Here you have 25 completely new card routines not found in any of Aldo's other ebooks! Includes gems such as: Contact Colors, Punch Its Match and many more.
1st edition 2009; 26 pages.
To my knowledge, this is the best collection of tricks and routines with two decks ever put together in a book or ebook. Twenty effects by the most renowned names in magic: Coincidences, change of color, transpositions, etc.
The contributors are: Alex Elmsley, Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta, Edmund Balducci, Ken Krenzel, Aldo Colombini, Roy Walton, J.K. Hartman, Roy Scott, Stanley Jaks, Nick Trost, Arthur Setterington, Francis Haxton, U.F. Grant, Gus Southall and Martin Gardner. A great book with lots of photographs.
This is a great routine using just a regular deck of cards - totally impromptu and no sleight-of-hand; in three entertaining phases. You have in your possession a great routine by the late George Blake (written originally in Magigram magazine). George is also giving you here the patter that he used. Just perform the routine as written and the whole thing works itself. The effect needs no set-up and can be done with a borrowed deck of cards.
1st edition 2007; 14 pages.
Coin magic is usually very difficult to perform, and requires sleight of hand and manipulation. In this ebook, you will find seven very strong coin routines requiring NO SLEIGHTS AT ALL and totally impromptu using ordinary coins. We predict you will never stop doing them. Although in the description Aldo use American coins, any coins from any country can be used and can be borrowed from the spectators.
1st edition 2008; 14 pages.
Twenty-five incredible impromptu routines performed with just a regular deck of cards (and, of course, all different from Aldo's other ebooks).
Contributors: Howard Adams, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner, Dougie Gibbard, Paul Gordon, J. K. Hartman, Tom Hubbard, Marty Kane, Werner Miller, André Robert, Lin Searles, Tom Sellers, Floyd Shotts, Stephen Tucker.
1st edition 2008; 18 pages.
A new collection of Magic & Mentalism from Ireland, Scotland & Wales
1st edition 2010; 181 pages.
Table of Contents
From the introduction:
In ‘Step Three – Mental Systems’ of the seminal work Thirteen Steps To Mentalism written by the legendary Corinda, he clearly states the value he placed upon memory systems:
To the mentalist, Memory Systems are indispensable; they are part of his equipment and the means whereby he can be called upon to perform at any time – and give an impressive demonstration. They are the best type of equipment you can have, as there is nothing to carry and no apparatus to prepare. The skill lies in the training of the mind, in conditioning the mind to operate to maximum...
From the introduction:
The Tossed Out Deck is an extremely popular and possibly the best neo-classical plot in mentalism. Over the last 15 years, this effect has made its way into the performance repertoire of many mentalists and magicians the world over, seeing a huge surge in popularity, likely due to the number of high profile performers’ personalized versions of the effect, such as Max Maven, Ted Lesley, and Docc Hilford.
I, myself, have used the Tossed Out Deck effect to open many stand-up performances, and feel it is genuinely one of the best opening routines for a performance. It packs...
A Koncise Kollaborative Kompendium of Kommercial Killer Kount Kreations for Kontemporary Klose-up Kard Konjurors. Over 30 routines using Steve Beam’s Killer Count by Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini and Robin Robertson. Four Ace tricks, cards across, mentalism, discoveries, spelling effects, comedy routines, a fantastic diary trick and much more.
1st edition 2009; 26 pages.
Here you have a collection of comedy signs that you may use as an MC or as an entertaining funny spot for any act. Just select the ones you like, print them in cardstock (laminate them if you want so they last forever) and just present them to your audiences. We would not suggest that you use them all at once but just a few (seven or ten seems a fair number).
You get a total of 36 signs.
Marc Dibowski, Autor von Kinderzauberei (k)eine Kunst?! und Zaubern in der Schule, stellt Ihnen in diesem Skript einen Fundus an Ideen und Effekte für ein Zauberprogramm zur Weihnachtszeit vor. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Kinder-, Stand-up-, Mental- oder Close-up-Programm ein winter- und weihnachtliches Flair. Nebst Ideen zu verschiedensten Requisiten finden Sie Routinen(-fragmente) und Möglichkeiten, Ihr eigenes Programm kostenminimierend und ohne großen Planungs- und Materialaufwand an die Weihnachtszeit anzupassen. Komprimierte Informationen zu Figuren der Weihnachtszeit, Hinweise auf käufliche...
