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Robert A. Nelson
Hypno-Trix by Robert A. Nelson... over him or her, half the battle is won. Nelson claimed that many professional hypnotists employ these hypno-trix in "preparing" their subjects for genuine hypnotism.

All the tests described are genuine hypnotic tests, but success is assured by use of the hypno-trix principles. Included is not one test, but many. The tests are sure-fire - use any subjects. These demonstrations make excellent entertainment for large or small groups. Enhance your reputation as a hypnotist or psychic entertainer.

Also included as a bonus is Nelson's "How to Hypnotize a Flower" routine. Nelson believed he...

★★★ $6
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Unknown Mentalist
1415AD by Unknown Mentalist

This year, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of a fantastic principle which was first proposed in 1917. Although, many performers are unaware of this today, here are a few hard hitting card mentalism routines based on this fantastic principle combined with what I would like to call "Multiple Ins"...

★★★★ $12
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That's Impossible!

Paul A. Lelekis
That's Impossible! by Paul A. Lelekis... transposition of selections. The cards may be borrowed and signed by the spectators. This is devious. Wait until you see the ingenious method employed.

CHANGES - Al Leech (creator of Red Hot Mama), presents a full-scale routine that will freak your spectators out. Imagine the four Aces, one-at-a-time changing into the four Kings...then suddenly snap back into Aces. The four Kings are found face-up in the middle of the deck. There are no thick multiple packet switches...this one is easy to do and the modus operandi is simplicity itself. Brilliant!

MARLO'S OIL & WATER - This ingenious...

★★★★★ $10
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Sponsored Shows

Brian T. Lees
Sponsored Shows by Brian T. Lees... started with sponsors and identifies the "hot spots" you need to mention as you speak with them.
  • Business Basics
  • Basic Marketing
  • Sponsors
  • Sources to Consider
  • Approaches
  • Calendar and Files
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2021, PDF 20 pages.

Reviewed by V D

Unfortunately this must have been one of the most disappointing downloads for me, ever. Poorly written, wordy, repetitive, and outdated. The premise - a discussion on the sponsorship for the shows - is barely touched upon. You do learn how to hang flyers to the billboard, how to write a scheduled date into your calendar, and other...
★★★★★ $20
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Thumb Tip Handling Masterclass

Hal Saxon
Thumb Tip Handling Masterclass by Hal Saxon

"It's a thing of beauty. Everything is covered and I believe it might be one of the best purchases magicians can make today. You cover everything in detail and it's a pleasure to watch. - Olivier Boes

I want us to reimagine and revolutionize our tipistry. Tipistry means breathtaking thumb tip handling ability, competence, proficiency, and mastery. If we can pull this off, you'll also skyrocket your confidence with a thumb tip.

My methodology is to perform close up, with no weird or wacky moves. I just perform slow and deliberate with handling and moves that defy logic.

The Thumb...

★★★★★ $35
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MP4 (video)

Craft Store Conjuring

Dave Arch
Craft Store Conjuring by Dave Arch

In the absence of a brick-and-mortar magic store in your area, you no doubt already have discovered the inspirational riches for the magician that exist within the walls of a Hobby Lobby.

From 2019 to 2023 Dave Arch authored a column in the IBM's Linking Ring magazine sharing one of his ideas each month. This ebook is now a compilation of those columns as well as enough extras to bring the total to 90+ different ideas from nearly every section of the store and every magic genre.

  • Hypno Gum
  • Hypno Stick
  • Headline Prediction
  • Step Right Up!
  • She Loves Me ... She Loves Me Not
  • Mental Epic ...
★★★ $20
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How to Chalk Talk

Harlan Tarbell
How to Chalk Talk by Harlan Tarbell

The chalk talk is an almost forgotten entertainment type. The only time I have seen a chalk talk was on a Saturday Night Live show. The idea of the chalk talk is to combine story telling with drawing usually in a funny way. Today one can do this with a whiteboard. You don't need to be a skilled artist to do a chalk talk.

1st edition 1924; PDF 70 pages.

★★★★ $5
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Tell Them You Saw Dante

Val Andrews
Tell Them You Saw Dante by Val Andrews... and the whole recording is rather in the style of a radio broadcast featuring extracts from Dante.

This recording was originally created and released by Val Andrews. In 1977 it was purchased by Martin Breese and is now owned and copyrighted by

runtime 45min

Reviewed by Chet Cox

One of the most charming audioplays in existence, and a tour de force for Andrews, it leaves one with a feeling of actually having attended a few Dante shows. It also leaves one with a hunger for more Dante! This is a one-man play with wings!

Reviewed by Chet Cox

One of the most charming audioplays...
★★★★★ $14
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Table-Hopping Cups and Balls

Scott F. Guinn
Table-Hopping Cups and Balls by Scott F. Guinn... consideration.

