There is no more powerful effect than one that uses some personal information of the spectator that the magician could not possibly know. Here the selected card is found using either the spectator's zodiac sign or the month in which the spectator was born. Self-working. No sleights. Any deck, even a borrowed one.
1st edition 2024, PDF 6 pages.
A letter-by-letter revelation of somebody's birth sign that produces at most two No. Here is an example:
"What's your sign? Don't tell me! I'll read your mind. Here's a list of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Concentrate on yours. Now, mentally print it in big block letters. Look at it in your mind. Concentrate. I'll try to see what you see. When I make a statement please answer with a Yes or No. I see an R. Yes. I see an I. Yes. I see an A. Yes. I see an S. No. My error - it's an L. Yes. We're looking at Libra. Yes!"
1st edition ~1987, 3 pages; PDF 2 pages.
This is a physical product which will be shipped to you. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.
Exact Birthday is exactly that, a novel and fantastic birthday divination tool where you can divine the exact birthday of a total stranger in under 45 seconds. A specially printed business card is all you use to achieve this. A second card with general information like zodiac signs, their date ranges, and lucky playing cards is also provided as a reference card. Pop these 2 business-card-sized cards into your wallet or pocket and you are always ready to divine...
From Unsign to Sunsign, Unmask the Unusual.
Unsign is a very special star sign divination effect that uses an innovative novel principle and a brand new method for the first time in the history of star sign revelations.
A single card (business card or poker card size) is used to reveal the star sign of a stranger. This card is freely examinable before, during and after the routine. And you can repeat the effect instantly for different participants, with different outcomes, of course.
As part of the process which takes under 45 seconds, the participant tells you a single personality...
Gestalt is a groundbreaking new propless principle that allows you to secretly obtain a cue from your spectator. It stays completely hidden from the conscious awareness of those who you perform for and is modular in nature, which means it can be utilized in other effects.
Inside this ebook is taught a propless star sign utilizing this principle, as well as other various applications for it. You will be able to guess someone's star sign in literally 20-30 seconds with very little process or scripting.
1st edition 2021, PDF 34 pages.
An unusual and exotic zodiac toolbox where you can reveal almost anything and everything about the participant's zodiac details.
This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. In addition to this PDF, which can be downloaded instantly, you will receive 4 specially designed cards that are about half an inch bigger than poker size and can be comfortably carried in your pocket.
There are innumerable zodiac sign divination methods out there. So then, why one more? Because, the more tools you have in your toolbox, the more prepared and ready you will be for any type of work situation. Propless SignTist, as the name suggests is a completely propless and 100% surefire method. The process is simple, short, justified, and flows smoothly. You can nail the zodiac sign of a stranger, comfortably and effectively, in less than a minute. You can perform Propless SignTist anytime, anywhere to anyone without anything on you by just carrying this simple method in your head.
A brand new approach to the ACAAN plot and an exciting way to reveal any spectator's birthday.
Sum It Up
A packet of playing cards is mixed and a spectator freely names any card from within. Next, a small whiteboard or notepad is introduced and the performer writes down sixteen consecutive numbers, inviting the spectator to select four. The four chosen numbers are added together, creating a final total. This generated total is counted to in the packet, locating the one card that occupies that position. The card arrived at proves to be the very one named by the spectator at the beginning...
Zodiac Oracle allows you to determine a spectator's star sign and (optionally) age while giving an engaging astrological reading.
A spectator populates a row of a 4x4 square with any four numbers. You fill out the remaining 12 squares in seconds to construct a magic square. Does not require any math.
This has become my favorite impromptu magic square effect, because it is easier than a classic magic square - there is literally no math, unless you consider counting up or down by one math - and it produces a stronger effect with spectators. Thus a win-win all around.
The effect: Take any piece of paper, for example the backside of a restaurant receipt, and draw an empty 4x4 square. Then ask a spectator to fill in any...
This includes physical product, a poker size gimmick, which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.
True, there are many star sign divination methods on the market. But very few exact birthday divinations. There are quite a few by this same author like Zodiak Gods, Birthday Calendar, Elemental, Elemental 2, Signature, Star Signature etc.
The 59 Second Birthday Divination is a unique combination of classic methods which is constructed in such a way that divining the exact date of birthday becomes a breeze for the performer and yet strikes the participant like a bolt from the blue. The special poker size gimmick...
A parlor or stage trick with a single method, but two vastly different scripts using totally different props. Fun and fooling.
