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Canning's Card Capers

Doug Canning
Canning's Card Capers by Doug Canning

Twelve wonderful card routines and one non-card memory feat bonus effect: Mental Shopper.

Almost all the sleights employed herein are basic, therefore easy to do. The exception is the Faro shuffle, which is used in two effects. There is little mention of patter included, as the effects do not require set patter. It is left to the reader to use patter that fits his particular personality.

Some of these effects have previously appeared in Apocalypse, The Linking Ring, and The Minotaur. The balance are appearing here for the first time. Doug's two personal favorites are: Midnight Speller, and The Cardician...

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The Basics of Knife Throwing

Ken Tabor Jr.
The Basics of Knife Throwing by Ken Tabor Jr.

A no nonsense introduction to knife throwing. Ken shows you how you can start throwing knives without spending a lot of money. He covers all the basics that will have you throwing and hitting your targets in no time.

1st edition 2011; 28 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Why knife throwing
  2. Getting it...
★★★★ $2.99
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The Svengali Pitch: The Real Work

Don Driver
The Svengali Pitch: The Real Work by Don Driver...

Worth every penny to the resourceful professional.

Reviewed by Joe Libby

Study this video, pay attention to Don Driver's tips and advice, and you can make some nice money pitching Svengali decks. It's work, but it is fun, especially when you're counting up the money you made at the end of the day! As Don says, the idea is to get the money, but pitching Svengalis will make you a better magician. The fuzzle pitch and the video of David Walker in action are nice bonuses too.

Reviewed by Elliot Gorton

Worth every penny to the resourceful professional.

Reviewed by Joe Libby

Study this video, pay attention to Don Driver's tips and advice, and you can...
★★★★★ $25
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MP4 (video)


Build Your Own Psychic Calculator

Shawn Evans
Build Your Own Psychic Calculator by Shawn Evans...
  • ... Effect
  • Impromptu Prediction
  • The 48 Card Trick
  • Card at Any Number (CAAN)
  • Jumping to the Front of the Line
  • Two's Company and Three's a Crowd
  • From Heaven to Hell
  • Topsy-Turvy Sixes
  • Numbers-Numbers Everywhere
  • Interactive 37 & 9 Trick
  • and the 3 By 5 Trick
Table of Contents:
  • Chapter 1: The Prediction Number Effect
  • Chapter 2: Choosing a Pocket Calculator
  • Chapter 3: Modifying the Calculator
  • Chapter 4: Performance & Set-up
  • Chapter 5: Other Psychic Calculator Effects
  • Chapter 6: Simulating a Normal Calculator
  • Chapter 7: Impromptu Performances
  • Chapter 8: Calculator Mental Magic ...
★★★★★ $19.95
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The Complete Oracle

Larry White & David Goodsell
The Complete Oracle by Larry White & David Goodsell... light and airy, sometimes it probes a bit deeper and provokes self analysis and even resolve, sometimes it is just plain spooky.

David Goodsell and the late Larry White spent three years of their lives gathering the best of this kind of magic in their unique Oracle Magic Magazine, acclaimed as one of the best "little" magazines ever published. The quality of the magic as well as the artwork and creative design made every issue a unique experience. The material deserves to be shared with a much larger audience.

David Goodsell has gathered all the printed and web materials from volumes...

★★★★★ $35
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Popcorn Routine

David Devlin
Popcorn Routine by David Devlin... the stage. Another show is about to begin. We can't block the midway, so gather down and gather around. You are going to see the most amazing display of human anomaly so incredible you have to see it to believe it!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please help me welcome David Devlin to the stage. David is one of our performing geeks that we will be featuring inside our big top show on the inside and he's going to be demonstrating one of the strange feats you'll ever witness.

David was born with the ability to move objects through the cavities of his own head! He will take ordinary popcorn kernels,...

★★★★ $15
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MP4 (video)

Magical Gospel Lessons

Rev. Lawrence Burden
Magical Gospel Lessons by Rev. Lawrence Burden...
these timeless stories and ancient wisdom to life. But "Magical Gospel Lessons" by Rev. Lawrence Burden was a huge disappointment.

It's not that I was expecting simple magic tricks geared towards evangelizing children to be at the same artistic level as the apostle Paul's writings in Romans and 1 & 2 Corinthians. My problem with the pamphlet was this: All but one of the nineteen tricks presented called for expensive store-bought props.

One thing especially irritated me—the Rev. Burden's insistence on pushing the Abbots Magic Company on his readers. Eight of the tricks called for equipment...

★★★ $4
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Unknown Mentalist
Signature by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can buy Star Signature for half price.

There have been many methods for divining the star sign of a participant. Most of these have used the principles of BA's or PA's. Such methods make the process longer and sometimes tedious. Here is a simple and smart idea for reducing...

