Use the action of spreading and closing a deck to cover a pass. (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)
runtime: 3min 54s
This is a great idea to shift the secret action of the riffle force to a later point in the move to make it look even fairer. (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)
runtime: 3min 7s
Insert four cards, for example the four aces, in different positions in the deck. Square the deck, riffle shuffle them and while doing so control the four cards to the top. (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)
runtime: 4min 39s
The spectator shuffles the deck and freely cuts it into four packets. When you turn over the top cards they can be anything you like it to be (the four aces, a royal flush, ...). (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)
runtime: 6min 24s
The first ace appears and then the remaining three aces appear all at once in a nice display. (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)
runtime: 5min 27s
The four aces are found one by one in a visual and magical manner. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 4min 2s
The four aces are lost in the deck and then one by one found in a visual and magical manner. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 3min 53s
The three mates to a selected card pop out of the deck all at once. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 2min 53s
A selected card turns face-up and pops out of the deck. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 1min 41s
Transfer palmed cards from one hand to the other while holding a deck of cards. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 1min 50s
Perform a second dealt into the hand rather than onto the table. This is particularly useful to have a card appear at a certain position in the deck. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 1min 49s
This is a very clean method to add cards which are classic palmed to the bottom of the pack. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 1min 19s
Steal a card from the deck during a card selection process. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 2min 25s
Steal a card from the deck during a card selection process. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 1min 7s
Steal a card from the deck during a card selection process. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 3min 47s
Six more impromptu miracles from Cameron Francis that are guaranteed to amaze. All impromptu. Use any deck. No set ups.
Twenty routines by Aldo Colombini, plus a bonus section of 10 routines by: Ken de Courcy, Didier Dupré, Karl Fulves, Paul Gordon, G. W. Hunter, Milton Kort, Max Maven, Werner Miller, Herb Rungay, Geoffrey Scalbert. Impromptu routines, four-ace revelations, predictions, oil and water and more. Illustrated with 33 photographs.
1st edition 2008; 32 pages.