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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 8694 to 8717 (of 10397 products)
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★★★★ $12
David Devant
Woes of a Wizard by David Devant

Woes of a Wizard was written by David Devant before he was partner to J. N. Maskelyne in his famous Egyptian Hall in London. Devant became a partner after George Cooke, Maskelyne's former partner had left the enterprise. Devant was a natural choice as he was fast becoming the top magician in England. But at the time of this publication he was, as Paul Daniels says, "a jobbing magician." His base was just outside London, and he traveled the country repeatedly giving shows for society and in the Music Hall. In his famous book, now happily made available once again, he relates the stories that every professional...

Roberto Giobbi
Testament de Jérome Sharp: An Analytical Essay on the Card Magic in the Book by Roberto Giobbi

Le testament de Jérome Sharp was the third of a series of five books where Henri Decremps (1746-1826), a Frenchman who had studied law, physics and music, would expose the secrets of Italian conjuror Giuseppe Pinetti (1750-1800) as the result of a challenge. The most famous book of the series is La Magie Blanche Dévoilée (1784).

Le testament de Jérome Sharp is the book that contains by far the largest section devoted to card magic. Several facts make this book of outstanding interest to the students of card magic. First, the section devoted to cards is quite large and more comprehensive than any other...

Mystic Alexandre
Connectivity by Mystic Alexandre

Four Mentalism effects using playing cards in unique presentations!


Witchcraft was originally an oral tradition; all of its rites and beliefs were passed on by word of mouth, with nothing written down. It was not until the persecution of the Middle Ages, when Witches had to meet in secret and consequently were unable to maintain contact with one another, that any of the rituals were set down in a book called The Book of Shadows, since the Witches had to meet "in the shadows". What I'm about to show you, is a sort of card reading from such a book....

★★★★★ $28.95
Scott Xavier
PK Touch Up: an expose of psychic touch by Scott Xavier

Scott Xavier created a new method for PK Touch using an old forgotten principal.


The mentalist speaks of a psychic connection between people when they're hypnotized. The mentalist gets two spectators on stage and hypnotizes them. Then he just makes a mime like a tap two feet above each volunteers arm. Even though their eyes are closed, they both feel the touch, that was never made. The mentalist simply thinks of a touch, and they respond.

Next the mentalist taps the spectator on the left. Both volunteers feel it. Then he taps the spectator on the right, the spectator on the...

Barry Ray
Easy Diary by Barry Ray

As the title suggests, a simple diary trick. A spectator names any date in the year and you hand them a diary. As they look up their date in your diary you produce the very card that is written alongside their chosen date! And at the basic level, you don't even have to know what the card is! It can be a different card every time.

The ebook contains several presentations, reveals, how to set this up on your iPod, mobile phone or paper diary and a chart showing the position of all the cards for 366 days.

1st edition 2010; 13 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis & Liam Montier
Released by Cameron Francis & Liam Montier

Released is a brand new e-book of card magic that was created by professional magicians Cameron Francis and Liam Montier. If magic were wrestling, these guys would be the Legion of Doom.

Between them, these two whacky chaps have had more than a staggering 12 DVDs and released numerous effects and publications. Both have been hailed for fresh thinking, commercial material, strong effects and plots and simplicity of handling, and taste in shoes.

Now comes their first ever joint effort, which contains 10 brand new and sparkling routines, all designed for practical use.

Included within...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Frier by Cameron Francis

An Ace assembly with an incredible twist!


A card is selected by a spectator and kept face down on the table. We'll say this card is the Jack of Diamonds. The magician claims that this is a "magic card" and will be used later. He then removes the four Aces from the deck as well as 12 indifferent spot cards and proceeds to perform a super clean Ace Assembly.

The magician offers to repeat the experiment under more stringent conditions. The Ace of Spades is placed in the magician's pocket. Three face up Aces are very fairly cut into the packet of face down indifferent cards. The...

