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Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2010; 68 pages.
Cover: Marc Oberon
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.
Finally, the long awaited ebook on how to MC is here! This is the professional MC’s handbook that teaches you how to be the perfect host for your show. It includes tips, funny bits of business and invaluable information. 30 years of experience all over the world condensed in dozens of pages full of advice. The importance of rehearsal, how to perfectly introduce the acts, know the acts, handle the end of the acts, how to manage... stage managers, sound and lights, don’t get trapped in the curtain, openings, stage standing ovations, intermissions, closing, curtain calls, life-saver lines,...
This is a practical ebook on the art of writing comedy for your magic. Learn how to routine comedy and magic together and to keep your audiences entertained at all times.
This ebook is in two parts. The first section of the ebook will reveal to you a technique that will help you to create your own comedy patter to use in conjunction with your magic. It is a very enjoyable thing to do, as you will see, and, surprisingly, it is also very easy. The second part of the ebook is actually a bunch of one-liners and other comedy material that you can use to develop the ‘secret’ given to you in...
An entertaining, fun-filled ebook written for anyone who wants to be a comedian! It contains:
1st edition 2009; 23 pages.
Here’s the third volume of my comedy series that started with Make’ em Laugh and continued with Funny Stuff. Laughing Out Loud has over 500 one liners! I’m sure you will use these jokes either in your acts or simply among friends in informal situations and gatherings. No matter what, MAKE’ EM LAUGH using this FUNNY STUFF and you’ll leave them LAUGHING OUT LOUD!
1st edition 2009; 15 pages.
The success of my previous comedy books ‘almost’ forced me to collect another incredible bunch of one liners and other funny material. The best compliment I had regarding these publications came from Ed Eckl (co-publisher of Precursor magazine), who said, “In the 60’s we had Robert Orben providing comedy material, now we have Aldo Colombini.”
Robert Orben was and still is my ‘hero’ and my mentor even though we have never met; so the words assume an even greater meaning to me. Here’s the content: HILARIOUS ONE LINERS, IRONIC AND FUNNY GRAFFITI, SMART HECKLERS REMARKS, and...
Yes, it’s here! Aldo's new comedy ebook is finally available. It contains hundreds of insults and comebacks for hecklers and every possible situation that may arise during a show. All one-liners are different from the previous books in this (now) famous comedy series. For magicians, comedians, you name it!
1st edition 2007; 13 pages.
The second ebook on comedy with over 300 one-liners, jokes and bits of business. Keep the laughter coming with Aldo's follow-up book to Make 'Em Laugh. All different from the previous volume. Why not get both?
1st edition 2009; 11 pages.
The cure for hecklers and other problems. In this ebook you’ll find an incredible amount of funny lines (different from the other books) to use when those inevitable accidents happen. It’s not a question of IF it will happen; it's a question of WHEN it will happen. You face a heckler, you drop something, you make a mistake, you hear a noise off stage, a baby cries, etc., knowing exactly what to say at the appropriate moment will show the audience that you are a real professional. Hundreds of comedy one-liners to cover virtually every accident.
1st edition 2009; 20 pages.
A card is selected and outjogged from a deck which is then put on the table. Now, you bring out a packet of five prediction cards that you show to have all red backs and fronts (all different), saying one of them must be the selection.
You explain that the cards will help you, not to find the right one, but to eliminate the four wrong ones!
After some magical gesture:
This classic work on memory, first published in 1943, is really two books in one!
The first part, The Mental Filing System, will teach you how to keep up to 100 things straight in your memory. This is taught in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, using many real-world examples of both the benefits of using the system, as well as the dangers of an untrained memory.
The author taught many of his memory courses in person, and this provides both value and a good knowledge of the questions you're likely to have.
The second part, How To Remember Names and Faces, deals in detail with the problem...
This is Goodliffe's own story. The facts and stories about Abracadabra from the man behind it all. Goodliffe has seen more magicians at work than anyone else and he has very clear views about what makes magic tick. Now that Goodliffe is no longer with us this is your only chance to hear Goodliffe speaking. Absolutely fascinating material.
[This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette series created by Martin Breese - now owned by]
runtime: 45 minutes
This is a serious ebook on comedy! A tremendous act that’s one scream of a laugh! Rachel and Aldo have obtained huge success with this comedy act. They performed the act for magic conventions where most of the audiences are composed of magicians, but they found out that the routine goes over great with lay audiences as well. They had so many requests about this act that they finally decided to put it in print. To keep the ebook as complete as possible, they have listed more gags and jokes that you can use.
1st edition 2009; 13 pages.
This ebook is profusely illustrated with many photographs. A compendium of 20 tricks and routines with cards by Aldo Colombini, Jay Francis, Paul Gordon, Jozsef Kovacs, Floyd Shotts, Terwyn Tomos and Nick Trost.
1st edition 2009; 23 pages