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Bizarre in Mentalism & Spiritism

If you like the darker and spookier side of magic you will find wonderful material in this category. But please be careful performing these effects. They are not necessarily appropriate for all audiences and can be quite disturbing for some.

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Bob Farmer
Dracula's Transylvanian Castle by Bob Farmer

It's time to sink your teeth into some brand new and weird magic from Bob Farmer, Dracula's Transylvanian Castle.

Using a small skull and the layout of Dracula's Castle, the spectator somehow locates the room Dracula's coffin reposes in. Then suddenly Dracula makes an appearance!

A completely unique and bizarre routine that will put a stake through your audience's hearts and knock'em dead.

And don't worry, if an audience member is scared to death, insurance from The William Castle Casualty and Insurance Company will pay for the funeral (but not the party afterwards).

1st edition...

★★★ $9.99
Patrik Kuffs
Metal Bending: the real work by Patrik Kuffs

Camirand Academy presents: Metal Bending: The Real Work with Patrik Kuffs. A groundbreaking project (or as some call it "a controversy") that stirred up the magic/mentalism world in 1999. Originally available on VHS, then reissued on DVD and quickly sold out (two reeditions), it is now reissued in official digital format, providing access to a new generation of mind bending enthusiasts.

The quality of the video is not perfect (well, it was shot last century) and Kuffs's English was somewhat creative/approximative at the time. (He's a French Québécois after all.) But you'll find the energy...

★★★★★ $15
Richard Southall
Okito Voodoo Doll by Richard Southall

Levitation effects have always had a powerful impact on audiences. While these can certainly wow an audience when done on stage when they are performed right under the noses of the spectators the impact is only heightened. Few levitation effects can be performed as close to a spectator as the Okito Voodoo Doll. With these dolls, the magician does not need to consider lighting, proximity or even angles. Added to this the fact that it is a small, cheap and totally self-contained prop there is a lot to like about this effect. It is for all these reasons and more that the Okito Voodoo Doll has become...

★★★★★ $6
Joseph Ovette
Miraculous Hindu Feats by Joseph Ovette

Excerpt from the Foreword:

Every so often an increase in the number of "fakir" demonstrations is noted not only in this country but abroad. In some cases the performer is buried alive, or subjected to tortures beyond those the human flesh, or human mind, can endure.

Oft times, these feats strike the fancy of the public and huge salaries are given the fakirs. The demand for such a book as this one, as a result, has grown and we hope that the answer to many of these feats will be satisfactorily explained to the reader. Here, too, may be a little idea for which the legitimate performer has...

William W. Larsen
Thayer's Spook Show Routines by William W. Larsen

There seems to be some controversy about what exactly to include in a modern-day recreation of a Ghost or Spook Show like the ones that scared the bejesus out of theatergoers back in the 1940s and '50s. What prevents many magicians today from staging their own "spooker" is the mistaken idea that a midnight ghost show must be a two-hour magic extravaganza requiring an 18-wheel tractor-trailer filled with expensive illusions and spook-themed props. Luckily for you, that's not the case.

Larsen sets the record straight, showing how little in the way of magic an act actually needs in order to...

★★★★★ $12
Arthur Edward Waite
The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts by Arthur Edward Waite

The primary reason we are offering this work is that Ted Annemann included it in his "Five-Foot Shelf of Magic". I am assuming he included it because he felt a conjurer needed to have some understanding of black magic and be able to converse intelligently about it. It may also be a source for plots and scripts for routines.

    • CHAPTER I The Antiquity of Magical Rituals
      • §1. The Importance of Ceremonial Magic.
      • §2. The Distinction between White and Black Magic.
      • §3. The Unprinted Literature of Ceremonial Magic
    • CHAPTER II The Rituals of...
Lester Lake & T. A. Whitney
The Talking Skull Book by Lester Lake & T. A. Whitney

It talks, it answers questions, it floats, etc. The most complete treatise on the talking skull ever published. The Talking Skull is an entertaining and versatile effect that will find a place in any magician's act. It's as much at home in a Midnight Spook Show as it is in a straight magic routine. It plays as well on a nightclub floor as it does on television. The Talking Skull can be performed as seriously as the occasion requires, or it can provide much-needed comic relief in between the more serious effects in your show.