★★★★★ $25
S. W. Erdnase & Christian Scherer
Der Experte am Kartentisch by S. W. Erdnase & Christian Scherer

Übersetzt ins Deutsche von Christian Scherer. Mit einem Vorwort von Roberto Giobbi.

Dies ist mit Sicherheit kein Werk für den Anfänger. Es ist jedoch für mehr als 100 Jahre das bedeutendste Werk der Kartenzauberei. Mehrfache Nachdrucke und Interpretationen existieren. Einige der besten Kartenkünstler sehen es als ihre Bibel - allen voran Dai Vernon.

  • Vorwort zur Deutschen Ausgabe von Roberto Giobbi
  • Vorwort
  • Einleitung
    • Geheimnisse der Berufsspieler
    • Hold-Outs
    • Präparierte Karten
    • Verbündete
    • Zwei Mischmethoden
    • Grundgriffe
    • Möglichkeiten des Falschmischens
    • Gleichförmigkeit...
★★★★★ $20
Peter Stammers
Picometry by Peter Stammers

Make money in reading a person's drawing.

There are many methods known as projective techniques. A wide range of materials can be used to stimulate projective responses. The five main types of response are: Associations to words or ink spots, Construction of stories, Arranging or choosing visual or verbal alternatives, and expression through drawings.

Peter Stammers explains in this ebook how you can perform a reading using a drawing. It is a simplified version of the "House Tree Person" analysis method and is not a system for "any" drawing. This is a unique and scientifically based method....

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 30 (January 2010) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 5, No. 6, Jan 2010; 64 pages.

Cover: Guy Bavli

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. Arturo [Brachetti] is a Master! - show review
  5. Sav: Laying his cards on the table - interview
  6. In The Phonebox with Richie Magic - interview
  7. Jay Fortune's Magick and Mayhem Show - interview
  8. Comedy: It's no laughing matter! - article by Graham Hey
  9. Gottle of Geer: The Art Of The Ventriloquist - Mark Leveridge
  10. Buy Bavli: Still Flying High - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  11. Mel Mellers: Modern Marvel! - article/interview
  12. The World of Fake Coins, Part 3 - Craig Petty
    • Coincussion - a Slippery...
★★★★★ $5.95
(Benny) Ben Harris
Alida: Little Winged One by (Benny) Ben Harris

"A cool and animated levitation of a card or dollar bill... EASY TO MAKE!"

My goodness, this little effect created a shit-storm when it was released in 2000! I don't think the attacks had been so brutal since Cosmosis (in the mid-1980s). Anyway, this simple and effective idea was loved by some (see, for example, Richard Kaufman in Genii Magazine), and hated by others (see, for example, Michael Close in Magic Magazine). Ben relishes dividing opinion, and Alida certainly did that.

However, it was also a genuine stepping stone in the thought processes that would eventually lead to Enlightenment: The Ultimate Floating Card - which is way superior. So, controversial...

Rich Marotta
Fair is Fair by Rich Marotta

A deck is shuffled by a spectator. A card is picked in a fair and open manner. The card is returned and the deck is shuffled again by the spectator. The performer takes out four cards, one of the four is the spectator chosen card. The chosen card vanishes leaving only three cards in the performer's hands. The card appears face-up in the tabled deck.

runtime: 11min 58s

★★★★★ $6
R. Paul Wilson
Wild with the Ladies by R. Paul Wilson

Four Jokers turn one by one into the same card that was selected before by a spectator. For the climax the four cards turn into the four Queens.

This effect was inspired by Jenning's Wild Cards.

runtime: 8min 22s

Michael Skinner
Michael Skinner Interview by Michael Skinner

Michael Skinner tells stories from his early years in magic such as meeting Eddie Fechter and Ed Marlo. This short interview was hosted by Roger Klause.

