Brad Henderson taught it to Dance. Kross put it Into the Deep Freeze and Herb Dewey made it Red Hot. In The Real Work of Cold Reading Cassidy makes it explosive and blows it into another dimension.
A good deal of what has been written about cold reading is theoretically and practically wrong and/or misinformed.
Learn the 'real work' in this exclusive ebook.
1st edition 2004; 58 pages
"I consider this my best and most favorite ebook I ever wrote." - Bob Cassidy
The foundations of mentalism. Acclaimed as "a definitive resource for all who are interested in mentalism and probably for most in magic generally." Bob's list of 39 most important books to read, which is included in this ebook, is by itself hugely valuable, because you not only get a list of books but the reasons why each one of them is so important. This allows you to judge for yourself if you should read a particular book or not. Fundamentals can be seen as Bob's extraction of the most important concepts from...
The impression pad you do not need to open after the spectator has closed it.
These are instructions on how to create your own pads, however you do not need any great DIY skills to construct it. This ebook contains
The Tools of Omar is a collection of nail-writing effects. It collects the AME manuscripts, The Naked Thought, The Gilded Quill, The OSS Writer, Challenges, The Invisible Book. Plus history and types of writers. Plus The Ghost Writer and other new effects.
Only about 40 copies were sold in total. So this is an extremely rare book, a true collector item as well as a treasure chest of effects and secrets.
[Note that page 97 is blank. At least it is blank in all copies I have seen.]
104 pages
Al Mann himself says about this manuscript: "The knight's gambit is a method that plays on words and by which miracles are wrought! This is mental magic in its purest form". The mentalist uses words to enchant the audience and to create a non-existing person that assists the mentalist to present his marvels! Effects include:
From the Forward by Al Mann: In January of 1979, Bobby Hughes of Columbus Ohio, showed me his amazing presentation which we have called, "The Kolophon." It seems that just a year ago, Bobby was busy buying many props and gimmicks to use in his mental show. Today all of the props and most of the gimmicks have been eliminated and Bobby now works out of his pocket or with borrowed scraps of paper. That is the type of mentalism preferred and what is offered in this book. Therefore AME Salutes Bobby Hughes for his unique effect with envelopes. The Kolophon is a threshold that reveals a hugh landscape...
As Al Mann himself states in the opening line of the introduction, "This manuscript contains 'the perfect billet test!'". A simple paper fold plus a simple move places into the hands of the mentalist a new weapon, an Ultra Exclusive Secret-giving the art of thought-reading a new polish and technique never before possible! Of course as always Al Mann was not satisfied to just give you the one effect. The Nihon Venture contains equally brilliant varations and re-workings. Included is:
The knowledge in this manuscript allows the mentalist to very convincingly demonstrate the ability to read sealed messages and posses the art of thought-transference! The spectator is told to take his business card out and write out a question and turn the card writing-side down. The card is then sealed in a envelope which the spectator signs and holds. After the mentalist divines the thought, the envelope is opened and the card is taken out for a handwriting analysis and then both the card and the envelope are returned to the spectator! Contents:
23 pages
This is the best and most exhaustive work on billets. It is a treatise on the history, methodology and technique on the use of torn billets in the mentalist’s art of thought reading. It starts with an in depth study of the history and evolution of the Center Tear and goes on to detail more work on billets than you could use in a lifetime. The Thirteen Chapters are:
Please keep in mind that you only get the instructions, not the Reader's Digest Enrich Your Word List booklet, not the ungimmicked Webster's New World Dictionary and no prompter cards. However, the instructions will allow you to adapt this effect to any dictionary in any language.
This 1976 Al Mann Exclusive is widely regarded as one of his most ingenious book tests. From an "Enrich your vocabulary" list inside the covers of a dictionary, two spectators secretly agree to think of one of 400 word pairs. Each thinks of one of the words, looking it up in the dictionary to be certain of its meaning....
Details a true story of Himber challenging Dunninger. Al takes this as inspiration to think about challenge type of effects where somebody challenges you to read his mind.
Note that this manuscript comes unbound in a package of loose sheets, the way Al Mann stored them. You can bind them anyway you like, or leave them unbound, perhaps only hole punch them and put them in a binder.
10 pages
A study in thought prints.
From the forward by Al Mann: "The true art of mentalism is not the illusion of the stage that enchants the eye but the illusion created in the mind that enchants the thought. The mentalist's greatest gimmick is hidden in the inner recesses of his mind and therefore invisible and unexposable. This manuscript expounds the illusive, seldom exploited and little known branch of magic where the spectator unknowingly executes the 'move' that creates the miracle to the full credit of the magician! The "Headline Prediction" is indeed a headline getter for the magician and mentalist. It is a haunting...
Effect: Mentalist displays a board with many designs and colors. Three persons are invited to secretly choose one design each. Mentalist passes out three pieces of art board and tells the three persons to secretly draw their chosen designs on the boards. They are then instructed to think of their designs and color. Mentalist divines all three designs and colors. That is the effect and that is exactly what happens. Mentalist can walk into any audience and do the test without any previous preparation.
Uncannily, the three persons code their thoughts to the mentalist through insignificant "body...
Card feats for the mentalist. This book has 14 effects that Al Mann judged sufficiently amazing enough, and plotted well enugh, as to be suitable for the mentalist to perform. Also incuded is a chapter of Olof Jonsson’s card mentalism stunts, 9 total, with full methedology. Jonsson was the Uri Geller of his day, so these additional 9 effects are also excellent fodder for the Mentalism show. The Contents:
The first part in this four part series deals with effects done with ordinary slates, ungimmicked and without flaps, that anyone can do without having to invest in expensive trick slates.
Note that this manuscript comes unbound in a package of loose sheets, the way Al Mann stored them. You can bind them anyway you like, or leave them unbound, perhaps only hole punch them and put them in a binder.
27 pages
A dramatic test in remote viewing.
Effect: A little book is shown to have different capital cities written on it’s pages. The mentalist explains that these are places that he would like to visit in the future. A participant is asked to randomly select a page, and choose one of the cities he sees. The mentalist, without any fishing of any kind, announces the correct city being thought of. The participant then thinks of a freely selected place within the city and this is, once again, correctly deduced by the mentalist. As a final climax, the participant thinks of something associated with...
The book deals exclusively with living and dead tests. It gives a detailed history of the effect and how David Abbott was fooled by mediums doing this. Learn inner secrets from the mediums on how to reveal the names of dead relatives. Simply ingenious methods that will startle you with their cleverness. Mann goes into much detail on these tests and ways to learn the names of dead relatives. Some of these methods were later revamped by Mann and released as other effects but using the basic methods. Mann also teaches you a creepy effect, called Empty Graves, where a person writes the name of a...
There is telekinesis of all kinds within these pages from coins to nails. An effect that allows the mentalist/psychic to bring dead ants back to life! Levitation effects, abnormal lifts, teleportation, creating movement with your mind! Effects included:
From the forward by Al Mann: The Mag-Eye catapults the center-tear method of thought reading into the space-age! The technique given here makes obsolete most of the former writings on the center-tear. Including the author's own. Such is progress. But bear in mind that occasionally the mentalist will have need of resorting to the original method of stealing the folded center piece as some spectators write a message and fold it and bring it to you for a test. At this writing only two persons know the secret of the Mag-Eye move. Only three persons know the secrets of "Cistella" and only one has...