There have been a number of methods for the Talking Skull released...

Mystic Alexandre
The Bookbearer by Mystic Alexandre

A presentation for any book test that uses the flashback method.

Have you heard of the Bookbearer? This is a storytelling, bizarre presentation to be used with any book with the "flashback" principle. If you own such a book, you could use this.

I see many performers using such books, some presentations are good, but most are not as they merely riffle the pages, tell the subject to stop them and remember the first word on the page, and then reveal it. Bah. Here you will tell the brief story of the Bookbearer, and in the end, either subtly suggest you're the actual Bookbearer. Or that you're...

Mystic Alexandre
A Bridge Between Realms by Mystic Alexandre

A performance guide for "Frozen in Time".

I've owned the original Frozen in Time by Masuda since it was first released in the 1990s. Sure, nowadays there are physical pocket watches or wristwatches controlled electronically that you can do this with, but to me what's astonishing about Frozen in Time is that it's a gosh darn photograph! That's just crazy! How can a photograph happen to be set to an hour the subject chooses?

To me, Frozen in Time is a storytelling piece, not a prediction effect. I go into more detail in the manuscript as to why. It's fair to say I initially struggled with...

Mystic Alexandre
Whispers of the Stygian Veil by Mystic Alexandre

In darkness deep, a chart does lie,
"Whispers of the Stygian Veil" by and by.
Penned by the Devil's cunning hand,
Wisdom you must strive to understand.

Cast the die into the abyss,
And await, the Devil's kiss.
Each outcome, a secret, sealed and true.
The Devil's advice, just for you.

With bated breath, as dice doth land,
Await the counsel, Devil's hand.
For in these "Whispers," deep and grave,
Lie devilish knowledge, for the brave.

Prepare for wisdoms to unveil,
From the haunting "Whispers of the Stygian Veil."

Unearth the Devil's own advice especially for you with every...

★★★★★ $6.66
Mystic Alexandre
The Accursed Letter by Mystic Alexandre

So what is The Accursed Letter? I thought you'd never ask ...

It's a believable, chilling, well written letter, penned a long time ago by Rollo the Rollicking, carnival clown, that when read, will curse your friends!

Imagine the fun as you say ... "Oh my God, you have to read this!" And when they do, they will realize they have relieved you of a curse that is now upon them. So fun.

I was at a party recently where this letter was passed around to about ten people. It's effective at work, too (careful with joyless HR). How about family gatherings? Halloween goes without saying. Your...

★★★★★ $6.66
Mystic Alexandre
Found Cassette Tape by Mystic Alexandre

Unsettle anyone who owns a pack of cards!

You bought a box of vintage things in an estate sale and inside the box you found a creepy old cassette tape. You managed to find a tape player and what you heard was somewhat unsettling causing you to go quickly look at the pack of playing cards you have sitting on your coffee table. It's apparently a recording of some kind of preacher responding to a friend who wrote him a letter, concerned that his daughter was getting into playing cards. As you know, playing cards are sinful, evil, and the Devil's work.

They're not called the Devil's Pasteboards...

Biagio Fasano
Vampire Haunting by Biagio Fasano

An impromptu effect of mentalism and vampire-themed bizarre magic that just makes use of six playing cards.

The title of this eBook suggests the vampire theme underlying this impromptu mentalism/bizarre magic effect. Simply by using six playing cards, it empowers the illusionist to be always ready to perform with eyes closed (while blindfolded, without any trickery whatsoever, or otherwise remaining turned to one side for the entire duration of the experiment), with no need whatsoever to see the cards.

A female spectator is chosen in the role of the first victim, the only one who survived...

