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B. W. McCarron

B. W. McCarron

B.W. McCarron is a performing magician and mentalist, and a former board member for the Tacoma Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. Aside from several articles on magic and mentalism he has written for Genii, The Conjuror's Magazine, B.W. has written articles for computer and music magazines, as well as authored books for magicians and mentalists such as Clearly Mental!, The Gambling Magician, VCR Magic, The Propshop, and The Solomon Principle.

Listed in Bart Whaley’s monumental Who’s Who in Magic, McCarron has also created mental effects for the fraternity, including The Only Good Apple Book Test and Strange Truths.

Aside from earning a living as a lead guitarist in various Seattle area rock bands, McCarron has made a living as an information security professional.


Coauthors: Robert A. Nelson, Will Andrade, Howardi, Keith Parr, William W. Larsen, Jimmy Muir, Lester Watts, Jules Lenier, S. W. Reilly, Ulysses Frederick Grant, Mackenzie Gant, Bob Hummer, Joe Berg, Al Aldini

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★★★★ $8
Joe Berg & Al Aldini & B. W. McCarron
Rough Stuff by Joe Berg & Al Aldini & B. W. McCarron

A great ebook for those interested in creating their own mechanical (rough and smooth) trick decks or restoring old ones.

The mechanical decks described in the first part of this ebook were brand new when first published, and represented a value - in today's dollars - of nearly $195 if purchased from a dealer. But that's not all. In this revised and expanded edition, you also get complete instructions for making your own Brainwave and Pop-Eyed Popper decks. While you can buy them ready-made from a dealer, making them yourself allows you to create custom decks, such as with airline or other...

Bob Hummer & B. W. McCarron
Come Fly With Me by Bob Hummer & B. W. McCarron

This was originally published under the title Hummer's Dial A Date Deal.

Where will you go on your dream vacation? Paris? London? Madrid? Come Fly With Me is a stunning psychic mystery using Bob Hummer's ingenious method to name a mentally selected vacation destination with no questions asked and nothing written down.

A spectator lays out a number of cards - some face-up, some face-down. The choice of cards and positioning is up to him. A second row of cards is also laid out. The performer does not at any time see the order of cards. The spectator then selects the name of one of a number...

Mackenzie Gant & B. W. McCarron
I'm Not Afraid by Mackenzie Gant & B. W. McCarron

If you suffer from any kind of performance anxiety (and Kellar, Thurston, Houdini, and many prominent present-day performers have had to deal with it, too), this could be the best purchase you'll ever make.

There's nothing like the healthy satisfaction or "natural high" that comes from giving a great performance. Yet if you suffer from performance anxiety (commonly known as stage fright), then you're missing out on one of the best feelings that entertainers can experience. When you're ready to rid yourself of these demons, this manuscript contains 40 proven ideas that have helped others like you to put aside...

★★★★ $3
Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron
Fifty Ways to Produce a Silk by Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron

Here's an astounding collection of 50 entertaining methods of producing one or more colorful silk scarves in your magic act. Perhaps the most comprehensive collection ever published. Includes methods requiring no props, some with gimmicks that you can make at home, and a nice section on apparatus that you likely already have (or can buy from a dealer) that explains the basic principles involved.

Audiences love effects using silks and handkerchiefs. Make those tricks appear even more magical by producing the scarf from thin air instead of simply picking it up from a table. A true compendium...

★★★★★ $4
Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron
Flash Magic by Ulysses Frederick Grant & B. W. McCarron

There are eight excellent effects in this updated ebook - plus a few variations - that you and your audiences will enjoy. Best of all, most can be made from materials found at discount and dollar stores. For example, Visible Silk Flight is a brilliant routine with a toy pop gun rifle and a colorful silk handkerchief that you can make up yourself. Just as good as a $150 dealer item. Or how about Lantern of the Air, a beautiful floating effect with a candle-lit Chinese paper lantern? You get two methods explained: one using an assistant and a second one for the one-person show. Or if it's comedy...

★★★★ $8
William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron
79 Tricks and Ideas for the Holidays by William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron

Do you want those extra dates between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Then update and transform your act with one or more of these sparkling suggestions for timely holiday magic. Let your agent or webmaster know that you've added something special to your act for the holiday season and watch those bookings roll in.

If you're interested in earning those extra dollars, this updated ebook is for you. With 79 ideas for tricks and extra seasonal revenue with Christmas ornaments, Santa Claus, candles, holly wreathes, mistletoe, holly berries, tinsel garlands, gift-wrapped presents, etc.

But don't...

★★★★ $8
William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron
Thayer's Life Span Reading by William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron

This superb script allows a mentalist or psychic entertainer to apparently reveal any spectator's life, from the cradle to the grave. Is it mind reading? ESP? Vulcan Mind Meld? No, it's Larsen and McCarron's Life Span Reading, the psychic worker's "secret sauce" that, judiciously used, will convince most anyone that you have real psychic ability.

