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Aldo Colombini products: page 6

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★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Card Mix by Aldo Colombini

Ten very strong routines with cards, from various authors.


  • ITALIAN HEART (Aldo Colombini): A spectator finds a selected card after the deck has been shuffled with a further final climax.
  • FOUR-CARD REPEAT POKER (Paul Gordon): You show four cards and you eliminate one, but you still have four cards. The same thing is repeated and at the end you end up with the four Aces.
  • RAINBOW MYSTERY (Aldo Colombini): You and the spectator select two cards each and they match front and back. What’s so strange? The backs of the other cards are all different (Rainbow).
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Gagbuster: The Sequel by Aldo Colombini

More flip-lines, banters, ad-libs, comedy sight bits, and emcee blockbusters. The sequel of one of the funniest, most unusual DVDs on comedy ever produced (Gagbuster)! Another collection of visual gags and comedy bits that you will use in your shows.


★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 10: Howard Adams Part 4 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with a regular deck of ESP cards and with no sleight of hand whatsoever. All tricks explained here were created by Howard Adams.


  • ELIMINEIGHT: From a deck you predict the selections of four ESP symbols.
  • COMPUTERA: A spectator selects three cards. You pick three cards under a napkin. These three cards prove to be duplicates of the spectator’s selected cards.
  • PACKETEN ONE: You locate a duplicate of a selected ESP design from a pile covered by a napkin.
  • NO OBJECTS: You predict several symbol cards that spectators select.
  • ESP NAME 6: Using the name of a...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 9: Werner Miller by Aldo Colombini

Werner Miller is one of the most prolific creators with regards to ESP cards. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.


  • ESP TWIZZLER: A symbol is selected and you find a duplicate in a packet of cards.
  • MEETING ONE’S MATCH: A card is selected. Two packets of cards are dealt at the same time and only two symbols match and they also match the selection.
  • QUAD-CUT VARIATIONS: A beautiful routine (totally impromptu) where you and the spectator find five matching symbols from a shuffled deck.
  • AEOLIS PRELUDE: Using a compass you find five different symbols in...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 7 by Aldo Colombini

Magic with "Special Decks" by Nick Trost. All the tricks requires special decks (not supplied but easy to make up).


  • ROYAL TRIUMPH: Four cards are selected from a red-backed deck. You produce the four Kings and these have blue backs. At the end, these four cards are the selected ones.
  • MATRIX MIRACLE: Five cards are selected. Spectators help to select any other five cards and these are seen to be the mates of the previously chosen ones.
  • STRANGER IN PARADISE: One card is selected from a blue-backed deck. A red-backed deck is shown. The cards are counted and they are only 51. The selected...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 6 by Aldo Colombini

The great packet tricks of Nick Trost. All the tricks require special cards (not supplied but easily obtainable) or simply duplicates of some cards.


  • UN-CARDS: A beautiful prediction effect using blank-faced cards (the Un-Cards). The selected card is shown to be the only red card of the packet. The prediction says, “YOU WILL SELECT THE RED CARD.”
  • EXPANDING CARDS: A stunning, visual effect! A fan of five miniature cards (say A, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Clubs) expands to large ones in a blink of an eye! So easy to do. For close-up, walk-around, etc.
  • KOPY KAT: From two packets of cards you...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 8: Howard Adams Part 3 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever. The were originally created by Howard Adams.


  • DUFOBESP: From a packet of cards two symbols are selected. The matching symbols appear face up in another packet.
  • ESP 15: You reveal symbol cards selected by two spectators totally at random.
  • FOURTEENTOLD: A person selects a symbol. A prediction envelope containing some coins leads to the discovery of a duplicate design.
  • VOGNERIAN: Four matching pairs are found by a spectator from a shuffled deck; plus another selected symbol is revealed at the end of the routine.
  • PENCOIN:...
Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 2 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight of hand.


  • CORSIQUIN: A person rips five cards in half and splits them in two packets after having a card selected. The two packets are dealt at the same time and only two halves match: The selected card.
  • TWO ROWDU: With a few coins you show that you made two (or three) predictions in this wonderful packet trick.
  • BOOK PAGE LINE: The name says all. A simple but very effective book test involving a book and eight cards.
  • SIMPLE TRIPLE MINDS: You will love the principle behind the routine. After a spectator deals three packets of...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 1 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight-of-hand. Except for the last effect, the routines are totally impromptu and use only a packet of cards.