★★★★ $10
Charles W. Cameron
Witches' Brew by Charles W. Cameron

Dedicated to those kindred spirits who also tread the seldom trod paths of strange and unearthly magic. This weird concoction, known as 'Witches' Brew', is offered to necromancers, sorcerers, and all those nighthawks who dabble in the strange and mysterious. Long may your midnight oil burn and your candles splutter in your pursuit of the Forbidden Arts.

  • The Power Of The Pentagram
  • Out Of The Body
  • Ten Talons Of Taz
  • Power Of The Mummy
  • Ritual Of El Shaitan
  • Old Mother Long Nose
  • Pages From The Book Of Thoth
  • Mirror Of Fate
  • Dial H .....! For Hell
  • Catch Me A Demon
  • The Whispering Skull ...
★★★★ $12
Charles W. Cameron
Macabre and Mental Mysteries by Charles W. Cameron

Excerpt from the foreword:

I prefer subtleties rather than sleights and the effects in this book follow the same pattern. You may be assured that none of the effects are 'pipe dreams' ... they have all been audience tested. There is a tremendous interest these days in the Strange and Unusual and the contents of this book will, I hope, enable you to convince your audience that you possess curious powers and unusual abilities.

  • Foreword
  • Part One: Satanic Sorcery
    • Introduction
    • Riches By Sorcery
    • Spirit Photography
    • Cards Of Horror
    • Saint Or Devil?
    • Stab In The Dark
    • Key Of Fate
    • Mentalism...
★★★★ $10
Jack Bridwell
B-Witcheries by Jack Bridwell

Excerpt from the introduction:

People are interested in the unusual and here I have twisted many old ideas and slanted them to produce "B-Witcheries". Supreme have already entered this field by publishing the books of Tony 'Doc' Shiels and Charles W. Cameron. Both have an occult background which makes them authorities on this type of entertainment.

Mentalism is big business here in the U.S.A. involving names like Kreskin, Bascom Jones, Anthony Raven, David Hoy, Bob Lynn and the fabulous Karrell Fox. In England there is Fogel, Stanton Carlisle and the late, great Al Koran, David Berglas also specialises in Mentalism.

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Will O' the Witch
  • Psychic Deck
  • The Spirit of...
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Poor Man's PK Pen by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Learn how to make your own PK Pen with household items in a few minutes for about 3 dollars. It will be always ready in your pocket. No electronic, no wires, no threads.

1st edition 2023, video 7:24.

★★★★ $16.66
Mystic Alexandre
The Devil's Game by Mystic Alexandre

Two bizarre playing card routines.

In the Devil's Game you tell the story of a guy named Billy who finds himself in hell, he simply can't believe it. Billy just doesn't belong in hell, he lived his life honestly, he was loyal, he was a good guy, did the right things, played by the rules. What the hell is he doing in hell?! So he asks one of the Devil's minions to please take him to the devil, that he urgently needs to speak to him to figure this thing out. The minion takes him to the devil's lavish chambers, and the devil, smoking a cigar, surrounded by beautiful women, quietly hears him...

★★★★★ $12
Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne
The Supernatural? by Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne

In this work, Lionel Weatherly inspects and investigates stories of mirages, prophetic dreams and the experiences of historical figures like Joan of Arc. Illusionist John Nevil Maskelyne, who exposed the fraud of a number of spiritualists including the Davenport Brothers, and who created several famous illusions which are still being performed today, examines the truth behind a number of famous Eastern magical illusions. Maskelyne also scrutinizes mediumistic fraud, questioning the credibility of figures like D. D. Home and Madame Blavatsky, in an entertaining and carefully argued investigation...

★★★★★ $10
Val Andrews
Spook Show Stoppers by Val Andrews

A complete spook show, how to work it, how to make it, with full presentation and patter.

  • Introduction
  • A Complete "Ghost - Show"
  • Requirements
  • Details Of Construction And Operation
  • How It Is Done
  • General Observations
  • Presentation And Patter

1st edition 1984, 20 pages; PDF 17 pages.