★★★★★ $12
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35 Miracles with a Mirror Glass

Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney
35 Miracles with a Mirror Glass by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney...
Most of the models currently available are not very deceptive looking; these cheap versions use a plastic glass and a piece of polished metal (a highly polished piece of stainless steel can be very effective, but many of the cheaper glasses on the market don't use highly polished stainless steel.) One of the common mistakes made in these type of glasses (both older models and current models) is to have the edge of the gimmick extend to the very top edge of the tumbler. This makes it too likely that the edge will flash at some point without very careful handling. The best versions are made in...
★★★ $3
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Mago Marko
Forgotten by Mago Marko... nothing inside. Unfold the cone and without any secret loading, a third load of flowers burst forth from the cone. This is the real method to do this as used by the inventor many decades ago.

MYSTERIOUS WRITING AND CARDS: We take a fine trick by Annemann in which writing mysteriously appears on one of two small white cards and apply the principle to a bigger trick in which you show two pieces of cardboard on all sides and cards keep magically appearing between them climaxing with a jumbo card. These are duplicates of chosen cards, but the principle can be applied to commercial products if...

★★★★ $12
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200 Tricks You Can Do

Howard Thurston
200 Tricks You Can Do by Howard Thurston

This book shows that Howard Thurston, sometimes refered to as the World's Master Magician, knew a lot about the Close-up side of magic, not just stage magic. He explains tricks with coins, cards, balls, matches, paper, ... There is something for everybody - easy and self-working tricks for the beginner, and more advanced ones for the intermediate skilled performer. Make sure to also check out More Tricks You Can Do

published 1926 by George Sully and Company; published 1939 as one volume together with "200 More Tricks You Can Do" as "400 Tricks You Can Do" by Blue Ribbon Books; 200 pages

  1. Preface
  2. A Brief Biography...
★★★ $3
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Encyclopedia of Card Tricks

Jean Hugard
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks by Jean Hugard... where he addresses the issue of inventing new tricks and claiming ownership. This book will provide you with more card tricks than you ever wanted. The combined value of its contents, were the tricks to be computed at their original marketed price, was in the thousands of dollars. Now you can have it for a few bucks.

Hugard added a number of items over what was included in the two volumes by Deusen and Gravatt. These items are bolded in the table of contents below. He also left out some of the material that was in the original volumes.

[Note that the hardcover edition has a different cover than the one shown here.

1st edition, 1937, Max Holden, New York; reprint, 1974, Dover Publications, New York; reprint, D. Robbins & Co., New York; 403 pages. PDF 379 pages.

Table of Contents (items in bold were added by Hugard and are not found in the prior volumes by Deusen and Gravatt)

  1. INTRODUCTION by Theo. Annemann
★★★★ $6
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The Making of Playing Cards

Leo Behnke
The Making of Playing Cards by Leo Behnke

Leo Behnke worked for many years for Paulson, a playing card manufacturer. He describes in this ebook the history of playing card production up to the process that is used for todays cards. He also describes in detail the 9 editions of the Magic Castle cards and how one can identify them.

Beyond the interesting historical and technical descriptions Leo is offering, this information can also be quite helpful in creating a script or interesting line of presentation for a trick or routine.

The contents of this ebook was presented at a Magic Collectors meeting in Las Vegas, April 8 2005. ...

★★★★ $3
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The Strolling Magician

Mark Leveridge
The Strolling Magician by Mark Leveridge

Mark has been working close up commercially for over 25 years and in that time he has gradually amassed experience of working in a huge variety of venues and working situations. Exactly how to cope with everything that the modern day close up worker encounters requires thought, planning and expertise if you really wish to do it well, and in this book he has tried to give as much real world advice as he can to help make your job that much easier.

There are 8 chapters of highly detailed advice on all aspects of commercial close up, the chapter headings being:

  • Is Strolling Magic Right For...
★★★★★ $13.50
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Magic in the Modern Manner

Orville Wayne Meyer
Magic in the Modern Manner by Orville Wayne Meyer

This is a work most will not be familiar with. Many will dismiss it with 'another old magic book'. But those in the know have carefully studied it and hold it dear as one of the most valuable books for a working professional magician.

It is the original and the only one of four places where Annemann's bullet catch is described, because it was Orville Meyer who supplied Annemann with the method. All the three other places where this is described are out of print and hard to impossible to find.

And now this lost Orville Meyer gem has been made even more valuable by extensive annotations and a new...

★★★★★ $50
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Mind Index

Dr. Bill Cushman
Mind Index by Dr. Bill Cushman... divine both a participant’s cell phone number and ring tone as verified when the phone rings, playing their song.

In Heart2Heart you tell a participant if a past love was reciprocated or unrequited as well the secret name of the object of their desire.