  • STAKATE: A revelation of two freely selected cards and a final effect with a prediction.
  • SYMPAMATES: Five cards are torn in half and two spectators find two matching symbols.
  • COLOR QUARTET: Four selected cards are found after the packet has been shuffled.
  • EZ GAMBLE: You win in a game of poker with ten cards and three spectators.
  • BASICDU: A spectator picks a card from a packet of red-backed cards and you pick a card a blue-backed...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Karl Fulves' The Chronicles by Aldo Colombini

Karl Fulves' legendary magazine The Chronicles was limited to 36 issues, from 1978 to 1988, during those ten years some of the finest close-up magic of the period was explained in its pages. From the magazines, with permission from Karl, Aldo has selected ten routines; just a small portion of that outstanding collection.


  • COIN ENTRAPPED (Mike Skinner): Two coins are on a card box. One is selected by a spectator and penetrates the cellophane.
  • ROYAL BACKS (Jeff Busby): Five cards with backs on both sides change into a Royal Flush in Spades.
  • THE SPECTRUM EFFECT (Fr. Cyprian): You select two cards, the spectator...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Karl Fulves' Epilogue by Aldo Colombini

Karl Fulves' legendary magazine Epilogue was limited to 24 issues, from 1967 to 1975, during those years some of the finest close-up magic of the period was explained in its pages. From the magazines, with permission by Karl, Aldo has selected ten packet trick routines.


  • DEVIL'S ELEVATOR (Bruce Cervon & Dai Vernon): One of the finest routine for this classic theme. One of my all-time favorites (and soon to be one of yours).
  • TRANSPOSE & FOLLOW (Gerald Kosky): Two effects combined in a beautiful routine using the Aces and the Kings.
  • ALA ELMSLEY (Larry Jennings): The Larry's version of the famous "Four-card trick" by Alex Elmsley. ...
Aldo Colombini
Un Corte Sobre los Demás (A Cut Above the Rest) by Aldo Colombini

Continuamos ofreciendo en español, la fantástica saga de rutinas cartomágicas de Aldo Colombini.

Nuevas rutinas, totalmente impromptu, usando un mazo normal de cartas y muy fáciles de hacer... pero a la vez, como siempre, muy mágicas e impactantes.

Me doy cuenta de que si te las arreglas para organizar tu "tiempo" acabaras teniendo un MONTÓN de tiempo. Y es en este montón tiempo que no se sabe se tiene, en el que se pueden hacer muchísimas cosas que de otro modo no se harían porque se piensa que se tiene suficiente tiempo para hacer aquellas cosas que requieren tiempo.


Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 7: Nick Trost Part 3 by Aldo Colombini

This is the seventh in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 7 features routines by Nick Trost.


  • FACE-TO-FACE COINCIDENCE: You place three cards on the table and these are inserted into the deck by spectators. They find the same symbols.
  • ESP SWINDLE: A spectator shuffles the deck at random, yet he’s able to pair all the cards (two Circles, two Squares, etc. all the way through).
  • THREE ODD COUPLES: The cards are dealt on the table in pairs and a spectator picks three pairs by placing three coins on them (free choice). These are the only...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 6: Various Authors Part 2 by Aldo Colombini

This is the sixth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 6 features routines by a range of famous authors.


  • QUINTUPLICATE COINCIDENCE (Arthur Carter): The deck is shuffled and dealt into five packets. Five cards are placed as predictions. Five spectators shuffle each packet and pick a card each: They match the prediction.
  • MENTAL TEKEL (Max Maven): A spectator freely picks a card from a red-backed deck. Your blue-backed card matches the selection.
  • A CUT ABOVE (Marcello Truzzi): A 'paper sleeve' containing a piece of paper with...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 5: Various Authors Part 1 by Aldo Colombini

This is the fifth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 5 features routines by a range of famous authors.


  • SYMBOLICLUE (Werner Miller): A spectator picks a card. The other cards are dealt in four packets and assembled randomly. When you turn over the cards in pairs only four cards match (say four Squares), the fifth symbol is the selected one (Square).
  • WHITEWASH (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson): Four cards with numbers shuffled by a spectator are used to find four symbols (say all Square), that match your prediction. At the end all the other cards are blank. This...
Aldo Colombini
Outdone by Aldo Colombini

A Nick Trost routine performed by Aldo Colombini. A beautiful, unique routine. A spectator shuffles the deck. Several cards are dealt face up on the table. The performer says that he will attempt to match the face-up cards color for color by dealing face-down cards onto each. He then turns over the pairs and every pair matches – color for color. A spectator tries to match some cards but he fails to match more than just a few. Finally, you correctly name the color of all the cards in the packet before you turn them over. Just a regular deck of cards is used!

