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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 7


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
Mind Burners by Bob Cassidy

Mind Burners - illustrated with color photographs and videos of each critical move, features two completely routined performance pieces from Bob's own working repertoire. "The Manchurian Gambit" is a demonstration of "psychic brainwashing", based on Richard Condon's novel and John Frankenheimer's 1962 film classic, "The Manchurian Candidate". An audience member, completely unaware of what he or she is doing, follows the mentalist's psychic commands. Not only completely amazing, this is one of the funniest and most memorable routines Bob has ever performed.

In "A Place to Die For" an ancient...

★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
The Millennial Medium by Bob Cassidy

Near the end of the 19th century - a time believed by many to be the birth of a "New Age"- presentations of mediumship and other so-called psychic phenomena had already become standard theatrical attractions. Samri Baldwin ("The Only Real and Original White Mahatma") had long since developed the one-ahead based question answering act, and the secret writing techniques of Henry Slade and other early mediums had become standard items in the repertoires of many conjurors. Some engaged in actual and pseudo exposures of mediums and psychics, while others, recognizing the power of such presentations,...

★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
The Mastermind Papers by Bob Cassidy

This ebook consists of a PDF and five WMV videos demonstrating the techniques. Bob also included his personal brainstorming notes, much of which is incomprehensible, but it allows you a unique peak into this creative mind and might help you develop and personalize your own routines.

  • Doctor Crow's Party Piece
  • Pure Mentalism
  • Technique #1 - Hand to Hand with a Pen
  • Technique #2 The Switch, Umbrella Move and Read covered by business card packet.
  • Technique #3 Basic Switch with Wallet as Display Container
  • Technique #4 The Impromptu Index
  • The Invisible Device
★★★★★ $25
Chan Canasta
Chan Canasta by Chan Canasta

Script: David Britland: Narrator: Dave Kelly: Producer: Martin Breese

You have probably read all of the books on Chan Canasta and now you can actually hear Chan Canasta performing some of his classic effects on this amazing recording.

In fact this is a complete program on Chan Canasta. It draws on Martin Breese's extensive archive of sound recordings of Chan Canasta.

You will hear Canasta live and then you will be given a complete description of each effect by the narrator. The book test, for example, can be heard exactly as it was performed more than forty years ago and then each move is carefully...

★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
Psi Apps by Bob Cassidy

Features "The Elementulum", "Bottled", "Dunningered", and "The Cooperative Almanac" - four completely routined original performance pieces.

  • The Elementulum is a pendulum routine that is visually stunning.

  • Bottled is among the rarest of mental effects - it is performed on a billiard or pool table! A spectator shuffles a pack of cards and scatters them face down all over a pool table. Pool cues are stood upright in each of the six pockets on the table to prevent any balls from being sunk during the effect.

    The performer writes a prediction which is placed in full view. The balls are...

★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
Test Conditions by Bob Cassidy

The art of presenting mental miracles under apparently foolproof test conditions.

Four completely scripted original and entertaining routines designed to demonstrate your mental abilities under conditions that apparently preclude the use of trickery or fraud. In addition to the routines is a complete analysis of the psychology underlying "Brain Buster" and "test conditions" effects.


Time Stop - This miracle is performed with any unprepared borrowed watch that has a second hand. There are no magnets or gimmicks of any kind required. The effect is totally impromptu.


Bob Cassidy
Return to the Crossroads by Bob Cassidy

This is a PDF plus five Real Media video clips demonstrating the moves and handling. Bob works with black cards and black tickets, a nail writer, a fiendishly gimmicked dictionary, a voodoo doll, black clipboards and index cards.

He mixes and matches methods where he finds them most appropriately. A move here, a clever use of ordinary props there and a gimmicked item when the effect calls for it.

1st edition 2003; 20 pages.

★★★★★ $35
Al Mann
Al Mann Lecture by Al Mann

This DVD is a live recorded lecture Al Mann gave in Vienna, Austria, at the 1. Wiener Zaubertheater, on November 25th 1984. To my knowledge, this is the only footage available today showing Al Mann in action. The quality is remarkably good for a live unscripted recording from a single camera from the 80s. It runs for a bit over 1 hour and 40 minutes.

It is a wonderful video to watch and see Al in action, as well as pick up a number of tips and several excellent routines. He also explains a fantastic card force he credits to Robert Parrish. This force is so fair and completely absent of any sleight-of-hand,...