Both of these larger than life legends - Michael Skinner and Roger Klaus - have unfortunately passed away. Videos like these are time capsules allowing us to get closer to these legends, learn from their life, and understand them a little bit better.

length: 3min 13s

★★★★★ $6
Michael Skinner
Cut & Restored Rope by Michael Skinner

This is a wonderful classic cut and restored rope routine performed to a lovely script. The rope is cut and restored twice and in the end the rope vanishes only leaving a short piece behind in the spectator's hand.

runtime: 10min 22s

★★★★★ $6
Michael Skinner
Ten Peeks by Michael Skinner

The ace through 10 of Diamonds are inserted into the pack, each card at a different location. The deck is shuffled and then Michael produces each card one by one in different ways using pop out moves, cuts, and other flourishes.

This is an improvement of an effect popularized by Eddie Fechter. However Eddie produced each card the same way using the gymnastic ace production from the Paul LePaul book.

runtime: 14min 46s

★★★★ $6
Martin A. Nash
A Hard Ace To Follow by Martin A. Nash

Featuring Infinity

Martin is demonstrating the difference between coincidence, or luck, and sleight-of-hand. This is a lovely routine where a spectator selects a card that is lost in the deck. The four aces are shown and one ace with the same suit as the spectators card magically turns face down while the aces are held by the spectator. Perhaps a coincidence. Then another card in the remaining deck turns face down. Luck?! The final climax when the two face-down cards are turned face-up is the transposition of an ace and the chosen card because the ace is found in the deck and the chosen card...

★★★ $6
Martin Lewis
Sucker Silks by Martin Lewis

A very commercial routine where all is in the delivery and the script. Martin starts with a lovely Ping Pong ball gag. The main effect is the classic push a white handkerchief into your fist and pull out a red one. The method should be clear to everybody even though Martin will explain the basic mechanism and move. What you learn here are the lines and little bits of business that make this a commercial routine.

runtime: 6min 16s

Jack Carpenter
Three-in-One by Jack Carpenter

This is the 'pick a card and I find it' type of effect, where the spectator's card is revealed with a color change. It is a nice sequence that could fit into many card routines.

runtime: 4min 37s

Tom Mullica
Band on the Run & Flying Match by Tom Mullica

For the first effect you will need a cigar. Take off the cellophane cover and have a spectator twist it into a little string. Then have them pull off the cigar band and put it on the cellophane string. Both ends are held by the spectator. Under the cover of a handkerchief you free the band without destroying it.

The second effect is a neat stunt. While you attempt to light your cigarette with a match the lit match takes off and flies away - like a rocket.

runtime: 8min 39s

Rafael Benatar
Airing the Pull-Out by Rafael Benatar

This is a subtlety to facilitate - or make it easier - to perform the pull-out or strip-out shuffle. The video also explains the Alignment Subtlety and the Double Double.

runtime: 7min 9s

★★★★★ $6
Lee Earle
Deja-Vu-Ing by Lee Earle

Before the show you mail or give a spectator an envelope for safe keeping. At the show the spectator opens the envelope to find another smaller envelope inside. In this smaller envelope are three little pieces of paper. On these pieces of paper the performer recorded three dreams a few days earlier. The performer's dreams match the front page of today's newspaper as well as two spectator's thoughts.

runtime: 24min 44s

★★★★★ $6
Darwin Ortiz
Blind Aces by Darwin Ortiz

A deck is borrowed from one spectator and shuffled by another spectator. Darwin finds the four aces while his eyes are covered by the hands of a third spectator. He even discerns the suit of one of the aces by touch alone.

To pull this effect off you will need a bit of pre-show work.

runtime: 18min 28s

★★★★ $6
Allan Ackerman
Double Dupe Poker Deal by Allan Ackerman

This is an extension of the Martin Gardner poker deal from Royal Road to Card Magic including ideas from Simon Aronson and John Bannon.

This effect starts out with a quick transformation. Two spectators select four cards in total. These four cards visually and instantly change to the four kings. Then Allan demonstrates how a cheat would stack a deck to achieve an advantage. The final climax is a Royal Flush dealt to himself and three kings to one of the spectators.

runtime: 15min 36s

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