A collection of tricks, stunts and bits of business using a reel.
A reel is a very powerful stage and parlor tool. (In its miniature versions it can even be used in close-up environments.) It is small enough that it can be easily palmed, but powerful enough to pull silks, cords and other items in a fraction of a second. It is like an invisible hand that the performer can use at his command.
Includes care, repair and maintenance of reels.
This ebook contains routines by
CHARLES HARRISON. Member of the Inner Magic Circle, London. A fine performer who is a master at devising magic dependent upon subtle ideas and misdirection. His "Marvellous Marbles" is one of the finest close-up routines it has been Lewis Ganson's privilege to witness.
HARRY G. FRANKE of America who is well known for the clever ideas he has given to the magical fraternity through the pages of JEAN HUGARD'S excellent monthly magazine. "The Vanishing Lady" described herein is a terrific effect brought about with - just three cards.
CY ENDFIELD. Well known Film Director...
Some of the finest rope magic from Lewis Ganson, Peter Warlock, Van Rinkhuyzen, Anverdi, Faucett W. Ross, Jay Ose, Martin Gardner, Edward Victor, Stanley Norman, Norman Rashleigh, Harold G. Beaumont, C. F. Germelman, Horace E. Bennett, H. Fernandes, Bill Shewan and H. Fernandes.
Le Tour des Gobelets et des Balles par Aldo Colombini qui enseigne ici la routine avec laquelle il a remporté le concours de close-up à Vienne en Autriche lors de la FISM en 1976. Cette routine intègre des idées de Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller, Pete Biro et Larry Jennings, ainsi que de nombreux éléments originaux crées par Aldo lui-même.
Cet ouvrage faisait partie de la célèbre collection Ganson Teach-In publiée à l'origine par Supreme Magic Inc. Les droits sont à présent détenus par Martin Breese que nous remercions pour son aimable autorisation de reproduire ce livret.
Dalla fluente penna di Lewis Ganson, ecco per la prima volta in Italia la dettagliata descrizione di una dei migliori "Test dell' Elenco Telefonico" disponibili alla comunità illusionistica : quello di Trevor Dawson.
Se pensate a forzature, calcoli complicati, elenchi da mandare a memoria: beh ! Allora dimenticate tutto questo. In questo test dell'elenco telefonico, qualunque spettatore vi affianca, sceglie liberamente una pagina dell'elenco telefonico, sceglie liberamente un nome e un numero telefonico e voi li indovinate ! Si si svolge tutto proprio così , in maniera semplice e diretta...
The second volume continues with more than 60 outstanding close-up routines from the best names in magic.
1st edition 1967, 300 pages; PDF 184 pages.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Destroyed & Restored
Chapter 2: Three Rings For Dai Vernon
Chapter 3: Mainly Mental
Chapter 4: Novel Necromancy
Probably the greatest collection of close-up tricks ever assembled. And no card tricks are included in this first volume. It is so important not only because of its size (see the humongous table of contents below) and quality, but because the author has gone beyond the mere explanations of tricks and routines. The opening chapter, 'The Presentation of Close-Up Magic', embraces the whole approach to close-up performance. Includes hundreds of illustrations by Dennis Patten.
1st edition 1967, 344 pages; PDF 254 pages.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: The Presentation Of Close-Up...
Originally published by Harry Stanley in three separate parts (1955, 1956, 1958) this ebook is a complete remake of all three parts in one volume with new photos taken by Martin Breese and posed by Paul Gordon. The card magic presented is exceptional. It also explains all the basic moves Cy used to perform the tricks described. This classic trilogy therefore can serve as a wonderful introduction to card magic or be a treasure trove for those who are looking for some beautiful effects. You will find many well structured classics like Ambitious Card or Three Card Monte as well as some unusual effects.
Among Cy's teachers...
This is a compilation of all 17 Lewis Ganson Teach-In booklets. And as a bonus you will also get the 7 Know-How booklets which was the Series that was supposed to continue the Teach-In Series.
