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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 34


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Mystic Alexandre
Cartomancy Overnight by Mystic Alexandre

Everywhere you go there is a deck of playing cards. Almost anytime, anywhere, you’ll be able to have a sitter shuffle the cards, you do a spread and give an interesting reading. This you’ll be able to accomplish mere hours after reading this manual.

Why is Alexandre so sure? Because he has written a simple guide that will make it very easy for you to remember what all the cards mean. With just a little effort on your part, you could be doing readings by tomorrow night!

Cartomancy, like tarot, is the use of cards to divine the future. Both divination with playing cards and tarot can...

★★★★★ $12
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Mystic Alexandre
Dr. Wendy Woo's Remote Viewing Experiment by Mystic Alexandre

Dr. Wendy Woo (current whereabouts unknown) will teach you how to fake her remote viewing abilities with an ordinary deck of playing cards and an extraordinary token (of your choice). Dr. Wendy Woo has been involved with remote viewing for nearly a decade and considers herself a "consciousness researcher who has sometimes experienced altered states of consciousness."

This experiment may be performed in person or OVER THE PHONE!

This PDF also includes the bonus routine ALEXANDRE'S DREAM # 102 DEMONSTRATION! An interesting "dream revelation" using a video or audio file you'll be recording...

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Stephen Tucker
Mind Power by Stephen Tucker

A fork and a spoon are shown. Someone chooses one leaving you with the spoon (ho, ho!), which you now bend using 'the power of your mind' alone. Actually you do bend it, but by pressing it against your forehead! However, it now visibly straightens (all by itself!) then slowly bends again, whilst held in one hand only, snaps in two and is handed out for immediate examination!

Self-working...nobody does it for you! It is all in the most simple and ingenious gimmick that costs you a penny if you don't already have the right thing somewhere at home.

1st edition 2005; 3 pages.

★★★★★ $12
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Stephen Tucker
Impossible by Stephen Tucker
  • 100% self-working
  • instant reset
  • everything can be examined at the end
Effect: You table a coin, a folded up Lotto ticket and a key-ring, then turn your back on proceedings. Someone mixes the three objects around in the row. You now ask that they 'switch' the three objects around even more, as you direct them (sight unseen). They are then asked to pocket two of the objects, in different pockets, and hold the remaining object in their hand.

You now turn to face them again and, after suitable concentration, reveal that they are holding the coin in their hand - they are! You then continue...

★★★ $12
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Stephen Tucker
Exhibit A & B by Stephen Tucker

This is a really funny murder mystery routine. The zippered "case" (used to house everything) is "re-opened" and the possible weapons and five laminated clue-cards are removed. With your help, the spectator now deduces which of the weapons was used. Once he's done so, you explain, humorously, why the other weapons couldn't possibly have been used, so he's effectively solved the murder! This means that everything can be returned to the case, which can then be officially closed.

  • No re-set is needed.
  • Ideal for close-up or "murder weekend" shows.
  • Not suitable for non-english speaking countries. ...
★★★★ $12
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Influence by Nathaniel

The magician explains that a pack of cards includes 52 different values, and one of these card values he had imprinted in the spectators mind.

He tells the spectator that he should think about different cards. He shouldn’t take the first that comes in his mind. During the whole process the spectator is free to change his selection, so that everything is fair and without forcing a certain card.

The magician takes a closed pack of cards and a thick black marker. He draws the outline of a playing card on the back of the card-box. He shows this outline and announces that he will now draw...

★★★★ $12
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Basil Horwitz
Challenge Mentalism Vol. 1 by Basil Horwitz

Basil Horwitz - the South African mentalist - released in the 1980s seven of his treasured mentalism routines and the impact was phenomenal. There are few mentalists in the world who have not heard either the recordings or read the text which was published later. Several professional and famous mentalists use the material straight from these recordings. Each of the seven effects has been used somewhere in the world on TV.

If you would like to read a lot more about Basil's routines then see the 6 volume ebook series Mental Magick.

[For volume 2 of this recording click here.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD...

★★★★ $12
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Basil Horwitz
Challenge Mentalism Vol. 2 by Basil Horwitz

This is the second volume describing seven brilliant mentalism effects. Basil Horwitz is one of South Africa's most successful insurance salesmen. His success is almost 90% due to a magical approach explained on these recordings.

[For volume 1 of this recording click here.]

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

★★★★ $12
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Mystic Alexandre
Astragalomancy by Mystic Alexandre

This is the ORIGINAL! Do not be fooled by imitators. Released back in 2005 (and briefly in 2013) Astragalomancy, the hottest dice reading system for the Psychic Entertainer is back!