Not a trick, but a psychological profile that fits nearly anyone who walks in the door. Life readings such as this have been jealously guarded by office mediums, who use the spiel to convince the client of the psychic's innate ability. Yet, no special...

★★★★ $10
S. W. Reilly & B. W. McCarron
21 Table Lifting Methods by S. W. Reilly & B. W. McCarron

21 clever methods used by mentalists, psychics, magicians and fake mediums to make tables tilt, levitate and dance about the floor.

Covers methods used by famous performers, fraudulent mediums, and even the very latest floating table effects available from dealers. Also includes a method where a table - with a person sitting in the center of it - is made to levitate. And best of all, the person on table won't know how the effect was accomplished.

Whether you perform a solo act, or have a touring company with assistants and stagehands, you're sure to find a method that works for your performing...

★★★★★ $12
William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron
The Magical Pitchman by William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron

Add variety and comedy to any act with this delightful presentation, based on the outlandish medicine pitches of yesteryear.

Entertain your pitch with magic
Interspersed throughout the comedy pitch are honest-to-goodness magic effects that you likely already own. In this revised edition, you are given several examples that will give you additional ideas. There's no need to go out and buy new tricks.

This lecture is different
Not a magic show in the strict sense, this is a humorous act in itself, which is how you present it to potential clients. This talk is just the ticket for corporate...

Lester Watts & B. W. McCarron
Collected Mental Mysteries by Lester Watts & B. W. McCarron

Here's a rare book of 16 mental effects, brought back to life for a new generation of performers and audiences. The tests in this unusual book run from mediumistic effects where the spirits do the work, to design duplication tests to billet reading to two-person mental mysteries.

Experienced psychic entertainers will find novelty in the methods used to perform the various effects. They will definitely capture your attention and get you thinking. Each of the effects is examined in detail with an "afterthoughts" section that provides alternate performance ideas, substitute methods and new material...

★★★★ $8
Jimmy Muir & B. W. McCarron
How to M.C. And Put A Show Together by Jimmy Muir & B. W. McCarron

Many performers are called upon, at one time or another, to host a show. Now you can prepare yourself in advance, to deliver a dynamic and exciting performance. Whether it's for a talent show, a two-hour evening show, or a variety telethon in front of a TV audience, being the Master of Ceremonies can be a fun and rewarding experience - if you know what you're doing.

The authors, who have performed as emcees for magic shows, beauty pageants, fairs, outdoor festivals, in hotels, and on theatre stages for hundreds of performances, reveal all their tips and secrets in this easy-to-understand...

Jules Lenier & B. W. McCarron
The Dirty Dealer by Jules Lenier & B. W. McCarron

An entertaining close-up effect where you attempt to teach the spectator how to "dirty deal", but always goes wrong when the spectator tries. It gets funnier and funnier, ending with a surprise climax.

Audiences enjoy tricks with a gambling theme. If the effect also combines comedy and mystery, then you have a triple threat combination that's sure to be remembered.

The performer explains how he sent away for a mail order course in dealing cards. He offers to teach a spectator how to do it, offering a money-back guarantee. The spectator can't seem to follow directions, even though the performer...

★★★★★ $10
William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron
A Spook Show in Your Parlor by William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron

Host your own entertaining séance or year-round haunted house with these frightfully spooky stunts.

Not just for Halloween, you'll be the life of the party any time with more than a devil's dozen effects and stunts that take place around the séance table or darkened room. They won't break the (blood) bank, either.

Newly revised, with over 20 pages of added content, including new methods, attractions and ideas to make yours the most talked-about event in your city or town. Don't just perform magic . . . live it in your own house of spooks and ghosts.

Here's a partial look at the contents: ...

Keith Parr & B. W. McCarron
How To Book Your Act by Keith Parr & B. W. McCarron

Aimed primarily at the magician who desires to work clubs, casinos and taverns, this ebook reveals how to get your act booked, even if you don't have an agent.

The authors, who've combined to give performances in 30 states and Canada in clubs, taverns, theatres and on TV, reveal the secrets that booking agents and working professionals don't want you to know. Not only does it cover how and what to include in your advertising, it provides tips on structuring your campaign to answer questions that your clients want to know.

Learn how to separate yourself from the rest of the pack, with these...

Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
Miracle Cube Root Extraction by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

An apparent demonstration of superior brain power.

Any number between 1 and 100 is cubed by a spectator, and the final result called aloud. The performer immediately extracts the cube root of this number without the use of electronics, stooges, or gimmicks. The calculation is performed immediately and entirely in the performer's mind, thanks to the secret master key.