Free Bonus
...This is volume 2 of The Ganson Story, recorded by Martin Breese to capture some of the essence that made Lewis Ganson the great writer of magic literature that he was.
(Here you will find Volume 1.)
runtime: 1 hour
"In all the world of magic, I don't think you could find a fairer, squarer person than Lewis" - Dai Vernon, Genii December 1974."As I look at the literary scene of magic today, the name of one man stands out above all the rest and the owner of that name is my old friend Lew Ganson." - Peter Warlock, Genii, December 1974.
Martin Breese writes in the original description of these tapes:
I made this recording because I wanted to meet magic's most respected writer. From an early age I followed Lewis Ganson's highly practical series in the Gen magazine and one by one I purchased every book that Lewis wrote including the Routined Manipulation series...
Here is another classic magic book by Lewis Ganson with effects by Ken Brooke, Peter Warlock, Cy Endfield, Marconick, Tonny van Dommelen and others.
c1950, 59 pages
Table of Contents
The final book of the Routined Manipulation series. (Click here for Part 1 and Part 2.) More great hand magic for both close up and stage by some of the greatest magicians of all times.
This book is part biographical, a history of Lewis Ganson - one of the most prolific authors of magic, and a lot of wonderful magic.
It is written in Ganson's usual well-written, well-articulated style. Cards, coins, money magic, mental magic, cups and balls, and much more.
1st edition 1982; 232 pages.
Table of Contents
At the Annual Convention of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (British Ring) at Scarborough in 1957, an unknown magician walked away with the First Prize - The British Ring Shield. The manipulative act which caused so much enthusiastic comment featured Billiard Balls, and even well posted magicians in the audience were at a loss to know from where several of the balls were produced. Here was something new in manipulative magic, and there was much speculation as to the means whereby balls could be "stolen" so cleanly, without a hint being given of their original secret location, or...
This work was planned to be the last volume in Dai Vernon's Inner Card Secrets series. However, due to water damage caused by a fire the typed manuscript was lost. It took several years to recover from this mishap and therefore this last volume was originally published much later than the first three volumes (Inner Secrets of Card Magic, More Inner Secrets of Card Magic, Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic). The wait was justified because it was and still is one of the important works of card magic - now available as an ebook.
No serious card man can exist without reading and studying this work.
1st edition 1967; original 246 pages; PDF 156 pages
This is the second part of the masterfully written classic work on magic. Together with Routined Manipulation Part One and Routined Manipulation Finale it is an excellent work on sleight-of-hand magic. The effects taught are suitable from stage and parlor to intimate settings of close-up magic.
This volume has a large section on billiard ball manipulation. Barrows Mussey calls it 'the best thing in print on the subject'. And Al Koran's Blindfold Card Act is a beauty on its own.
Paul Fleming wrote:
This book is a sequel to Mr. Ganson's Routined Manipulation (examined in our Review No. 153), and, like its predecessor, covers a wider range of conjuring than one might expect to find...
This in combination with Routined Manipulation Part Two and Routined Manipulation Finale is one of the best magic books ever published. Each routine is clearly explained mostly with photos and some illustrations. Many classic effects are described in detail. And the essay "Presentation of Manipulation" is a must read for any magician. It includes presentation, dress and appearance, care of the hands, make up, stage setting, music, personality, lighting, a.s.o.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Readers of Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards (an outstanding treatise, published a few years ago, on back-palming, fan-production, card-fanning, and other types of "showy" conjuring...
This is not a magic trick but a carnival game, a con game, where the operator can decide if you should win or not. Everything looks fair and above board, but there is simply no chance for the mark to win. It looks so innocent, a ball-chain loop, put out on the table in a figure eight. One loop in the eight catches your finger the other does not. You have to find the one that catches your finger. Only problem is that you will never find it if the operator so decides.
This game is sometimes called Loopy Loop, Figure Eight, the Chain Swindle, or Pricking the Garter. You will find in this ebook...
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