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Not Playing With A Full Deck by Aldo Colombini

New packet tricks with regular cards.


  • MEXICAN MONTE (Nick Trost): An amusing routine involving two jokers and an Ace, with many changes and a terrific climax where the back of the Ace changes color and a big 'X' appears on the back of the Ace.
  • JAZZY QUEENS AND KINGS (Richard Vollmer): A fantastic packet trick with the four Kings and the four Queens where they change places and at the end the four Aces appear. Great stuff.
  • POLE POSITION (Werner Miller): A card is selected and a spectator loses it in the packet and shuffles the cards. The selection is found by using the name of a random card.
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Stunning Card Magic: the amazing card magic of Richard Vollmer by Aldo Colombini

The amazing card magic of Richard Vollmer. Richard Vollmer, from France, is very well known to produce card magic based above all on subtleties rather than difficult sleight of hand. In this collection, Richard gives us ten of his best routines. Study them and you will have incredible magic in your repertoire. All the effects are performed with a regular deck of cards and most of them are totally impromptu.


  • DOUBLE CHAMELEON: You show four blue-backed jokers. A card is selected from a red-backed deck (say the KC). The jokers all become four red-backed KS's and then go back to...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Italian Serenade by Aldo Colombini

This is a reputation maker routine. It uses a regular deck of cards and it is totally impromptu. You show the four Kings and four black cards. The Kings are placed one by one among the black cards. They disappear and reappear in one packet. Then the Kings are paired up with the four black cards. The Kings disappear and you are left with eight black cards. Finally, you produce the Kings one by one using different stunning methods. Over a dozen effects!

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 5 by Aldo Colombini

Nick Trost was a master at creating amazing tricks and routines based on subtleties rather than difficult sleight of hand.

Most of these tricks are impromptu and they all use a regular deck of cards.


  • SIGNIFICATOR CARDS: A freely selected card is lost in the deck and revealed by four cards picked by a spectator.
  • THE RESTLESS COURT CARDS: The twelve court cards are used. You place them in three packets and then switch their positions. They follow each other in their respective piles.
  • AN EQUALIZER REVEALMENT: Two cards are freely selected and replaced. The deck is shuffled face up and...
Aldo Colombini
Un Corte Más Profundo (A Cut Deeper) by Aldo Colombini

Una recopilación llevada a cabo por Aldo Colombini, que reune 25 buenos efectos para hacer de forma impromtu y con una baraja normal.

"Una vez más, he reunido trucos y rutinas totalmente IMPROMTU y con una baraja normal. Estoy encantado de la respuesta que han tenido todos mis libros anteriores sobre el tema y seguiré reuniendo efectos hasta... que mis dedos sangren de tanto escribir (los dos índices), o mis amigos se cansen de enviarme trucos para publicar. Pero tranquilos, porque tengo unos amigos muy generosos y seguirán apoyándome continuamente en mi búsqueda. Así que, uníos...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Oil and Water 2 by Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini's favorite plot is Oil and Water. He has collected literally hundreds of variations over decades of performing magic. He has selected the best and most unique representatives of his collection here in his Oil and Water series of download DVDs.

Ten more powerful routines on the classic theme.


  • DIMINISHING OIL & WATER (Aldo Colombini): Four red cards and four black cards are mixed and then separate. You repeat with six cards, then four and then two (?). At the end, the whole deck separates into black and red.
  • TRI IT (Karl Fulves): A fast oil & water routine with six cards. ...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Oil and Water 1 by Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini's favorite plot is Oil and Water. He has collected literally hundreds of variations over decades of performing magic. He has selected the best and most unique representatives of his collection here in his Oil and Water series of download DVDs.

Ten powerful routines on the classic theme. All performed with regular cards.


  • FOURTEEN-CARD OIL & WATER (Nick Trost): An easy routine basically self working.
  • ITALIAN DRESSING (Aldo Colombini): I am biased but this is my favorite oil and water routine. Four phases.
  • OIL & QUEENS (Roy Walton): The routine became a classic and still...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Gagbuster by Aldo Colombini

Funny stuff for magicians, MCs and other entertainers. For a pro just one new gag or bit of comedy that fits into his program is worth a lot of money. Even though Aldo demonstrates these gags not in front of a life audience, it is so much better to see a video and get a sense of how they have to be delivered, rather than just reading about them. Here you have a sampling of some great gags:

This is the funniest, most unusual download DVD on comedy ever produced. A collection of visual gags and comedy bits that you will...
Displaying 242 to 265 (of 385 products)
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