Two tricks in one. Each with nearly identical handling but widely different effects.
In ZODIAC, you show a spectator pictures, one at a time, letting the spectator say "stop" whenever they wish. Their selection turns out to have been predicted in a message hanging in full view of the audience.
In MOM'S FAVORITE, you show the spectators playing cards, one at a time, again letting a spectator say "stop". Their selection turns out to have been predicted in a message...
This includes physical products, a set of 4 business card size gimmicks, which will be shipped to you. The ebook can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf. Once the initial set of gimmicks is gone this will only be available as PDF without any mailed gimmicks.
A powerful combination of methods makes this a versatile tool for birthday divinations. You can always carry this set of 4 cards in your wallet. Any participant's exact birthday (date and month) can be divined using any of the dozen combo methods built into the cards. The range of different methods enables one to repeat this...
This includes physical products which will be shipped to you. The ebook can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf. You can only make one purchase per customer to avail this intro price. This is to prevent unauthorized resellers from stocking up at the lower intro price. Currently this is available only on
When you meet a total stranger for the very first time, you will be able to reveal her key personality trait, the colors of her aura, her zodiac sign and her exact date and month of birth. And all this without her saying a single word or writing anything down at all. ...
Paz is from the creative minds of Adrien Lochon and Fraser and is an ingenious way of divining the star sign of a spectator you have only just met.
They simply tell you which areas of their life they would like you to focus on during their reading; Involving Past, Present and Future aspects of their life, specifically. You are always able to not only give an accurate reading of the spectator but always end your demonstration with a perfectly clean divination of their exact star sign.
No letters or characteristics are named and nothing is written down or physically selected. This relies...
A pocket diary with random playing cards written against each date is tossed out to 8 participants in the audience, one after the other. 4 of those participants declare their dates of birth but either tell a complete lie or complete truth or half truth or half lie about their respective assigned playing cards. But the performer accurately divines their cards in spite of all the half truths or lies.
Now the other 4 participants are asked NOT to divulge either their dates of birth or their respective assigned playing cards. And yet, very impossibly, the performer accurately reveals all their...
Seeing Signs is Fraser's ground breaking solution to the prop-less star sign divination plot, as featured in Peter Turner's PDF course vol. 9: Zodiac Divinations.
Yes, Fraser has done it again. He's applied his ingenious thought process and approach to prop-less mentalism to create one of the most elegant, beautifully streamlined versions of the star sign divination plot - to date.
NO anagrams. NO focusing on specific letters. NO jumping through letters of the alphabet. NO re-frame. NO eye accessing cues. NO maths. NO cards.
This is a classic of mentalism updated for prop-less use and is fully mechanical...
PDF & softcover
This includes physical products which will be shipped to you. The ebook can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf. You can only make one purchase per customer to avail this intro price. This is to prevent unauthorized resellers from stocking up at the lower intro price. Currently this is available only here.
You meet an utter stranger. Without her saying a single word or writing down anything, you divine her guardian gods - which she agrees with and will be stunned. Then you divine her key personality trait - which also she agrees with and is now positively amazed. Finally, out...
An improvised month divination
Month ID is an original method to secretly gain knowledge of a stranger's month of birth. (Actually, any information among twelve possibilities...) It can be done independently, anytime, anywhere, without any preparation at all, or props.
Basic Effect:
You ask a person you just met: "Do you know your zodiac digit? It is a digit between 0 and 9 that is influenced by the season, the climate, the month of birth and other factors. Here is how to calculate your ZODIAC DIGIT: Think of your birth month and do the following ... " (Very simple, just a couple of...
If you already own Signature or buy along with this, you can get this ebook for half price.
Star sign divination is a very popular effect. From the point of view of the participant, it is simple, direct and strong. There have been many methods for this routine. An earlier release of mine Signature gives a method which achieves a huge short cut in the procedure by using the Powergram Principle and can be performed impromptu or remotely over phone or skype.
This release contains 4 different methods for star sign divination. A specially designed Zodiac Card is included as a printable prop which can be printed...
The owners of this ebook can buy Star Signature for half price.
There have been many methods for divining the star sign of a participant. Most of these have used the principles of BA's or PA's. Such methods make the process longer and sometimes tedious. Here is a simple and smart idea for reducing your work by half but at the same time doubling the payoff and impact.
A cool principle called POWERGRAM is used to divine the target star sign within an average of asking just 3-4 letters only. In addition, a kicker revelation is also possible. This can be done impromptu face to face or even remotely over...
