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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 14: Production and Opening Effects by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content

    Magical Productions

  2. Introduction
  3. The Inexhaustible Box
  4. Hat Productions
  5. Cloth Productions
  6. Bowl of Water Production
  7. Bouquet Production
  8. Shower of Flowers Production
  9. The Enchanted Organ Pipes
  10. Productions from a Spectator

    Opening Effects

  11. The Vanishing Wand
  12. The Fire Bowl
  13. "Good Evening"
  14. The Surprising Handkerchief
  15. A Match For Anyone
  16. The Flower Trays

  17. Closing Effects
  18. Caution

1st edition 1931; 23 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 15: Liquid and Chemical Magic - Tricks with Live Stock by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content

    Liquid and Chemical Magic

  2. Introduction
  3. The Magic Wine and Water
  4. The Star of Fate
  5. Refreshments to Order
  6. The Vanishing Froth
  7. The Flying Smoke
  8. The Haunted Flask

    Tricks with Livestock

  9. Introduction
  10. Rabbit Produced from Hat
  11. Rabbit from a Spectator
  12. Rabbit Vanishes in a Newspaper
  13. Goldfish Catching in Mid Air
  14. The Flying Bird Cage
  15. The Dove Cot
  16. The Canary in the Electric Bulb
  17. Birds of the Air
  18. The Vanishing Ducks

1st edition 1931; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 16: Comedy Magic by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. The Psychology of Humor
  3. Cooking by Magic
  4. Blancmange While You Wait
  5. The Uneatable Apple
  6. The Cake in the Hat
  7. The Answer's a Lemon
  8. An Affair with the Gloves

1st edition 1931; 22 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 17: Mental Phenomena by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. The One Man Crystal Reading Act
  3. How To Answer Questions
  4. The Crystal Gazing Act
  5. The Living and the Dead
  6. The Magic Mirror
  7. The Human Calendar
  8. The Hindu Pulse stopping
  9. X-Ray Eyes
  10. Long Distance Thought Transmission

1st edition 1931; 22 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 18: Spiritualistic Tricks by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content

    Spiritualistic Tricks

  2. Introduction
  3. The Dark Seance (Method 1)
  4. The Dark Seance (Method 2)

    Slate Effects

  5. A Trick With the Flap Slate
  6. With Two Slates
  7. The Tied Slates
  8. The Flap Slate Minus Corner
  9. With Unprepared Slates

    Mental Phenomena

  10. The Giant Memory
  11. The Lightning Calculator

1st edition 1931; 18 pages.

Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 19: Miscellaneous Magic by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. The Golden Lift
  3. Roses of Yesterday
  4. The Floating Ball
  5. The Travelling Bottle and Glass
  6. Vice Versa
  7. A Seaside Story
  8. The Flying Shoe Laces
  9. Bowl of Water Vanish

1st edition 1931; 18 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 20: Oriental Magic by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. Introduction
  3. The Hindu Needle Mystery
  4. Oriental Productions
  5. The Indian Basket Trick
  6. The Hindu Mango Tree
  7. Flowers by Request
  8. The Wonderful Fertiliser
  9. The Hindu Turban
  10. Sands of the Desert
  11. The Chinese Rings

1st edition 1931; 23 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 21: Stage Illusions by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content


  2. Children's Entertainments
  3. Church Socials
  4. Smoking Concerts
  5. Hotels

    Stage Presentation

  6. Technique of Stage Magic
  7. Music and Magic
  8. Getting Volunteers on the Stage

    Stage Illusions

  9. Stage Illusions
  10. The Vanishing Ghost
  11. The Bathing Beauty
  12. The Haunted Sentry Box
  13. Walking Away From Your Shadow
  14. The Floating Lady
  15. Performing Animals Regulation Act 1925

1st edition 1931; 23 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 22: Publicity Feats and Escape Tricks by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content

    Publicity Feats

  2. Introduction
  3. The Blindfold Drive
  4. Under Water Escape
  5. The Living Burial

    Escape Tricks

  6. The Mail Bag Escape
  7. Paper Bag Escape
  8. Straight Jacket Escape
  9. Upside Down Escape
  10. Regulation Handcuff Escape
  11. Packing Case Escape
  12. Unprepared Packing Case Escape

  13. The History of Magic (part 8)

1st edition 1931; 18 pages.