★★★★★ $7
William W. Larsen
Final Houdini Seance by William W. Larsen

A captivating 45- to 60-minute lecture-demonstration about Harry and Bess Houdini's pact to find a means of communicating with each other after Harry's death. A complete lecture script with suggested effects. Perform it any time of year, but especially during the month of October (since Houdini died on Halloween). This is sure-fire entertainment for adult, college, and high school audiences. Earn money by performing this lecture-demonstration for civic group luncheons, college campus special events, at libraries, haunted houses, spook shows, and more.

This presentation revives the age-old...

★★★★ $15
Robert A. Nelson
Ghost Show Operator's Manual by Robert A. NelsonThe hard-to-find final book of Nelson's ghost show trilogy - now available once again and better than ever.

In this ebook, Nelson sets out the details for designing and framing of the ghost show, securing bookings for the act, the setup and tear-down, and finally, tips and suggestions for the operation of your very own spook show. Previously available only as part of the "Ghost Show Package" direct from Nelson. Now, many years later, this must-have reference is once again available in this revised and update edition, including additional Nelson content not found in the original manuscript: ...

★★★★ $27.50
Scott Creasey
Spoonology by Scott Creasey

In this one-hour and twenty-minute video, you'll learn every detail of the spoon bending routine Scott has performed all over Europe for the past twenty years as part of his professional act. A complete psychic spoon bending routine suitable for both cabaret and close-up using just four spoons, with an alternate handling using three spoons and even a Zoom variation, all broken down into simple, easy to learn steps.

Included is a full performance of the routine presented in front of a live audience. No special gaffs or gimmicks required, just the spoons and the techniques taught.

1st edition...

★★★ $15
Robert A. Nelson
The London Midnight Ghost Show by Robert A. Nelson

Complete show script and described effects as used in Nelson's London Midnight Ghost Show, also known under the title Century Mid-Night Ghost Show, (that originally sold for the equivalent of over $1800.00).

The Nelson Enterprises framed many spook shows for others after they launched their own, which was one of the biggest and finest ghost shows ever to take to the road. This show, in three acts, contains demonstrations of apparent spiritism, including a full-light seance, sealed message reading, clairvoyance, a slate test, thought transference, table levitation, Alla Rageh's spine-chilling...

★★★★★ $10
Leonard H. Miller
Thrilling Magic by Leonard H. Miller

From author's note:

The feats of miracle workers - fire eaters, sword swallowers, barehand spike drivers, etc. - have been proclaimed far and wide, but little has been written in explanation of their feats or otherwise detailing the secrets of performance. These secrets have been jealously guarded by the practitioners of these miracles and they have seen fit to pass them on to only a limited few.

Please note that these stunts are dangerous and involve toxic and otherwise harmful substances. We are offering this ebook for historical and informational purposes. Anybody who experiments with...

★★★★ $10
Maurice Fogel
Cheating the Gallows: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 5 by Maurice Fogel

A tremendous amount of thought, study and development has gone into the routine and presentation of this effect, the result of many years of refinement and actual performance before paying audiences. Maurice has performed this effect literally thousands of times under all sorts of conditions, in cabaret and on stage. It has been an unfailing highlight of his performances, talked about and remembered. So many mental effects give the audience nothing to look at and use the same old plots. Certainly, from the very moment the audience see the arresting sight of a gallows before them the effect must...

★★★★★ $21
Vincent Wilson
Teleport by Vincent Wilson

Can you really send matter through Zoom? Yes! With Teleport. Perhaps the most amazing virtual effect invented yet. This is an effect for premium shows only. Do not include this in your regular gig. "Want to see me send a coin to your CEO? That'll be x-amount of dollars extra!"

In this new eBook by Vince Wilson, you will learn how to perform it and what you will need to do to prevent them from figuring it out.

1st edition 2020, PDF 6 pages.