If you already own Elemental or buy along with this, you will get this for half price.
To understand Elemental 2 you need to already have Elemental.
In Elemental you were provided well disguised and highly deceptive tools to divine the birth date and birth month of a participant. Here in Elemental 2 you get equally deceptive tools to divine the birth year or wedding year of a participant. So together these tools make a powerful set to divine the date, month and year being thought of by the participant.
The 'tools' given here incorporate a couple of interesting twists to aid disguise and deception, although...
The owners of this ebook can get Elemental 2 for a special price.
This is that rare routine which can be powerful even in the hands of a beginner. And for a pro this can become a reputation maker. Stunning impact and yet so easy to do that it can be performed within 10 minutes of learning. No sleights, no stooges, no preshow, no reset, instantly repeatable. Nothing is spoken or written down by the participant related to her choices.
About 40 cleverly designed and ready to print props are included. You may not actually need all these because you will only use 5 cards. But they are included as creative...
Kalenda is a card and diary routine in which the mentalist divines the spectator's star sign, exact birthday, and selected card. As well as being a strong effect in its own right, it can lead into a cold reading, and also combines well with Michael's Speed Dating day for any date method.
The ebook is 17 pages and it comes with a browser app which creates the necessary diary set-ups for each year, and also provides training in the method (which requires a certain amount of memory work and mental calculation). [Download this HTML file from your digital shelf.]
This is a different approach to the Zodiac sign topic, with somebody you have never met before. It is not a sign divination. It looks like an improvised and casual prediction of a complete stranger's Zodiac sign.
What the audience sees, or will remember:
You show them a business card with all the Zodiac signs on it. You ask a participant to name their sign, and on the back of the card, his or her sign was already drawn.
You will need a one-time preparation with index cards and a jacket, (or a wallet) to carry it. It does not require pre-show work, pocket writing or dual-reality.
With these cards alone, you will be able to:"Wow! This is VERY cool, you have a winner here!!" - Luca Volpe
"Very stylish, incredibly practical, I've been waiting for something like this for YEARS! F*&KING SICK!" - Lewis Lé Val
Birthdays. They are the most intimate part of everybody's existence. Every single person celebrates his or her birthday. But, for the most part, besides family and friends, birthdays are not known by just any random person. With this effect, you can walk up to a person, and without asking any questions or pumping for any information whatsoever, you simply tell them his or her date of's just that SIMPLE!
You approach a stranger. You truly have never met her before, and you don't even know her name. You propose a little experiment. You tell her to remain completely silent,...
Long out of print - now for the first time in eFormat. Over the last 11 years Peter Arcane's Zodiac KeyWords has become a bit a cult classic. Initially limited to 50 copies its long been sought after. Well now it's been released in electronic format for the enjoyment of those that perform miracles and missed out the first time round.
Zodiac KeyWords picks up where Ray Grismer's What's my sign? drops off.
What do you do once you know their sign?
Within the pages you'll find a technique that will allow you to take those next steps and present yourself as someone who has more than an understanding...
Dave Arch writes:
I loved Ray Grismer's "What's Your Sign?" However, I never performed it often enough to commit the process to memory and I didn't like the fact that I could only do it once in a group without the method becoming apparent. So I commissioned a graphic artist (with Ray Grismer's permission) to create a mystical looking chart that could be made as small (wallet-size) or as large (poster) as I want. Not only have I hidden the method in the poster but also hidden two methods in the poster so I can repeat it (such as in the case of a couple) without repeating the method and making...
The performer after talking to the audience about astrological numbers and how to work them out, asks anybody who wants to participate in an experiment to work out the astrological number of someone they know.
A paper ball is thrown to select 3 random members of the audience; one of the three is selected. This participant is invited onto the stage and is asked to sit with their eyes closed. The moment the participant closes their eyes the performer starts to receive thoughts, scribbles something on a business card and seals it inside an envelope. He hands the envelope to a member of the audience...
Chris Hare presents two effects which when performed in sequence enables the performer to discover a complete stranger's Star Sign and birthday.
Star Finder is a clever technique for secretly discovering and revealing a complete stranger's Astrological Star Sign, without any prior knowledge whatsoever.
Using only six keywords and guiding someone through some simple mental imagery you will be able to correctly name someone's Astrological Star Sign, in a very short space of time. By using keywords it appears much less contrived than some other anagram based methods. Furthermore, the six...