Here you have ten strong routines by Aldo Colombini using special cards (easily found).
Routines with two decks of cards.
The effect was created by Peter Duffie. An effect which must give the impression that you are a fantastic card expert. Two cards are placed face up on the table. You now show four misprinted cards that have backs on both sides - except for one, which has a back and a blank face. You now add the first card to the packet and suddenly all the cards print with faces of the selection! You repeat this with the second card to cause all the cards to print to duplicates of this card! Finally you pick up the card with the blank face. "This," you state, "is an eraser!" You now prove this to be so because, suddenly,...
This is an unusual trick and one that creates mystery and surprise. It can also be customized according to the venues and type of shows. You show four double-blank cards. You place a colored sticker on one card and the sticker appears on every card. Then, three stickers disappear from the cards and all the stickers are on one card!
You will need four double blank cards (blank on both sides) and some stickers.
Un nuevo e-book de Aldo Colombini.
Un concierto compuesto por 28 temas cartomágicos que supondrán un deleite para tus ojos, para tus manos y para tus oídos. Como siempre, cartomagia efectiva, visual, sencilla y práctica.
Made in Aldo Colombini.
28 efectos cartomágicos a un click de ratón. ¿Te lo vas a perder?
Ten routines with cards and coins.
You show five cards completely blank on both sides. A card is selected from a regular deck (say the QH). The same card appears on the face of every blank card. Then all the cards are blank again including the spectator’s selection; this card now re-appears face up in the middle of the deck!
Requires four cards blank on both sides, a blank-backed card and a blank-faced card.
This is an amazing close-up trick which is a mystery to any audience. Two cards are selected from a deck of cards. You show several Jokers. One at a time, the Jokers turn over and during this process change one by one into duplicates of the first card. Then, all together they change into duplicates of the second selected card!
Requires two double faced cards.
More great magic of Nick Trost. All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.
The routine is based on Frank Garcia's "Five-Card Stunner" but also on handlings by Ken de Courcy and Herb Rungay. It is perfect for stand-up performers (parlor or stage) with no table required. You show a black card (say the 9C) and four red cards. When the cards are fanned, there are only four and they are all red; the black card has vanished. You eliminate one red card and then you remove the missing black card from the pocket. Again the cards are shown and then fanned. There are three red cards; the black card vanishes for the second time. You eliminate another red card and remove the black...
An uncanny demonstration of apparent thought-reading.
THREE SMASH HITS: You show a packet of cards (saying that it contains the four Queens) and leave it aside. You also show another packet of four cards and they are seen to be the four Queens. A spectator FREELY touches any card and this is revealed to be, say, the QC.
FIRST EFFECT: The QC is seen to be the only reversed card in the other packet.
SECOND EFFECT: This card has a red back, while the other three are blue-backed cards.
THIRD EFFECT: The three blue-backed cards are seen to have blank faces.
Easy to do. At the...
An effect by Paul Gordon performed by Aldo Colombini. You show some Jokers. The backs of the cards are red. One Joker with a big X on its back is placed among the cards and now all the cards have a big X on their backs. One card with a big O on its back is placed among the cards and now all the cards have big O’s on their backs. Finally, the cards are all back to normal. The big surprise comes when five cards are turned over and a letter appears on each card spelling the word MAGIC (or any other message, a Royal Flush, etc).
You will need five blank-faced cards.
More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.
Peter Warlock's legendary monthly magazine New Pentagram ran for 20 years. During those two decades some of the finest close-up and stage magic of the period was explained in its pages. Aldo has selected ten routines from each volume (in chronological order), so you should expect 20 download DVDs dedicated to this great magazine.
You will have: Card tricks, mental effects, coin routines, tricks with rings, etc, from magicians like Alex Elmsley, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Francis Haxton, Ian Adair, Al Koran, Eddie Joseph, Ali Bongo, Milton Kort, Arthur Carter, Robert Neale, Peter Kane, Jack Avis and many more!
Aldo Colombini and Cameron Francis, two friends with a common passion: Card Magic. This is the type of magic that can be worked anytime, anyplace.
All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards!
More great card magic from the late Nick Trost! All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.
All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.
Ten packet tricks performed with regular cards. Cameron and Aldo joined forces again to produce powerful routines you can and will use.