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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 10


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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★★★★ $9.95
Kevin Parker
Veneficus by Kevin Parker

Secret techniques devised by Kevin Parker for remote viewing, reading a person's mind, and inducing false memory.

  • Spectator's mental card to spectator's pocket.
  • Remote viewing with a photo
  • False memory
All three effects heavily rely on exactly what you say and how you handle your spectators. These effects can fail if you do not have a strong spectator control and judgment, but in the right hands these can be miracles.

1st edition 2009; 11 pages.

★★★★★ $25
Chris Wasshuber
Knight's Tour: With Free Choice of Start and End by Chris Wasshuber

"I will sum up your Knight's Tour routine as follows, IT IS BRILLIANT!" - David Burmeister

In the late 1980s I developed a method for the Knight's Tour which allows a spectator a truly free choice for the starting square and ending square of opposite color (same color start and end is mathematically impossible).

This manuscript describes in detail this method. The method attempts to minimize memorization and teaches you a system to derive a proper complete tour on the spot. The method is so flexible that you can find several different tours for one pair of start and end points. Of...

★★★★★ $30
Timothy Hyde
Magazine Memory: The Secret Notebooks of Mr. Hyde Volume 2 by Timothy Hyde

The Magazine Memory effect is a highly entertaining, high energy, astounding feat of mental prowess that audiences love. It has been a feature effect for many high profile performers, yet little has been written about the effect until now.

Timothy Hyde has used the routine to close his show for many years. Performing on luxury cruise ships, corporate events and at theatre shows around the world he has explored the routine in great depth.

In the classic form of the effect, pages from a current issue magazine or newspaper are distributed into the audience. Audience members randomly call...

★★★★★ $69
Larry Becker
Stunners! Plus! Two Decades of Mental Magic by Larry Becker

Larry Becker's magnificent opus, Stunners! was first published in 1992. In 1993 at the Society of American Magicians annual convention in New Orleans, Larry Becker received the Milbourne Christopher Foundation Literary Award for this outstanding contribution to the art of Mentalism and Magic. The first hard bound edition sold out in 90 days at a retail cost of $235. So did the soft cover edition in 1996 at $100. Stunners! has become a collector's item bringing anywhere from $300 to $500 and more on eBay.

After ten years it was expanded so that you were able to delve into the many variations, improvements and...

Mystic Alexandre
Astragalomancy by Mystic Alexandre

This is the ORIGINAL! Do not be fooled by imitators. Released back in 2005 (and briefly in 2013) Astragalomancy, the hottest dice reading system for the Psychic Entertainer is back!

Astragalomancy is ...

  • Sexy!
  • Fast!
  • Fun!
And you should have the system down overnight! No kidding!

This PDF includes ...

  • Detailed Explanation of the System
  • Simplified Tic Sheet
  • Astragalomancy WITHOUT DICE
  • Significant Months
  • The Zodiac
  • The Timeless Language of Numbers

1st edition 2005; 16 pages.

★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
One Man Billet Routines by Bob Cassidy
". . . I have found most uses of billets that I've seen to be painful exercises in self-deception on the part of the performer, as to what the audience finds convincing or entertaining. But when I saw Bob Cassidy do his billet routine for an audience of more than a thousand, those silly bits of paper were reduced to virtual non-entities. By the time the routine reached its conclusion he was on stage, standing back-to-back with a spectator, engaged in what was apparently a full scale drawing duplication - with no billets or envelopes anywhere in sight or awareness." - Jamie Ian Swiss, Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine, January 2005
★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
The Impromptu Psychic by Bob Cassidy

From the introduction: "Seemingly impromptu mental effects are among the strongest you can do. The apparent lack of preparation is what makes them seem real. But never forget that it is the illusion of impromptu, and not its reality, that gives such effects their impact."

"Impromptu" does not mean unprepared, nor does it refer to the ridiculous notion held by many that to be truly impromptu the effect must be something you can do anywhere, anytime, even if you happen to be totally naked.

Impromptu, more sensibly, refers to the effect on your audience. The effect should either SEEM to...

Stephen Tucker
Thought Waves by Stephen Tucker

20 mentalism effects with a foreword by Max Maven. Out of print since 1985. Now again available as ebook.

From the foreword by Max Maven:

There is no question that Stephen Tucker has made his mark on the magic world...and it's about time someone made him clean it up!