This feat, performed on paper after a lengthy effort by a spectator, is considered quite an accomplishment, but performed instantly, it is a sensation. Performer knows only the number submitted by the spectator, and immediately...

★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
ESP Brain Busters by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Not one, but a complete series of thought-provoking mental routines with ESP cards.

These sensational effects give you, the psychic entertainer, the ability to add punch to your program. One effect alone is worth a ten-dollar bill. Sufficient routines and material are included for a complete act of Extra Sensory Perception tests. Full patter presentations for many of the effects are given, too.

New to this edition are camera-ready master images of the ESP symbol cards, allowing you to print your own, all the way up to jumbo size for stage presentations. And, we didn't stop there. Each...

Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
Blindfold Message Reading by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Arguably the most convincing - and simple - means of performing a sealed billet reading act.

There has always been a consistent demand for a good billet reading routine that can be presented under practically any circumstance, yet has sufficient effectiveness to accomplish its purpose. This method, we feel, meets these requirements most effectively. The means of presentation are varied and elastic. For instance, unprepared envelopes and slips of paper are passed to spectators to write their questions and name thereon. These are folded by any spectator and sealed within the envelopes. The...

Howardi & B. W. McCarron
The Master Magician's Packet by Howardi & B. W. McCarron

Packed into this ebook are 20 wonderful magic and mental effects ranging from impromptu demonstrations for parties to club, platform and stage effects.

Long off the market, this updated and expanded edition includes new presentations, illustrations and bonus content. If it's comedy magic you're after, McCarron includes his Scandinavian Flying Fish, Budget Cuts and Whisky on the Brain routines. For a change of pace, Einstein the Educated Dove will have your audience believing that your dove is psychic. Mentalists and mental magic performers have not one, but two book tests to choose from....

★★★★ $49
B. W. McCarron
Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book and give private readings to clients after your show to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart booklet. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you.

Your audiences will flock to the sales...

B. W. McCarron
Promise of the Seer by B. W. McCarron

This routine, from the act of mentalist T. A. Whitney, will cause astonished onlookers to credit you with having genuine psychic powers.

A spectator writes a question or thought on a piece of unprepared paper. The paper is rubbed against a deck of playing cards. The spectator herself may burn the message to ashes. Next, the spectator shuffles and cuts the cards and selects any five. These face-down cards are laid onto the table. The performer need not touch the cards once they are tabled. The performer then proceeds to read the spectator's fortune, based on the meaning of the cards that she...

★★★★★ $25
B. W. McCarron
The Nelson Enterprises Master Catalog Index by B. W. McCarron

Robert Nelson and his brother Larry ("Alla Rageh") started the Nelson Enterprises in 1921. This Master Index cross-references by title, catalog issue and page number every effect, book and manuscript issued by Nelson from 1927 through the last catalog in 1972. This Master Index represents a summary of:

  • 45 years of Nelson Enterprises catalog offerings.
  • 21 Nelson catalogs.
  • 5846 total items appearing in those catalogs.
  • 2476 total pages are summarized in this Master Index.
  • 1276 separate effects, books, appear in this Master Index.
  • 125 pages are in this Master Index.
  • 36 months in preparation. ...
★★★★★ $49
B. W. McCarron
Magic Miracles You Can Do (Pitch Book Publishing Kit) by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book at your performances to double your performance income!* Now with color cover.

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for making and selling printed copies of the Magic Miracles You Can Do book. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you. Your audiences will flock to the sales...

★★★★ $10
Will Andrade & B. W. McCarron
Last Train to Spookville by Will Andrade & B. W. McCarron

A four-act spirit seance in a box.

A bell placed in the cabinet rings out answers to questions. A handkerchief takes on life and moves about the cabinet, even flying outside it. A pair of slates reveals an answer to a thought-of question.

And now for the finale! A committee of spectators seals three blank sheets of paper inside a glass fruit jar. The jar is placed in the cabinet, in plain sight, with a fountain pen and bottle of ink. When the paper is removed by the committee, it's discovered that the spirits have accurately predicted the outcome of a pair of previous tests.

To top...

★★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
The Modern Blindfold Street Drive by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Not just an effect, it's an event. Box office records attest the tremendous value of this sensational publicity stunt. The Nelson Enterprises were the first to realize the possibilities of a stunt of this kind in conjunction with mental acts, and were the first to utilize it. The Blindfold Street Drive actually attracts thousands of people to witness the performer drive the car through the streets, while handicapped by the lack of normal vision. We know of no other stunt, or idea that could be placed into operation that is sure to attract so much favorable comment, and to impress upon the residents...

B. W. McCarron
Finding Your Destiny with Numerology Pitch Book by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book at your performances to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table — money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Finding Your Destiny with Numerology book. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you. Your audiences will flock to the sales table to buy this easy to read...