The Cups and Balls is probably the most-performed effect in magic's long history. However, it is rarely seen by the public these days, especially by table-hopping close up performers. Table-hopping magicians aren't willing (or able) to dedicate so much precious pocket space to one effect.

Scott developed this routine with the Table-Hopping environment in mind. It sacrifices less pocket space and the table room required is minimal.

In addition to significantly fewer props, by eliminating one cup and two balls, the routine is easier for the audience to follow - there...

★★★★ $10
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Air Dream Illusion

Timo Dante
Air Dream Illusion by Timo Dante

New and good illusions are hard to find nowadays. In this manuscript magic consultant and illusion designer Timo Dante publishes an illusion from his own collection.

As a magician you always want to look good and appear as such on stage. Air Dream is an appearance-illusion that even fools magicians:...

★★★★ $25
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Magic with an ESP Deck

Sam Dalal
Magic with an ESP Deck by Sam Dalal... revised and enlarged edition (published 1995) contains everything in the original editions, and more.

1st edition 1972; revised 3rd edition 1995; digital edition 2011; 31 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. A Brief Background
  3. Moves & Terminology
  4. - The False Hindu Shuffle
  5. - Over Hand Shuffle
  6. One in 14400
  7. Ulti-Matchic
  8. Forced Freedom
  9. The Test
  10. - Institute for Investigation of Paranormal Phenomenon
  11. - Procedure for testing of Intuitional ESP
  12. Predestined Choice
  13. Thought Force
  14. Do As I Do
  15. Uni-Match
  16. Coincidence
  17. Timed Thoughts
  18. Triple Match
  19. Think-A-Card
  20. My Favorite
  21. ESP Stacking

★★★★ $5
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In The Play of Shadows: The Tarot Effect

TC Tahoe
In The Play of Shadows: The Tarot Effect by TC Tahoe

29 effects with Tarot cards.

Here is what Richard Webster had to say about it:

In the Play of Shadows" is a goldmine...

Until now, it's been hard to find powerful effects that use Tarot cards. For me, effects with Tarot cards should include a fascinating story, and any moves need to look natural.

Complicated sleights and Tarot cards do not go well together. I have seen magicians destroy all credibility by performing feats of finger-flinging with Tarot cards. T C Tahoe obviously knows all this. His book is full of powerful effects, created with simple moves, and every one of them has a delightful...

★★★★★ $30
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Nothing but the Truth

Cameron Francis
Nothing but the Truth by Cameron Francis... love it! Can be done in any language.

Requires blank faced cards.

Reviewed by Paul Hallas

I've always thought the lie detector plot (from experience using it) was a commercial plot, because it allows fun interaction from the spectator and seems inexplicable because of their own input. This is one of several packet trick versions of the plot available and I really like it and have used it. One day I'll make myself up a jumbo set. If there is a downside to this version it would be the lack of variety with the selection, but I doubt that will stop you using it, it didn't me. This is a direct...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Dark Horizon

Unknown Mentalist
Dark Horizon by Unknown Mentalist...
is very novel and gives the routine a timeless quality. I can see this playing very well. Mouth-watering presentation possibilities. I thank the Unknown Mentalist for keeping the prices of his amazing releases, highly affordable and great value for money.

Reviewed by Paul Hallas

I loved this one. A truly wonderful theme and presentation. So far I've only used it in close up situations, but at some point I know it will graduate to larger performances.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth

for every creation man makes therein is found a creative mind that plants a seed that grows into that what...
★★★★ $12
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Labyrinth Illusion

Jon Gower & Mark Parker
Labyrinth Illusion by Jon Gower & Mark Parker... from any backdrops in the middle of a stage or cabaret floor.

Whilst the manuscript is not a workshop plan it gives a full detailed description of the full routine and workings, including full colour elevations and sections through the apparatus of a unique and beautiful routine for the modern day performer.

"The novelty and mystery of this would make a great addition to any illusion show. Very highly recommended for any fan of illusions". - Paul Romhany, Vanish Magazine (review in June 2016 edition).

1st edition 2016, 15 pages.

Reviewed by Anonymous

It's a very good illusion - in...
★★★★ $9.95
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The Skeleton of Jekyll and Hyde

Devin Knight
The Skeleton of Jekyll and Hyde by Devin Knight... 30s and updated for today's performers. Read on.

Let's assume you are the spectator and I am the magician. I have two identical large-print dictionaries. You chose a page (left or right), a column (left or right) and the word position from the top of a page, but not a page number. I hand you one dictionary and go into an adjoining room and select a word, on any page of the selected side of my dictionary, in the column and position you have chosen. While you do the same with your dictionary...a word, on any page, in the column and position you have selected! I return and you and I exchange...