★★★★ $8
Julien J. Proskauer
The Dead Do Not Talk by Julien J. Proskauer

Here are more inside secrets of the fake mediums, in this tell-all ebook for psychic entertainers, ghost hunters and anyone who's curious to learn the scams of the fraudulent spirit worker. Picking up where Proskauer's Spook Crooks! leaves off, here are 200-plus more pages ripped from the case files of Harry Houdini and the author, from their tireless search for the truth about séance mediums.

You'll learn about the investigation of so-called haunted houses, the secret of an ingenious perpetual motion machine, the spirit post office scam, and how to trap and expose spirit mediums. The mail-order psychic business...

★★★★ $20
Vincent Wilson
Lost Works of Poe by Vincent Wilson

An epic theatrical production. Includes an amazing pocket watch routine that can be used in many other performances. "When the work was discovered at the bottom of Poe's writing desk, it was in a previously unknown secret compartment. Thrilling, is it not? Baltimore Poe scholars were certainly thrilled, and a special edition collection would herald the announcement. Alas, this would not come to pass. According to friends of mine in the Poe Historical Society, strange things began to happen to those preparing the edition for publication. An editor died of TB. The first case in Baltimore for many...

★★★★★ $15
Vincent Wilson
An Ode to Lovecraft Seance by Vincent Wilson

HP Lovecraft was a master of the weird and horrific. The rightful heir to EA Poe. You may not even be aware of the influences he has made. From the Evil Dead movies to Stephen King, Hellboy and many, many others, Lovecraft has left a mark deeper than the most fathomless grave.

Paranormalist Vince Wilson has always been a huge Lovecraft fan and has been waiting for the right moment to release his popular Ode to Lovecraft Seance onto the world. In Wilson's original tale, Lovecraft is presented as an early 20th Century paranormal researcher who was trying to present the "reality" of his writings...

★★★★ $15
Vincent Wilson
Gloomy Sunday Seance by Vincent Wilson

Are you honestly trying to scare people??! Yes? Good.

You need to be adept at psychological manipulation for this one. The writer and all associated parties take and accept no responsibility for the physical and mental health of those who partake in a Gloomy Sunday Séance or related event.

Gloomy Sunday, also known as the "Hungarian Suicide Song", is a song composed by Hungarian pianist and composer Rezső Seress and published in 1933. The first lyrics were written in 1932 by László Jávor, in his melancholy love poem "Szomorú vasárnap" ("Sad Sunday"), after his beloved had left him....

★★★★★ $20
Vincent Wilson
Spirit Boxed by Vincent Wilson

From the mind of Vince Wilson is his most ambitious project yet - Spirit Boxed. Vince takes very simple and forgotten pieces of magic and turns them into elegant works of storytelling art. Vince has crafted an entire “show in a box” that packs small and plays huge. He has created a new character in storytelling that moves through the decades of the 20th Century meeting historic figures like Al Capone, Emilia Earhart, Veronica Lake, Babe Ruth, Howard Thurston, Orson Welles and now you.

“I really like it! Lots of fun and a good thru story! I also like the idea of taking under appreciated...
★★★★ $20
Vincent Wilson
Strolling Bizarre by Vincent Wilson
"I really like it! Lots of fun and a good thru story! I also like the idea of taking under appreciated pieces of magic and breathing new life (well, death!) into them! Good stuff!" - Paul Voodini

"A wonderful bit of storytelling!" - Vlad

"Fun stuff!" - David Parr

"If instructions had a coherent story and a REASON to be performed, then maybe these wouldn't be regarded as back of the drawer magic. Vince has taken the little pocket tricks that have often been forgotten and given you a reason to perform them again. This would be perfect for a small walk-around set. Highly recommended." - Paul Prater ...

★★★★ $10
S. W. Reilly & B. W. McCarron
21 Table Lifting Methods by S. W. Reilly & B. W. McCarron

21 clever methods used by mentalists, psychics, magicians and fake mediums to make tables tilt, levitate and dance about the floor.

