiopeek technique consists of 3 steps, which are as follows.

  1. Creating conditions for performing an Audio Peek.
  2. Actually doing an Audio Peek when the conditions support.
  3. Using the information thus gained in an appropriate and impactful manner.
Audio Peek will yield some tremendous results to you in the long run without you having to invest any...
★★★★★ $36
Unknown Mentalist
Multilateral by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical products, a set of 3 special business card-sized gimmicks and a cute little wallet/case to hold them all together, which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.

Main Effect - A participant merely thinks of anyone from among 4 or 6 famous personalities. This is a completely free choice and there is absolutely no force. Then the performer divines the participant's thoughts and writes it down on a business card and hands it over to the participant to hold. When the participant reveals her chosen person, it matches with what...

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
1415AD by Unknown Mentalist

This year, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of a fantastic principle which was first proposed in 1917. Although, many performers are unaware of this today, here are a few hard hitting card mentalism routines based on this fantastic principle combined with what I would like to call "Multiple Ins" principle (as opposed to the well known Multiple Outs principle). Well, the intention is to continue the suspense about what this principle is, into the first few pages of this ebook.

There are 3 stunning routines, several variations and a secret bonus.

All the routines are mostly self working....

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Klean Force by Unknown Mentalist

Klean Force is a simple self working principle which can be used to build interesting routines with different themes. In this manuscript, two killer routines are explained which you could very well use as 'gig getters'. One routine is based on the theme of 'countries' and another on the theme of 'famous quotes'. A five minute preparation is all you need to start performing these routines.

The participants make absolutely free choices and yet the 'force' hits cleanly and cleverly. There are no sleights, no pre show, no stooges. It is mostly self working and there is nothing to reset. The performer...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Lucky Deck by Unknown Mentalist

This is a combo of 2 ebooks. Lucky Deck and Suit Order Systems Vol. 5.

Lucky Deck is a very special stack. Because this arrangement of the deck can be used both as a memorized deck and/or as a cyclical stack. Both the values and suits look fairly random. Just by learning 3 simple and easy rules, you will be able to pick up the entire stack within no time. Probably by the time you finish reading this manuscript, you should be able to pick up this stack.

Given any position, you will be able to name the card and vice versa. Also given any card, you will be able to get the next card as well....

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Birthday Calendar by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical products, a set of 4 business card size gimmicks, which will be shipped to you. The ebook can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf. Once the initial set of gimmicks is gone this will only be available as PDF without any mailed gimmicks.

A powerful combination of methods makes this a versatile tool for birthday divinations. You can always carry this set of 4 cards in your wallet. Any participant's exact birthday (date and month) can be divined using any of the dozen combo methods built into the cards. The range of different methods enables one to repeat this...

Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 5: Decomuno by Unknown Mentalist

Using just a few double blank business cards and a very old principle in a devastating manner, this routine creates the illusion of real mind reading. Several audience members write the names, relationships and dates of birth of their loved ones on several unprepared and unmarked business cards. All these are then gathered writing side down and mixed up. And yet the performer is able to divine all those details of loved ones of anyone of those who wrote the details. Not only that, the performer can even repeat this feat with any of the other participants too.

Although this principle is totally...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 4: Mummy Mystery Multiplied by Unknown Mentalist

The popular Mummy Mystery is a great effect based on a fantastic method. And most of us had it and still have it. But, for such a great principle, the routine gets over too quickly. So here are some ideas to add more phases to it. Of course, you can use these only if you own Mummy Mystery - so ensure you have one before buying this ebook.

Phase One - The performer reads the mind of a participant.

Phase Two - The performer reads the mind of a second participant within the same process.

Phase Three - The performer successfully conducts a 'group telepathy' experiment.

Phase Four - The...

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Dark Corners by Unknown Mentalist

Effect as seen by the participant. From among hundreds of words, a participant chooses a single word silently in her mind. It is a totally free choice and there is no force of any kind. After a simple and quick process of visualization by the participant, the performer is able to divine the exact word accurately without pumping. Nothing is spoken or written down by the participant.

This routine can be repeated instantly for the same participant or can be performed for multiple participants simultaneously. The principle behind the basic method is a very novel one and can find many other applications. ...

Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 3: Q&A Prediction by Unknown Mentalist

A participant chooses a random question secretly. But the performer has predicted prior to the beginning of the routine, the answer which exactly matches the random secret question. This is extremely clean, easy, self working and almost hands off - a delight to perform. All you would need is a few business cards.

  • No peeks, no switches, no impressions, no center tears, no swami.
  • No sleights, no preshow, no stooges, no instant stooges.
  • No dual reality, no multiple outs, no electronics.
Suitable for close up or street and can be easily adapted for parlor or stage.

1st edition 2017, 6...

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 2: Mental Logs Unlogged by Unknown Mentalist

Mental Logs is a well known routine. But it generally remained a math puzzle and never got to become a mind blowing miracle, at least for many performers. Mental Logs Unlogged, although based on the basic principle of mental logs, has been treated with a double dose of steroids and zooms up very high in terms of impact and impossibility.

First, you do not need to carry your mental logs anymore. Second, the theme here gives you a plausible reason to use sets of 4 digit numbers. Third, a few business cards is all you need to perform these amazing routines. Fourth, the basic principle has been...