Max Andrews
Sixteen Thumb Tie Gems by Max Andrews

The Thumb Tie is a classic that can be done in a number of ways using sometimes vastly different methods. In this ebook you will learn among others the Ten Ichi thumb tie, the Osman thumb tie, the Dunninger tie and variations by Victor Farelli and Max Andrews. You will also read about its history and many other important bits of information which will allow you to perform this classic proficiently.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This little booklet deals with a single trick - The Thumb Tie, in which the performer, despite the fact that his thumbs are apparently tied together securely, manages to catch on his arms several light hoops...

Mystic Alexandre
Dr. Wendy Woo's Remote Viewing Experiment by Mystic Alexandre

Dr. Wendy Woo (current whereabouts unknown) will teach you how to fake her remote viewing abilities with an ordinary deck of playing cards and an extraordinary token (of your choice). Dr. Wendy Woo has been involved with remote viewing for nearly a decade and considers herself a "consciousness researcher who has sometimes experienced altered states of consciousness."

This experiment may be performed in person or OVER THE PHONE!

This PDF also includes the bonus routine ALEXANDRE'S DREAM # 102 DEMONSTRATION! An interesting "dream revelation" using a video or audio file you'll be recording...

★★★★★ $10
Daniel Young
Polaroid Memories by Daniel Young

This is a very flexible pseudo memorized deck routine resulting from the combination of "Memoria" and "Snapshot".

  • Memoria: This is what it looks like to the audience: Someone shuffles the pack; you let them peek at one card and shuffle it again. The deck is then spread face up on the table. You engage in the memorization process, and after a few moments you claim that you've memorized the whole deck. You gather up the cards and turn them face up, and then you ask them to name their card. You straightaway say that's twenty-three cards down. They count down to twenty-three and deal that card...
★★★★ $50
Dale A. Hildebrandt
Lunarcy by Dale A. Hildebrandt

The author, publisher, editor, and/or seller of this ebook and anyone else connected to this ebook in any way, shape, or manner, shall not be responsible for your use or misuse of the information in Lunarcy. This leaves you as the sole person responsible for your use or misuse of this information.

  • Control Minds
  • Control Skies
  • Dominate the World - If you dare!

"Dale Hildebrandt has produced a real gem with 'Lunarcy.' His ideas are outside the box, solid, workable and well worth your serious attention. I particularly enjoyed his work on the Cube and "Alien Amazement." This...

Paul Romhany
Top Ten Travel Book Test by Paul Romhany

An amazing three phase book test designed for walk-about and close-up magicians that will fit in to your pocket. Great for restaurant workers, street performers, trade shows and private party magicians. This book test would normally sell for up to $100, but Paul has put it out as a PDF ebook to keep the cost affordable to magicians. In this package you get everything you need to do this book test.

  1. Instructions on how to perform this book test
  2. PDF file of the gimmick book – just take it to your local copy center or printer and have them print it off for less than $10.00
  3. JPG file of the...
★★★★ $10
Mystic Alexandre
Scoring with the Tarot by Mystic Alexandre

Many people find Tarot cards intriguing ... particularly women! But this is not a manuscript on just "picking up girls", rather, it'll help you interest your date further, it'll help you get "closer".

The manuscript includes 5 Tarot Myths that will help you sound very knowledgeable (in case you don't know much about the Tarot), plus 5 simple, established, classic effects, adapted to be used with Tarot Cards, including a Special Bonus presentation using an Invisible Deck.

  • Rapportarot - A simple test using Tarot Cards to see if you and your date have the right rapport to continue.
  • Soulmates...
★★★★★ $12
Mystic Alexandre
Cartomancy Overnight by Mystic Alexandre

Everywhere you go there is a deck of playing cards. Almost anytime, anywhere, you’ll be able to have a sitter shuffle the cards, you do a spread and give an interesting reading. This you’ll be able to accomplish mere hours after reading this manual.

Why is Alexandre so sure? Because he has written a simple guide that will make it very easy for you to remember what all the cards mean. With just a little effort on your part, you could be doing readings by tomorrow night!

Cartomancy, like tarot, is the use of cards to divine the future. Both divination with playing cards and tarot can...

★★★★★ $22
Stan Kramien
Big Money in Horoscopes and Lucky Numbers by Stan Kramien

At a recent lecture at the Magic Castle where Stan sold all of his books and tapes, by far the best seller was this ebook. Everyone reads their horoscope in the paper or on the net. The interest in horoscopes, numerology and numbers has never been greater. In this ebook Stan tells you how to market this newfound skill the very first day you buy the ebook. Included are venues, the psych code and drawings of his fair booth set up. No other business in show biz offers so much return for so little investment.