Astragalomancy is ...

  • Sexy!
  • Fast!
  • Fun!
And you should have the system down overnight! No kidding!

This PDF includes ...

  • Detailed Explanation of the System
  • Simplified Tic Sheet
  • Astragalomancy WITHOUT DICE
  • Significant Months
  • The Zodiac
  • The Timeless Language of Numbers

1st edition 2005; 16 pages.

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Stanton Carlisle
Mentalism for Connoisseurs by Stanton Carlisle

After Stanton Carlisle retired due to a back injury he wrote this book and shared his professional mental routines. Carlisle has performed all of these effects many times during his professional career. They are well polished and worth your time of study.

1st edition 1980; original 53 pages; PDF 56 pages.

  1. Dedication
  2. Contents
  3. Foreword
  4. Author's Foreword
  5. Thoughts Winged Flight
  6. Mind Control ... In Action
  7. Psycho-matic
  8. The "Bent Medium's" Switcheroo
  9. Money Making Mentalism
  10. Astrological Signs and Symbols
  11. How to Tell Fortunes with Dice and Dominoes
  12. The Day for Any Given Birthdate Formula ...
★★★★ $12
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Simon J. Lea
Anti Tarot by Simon J. Lea

A reading system with playing cards

This effect is entitled Anti Tarot for two reasons. Firstly, it dispenses with tarot cards, using playing cards instead; secondly, the most important card in the reading is never seen by the reader. Instead of reading the cards and telling the spectator what should happen to them, the reader hears what has happened to the spectator and tells them what their chosen card should be.

  • Easy to learn and perform
  • No sleight of hand or forces used
  • Can be performed with a borrowed deck
  • All traditional meanings for the cards explained
  • Scripted reading taken...
★★★★★ $12
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Mystic Alexandre
Connectivity by Mystic Alexandre

Four Mentalism effects using playing cards in unique presentations!


Witchcraft was originally an oral tradition; all of its rites and beliefs were passed on by word of mouth, with nothing written down. It was not until the persecution of the Middle Ages, when Witches had to meet in secret and consequently were unable to maintain contact with one another, that any of the rituals were set down in a book called The Book of Shadows, since the Witches had to meet "in the shadows". What I'm about to show you, is a sort of card reading from such a book....

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Barry Ray
Deceptive Diary by Barry Ray

Barry could say this has taken 25 years in the making. And it would be true! In the latter part of the 1980’s, Barry created Deceptive Diary, and in 1990, he marketed this effect. It was the first diary trick to use only one diary…having a selection of over 40 cards! Before that, the diary trick either used two or four (sometimes six) diaries, forcing anything from two up to eight cards. But the major dilemma with Deceptive Diary was that it required mental gymnastics to work out the value of the card for any given date.

To offset this Barry created Easy Diary. But every now and again, he would...

★★★★ $12
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Mat L’Anoire
Nevermind by Mat L’Anoire

"When I first read 'Scribble' I had a huge smile on my face for the entire time I was reading it. I've just spent the past half an hour trying it out and an even bigger smile appeared! So cleverly constructed, it's a creation of genius!" - Iain Moran

Mat's 'Invisible Deck with a regular deck' opener. A cased deck of cards is placed on the table. A spectator names any card - a completely free choice. The deck is removed from the case and the named card is shown to have been impossibly predicted ahead of time.

Mat's 'take everywhere' coin effect. Four different...

★★★★★ $12
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Simon J. Lea
POSTgraphology by Simon J. Lea

POSTgraphology is a graphology based mentalism effect utilizing those sticky yellow memo notes we are all familiar with.

A pack is opened in front of the audience and the whole block is given to one of the spectators. He or she is asked to rip off a chunk of notes for you to use for demonstration purposes and then to give one note to each of the spectators taking part - 5 is the best number of spectators but can be more or less. As this is performed as a demonstration of graphology and not magic you don't point out that there is now no way you could know which spectator would get which note...

★★★★★ $12
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Scott Xavier
PK Sense by Scott Xavier

The ability to read a thought from the mind of a spectator is just the beginning. Imagine being able to transmit a thought from one spectator to another. Not only a thought, but also the thought of all five senses. Taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing can all be transmitted by the mentalist/magician using psychokinesis, hypnosis, or what ever presentation you see fit! This is a collaborative work from mentalist Scott Xavier and magician Mark Bond.

1st edition 2011; 17 pages

★★★★ $11.95
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Dee Christopher
Cold - The Telesthesia Cards by Dee Christopher

A card merely thought of from the spectators own hands is eerily revealed by the magician. A foolproof method utilizing clever wording and suggestion allows this incredibly solid effect to manifest.