★★★★★ $4
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Month ID

Gerard Zitta
Month ID by Gerard Zitta... question. You will also get a bonus fake newspaper article, to make everything credible for the audience, and easier for you.

NOTE: Instead of revealing the month, this can be followed by ZIP, my Zodiac sign prediction when I meet somebody I've never seen before. (You do not need to know the day of birth for ZIP).

1st edition 2016, 15 pages.

Reviewed by Ray Jack

This is a lengthy math process. I found it quite complex. After trying to wrap my head around it for a full day, I gave up. It seemed a lot of hard work just to reveal the month of birth.

Reviewed by David Burmeister

I recommend...
★★★★★ $10
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The Creative Tables

C. Golo Naito
The Creative Tables by C. Golo Naito

The Creative Tables is a 30 day training workbook, which will make you start thinking about your magic in a new way by generating new ideas.

Do you want to be more creative with your magic? The way to push your magic to the next level is not by buying the latest effect, but by becoming an idea machine. Anybody can buy an effect and perform it like everybody else. But to make the effect really your own, you have to give it something more. This is exactly what this ebook will help you accomplish. The Creative Tables is a 30 day training workbook, which will make you start thinking about your...

★★★★ $0
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The Nelson Enterprises Master Catalog Index

B. W. McCarron
The Nelson Enterprises Master Catalog Index by B. W. McCarron... Nelson collection. There's even information on acquiring certain public domain titles, formerly sold in the Nelson catalogs, free of charge.

We couldn't finish the Index without including front cover photos of the 21 Nelson catalogs represented, along with brief thumbnail sketches about each one.

How robust is your Nelson collection? You may have missed several items that were published in only a single catalog over the years. Now you can locate that item, down to the particular catalog and page number where it is found ... even if you don't own the original catalog.

Looking to...

★★★★★ $25
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Her Majesty Deck

Unknown Mentalist
Her Majesty Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Her Majesty Deck is named thus because in this stack the Queen is called Her Majesty for an innovative reason. This is a memorized deck that is easier to learn, remember and use than Mnemonica or Aronson stacks. Most probably, you will be able to learn this stack on the same day that you read this manuscript.

The first few cards of Her Majesty Deck are as follows: AC 3D 2D 9H 7H JS 5H KS 4H QD 6S

You can perform almost all the stack-independent memdeck material out there with this deck too.


As a bonus, the Dictum Deck is also included. This is a cyclical stack that...

★★★★ $12
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ER Diary

Brick Tilley
ER Diary by Brick Tilley

Brick Tilley began as an extra on the famous ER series TV show. He worked his way up to stand-in and finished as an actor. This is a diary he kept during 15 seasons. Included among other things is a detailed history of the Warner Brothers Studio and a description of a typical day of filming on the lot.

It is a must-read for anyone who is interested in working in the motion picture industry. This is the information you need in order to have a successful career in film.

You will learn a lot of bits and pieces about the cast and crew, and what it was like working for the show, including...

★★★★★ $20
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Tragic Magic

Harry Leat
Tragic Magic by Harry Leat

An original blurb read: Tragic Magic containing original magical sketches, tricks, some humour, and many interesting items that will grip you.

From The Sphinx: And here is another one that awakens my cereberzation - Harry Leat's Tragic Magic. Here is a book of 122 pages of the queerest conglomeration of sense and non-sense, good magic and irrelative matter - yet relating to magic - that has yet crossed my rugged editorial path. The table of contents lists 42 items, and I advise the purchaser of the book not to skip a single one of them. I do not know why the book is named Tragic Magic, for the magic...

★★★★★ $4
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Telling Tales

Luke Jermay
Telling Tales by Luke Jermay... this to your friends very soon.

These effects are designed to be performed in coffee shops, restaurants, offices and homes rather than the formal performance areas of the stage or parlor. They are designed to further your reputation as a mystery worker and will serve you well in your every day life.

This is a limited edition ebook, limited to 200 copies. is authorized to sell 80 copies. Once 80 are sold it will vanish from the online catalog.

1st edition 2007; 15 pages.

Reviewed by Peter Nordstrand

The second effect will not work, for one simple reason: Google search results...
★★★★ $29.99
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Sleightly Mental

Bob Cassidy
Sleightly Mental by Bob Cassidy

From the introduction:

As far as I'm concerned, sleight of hand (or any other artifice for that matter) has but one purpose - to convincingly establish a false premise, which I believe to be the cornerstone of all effective illusion and deception. The more convincingly that premise is established, the more amazing the resulting effect will appear to be.

The subtleties and psychological approaches of mentalism can, when augmented by sleight of hand, provide a directness and clarity of effect that is too often lacking in mental routines. The fact that sleights are avoided by many performers...

★★★★★ $25
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Displaying 361 to 384 (of 1566 products)