When Aldo published his book Double Decker (routines with two decks of cards) little did he know what he was getting into. He really enjoyed studying the routines and consequently he went into a frenzied quest for more. It is amazing how many he found! Here’s a new collection of routines using two (or three) decks of cards. Have fun studying the routines and, above all, performing them all for your audiences.
Commercial card magic at its best. All practical effects which you will use.
Packet tricks performed with regular cards! Packet Tricks are always popular. Using only a few cards you can perform very strong, baffling, visual magic. Here you have ten packet tricks from the world's top 'packet trick' experts.
You do not require a table to perform these routines. From this material you can create two complete acts.
CLEAN CUT ROPE (Aldo Colombini): A different way to perform the standard cut and restored rope effect!
STRANGER IN PARADISE (Ed Marlo): A red-backed deck is placed in a glass. You remove cards one at a time until a spectator says ‘stop.’ At the stop, that card is the only one with a blue back!
DOGGIE DEXTERITY (Aldo Colombini): Comedy at its best with a balloon twisted into a poodle who finds a selected card!
CARD ON PLATE (Ken de Courcy): You spin a plate with one hand and have...
This is Aldo's second volume of impromptu card tricks. Once again the rules that he required were simple: That the tricks be based on subtle moves and principles only rather than difficult sleights. Most importantly, the tricks had to be totally impromptu with no set-ups. Eventually he did, however, allow a few easy moves such as a card control, a force or a simple sleight; moves that still are very easy to master and perform.
Tricks are organized into the following categories. The last one is a section on simple sleights and procedures:
90 amazing card tricks by some of the most recognized magicians (including three past FISM winners), with stringent conditions: no set-ups and no sleights. organized into the following sections:
This time Aldo is offering you very strong routines that require a little bit more sleight of hand than those he usually puts in print. Aldo has built his reputation on fairly easy material with simple and subtle moves. In this ebook he has kept the subtleties, but he is giving you more difficult routines which are geared toward pleasing not only the viewers, but yourself and your 'ego.'
Aldo uses the first five routines as an entire act.
1st edition 1996; 33 pages.
Table of Contents
A compilation of wonderful rope routines. A funny cut and restored rope routine for kids; a unique routine in which six loops are counted, three of these loops link together and the other three change into a giant loop with three knots (no gimmick); and Rope and silks combination.
There are also two rope routines by Ronald Dayton (a comedy effect and a rope through neck effect) and more. 84 illustrations. No gimmicks and all the routines except the first one use the same rope over and over again (no cutting).
1st edition 1996; 20 pages.
Table of Contents
Here is Aldo's latest effort on putting together smart comebacks, insults and one-liners. Besides insults and comebacks you will also find a section with various funny one-liners to use during your shows. Although Aldo wrote the lines with SHE or HE, the subject can be, of course, easily switched. Please be aware that some one-liners are crude and/or contain ‘blue’ material.
1st edition 2010; 19 pages.
Twenty routines by Aldo Colombini, plus a bonus section of 10 routines by: Ken de Courcy, Didier Dupré, Karl Fulves, Paul Gordon, G. W. Hunter, Milton Kort, Max Maven, Werner Miller, Herb Rungay, Geoffrey Scalbert. Impromptu routines, four-ace revelations, predictions, oil and water and more. Illustrated with 33 photographs.
1st edition 2008; 32 pages.
Here you have 25 completely new card routines not found in any of Aldo's other ebooks! Includes gems such as: Contact Colors, Punch Its Match and many more.
1st edition 2009; 26 pages.
To my knowledge, this is the best collection of tricks and routines with two decks ever put together in a book or ebook. Twenty effects by the most renowned names in magic: Coincidences, change of color, transpositions, etc.
The contributors are: Alex Elmsley, Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta, Edmund Balducci, Ken Krenzel, Aldo Colombini, Roy Walton, J.K. Hartman, Roy Scott, Stanley Jaks, Nick Trost, Arthur Setterington, Francis Haxton, U.F. Grant, Gus Southall and Martin Gardner. A great book with lots of photographs.
Coin magic is usually very difficult to perform, and requires sleight of hand and manipulation. In this ebook, you will find seven very strong coin routines requiring NO SLEIGHTS AT ALL and totally impromptu using ordinary coins. We predict you will never stop doing them. Although in the description Aldo use American coins, any coins from any country can be used and can be borrowed from the spectators.
1st edition 2008; 14 pages.
Twenty-five incredible impromptu routines performed with just a regular deck of cards (and, of course, all different from Aldo's other ebooks).
Contributors: Howard Adams, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner, Dougie Gibbard, Paul Gordon, J. K. Hartman, Tom Hubbard, Marty Kane, Werner Miller, André Robert, Lin Searles, Tom Sellers, Floyd Shotts, Stephen Tucker.
1st edition 2008; 18 pages.
A Koncise Kollaborative Kompendium of Kommercial Killer Kount Kreations for Kontemporary Klose-up Kard Konjurors. Over 30 routines using Steve Beam’s Killer Count by Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini and Robin Robertson. Four Ace tricks, cards across, mentalism, discoveries, spelling effects, comedy routines, a fantastic diary trick and much more.
1st edition 2009; 26 pages.
Here you have a collection of comedy signs that you may use as an MC or as an entertaining funny spot for any act. Just select the ones you like, print them in cardstock (laminate them if you want so they last forever) and just present them to your audiences. We would not suggest that you use them all at once but just a few (seven or ten seems a fair number).
You get a total of 36 signs.
Here’s a unique handling for the “Professor’s Nightmare” rope routine that you’ll use in your act.
The magician cuts a length of rope into three pieces of different lengths; small, medium and long. The three pieces are stretched until they appear to be all the same length. The three pieces of rope are then tied together. The knots vanish and apparently the rope is fully restored. Until now the effect is a standard one. But wait…here comes the incredible finale! One knot is magically thrown back onto the rope then jumps away leaving the rope completely...
1st edition 2009; 22 pages.
20 new packet tricks. Packet tricks are always popular and here you have a great collection of routines from many experts in this field.
A unique rope routine with over 20 effects.
Here Aldo created a wonderful rope routine in eleven phases where rope is stretched, cut, restored, knotted and so forth:
1st edition 2010; 15 pages.
An ebook with stunning routines using ordinary dice and a deck of cards. These effects are ALL DIFFERENT from the routines in Aldo's two DVD volumes produced by Meir Yedid and called Card and Dice Deceptions.
Contributors include: Howard Adams, Charles Brent, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Karl Fulves, Thomas Henry, Stewart James, Lewis Jones, Stewart Judah, Marty Kane, Harry Lorayne, Max Maven, Norm Osborn and Robin Robertson. You will love these routines.
1st edition 2006; 54 pages.