No Sleights, The spectator has a free choice of any of the cards in their own hands, the magician doesn't even touch the cards once they've been handed over and the card is never spoken until it finds it's way out of the magician's lips.

1st edition 2007; 10 pages.

★★★★ $11.50
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Sam Dalal
Mantra by Sam Dalal

Mantra continues where Swami left off with fascinating mix of traditional Indian magic and western style magic. Sam Dalal writes in his introduction:

...One of the reasons for the popularity of these magazines is that much of it is devoted to a branch of bizarre or geek magic, not normally covered in the regular magic publications....

I am delighted with the way Chris Wasshuber ( has produced this electronic version of the Swami and Mantra magazines. When Chris Wasshuber asked me just a few weeks ago if he could produce the magazines as an e-book for circulation through his,...

★★★ $11.50
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Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
Psychics are Simply Individuals by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

A fun, entertaining, and feel good mentalism routine.

I've come to realize that when many of us hear the word "psychic," we imagine a neon-lit storefront, decorated with crystal balls, fog machines, the essence of "smoke and mirrors." From an early age, we're warned by our parents that these services are scams and begin associating psychic gifts as questionable and fraudulent for the most part. The otherworldly events we experience in childhood are mostly discredited, and even as we explore divination practices in adulthood, we are still quick to raise an eyebrow at the word "psychic." ...

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Dee Christopher
Silhouette by Dee Christopher

The spectator is offered the opportunity to create life. It's one thing for a mentalist to read a spectator, there are techniques for age estimation and cold reading is often used to explain traits of their personalities. This is not a demonstration of cold reading.

This is a demonstration of sheer thought reading. I would like you to create a character in your mind, somebody completely different from yourself - make this hard for me! I want you to decide upon, in your mind, several details of this fictitious person.

  1. Whether they are male or female
  2. Their hair color
  3. Their first name ...
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Simon J. Lea
Sh-h-h--! Tarot by Simon J. Lea

To the spectator this effect looks no different to a tarot reading. The tarot cards are not handled in a tell-tale 'card trick' manner. To the spectator, there is no possible way that you, the reader, could know what card they chose. Yet you can discuss the impressions you get from the deck - what the tarot is telling you - and ultimately reveal their card. How you reveal their card is up to you. Are you reading their mind, seeing images of their card in their thoughts or is the tarot deck itself is drawing you towards their card? Perhaps there is a perfectly rational psychological explanation...

★★★★★ $10.50
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Simon J. Lea
Tarot Psych by Simon J. Lea

Tarot Psych is an easy to perform tarot baffler. A spectator takes 7 tarot cards from any deck of your choice. Each card represents a day of the week. The spectator thinks something she plans to do in the next seven days and writes it on the card that corresponds to that day. The card is returned to the deck which is wrapped in a cloth (or returned to the box). The 'spirit' of the card contacts you and tells you what she plans to do and the day she plans to do it.


Deal 7 tarot cards on the table, indicating as you deal that they represent Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday......

★★★★★ $10.50
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Reverend Tristan
Fragmented Thoughts by Reverend Tristan

Three stunningly dark pieces of theatre that will captivate and enthrall even the most sceptical of witnesses.

With Tsarology, you will reveal your participant's personality, using a Tarot card selected by them...and be proved uncannily correct.

In Revelations, your own audience member proves that the Armageddon has already begun!

And you Shall be Forgiven, lastly, gives you the power to remove someone's sins for them, from the murky depths of their very soul.

Also included, as a chilling bonus, the good Reverend bequeaths to you 'Mark of the Beast' – an effect you can carry around...

★★★★ $10.50
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Bert Allerton & Tony Corinda & Ulysses Frederick Grant & Arthur Hastings & Edward Marlo & Joseph White
ESP Handbook and Workshop Kit by Bert Allerton & Tony Corinda & Ulysses Frederick Grant & Arthur Hastings & Edward Marlo & Joseph White

This ebook includes a nice introduction to Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and a range of tricks from quick effects to longer routines. Note that many of the effects described require some double-face ESP cards.

  • The Study Of ESP / Arthur Hastings
  • Little Miracles / U. F. Grant
  • The Two Card Trick / Bert Allerton
  • The Third Choice / Tony Corinda
  • That's The One / Joseph White
  • Signed, Sealed And Delivered / Joseph White
  • Edward Marlo And ESP
    • Foreword
    • Blank Card Prediction
    • Mental Reselection
    • Under Cover Mentalism
    • Behind, Under Or Above
    • Second Method
    • Card Man's Mentalism
  • One Out...
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