The first time we met, I noticed that he had a streak of white hair in the center of his otherwise black coiffure. This gave him a very modern New Wave look, and I complimented him on his clever grooming.

He explained to me that the streak was not artificial, but rather an inherited family trait.

I'd had no idea that...

Lee Smith
Fifth Element by Lee Smith

Two strong card effects with a mentalism theme.

The Third Degree
The first spectator thinks of a card, the second spectator picks a card which is placed on the table under a glass, and then the third spectator selects a card which is removed from the deck and then visually changed into the card on the table, and the card under the glass becomes the first spectator's thought of card.

Fifth Element (thought of card to pocket)
The spectator is shown five cards and asked to think of any one of them. The five cards are placed one at a time into the spectators hand and he is challenged...

★★★★★ $14
Alan Rorrison
Digital Divination by Alan Rorrison

A new high-tech prediction method. Something completely new.

Prediction effects are a dime a dozen. Let's face it, every week one is placed on to the market and the hype that surround most of them lead to the buyer being let down and disappointed. This is a messenger based prediction effect designed around Windows live and Yahoo messenger that will leave your online spectator dumb struck.

You link your friend to a small sound file but before they listen you ask them to say the first thing that comes into there head. They do this and to their amazement, the sound file that has been there...

Peter Duffie
The Duffie Diary by Peter Duffie

This is a very commercial, practical, and effective diary effect. (Works with any diary.)

You begin by shuffling a deck and placing it on the table. You never touch the deck again. You now give the spectator your pocket diary which he may examine before placing it in his pocket. You never touch the diary again.

The spectator will now create a random date. He cuts the deck – this is a free cut – and turns over the card cut to. The value of this card will represent the month. This can truly be any value. He counts the cards that he cut – this will represent the day. This can truly...

★★★★★ $10
Dee Christopher
23:23 by Dee Christopher

23:23 is a collection of Dee's latest works, the routines you will find within teach some truly essential methods and moves, the ideal introduction to mentalism, while at the same time adding new thoughts and layers to any seasoned mentalist's arsenal. It includes version one of "Altered" - the highly anticipated coin bend you can PHYSICALLY feel.

This is a collection Dee has kept to himself for a long time, despite many, many requests for release. You'll see why very soon...

Sylla-code: A unique 2 person code anyone can learn.

Morse: A spectator is mind-reader effect utilizing the...

★★★★ $7
William Ellsworth Robinson
Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena by William Ellsworth Robinson

This work has the earliest known reference to a nail writer. It has an interesting section on appearing inks and covers in fascinating detail slates, ties, table lifting as well as a few other stage magic effects.

1st edition 1898; original 148 pages; PDF 80 pages.

  3. CHAPTER I. The Single Slate.
  4. - Inks that Appear through Heat.
  5. - Inks that Appear under the Influence of Light.
  6. - Inks Appearing through Reagents.
  7. CHAPTER II. The Double Slate.
  8. CHAPTER III. Miscellaneous Slate Tests.
  9. CHAPTER IV. Mind Reading and Kindred Phenomena.
  10. CHAPTER V. Table Lifting and Spirit Rapping. ...
★★★ $7
Orville Wayne Meyer
The Amazing Magic Square and Master Memory Demonstration by Orville Wayne Meyer

Orville Meyer, probably most famous for developing the bullet catch for Ted Annemann, demonstrates here his skill to routine amazing effects.

The stunt of forming a sixteen cell magic square that will add up to a number suggested by a spectator is a spectacular mathematical feat. Memorizing and repeating a list of objects named by members of the audience is an interesting and impressive mental demonstration. When you combine the formation of the sixteen cell magic square with the memorized list of objects, you really have something!

But we do not stop there! In this version, the double-barreled feat...

★★★★★ $37
Sean Waters
Contemplations by Sean Waters

Contemplations - A Series of Thoughts in Action

This is my second compilation of mental effects.

Contemplations is a 100+ page PDF ebook, which contains seven routines, five essays and a "bonus" ideas section. In this lengthy ebook, you will learn how to affect the mind-body connection, solve crimes with your mental abilities, teach people how to access their subconscious clock (with a wristwatch) and how to control people's minds with three words. The secrets of "real" mind reading with dollar bills and the ability to use your fingertips to sense the colors of playing cards, are revealed....