★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 23: Sensational Illusions by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. Enchanted Rickshaw
  3. Walking Through a Window
  4. The Death Penalty
  5. The Living Cremation
  6. Cheating the Hangman
  7. The Flying Huntsman
  8. Vanishing Carload of Girls
  9. The Scrap Book
  10. The Sword Box
  11. The Devil's Cage
  12. Sawing Through a Woman
You can also get the entire 25 lesson course on disc.

1st edition 1931; 22 pages.

Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 24: The Business Side of Magic by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. Introduction
  3. Letters
  4. Photographs
  5. Illustrations
  6. Folders and Booklets
  7. Testimonials
  8. Blocks
  9. Souvenirs
  10. Throw Aways
  11. Posters
  12. Portfolio
  13. Newspapers
  14. Fees
  15. Fields of Work
You can also get the entire 25 lesson course on disc.

1st edition 1931; 22 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 25: More Miscellaneous Magic by Rupert Howard

Table of Contents

  1. Content
  2. The Holeproof Hat
  3. The Penetrating Ring
  4. Money by Wireless
  5. My Lady of the Bath
  6. A Domestic Mystery
  7. The Snow Man
  8. A Word of Thanks
  9. Closing Words
You can also get the entire 25 lesson course on disc.

1st edition 1931; 18 pages.

★★★★ $24.50
Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course by Rupert Howard

Most likely you have never heard about this magic course. When I think about a 'magic gem' I have these 25 volumes in mind. This course could be called the 'British Tarbell Course' and in many respects it is much better than the Tarbell Course. It came out around the same time Tarbell issued his course and it had the same intent, to take a novice, introduce him to magic in a serious and thorough manner and give him all the information to develop him into a performer who can earn a living from performing magic. Rupert Howard's course does not cover as much ground as the Tarbell on trick technique, but quantity...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Tight Rope by Aldo Colombini

A unique rope routine with over 20 effects.

Here Aldo created a wonderful rope routine in eleven phases where rope is stretched, cut, restored, knotted and so forth:

  • Phase 1: Stretching the Ropes
  • Phase 2: Two Ropes Become One
  • Phase 3: The Rope With Four Ends
  • Phase 4: Cut And Restored Rope
  • Phase 5: A Rope With No Ends
  • Phase 6: A Knot In A Loop Mystery
  • Phase 7: The Ends Are Back
  • Phase 8: The Traveling Ends
  • Phase 9: The Vanishing Knot
  • Phase 10: Knotty Knots
  • Phase 11: Silk Off Rope

1st edition 2010; 15 pages.

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Snake Eyes by Aldo Colombini

An ebook with stunning routines using ordinary dice and a deck of cards. These effects are ALL DIFFERENT from the routines in Aldo's two DVD volumes produced by Meir Yedid and called Card and Dice Deceptions.

Contributors include: Howard Adams, Charles Brent, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Karl Fulves, Thomas Henry, Stewart James, Lewis Jones, Stewart Judah, Marty Kane, Harry Lorayne, Max Maven, Norm Osborn and Robin Robertson. You will love these routines.

1st edition 2006; 54 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
To Die For by Aldo Colombini

Aldo's first ebook on cards and dice called Snake Eyes was a big hit. This is his second ebook on card and dice routines and contains most (if not all) of the routines included in his two DVDs Cards And Die Deceptions with many new ones and all different effects from the Snake Eyes ebook.

You are in possession of an outstanding collection of tricks and routines with dice and cards. Contributors include: Richard Vollmer, Gary Ouellett, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Aldo Colombini, Paul Gordon, John Rule, John Scarne, Max Maven, Stewart James, Ed Andres, Shigeo Futagawa, Jerry Sadowitz, William Miesel, Doug Conn and Bill Simon.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages....