In 7 Deadly Sins, Dr. Bill shares one of his most cherished presentations and teaches The Cognitive Shift, a “sleight of mind” method that transforms a basic experiment in mind reading into a journey inside your participant’s imagination.

Free Willy is a unique, single question Q & A stressing the sitter’s influence over...

★★★★★ $40
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Building a Tip

Don Driver
Building a Tip by Don Driver...
study material I bought with my earnings on the street, I purchased this video. It looked too simple. Don just... gets a crowd. A big crowd. Just like that. I wrote down notes from Zachary Strange's excellent analysis on how the bally is constructed and modified it to fit my personality. The first day I went out after studying this video, I made $45 more than I usually do. I spent a minute to get people to stop and watch before getting my show started. This video more than paid for itself the first time I used the concepts taught. A must buy for any street performer.

Reviewed by Makoto Halver...
★★★★★ $25
more than one
type to choose

MP4 (video)


My Q and A

Scott Creasey
My Q and A by Scott Creasey

A full 30 minute act that you can carry in your pocket and perform in almost any standup situation, My Q & A the ultimate mentalism routine.

"It doesn't matter how you obtain the information, it is how you answer the questions that is important."

The statement above is one I have read again and again in published works on the Q & A from some of the best in the business.

I am afraid however that after nearly twenty years studying the systems of others and working on my own Q & A methods and routines, I have to disagree. To me as a full time mentalist and psychic entertainer, how...

★★★★★ $37.50
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An Endgame Expert: Endgame Chess Course

Igor Smirnov
An Endgame Expert: Endgame Chess Course by Igor Smirnov... mistakes! They attained this understanding while perfecting the endgame skills. That is why Capablanca recommended to start learning chess from the endgame phase! Endgame expertise bears positive influence on all other parts of your game as well.

The chess course An Endgame Expert is the all-in-one system of playing in an endgame.

  • It gives you ALL you need to know about any endgame.
  • It shows you how endgame Masters think and how they come to the right moves.
  • It gives you a step-by-step algorithm of thinking, which allows you to find the best move in any endgame position.
  • Thus, you...
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Square Skills

Unknown Mentalist
Square Skills by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of this ebook can get Square Thrills for a special price.

Many powerful secrets. Hidden deep inside a code grid. The code which is many centuries old. Finally revealed. For your performance pleasure.

You will learn 11 secret principles. Along with 18 amazing and baffling routines. Some interesting variations and many valuable tips. One M.A.D (Map of Active Destiny) Printable Prop.

After learning these secret principles and routines you will be able to create many more of your own routines. Easy self working mystic mentalism.

Once you learn these automatic secret principles, you can...

★★★★ $18
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How Psychics Locate Missing People

Devin Knight
How Psychics Locate Missing People by Devin Knight... the psychic makes it appear that he has found the missing person. In most cases, he even leaves the client with tangible proof that makes it appear that he did what he claimed. This tangible proof is used to prove he is for real and not a fraud.

Does the client ever get reunited with his loved one? No, but a few times the client will be only days away from where the person was. An ingenious scheme that is being exposed to prevent you or your family being taken by the racket. This is still being worked today, but the secret is not too well known among magicians and mentalist.

The author...

★★★★ $10
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Classic Card Magic I

Paul A. Lelekis
Classic Card Magic I by Paul A. Lelekis... in advance for.

Please continue following this series of Classic Card Magic e-books and I am sure you'll find a wonderful array of very doable card effects, with excellent patter, that will thrill your audience...and have them "look" at you in a brand new WILL happen!


1) RED HOT TARPON OPENER - Paul's "take" on a timeless classic plot that will put you even farther ahead of the spectators.

2) ACAAN the Warrior - The "any card at any number" effect is a truly mind-boggling effect. Put this beautiful plot into your repertoire and make your spectator the hero. ...

★★★★★ $10
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Ryan Shaw
Beginnings by Ryan Shaw... thought of it in this way.

The Build Up Principle: You'll totally transform your perception of performing tricks once you're introduced to this principle and you'll begin to discover how to use the world around you everyday to make your effects more impossible than ever.

Two is Better than One: The spectator cuts the deck as many times as they want. When they're ready, they look at the top two cards and remember them. The deck is split in half and thoroughly shuffled. One of the cards is named and you find it face down, without looking. The same thing happens with the other card! (Variation:...

★★★ $4
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13 Steps to Mind Maintenance for Magicians and Mentalists

Unknown Mentalist
13 Steps to Mind Maintenance for Magicians and Mentalists by Unknown Mentalist

These are very different kind of 13 steps. But very important, nevertheless, at least in my humble opinion. Hopefully everyone will find something of value to take away from these steps. So far this ebook was only shared personally. So some of you may already have it.

1st edition 2016, 10 pages....

★★★ $0
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Displaying 265 to 288 (of 1566 products)