★★★★★ $35
Luke Jermay
Words by Luke Jermay


The performer asks his audience if anyone has ever worked in telemarketing, sales conducted over the telephone. The performer spots one such person and has them join him onstage. Removing a script from his pocket the performer explains:

"Telephone sales, much like psychic readings, revolve around a predetermined script designed to influence the person on the other end of the phone -- whether the outcome happens to be the illusion of telling that person their future, or that an item is the best investment they can make. I have designed my own script that has a very specific outcome...

★★★★ $30
Bryn Reynolds
The Safwan Papers by Bryn Reynolds

What the pros have to say:

"Bryn Reynolds is one of the most exciting creators I have come across in many years. Whenever he sends me something it is top notch and is usually an item I add to my repertoire. The Safwan Papers is the latest batch of material to peak my interests. Developed in Iraq, for his fellow soldiers, the material is dynamite! (Or C-4 given the situation!) There are great routines, gadgets and gimmicks that will become standard items in your act and just plain, good ole straight-thinking behind powerful effects! One is already slated for my next set of DVD’s. I highly...
★★★★ $12
Basil Horwitz
Challenge Mentalism Vol. 2 by Basil Horwitz

This is the second volume describing seven brilliant mentalism effects. Basil Horwitz is one of South Africa's most successful insurance salesmen. His success is almost 90% due to a magical approach explained on these recordings.

[For volume 1 of this recording click here.]

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

★★★★ $12
Basil Horwitz
Challenge Mentalism Vol. 1 by Basil Horwitz

Basil Horwitz - the South African mentalist - released in the 1980s seven of his treasured mentalism routines and the impact was phenomenal. There are few mentalists in the world who have not heard either the recordings or read the text which was published later. Several professional and famous mentalists use the material straight from these recordings. Each of the seven effects has been used somewhere in the world on TV.

If you would like to read a lot more about Basil's routines then see the 6 volume ebook series Mental Magick.

[For volume 2 of this recording click here.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD...

Luke Jermay
Magic Castle Lecture 2008 by Luke Jermay

Two routines that Luke feels are reflective of some of his best work to date.

Ultimate Aggiunta

Four spectators write four numbers. A fifth adds them and the number matches a prediction as well as every spectator's result who participated in the experiment. A combination of methods cancels each other to make this an unexplainable mystery.

[This is the same routine as the second effect in Three Cheers for the Underrated.

Touching on Hoy

Three spectators are seated on chairs on stage. The performer asks each of them to close their eyes. He then taps the first spectator on the shoulder and asks them to think of a simple shape. He then taps the second spectator on...

★★★★ $20
Orville Wayne Meyer
Telepathy in Action by Orville Wayne Meyer

This is the classic work on waking hypnosis, the publication that inspired recent writings by Kross, Enriquez, Knepper, and others. Meyer describes, in considerable detail (including scripts) the act originally developed by Professor George Lyman, and later performed by Meyer himself. Using no props, no preparation, no pre-show, and no confederates of any kind, this is a complete 45–60 minute act in itself, and plays to the largest audiences. Not recommended for beginners in mentalism, as it does require mature presentation skills. This is a highly-sought-after manuscript on "the real thing"...

2 Draw Duplications by Titanas

From Titanas come two diabolical methods to recreate the classic drawing duplication close-up using nothing more than your business cards and a pen. One of the explained methods is completely impromptu and both make a great addition to any working magician's arsenal.

1st edition 2008.

★★★★★ $9
Mark Piazza
Memories, Mayhem & Mephistopheles by Mark Piazza

Three magic effects (Memories/Poe theme, Mayhem/Jack the Ripper theme, Mephistopheles/Satan theme) with a bizarre premise.

Memories: Mark presents Nevermore (in two versions) where Edgar Allan Poe fondly yet sadly remembers his inspiration for his classic poem, The Raven. (It's not who you think.)

Mayhem: Mark's From Hell routine (originally created for his Shuddershadow Mansion ebook) is amped up for the stage where chilling accounts of the Ripper's murders are added, bringing more tension to the routine through the power of verbal imagery.

Mephistopheles: We take a closer look at Santa's Book of Toys...

★★★★ $15
Russian Roulette with Cans by Titanas

There are 6 bullets in a gun, 6 cans on the table. Can you guess which is going to fire? Do you feel lucky?

A funny Russian Roulette performance by Titanas. This time your risk is not your life but if you get wet or not.

Titanas' method is novel and has nothing to do with a similar Paul Harris idea.

1st edition 2008.

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