★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 1: Propless Sign Divination by Unknown Mentalist

This is a completely propless method for zodiac sign divination. You do not even need a pen and a paper. And the participant is not required to write or speak anything at all. The entire process takes less than a minute. To top it all, it is very easy to learn and perform.

The simplicity of the principle is, at the same time, its true power and also its true disguise. This is a really cool method to have in your arsenal and can be performed impromptu anytime, anywhere to anyone. No Progressive Anagrams. No Branching Anagrams. No Math. No Dual Reality. No Reframes. No Verbal Jugglery. No Stooges....

★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Kalendar Clairvoyance by Unknown Mentalist

This is a collection of clean, crisp and cool calendar routines which will baffle and startle your audience. They can live in your wallet or pocket and are ready for anytime and anywhere performance.

There is nothing to memorize and no complex math. All the systems are easy and self working. You will be able to start doing these within 15 minutes of reading the instructions. The routines are as follows.

1. Roman Enigma - The performer claims to have photographed an ancient rock engraved inscription from recent secret Roman excavations which gives him the weird and inexplicable power to...

★★★★★ $36
Unknown Mentalist
Happy Birthday Stranger by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical products which will be shipped to you. The ebook can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf. You can only make one purchase per customer to avail this intro price. This is to prevent unauthorized resellers from stocking up at the lower intro price. Currently this is available only on

When you meet a total stranger for the very first time, you will be able to reveal her key personality trait, the colors of her aura, her zodiac sign and her exact date and month of birth. And all this without her saying a single word or writing anything down at all. ...

★★★★ $30
Unknown Mentalist
Deckless ACAAN by Unknown Mentalist
"Thank you for your kind hearted support. The royalties share received on this sale by me has been sent to Tim Rose to support him with his fight against cancer. I have never known Tim Rose. Came to know about his illness only through Lybrary newsletter. I feel that irrespective of whether performers are well known or unknown, they deserve our community's support equally." - Unknown Mentalist.
A collection of 16 stunning routines based on the ACAAN theme.

The best part is that several of these routines do not use a physical deck at all. Some of these routines do use a physical deck...

★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Psycherotika by Unknown Mentalist

A killer set of mind-reading effects in your pocket. Self-working and instantly repeatable with a different outcome each time.

What You Get:

  1. Psycherotika card - A specially designed and beautifully produced sturdy plastic card in poker size.
  2. Nightwalkers card - Another specially designed and beautifully produced sturdy plastic card in poker size.
  3. A special business card printed on both sides with gloss lamination.

The performer is able to divine the starting point and ending point of a "chain of thoughts" which freely happens only in the mind of the participant. Nothing is ever...

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Stebbins Surprise Stack by Unknown Mentalist
  1. Can a Si Stebbins PLUS TWO stack be made useful for stack magic?
  2. Can the values of this stack be made to look random enough for fair scrutiny?
  3. Can this stack be made useful as a memorized deck - knowing the card at a given position and vice versa - without a sweat?
  4. Can this stack have a monodistic sequence instead of the repeating tetradistic sequence like the regular Si Stebbins stack?
  5. After having achieved all the above, will the stack still remain simple and easy to learn?
  6. Can this same framework be applied to the other Stebbins +3 or +4 stacks?
  7. Finally, will it be possible to perform...
★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Credit Kard Mantra by Unknown Mentalist

It was very satisfying to note that many of you have liked the routines and principles explained in the predecessor to this, i.e, Credit Kard Tantra. Thank you for your great response and support.

Here is another collection of 15 amazing effects (including variations), a bonus routine and some bonus ideas - all of which can be done with any participant's credit/debit cards. Almost impromptu, self working and easy to perform routines which do not need any DIY or arts and crafts with either your or the participant's cards.

Most of these routines can also be performed over phone or skype. Some of the routines...

★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Credit Kard Tantra by Unknown Mentalist

This is a collection of 12 stunning mentalism routines which can be done with your credit/debit card. All the routines are quite easy to perform. Most of them are fairly self working. Some of them can even be performed remotely over phone. Some of the routines can be done with the participant's cards also.

There is no arts and crafts to be done with your cards. There is absolutely no tampering of your cards. The effects themselves are hands off. Your existing and live credit/debit cards can be used for these effects. There are no sleights, no threads, no stooges, no magnets involved.


★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Mindiktator by Unknown Mentalist

The performer talks about a secret United Nations project called Dictator Diction related to a study about dictators. A participant is asked to think of one of the frequently used words of any one of the infamous dictators. Then the performer, apparently using his secret knowledge of the confidential project findings, not only divines the chosen word but also other information like the name of the dictator, his country and even his years of birth and death. A very impressive feat indeed.

Like The Grow Devils Principle, this method is based on yet another innovative principle which is not known to have been used...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Monk Stack by Unknown Mentalist

The Monk Stack is a simple cyclical stack. It was designed to solve two famous problems of the Si Stebbins stack and the 8 Kings stack. Like the Si Stebbins stack, this does not have an obvious sequence. And unlike the 8 Kings, this does not need the memorization of a mnemonic.

In fact, the single, simple rule of the Monk Stack is so easy that you will learn the stack instantly after reading the rule. Not only that, it will also be almost impossible for you to forget the rule thereafter. Frankly, the cool rule which is the core of the Monk Stack can be stated in just one single sentence....

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