This is a compilation of all 17 Lewis Ganson Teach-In booklets. And as a bonus you will also get the 7 Know-How booklets which was the Series that was supposed to continue the Teach-In Series.
Free Bonus
..."This has so many applications that are endless and priceless and simple. I love his thinking as I am a big fan of his work. Keep them coming." - Neal ScryerLet's say you are visiting the home of friends or relatives. You tell them that you would like to demonstrate a powerful telekinesis skill that you have been developing."Now I know why your family got scared by you." - Paolo Cavalli
You begin by asking the home owner to turn on their television, and tune to any random channel. You then suggest that what they thought was a "random decision" (what channel to tune to) may not have...
Here’s a unique handling for the “Professor’s Nightmare” rope routine that you’ll use in your act.
The magician cuts a length of rope into three pieces of different lengths; small, medium and long. The three pieces are stretched until they appear to be all the same length. The three pieces of rope are then tied together. The knots vanish and apparently the rope is fully restored. Until now the effect is a standard one. But wait…here comes the incredible finale! One knot is magically thrown back onto the rope then jumps away leaving the rope completely...
1st edition 2009; 22 pages.
This volume collects many of the famous tricks which were released individually, effects like StarGate and The Boromian Link. You will find true miracles in this ebook.
Flexi-Card is a stunning new idea in which...Herein are some of the most wonderful effects of magic and it is purely by chance that they are published in this book and not simply reserved to be released individually as highly expensive top-selling dealer effects. - Martin Breese
I am a fan of Terri Rogers. The quality of Terri's creative work is so terrific, it is virtually impossible to keep quite about it. - Max Maven
Over twenty ideas and tricks covering cards, rope and mentalism often using a topological method. Terri is a great lateral thinker. Enjoy her creations.
1st edition 1988, original 80 pages, 57 pages.
Table of Contents
Terri Rogers is known for her topological magic trick creations. Two very famous creations are StarGate and The Boromian Link, both described in her 3rd book Top Secrets. She is a member of a very exclusive group of people who have an uncanny gift to think 'out of the box' and turn such thoughts into incredible magic tricks. Other inventors in this group would be Lubor Fiedler, Robert Neale, Stewart James and Bob Hummer.
1st edition 1986; original 81 pages, PDF 61 pages.
Table of Contents
Give a spectator the deck of cards with the promise that you will not be handling it again. The first spectator is asked to simply name a card and the second one to name a number between 1 and 52. The magician instructs the second spectator to deal to his named number. When the spectator reaches his number, the corresponding card matches the first spectator's named card.
If you look for the Ultimate ACAAN this effect is very close. In this pdf Tommaso teaches you his way to have this little miracle with a full routine without pre-show, stooges, force etc. etc.
Bonus Effect: Devilish Prediction...
This ebook, fully illustrated, gives the secrets of the television star's favourite tricks and novelties: magic, hypnotism, laugh stunts - that anyone can perform.
This is a fun ebook with lots of easy effects, some of which you will know others of which will be entirely new to you. The lineup of contributors is a long list of distinguished magicians including Martin Gardner, Lewis Ganson, Tom Sellers, Milbourne Christopher, Ken de Courcy, Harry Stanley, and many others.
There was a second volume in this series called More Tricks of the Television Stars.
1st edition 1958, 48 pages; PDF 75 pages.
Table of Contents
20 new packet tricks. Packet tricks are always popular and here you have a great collection of routines from many experts in this field.
A unique and popular subject like the Book Test is analyzed here in 20 routines by such great contributors as: Ian Adair, Howard Adams, Len Belcher, Tan Hock Chuan, Rachel Colombini, Tom Craven, Maurice Fogel, Karrell Fox, Karl Fulves, Richard Himber, Arthur Setterington, Walter Sleight and Nick Trost.
In the standard effect (sometimes done as a prediction) a spectator opens a book to a page and concentrates on a word (or three words or a full line). The mentalist, standing some distance away, is able to reveal the word the spectator is thinking of. Of course, as per many classics, variations abound and Rachel has tried to keep this variety...