1st edition 1987; 30 pages.

★★★★★ $14
Don Theo III
Teardrop by Don Theo III

From the preface: This little ebook is not jazzy or slick in any way. It is, in fact, a small step up from the scribble in my notebook. However, within its pages one may find reputation makers and religion starters.

This book is not full of amazing new methods. The routines within utilize methods that you (probably) already know. What you are about to read is an application of these methods that will take your audiences to a whole new level.

You should know, before delving in, that my professional/scholastic training is born out of the theatre. I am very theatrical and this is why my audiences...

Bob Cassidy
Mind Explosions by Bob Cassidy

Mind Explosions is about closers, the routines which will leave your audience laughing, crying, awestruck, applauding, or sleeping. The two routines, "The Number of the Beast", and "Checkmate" begin as traditional, albeit very impressive, demonstrations of lightning calculation and memory. Both end with an unexpected synchronistic twist that leaves audiences stunned.

If you have ever performed the super memory effect or "The Knight's Tour", you already know that they are classic effects that are effective before any intelligent audience. In Mind Explosions you will learn a method of performing...

★★★★★ $14
Barry Wiley
The Piddingtons by Barry Wiley

During the Summer of 1949 on BBC radio a young couple from Australia started broadcasting in London what seemed to be genuine feats of mindreading and telepathy. The whole of Britain was stunned as messages were transmitted from BBC headquarters to places such as the Tower of London or an underwater diving bell.

Despite the long range, Sydney and Lesley Piddington were apparently able to communicate with each other in a way that defied explanation. The exact methods used have never been revealed and although many magicians claim to know exactly how they worked their act an explanation is...

★★★★★ $14
Stanley Jaks & Sid Lorraine
The Incredible Dr. Jaks by Stanley Jaks & Sid Lorraine

Sid Lorraine has provided a well-balanced and interesting introduction to this master mentalist. The tape includes an interview made in the 50's plus two live show extracts which enable you to hear exactly how Dr. Jaks gained his impact. Plus as a bonus, Sid has been kind enough to release for the very first time an effect shown to him by Dr. Jaks and never previously made available to magicians.

This is a digitally re-mastered (MP3) version of the original MagiCassette™ released by Martin Breese - now owned by

★★★★★ $4
Ted Annemann & Victor Farelli
202 Methods of Forcing - with Victor Farelli Notes by Ted Annemann & Victor Farelli

This is the same ebook as 202 Methods of Forcing except this one additionally includes the personal notes of Victor Farelli.

Farelli's notes can roughly be categorized in three groups. One is attribution where he writes the inventor's name, or at least the one he thought originated this particular force. The second group is quality, where he writes attributes like 'very good', 'ingenious' etc. And the third group are extensions, variations or entirely new forces. Some of these entries are even dated and could be of particular interest to historians.

Although I think these notes are quite interesting, please...

★★★★ $29.99
Simon J. Lea
Katterfelto #1 by Simon J. Lea

Katterfelto magazine will be quarterly and available as a hard copy full color magazine or an e-book. (Here at the Lybrary only the e-book version is available.) The hard copy version will be sent out with a free gift.

Anyone purchasing the e-book version will be able to purchase the free gifts at a significantly reduced rate. All you have to do is email Simon at to claim your discount.

For the first edition the free gift is the Pocket Book Test. If you purchase this ebook you can get the Pocket Book Test for £6.00 (+s&h). For a description see further down...

★★★★★ $15
Richard Webster
Cold Reading For Profit: Volume 4 by Richard Webster

This is volume 4 in Richard Webster's cold reading series.

Richard details countless ways in which you can earn an excellent living anywhere in the world with the skills you will have learned from this series.

This is a digitally re-mastered (MP3) version of the original MagiCassette by Martin Breese and later released as Magi-CD - now owned by

★★★★★ $15
Richard Webster
Further Commercial Cold Reading: Volume 2 by Richard Webster

This is volume 2 in Richard Webster's cold reading series.

Richard Webster was on his way back from the Frankfurt Bookfair in Germany and spent a couple of extra days in London so that Martin Breese and Richard Webster could make a new recording together.

This recording updates all the information and provides valuable information that will help magicians improve their knowledge of cold reading. The slant in this recording is how to link magic and cold reading to great effect. A full routine is provided showing how a pack of cards can be used to give a cold reading.

Length is 44 minutes. ...

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