Ten very strong routines with cards, from various authors.
More flip-lines, banters, ad-libs, comedy sight bits, and emcee blockbusters. The sequel of one of the funniest, most unusual DVDs on comedy ever produced (Gagbuster)! Another collection of visual gags and comedy bits that you will use in your shows.
All these routines are performed with a regular deck of ESP cards and with no sleight of hand whatsoever. All tricks explained here were created by Howard Adams.
Werner Miller is one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.
Magic with "Special Decks" by Nick Trost. All the tricks requires special decks (not supplied but easy to make up).
The great packet tricks of Nick Trost. All the tricks require special cards (not supplied but easily obtainable) or simply duplicates of some cards.
All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever. The were originally created by Howard Adams.
All these routines are performed with no sleight of hand.
All these routines are performed with no sleight-of-hand. Except for the last effect, the routines are totally impromptu and use only a packet of cards.
Karl Fulves' legendary magazine The Chronicles was limited to 36 issues, from 1978 to 1988, during those ten years some of the finest close-up magic of the period was explained in its pages. From the magazines, with permission from Karl, Aldo has selected ten routines; just a small portion of that outstanding collection.
Karl Fulves' legendary magazine Epilogue was limited to 24 issues, from 1967 to 1975, during those years some of the finest close-up magic of the period was explained in its pages. From the magazines, with permission by Karl, Aldo has selected ten packet trick routines.
Continuamos ofreciendo en español, la fantástica saga de rutinas cartomágicas de Aldo Colombini.
Nuevas rutinas, totalmente impromptu, usando un mazo normal de cartas y muy fáciles de hacer... pero a la vez, como siempre, muy mágicas e impactantes.
Me doy cuenta de que si te las arreglas para organizar tu "tiempo" acabaras teniendo un MONTÓN de tiempo. Y es en este montón tiempo que no se sabe se tiene, en el que se pueden hacer muchísimas cosas que de otro modo no se harían porque se piensa que se tiene suficiente tiempo para hacer aquellas cosas que requieren tiempo.
This is the seventh in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 7 features routines by Nick Trost.
This is the sixth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 6 features routines by a range of famous authors.
This is the fifth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 5 features routines by a range of famous authors.
A Nick Trost routine performed by Aldo Colombini. A beautiful, unique routine. A spectator shuffles the deck. Several cards are dealt face up on the table. The performer says that he will attempt to match the face-up cards color for color by dealing face-down cards onto each. He then turns over the pairs and every pair matches – color for color. A spectator tries to match some cards but he fails to match more than just a few. Finally, you correctly name the color of all the cards in the packet before you turn them over. Just a regular deck of cards is used!
New packet tricks with regular cards.
The amazing card magic of Richard Vollmer. Richard Vollmer, from France, is very well known to produce card magic based above all on subtleties rather than difficult sleight of hand. In this collection, Richard gives us ten of his best routines. Study them and you will have incredible magic in your repertoire. All the effects are performed with a regular deck of cards and most of them are totally impromptu.
This is a reputation maker routine. It uses a regular deck of cards and it is totally impromptu. You show the four Kings and four black cards. The Kings are placed one by one among the black cards. They disappear and reappear in one packet. Then the Kings are paired up with the four black cards. The Kings disappear and you are left with eight black cards. Finally, you produce the Kings one by one using different stunning methods. Over a dozen effects!
Nick Trost was a master at creating amazing tricks and routines based on subtleties rather than difficult sleight of hand.
Most of these tricks are impromptu and they all use a regular deck of cards.
Una recopilación llevada a cabo por Aldo Colombini, que reune 25 buenos efectos para hacer de forma impromtu y con una baraja normal.
"Una vez más, he reunido trucos y rutinas totalmente IMPROMTU y con una baraja normal. Estoy encantado de la respuesta que han tenido todos mis libros anteriores sobre el tema y seguiré reuniendo efectos hasta... que mis dedos sangren de tanto escribir (los dos índices), o mis amigos se cansen de enviarme trucos para publicar. Pero tranquilos, porque tengo unos amigos muy generosos y seguirán apoyándome continuamente en mi búsqueda. Así que, uníos...
Aldo Colombini's favorite plot is Oil and Water. He has collected literally hundreds of variations over decades of performing magic. He has selected the best and most unique representatives of his collection here in his Oil and Water series of download DVDs.
Ten more powerful routines on the classic theme.
Aldo Colombini's favorite plot is Oil and Water. He has collected literally hundreds of variations over decades of performing magic. He has selected the best and most unique representatives of his collection here in his Oil and Water series of download DVDs.
Ten powerful routines on the classic theme. All performed with regular cards.
Funny stuff for magicians, MCs and other entertainers. For a pro just one new gag or bit of comedy that fits into his program is worth a lot of money. Even though Aldo demonstrates these gags not in front of a life audience, it is so much better to see a video and get a sense of how they have to be delivered, rather than just reading about them. Here you have a sampling of some great gags: