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Sam's Scrapbook 4

Sam Dalal
Sam's Scrapbook 4 by Sam Dalal...
  • ...Toothpaste Trickery
  • Blooming Magic
  • Bulls Eye (Version 2)
  • New Number Force
  • Sympathy Revised
  • I Predict
  • Turn It 'Round
  • The Easiest Memory Miracle
  • Nu-dissolving Coin
  • Spectator Predicts
  • That's The Word
  • A Pocket Full of Entertainment
    1. Arabian Auction
    2. Joker Brand
    3. Crazy Crickett
    4. Balloney
    5. Cavity Concert
    6. Cards At Last!
  • Ready - Set - Go
  • Rainbow Riot
  • The Chowpatty C & R Rope
  • Passe Passe Cords
  • Passe Passe Coin
  • Educated Goldfish
  • Thoughtoroid Camera
  • Hot Spirit Writing
  • Pocket Bathing Beauty
  • Bagshawe's Genii
  • Force Shopping Bag
  • Xerognum 007

1st edition 2023, PDF 82 pages.

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Cross the ACAAN

Biagio Fasano
Cross the ACAAN by Biagio Fasano

This impromptu semi-automatic effect can be immediately performed in any situation in which a simple deck of cards is available. After having a spectator shuffle the deck, the magician will have her choose a number and a card in the most casual manner possible (by randomly raising two small packs of cards), have the viewer shuffle again and cut the deck several times, reassemble it, and propose to find her chosen card. But, after practically proving its impossibility by relying solely on chance or luck, he will remember that the spectator also secretly keeps a number in her mind and challenge...

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Spectator Locates Magician's Card

Unnamed Magician
Spectator Locates Magician's Card by Unnamed Magician


The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician hands the spectator a deck of cards and asks them to examine all of the cards (making sure that they're all different, etc.) and to shuffle them thoroughly. After this is done, the spectator is asked to cut the deck into two approximately equal piles and to keep one for themself and to give the other to the magician.

The magician now says that each of them will bring their respective half under the table and spread through the faces of the cards in order to select (and remove) one, which will then be...

★★★★★ $20
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Behind the Back Divination

Unnamed Magician
Behind the Back Divination by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want. Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to spread through the deck face down and select any two cards that they like. They leave these face down on the table. The magician then instructs them to turn one of them face-up - let's suppose it is the JS. As for the other one, the magician tells the spectator not to look at this card yet - it will be a mystery for the end.

The spectator is then...

★★★★★ $20
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Double Miracle

Unnamed Magician
Double Miracle by Unnamed Magician

An impromptu, gimmick-free, borrowed deck miracle. A location and divination of a selected card under test conditions. Read on.


The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want.

Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to look through the deck (faces towards themself, backs towards the magician) and select any two cards that they like. Let's suppose they select the two black A's. They turn these face-up and leave them on the table.


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The Magic Art

Donald Holmes
The Magic Art by Donald Holmes

The Magic Art is a book very much in the style of the Hoffmann books. It describes in particular the tricks invented or used by Mr. Holmes. Tarbell calls this book 'excellent' in the Tarbell Course. Holmes was a prolific author who wrote several other titles as well. In this volume he deals with all kind of props from pill boxes to cards, coins, handkerchiefs, gaffed glasses and the list continues.

Paul Fleming wrote:

In 1920, Donald Holmes announced his intention of writing a series of books which were to form "a complete library on the Art of Magic." Unfortunately, he abandoned the undertaking (for what reason we do not know)...

★★★★★ $4
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21 Card Tricks

Peter Duffie
21 Card Tricks by Peter Duffie

This book has nothing to do with the "21 Card Trick". However it features twenty-one of the best card tricks Peter Duffie has to offer. Three other individuals significantly contributed to this book. They are Roy Walton, Gene Maze and Marty Kane. It can get hardly any better when it comes to cards.

1st edition, 2000

BETWEEN THE ACES: Very slowly you deal cards onto the table and a spectator stops you anywhere. He notes the card stopped at - it is placed on top of the deck and the dealt cards dropped on top with absolutely no moves. Despite the fairness of the procedure, the selected card is now...

★★★★ $15
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Magic Annual 1937 (Hugard's Annual of Magic)

Jean Hugard
Magic Annual 1937 (Hugard's Annual of Magic) by Jean Hugard...
Annual of Magic for 1937 and Hugard's Annual of Magic for 1938-1939, two volumes which we shall examine in the present review and the one that follows.

The 1937 Annual consists of 65 items, which carry the reader into many fields of magic. Sleights and tricks with cigars, cigarettes, coins, cards, silk handkerchiefs, billiard balls, and numerous other articles are presented clearly and interestingly, with the aid of many helpful drawings by Nelson Hahne - an artist who also contributes to this volume a half-dozen "comic strips" that amusingly portray the trials and tribulations of a...

★★★★★ $6
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The Sphinx Volume 25 (Mar 1926 - Feb 1927)

Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 25 (Mar 1926 - Feb 1927) by Albert M. Wilson...
What Is Wrong With Magic? By Ade Duval.115
Chats. By Kolar.116
The New Magic. By James C. Sherman.116
First Annual Convention of the I.B.M. at Kenton, Ohio. By Gene Gordon.116
The Marriage Market - A Dramatic Illusion. By T. Page Wright.119
Prof. Jack Miller's Original Pip Removing Trick, Using an Entire Deck of Cards.120

NO. 5: JULY 1926
Joe Berg.133
Chats. By Kolar.133
The World of Magic.134
- The Society of American Magicians - Parent Assembly. By Richard Van Dien.134
- Queen City Mystics, Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.134
- Cleveland Magicians' Club. By Dr. H. W. Burger.134
- Route of...
★★★★★ $5
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The Sphinx Volume 26 (Mar 1927 - Feb 1928)

Albert M. Wilson
The Sphinx Volume 26 (Mar 1927 - Feb 1928) by Albert M. Wilson...
By John Turner.138
Grant's Red, White and Blue Mystery. By U. F. Grant.139
Grant's Spirit Tag Trick. By U. F. Grant.139
Variations To Work With Kolar's Tag Trick. By U. F. Grant.139
Grant's Photo Trick. By U. F. Grant.139
To Make A Rabbit Wash His Face. By Lee S. Snyder.139
Enlarging Cards. By Lee S. Snyder.139
Foreign Reviews. By Baffles.141
MAGIC. By T. Page Wright and William Larsen Jr.142
- The Gambler's Gains.142
- Card Manipulations.142
- Cards From Pocket.143
- Royal Flush From Knee.143
- Poker Chips From the Air.143
- The Paddle Wheel.143
- The...
★★★★★ $5
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The Sphinx Volume 36 (Mar 1937 - Feb 1938)

John Mulholland
The Sphinx Volume 36 (Mar 1937 - Feb 1938) by John Mulholland


NO. 1: MARCH 1937
Le Paul.4
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.4
Magical Maxims. By S. H. Sharpe.4
Miracles For Sale.4
The Lightning Bird. By Keith Clark.5
Ghost Eyes. By Jack McMillen and Judson Brown.6
Further Ideas. By Jacques Morintell.6
Ribbons and Bouquet. By J. Brown.7
The Winners for 1937 of The Sphinx Award: Professional, John Booth. Amateur, Tan Hock Chuan.7
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.8
- Announcement Extraordinary!!!8
- Change Over Palm With Cards. By Lion.8
- The Six Dollar Trick. By C. Brustia.8
- ...And Now "The Flying Card" By Paul Morris.8
- That's...
★★★★★ $5
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The Magic Wand Volume 33 (1944)

George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 33 (1944) by George Johnson...
  1. ... Frangleton
  2. A Novel Doll Production - Eric P. Wilson
  3. Two Suggestions - Roughing Fluid and Fanning Powder - H.J.T.
  4. Tricks Presented - Stanley Davis
    • The Locket of Mene Tekel
    • The Pound Note Trick
    • Roses
    • The Souplate and the Handkerchiefs
    • The Double Lift Precipitation of Three Cards - First Version
    • The Double Lift Precipitation of Three Cards - Second Version
    • Ess-Dee New Card Precipitation
    • Ess-Dee Card Location
    • The Twenty-Seven Card Trick
    • Marking Cards
    • Using Plain Back Cards for Single-Ender Effects
    • The Twenty-Nine Card Trick
    • False Push Out Cut
    • A Club Slate Effect
  5. Lightning Book Test
  6. A Two Card...
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Magigram Volume 18 (Sep 1985 - Aug 1986)

Magigram Volume 18 (Sep 1985 - Aug 1986) by Supreme-Magic-Company...
  1. ...Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  2. King's Triangle - Ravelle & Andree
  3. A Fishy Business - Harold Long
  4. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  5. The Magic of John Yeager
    1. Colour-Changing Balls to Silks
    2. A Die and Paddle Trick
    3. A Phantom Tube Routine
    4. Slate 'O Dots
    5. The Boston Deception
    6. Case for ESP
    7. Five Boxes Off Mystery
    8. Sydney Spider
    9. Evolution of a Trick
    10. Zebra Plaque
  6. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  7. A Simple Card Stand
  8. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • Psychological Projection
  9. Dressing-Room Interlude - Bruce Posgate
  10. Use of Glove-Puppets in Magic - Val Andrews ...
★★★★★ $3
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Destiny 2

Tommaso Guglielmi
Destiny 2 by Tommaso Guglielmi

Destiny 2.0 is an easier and more spectacular version of its predecessor. Now, people with no big experience in magic will be able to astonish their audience with an even more entertaining effect. Besides, if you are just an amateur and have no abilities in magic, you will find enclosed a document that contains instructions to build yourself the "Destiny Deck", a way to perform with no skills at all!

You will also find a copy of Destiny Evolution 2; a trick that merges the original Destiny effect with an imaginary poker hand. Obviously everything will be done with a single deck of cards coupled...

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Raphaël Czaja
ACOCAVAN by Raphaël Czaja

From the creator of the best-seller SCAMP comes a new effect based on the ACAAN plot. Although it is not the "Grail", it is direct to the point with a minimum of sleights and a few subtleties for a maximum impact!

EFFECT: The magician shuffles a deck of cards and asks a spectator to cut the deck a first time to determine a suit and a second time to determine a value (the suit and the value of the cards he cut to, let's say a Diamond and a 4). Then, the magician asks the spectator to imagine where his card may lie into the deck and thus, to think of any number. The spectator reveals he's thinking...

★★★★ $8 $5
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The Knowledge: Methodology for Fraudulent Mind Reading

Dee Christopher
The Knowledge: Methodology for Fraudulent Mind Reading by Dee Christopher

10 ultra-powerful, stream-lined mind-reading and influence demonstrations for the modern performer. Written in an easy to understand format with pictures throughout. Some are new effects from Dee Christopher some are ones taken from his previous publications.


The performer removes two cards from the deck; upon one’s face he writes “Truth” and the other “Lie.” These cards are to be used in an experiment of psychological lie detection. The performer face holds the cards down. The spectators are invited to say a statement about themselves; this can be either truth or a lie....

★★★★ $28
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Hands Hof!

Kyle MacNeill
Hands Hof! by Kyle MacNeill...
deck at any point and the magic happens completely in their hands. If that sounds like a pipe-dream, keep in mind these limitations: - Its YOUR deck, with a small setup. - You have to introduce an ace-packet that you setup in advance ( takes less than 5 seconds if you have the needed ungaffed cards, put it in your wallet/pocket and you're set ). You can't use the aces from the deck.

If you decide to carry the ace-packet( in your wallet/pocket ), the setup in the deck itself is so minimal it can be achieved quickly. The effect itself is a variation of the Hofzinser plot, I don’t think...

★★★★ $5
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Magically Yours

Verrall Wass
Magically Yours by Verrall Wass

Practical effects with cards, flowers and silks. Here is Verrall Wass in his own words about the motivation of this book:

Modern magicians are not magi, yet some wizards wish to divide conjuring into innumerable religions and subdivide each religion into as many sects. The doing of tricks for them becomes a ritual. To one, he who does not use Professor Shuffle's (the "Professor" is still with us) double-trouble riffle is a heretic. To another, disciple of The Great Marmagic (the "Greats" are still with us too), he who does not employ Marmagic's boil-and-bubble pass, aptly named because the...