Covers methods used by famous performers, fraudulent mediums, and even the very latest floating table effects available from dealers. Also includes a method where a table - with a person sitting in the center of it - is made to levitate. And best of all, the person on table won't know how the effect was accomplished.

Whether you perform a solo act, or have a touring company with assistants and stagehands, you're sure to find a method that works for your performing...

Carlos Emesqua
Emesqua on Spirit Magic by Carlos Emesqua

Carlos Emesqua's unique approaches to Spirit Magic. Powerful, realistic and spooky pieces of mystery done in creative new ways.

  • Essay: The fundamental secret for Spirit Magic
  • 1. Fire Match: Learn how to create a self-ignite match, using any borrowed match. (No chemicals, no preparation)
  • 2. Ectoplasm: Make an ectoplasm appear anytime, anywhere (Highly practical)
  • 3. Emesqua Voodoo: An unique and powerful demonstration of voodoo using business cards.
  • 4. Image of the Soul: A paranormal phenomena using a photo and a strange vanish.
  • 5. Emesqua Spirit Writing: Just a few pieces of papers are...
★★★★★ $10
Clettis Musson
35 Weird and Psychic Effects by Clettis Musson

Here's a collection of 35 mental and spirit mysteries worthy of performance by any psychic entertainer.

For the performer looking to present something beyond the normal, these (actually 36) effects are ones that you'll find yourself using anywhere people gather. And if you're called upon to provide seance-worthy demonstrations, the effects described in this ebook to make you a medium to be reckoned with. Inside you'll find mental magic with cards, cigarettes, silks and billets, as well as plenty of reputation-makers for the "dark" spirit seance room.

Here's a sampling of the contents: ...

★★★★★ $60
Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal (all 3 volumes) by Guy Bavli

Guy Bavli has followed Uri Geller as Israel's magician and mentalist who specializes in metal bending. Guy is a full-time professional, constantly performing on television both in the United States and abroad. Guy is also a three-time winner of the Israeli Gold Cup Award for "Best Magician."

These DVDs have originally been released by A1-Magical Media and are now being made available as downloads.

Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 3 by Guy Bavli
  • Bending a Large Nail - Mind power demonstration.
  • Bending a Small Nail - Very devious method.
  • Shrinking Spoon - Visibly cause a spoon to shrink.
  • Spoon through Table - With the handle visible, a spoon penetrates the table top.
  • Stopping a Watch/Time of the Future - A borrowed watch is caused to stop working; then, under a spectator's hand, the time mysteriously moves forward several hours.
  • Headline Prediction - Perform a mental miracle using the day's newspaper.
  • The Perfect Clipboard - Guy's ultimate routine for the popular marketed clipboards. Just like real mindreading.
1st edition...
Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 2 by Guy Bavli
  • Incredibly Clean - An easy mental masterpiece with cards.
  • Question Mark Mystery - A matching pair of cards is located by a spectator using only the power of the mind.
  • Fan Vision - A thought-of card, the performer names it.
  • The Perfect Prediction - The ultimate book test, near-impossible conditions.
  • Impromptu Card Stab - A card is selected and lost; cards are tossed into the air and the selection is impaled on a knife.
  • The Lottery Prediction - Six spectators correctly pick the winning lottery numbers.
1st edition 2004, length 82 min.
Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 1 by Guy Bavli
  • Spoons from Card Case - Produce spoons from your card case - how do they fit?
  • Bending a Spoon in a Spectator's Hand - Bend metal with your mind.
  • Bag Bend - A complete act involving members of the audience; spoons bend and break.
  • Melting a Spoon in a Spectator's Hand - A spoon melts and breaks while in a spectator's hand.
  • Miracle with a Fork - One of the tines on a fork bends, unbends and then breaks.
  • Energy Hand - By simply waving your hand over a spoon, it bends.
  • Perfect Key Bending - A borrowed and signed key is bent using only the power of your mind.
  • Haunted Spoon - The ultimate haunted...
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