★★★★ $7
Larry Becker
It's About Time! by Larry Becker

The performer states that for thousands of years, devices have been invented and used to measure and keep track of time. The first time measuring obelisks and water clocks were introduced in Mesopotamia and Egypt as early as 2000 BC. Tonight, he continues, we're going to explore both time and its relation to man's ability to project images telepathically.

Removing a small packet of blank cards, the performer explains they will be used to focus on an hour and a timekeeping device that will be thought of by a member of the audience. A volunteer is randomly selected to assist in the demonstration....

Aldo Colombini
Vortex: an incredible routine using two regular decks of cards by Aldo Colombini

A small ebook but what exciting contents! The routine uses just two regular decks of cards. Lewis Ganson on the pages of Magigram wrote,

"This is a really super 'Do as I do' routine. The routine starts in the classic way and then enlarges on the theme; the spectator and performer continuing to match cards from their respective decks until a whole series of apparent coincidences have occurred. The final display of matched cards is both amazing and spectacular."

The effect: A spectator freely selects a card from, say, a red-backed deck and the performer removes a card from a blue-backed deck. When turned...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Card Trips by Aldo Colombini

This ebook on card magic contains 25 great new routines for close-up, walk-around, or just about anywhere. In this ebook you have a lot of card magic that will make you want to give up some time in front of the TV or some golf or soccer time.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages.

Tabby Crabb
Tabman Magic by Tabby Crabb

Known as The Tabman, Tabby Crabb moved through the innercircles of Close up and comedy magic for two decades both with his skill at crafting magic accessories like the famous Tabman Tables, Casino Chips, Knife through Arm, fine hardwood magicians' Wands and much, much more and appearing onstage and backstage with Amazing Johnathan and Kozak the Magician. Additionally Tabman spent five years as the hotel shows director for The International Brotherhoond of Magicians.

This ebook tells the truth about many relationships in the magic field. Relationships with customers like Max Maven, Harry Anderson...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Convergence by Cameron Francis

An incredibly direct Card At Number effect!

"Convergence is the best card to number I have ever seen. Its so easy to do yet so deceptive. Great job, Cameron." - Bob Tucker

"Love it! It totally lives up to the description on your site." - Tim Eden

Cameron Francis brings you an amazing card at number effect that plays huge and is extremely practical.


The magician proposes an experiment in fate as he introduces two decks of cards; one red and one blue. The blue deck is placed in front of a spectator and the magician never touches it again. The red deck is removed from its...

★★★★★ $40
Luca Volpe
The Ultimate Chair Test Routine Act by Luca Volpe

This manuscript contains Luca Volpe's best stage routine, but pay attention as it is NOT just a simple chair prediction routine, this is a COMPLETE ACT of 8 minutes that will leave your audience blown away!

A multi-phase routine with an incredible crescendo of random sequence predictions.

We will not describe the effect here as it is so well conceived and well structured that you need to read the manuscript to believe it. The only thing that we will say is that you don't use N.W. or anything like that, the envelopes genuinely have the numbers printed on them and it involves a method so...

★★★★ $15
Bev Bergeron
The Magic Connection by Bev Bergeron

Romance and smuggling gold in the Far East, while witnessing the beginning of WWII. An old time adventure story based on true happenings and the telling of untold stories that happen before the World War II started. Join our master magician as he cons his magical way across the Orient out smarting the USA, British and Japanese Governments with a shipload of gold.

"I started to read your Magic Connections book last night thinking I would finish it in a few days. I became so involved in the adventures of the traveling troupe of entertainers that I spent the entire night reading until this...

★★★★ $29.95
(Benny) Ben Harris
Silent Running by (Benny) Ben Harris

If bought together with Run Silent Run Deep you will receive an instant $5 bundle discount.

"This is so much more than just an effect. It is a powerful subtlety that is a must have for your mentalist toolbox." - Banachek (USA)

"Crystal clear and absolutely mindblowing!" - Martin Adams (UK)

You'll use this for the rest of your life. No props, just what appears to be pure mind-reading! A stunningly produced ebook with 3 full routines and amazing bonus contributions!

So, what is Silent Running?

Briefly, it's a "Think Of A Card" concept...

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