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The Knowledge 2: Methodology for Fraudulent Mind Reading

Dee Christopher
The Knowledge 2: Methodology for Fraudulent Mind Reading by Dee Christopher... systems that are both very easy to do and real workers and a gimmicked pad that could become an entire act for you.

The PDF book is separated into two sections, ACT I covers six unique mentalism concepts and ACT II is dedicated to Broken Wings.

The performer deals a few index cards off the top of the stack. Say six of, for congruence. An ESP symbol or word is written on each card. They are all shown to the participant and then turned face down and mixed. A prediction is written on a post-it note and folded up. This can be handed off to a third party or lain on the table....

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Daniel Quiles
Secrets by Daniel Quiles

[Note that this is a translation from Spanish and is not in perfect English. However, this should not prevent you from studying these creative routines.]


  • The painter of the aces: Four white cards are printed slowly on both sides, transforming one by one and in a visual way, in four aces of the deck. The aces prove to be clearly printed both by the faces and by the backs. The cards are ordinary and can be examined immediately.
  • Counting mistakes: Spectator takes a card freely, and after looking at it, returns it to the interior of the deck. The magician assures that he has a special skill in the tips of his fingers, and that only cutting the deck several times, he's able to find the chosen card without difficulty, but after a...
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OCD and Other Effects

Michael Daniels
OCD and Other Effects by Michael Daniels

OCD and Other Effects is a collection of seven card routines for magicians and mentalists that explore some of the possibilities of a mathematical principle designated The StayCard Principle.

[While the principle is not new, others have made use of it before, this is the first systematic treatment and explanation of it.]

The effects included are:


The magician talks about how he was helped to conquer his OCD (Obsessive Cereal Disorder). He explains his childhood ritual for deciding which breakfast cereal to eat each morning. Cards made from fourteen breakfast cereal packets are mixed in a formalised dealing procedure. Despite the spectator deciding how the dealing should proceed, the cards correctly predict...

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Vanish Magazine Year 2 (Apr 2013 - Mar 2014)

Paul Romhany
Vanish Magazine Year 2 (Apr 2013 - Mar 2014) by Paul Romhany...
  • ... magic
  • Magician's Crossword Puzzle - print this off and have some fun
  • Alan Watson - A Lifetime of Magic - Paul Romhany and friends interview Alan and find out what makes a successful performer
  • Slip-Sliding Away - Wayne Rogers has a great card routine that is perfect for trade-shows
  • Divining Cards Book Test - An easy but powerful book test by Richard Webster
  • Scripting Your Show - a look at whether or not to script your show by Cris Johnson
  • Sound Advice - Peter Mennie continues his column on sound in shows - this issue it's about speakers
  • Behind The Advertisement - a new column by...
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Hitting the Headlines

Eddie Joseph
Hitting the Headlines by Eddie Joseph

You will involve five spectators with various tasks. Two persons are first called up. We shall refer to them as 'A' and 'B'. A pack of cards is dropped between them. 'A' is asked to cut the pack and 'B' is told to take half for himself by actual count. 'A' retains the other half.

From this point the mentalist turns his back on the spectators and does NOT face them again until AFTER everything is over.

The two persons are told to deal together from their respective portions of the pack. A THIRD person is asked to act as umpire and to stop the dealing at any point. As an added precaution...

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Nique Tan
Epique by Nique Tan

Note: The intent of this ebook is to teach Nique's handling of using index cards to perform Mental Epic. You will require a verbal force of a playing card to perform the routine exactly as described in this ebook. This is not taught, but sources are cited. You can use any force as a substitute; if you already perform a version of Mental Epic, you can even use what you are currently presenting, but using this method as an alternative.

Epique is Nique Tan's take on the classic Mental Epic effect. This handling uses only three 4x6 index cards and a China marker, but it will play for a parlour...

★★★★ $15
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Displaying 529 to 552 (of 889 products)