★★★★★ $49
B. W. McCarron
Fortune Telling With Cards Pitch Book Kit by B. W. McCarron

Others charge $100 or more for a similar reprint license, and don't include our book of tips and secrets. Through a special arrangement with, we are able to bring you the camera-ready master and the separate how-to print book for just $49 US.

Be an author. Sell pitch books at your performances to earn extra revenue!

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table--money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become...

★★★★ $7
Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
Phantom Mindreader by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

The answer to the mentalist's dreams! Available once again is Nelson's perfect, undetectable means of immediately securing full knowledge of written questions and detail. Spectator simply writes a question, seals it in an ordinary envelope and retains it. At no time does the mentalist so much as touch the writing or sealed envelope. Yet, in a flash, the mentalist has full knowledge of the written data.

Nelson's Phantom Mindreader does the work for you. It truly is a 'Phantom'; as it is never seen by the audience. It delivers the message to the mentalist in seconds in a most natural, unsuspicious...

Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
TV Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

No longer must you be content to merely watch and be mystified by TV mentalists. Embarrassing, isn't it, to have our friends recall the miracles of a TV mentalist and ask YOU how they were accomplished - when you might be a successful TV mentalist yourself! You, too, can bask in the limelight and glory of television.

All phases of successful operation are covered in detail in this volume, written by mentalists with many years of actual experience. Actual program methods and routines, including the sensational and baffling "Brain Busters" are explained....

★★★★★ $5
B. W. McCarron
The Gambling Magician by B. W. McCarron

From the Introduction:

Within the pages of this volume, the reader will find many effects which may easily be incorporated into a program of exposes, or as part of a manipulative act. None of the effects discussed in the first section require sleights more difficult than the doublelift. Many a performer will want to credit the occurrences to his own skill - even though none is involved. While at no time should the Lecturer attribute the happenings to "magic", a fairly plausible cause is sleight-of-hand.


Included in Section II of this volume, I have given the reader an illustrated...

★★★★★ $15
B. W. McCarron
The Dr. X Book by B. W. McCarron

Imagine paging through the Nelson Enterprises catalog and discovering a book that lays bare the methods to dozens of mental, psychic and spirit medium effects. Robert A. Nelson called it the "opportunity of a lifetime" to purchase this book.

Mark Henry, Billboard magazine reviewer, said "It contains an expose of routines, apparatus and deceptions resorted to by mediums, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and crystal gazers; also additional tricks. The explanations are very clear and easy to follow."

The book has been completely reset in new type, with edits by fellow mentalist B.W. McCarron. Now featuring over 40 illustrations...

★★★★ $8
B. W. McCarron
MentaLotto by B. W. McCarron

Back again and better than ever! It's MentaLotto, the mental lottery mystery that's sure to please any audience.

"A clever idea!" according to noted author, lecturer and trade show performer Karrell Fox.

MentaLotto combines mentalism, audience participation and a gambling theme. The odds are a trillion to one against the mentalist making a correct prediction. Yet, that's exactly what happens, for when the prediction is opened and read aloud, it matches the spectator's selected lottery number!

No switches, confederates, electronics, one-ahead, glimpses, impressions or other methods are used. Truly...

★★★★★ $8
B. W. McCarron
The Krahma System of Fortune Telling with Playing Cards by B. W. McCarron

Unlike most other fortune telling systems with playing cards, readings using this system are quick and snappy. The card layout is streamlined, yet the subject will be satisfied she received her money's worth since the outcome of the reading is dependent on her feelings and conscience. The reader will like it, too, since six to ten readings can be performed per hour. This system also provides an opportunity to recycle playing cards when they're no longer useful in the magic act. With the Krahma System, the more care-worn the deck, the better it will be accepted by the Subject as an instrument...

★★★★★ $6
B. W. McCarron
Strange Truths by B. W. McCarron

A great audience participation effect. Ideal for corporate shows and parties.

EFFECT: Several spectators are asked to think of an unusual job that they have held during their career. Another spectator thinks of an unusual occupation that he or she has never held.

The spectators write their jobs on any paper. They place their folded billets in a bowl or basket in plain sight.

The performer then reveals the strange but true occupations and identifies which of them is the false one, as well! A solid 4-6 minutes of mental fun for any act. Plays big, packs small. The gimmick (yes there is...

B. W. McCarron
Seers, Psychics, Sinners and Salesmen by B. W. McCarron

Professional mediums, corporate espionage experts, and unfriendly governments all have something in common. They want information: yours!

Protect yourself from the secrets of professional data thieves and along the way, you'll begin thinking of way to adapt these devious methods into harmless, yet entertaining routines for your mental or psychic act. Be sure to read it all, as there's a nifty treat for stage mentalists in the conclusion.

Originally published at $15, this revised and expanded edition is priced low through an exclusive arrangement with and the author.


★★★★★ $12
B. W. McCarron
Clearly Mental by B. W. McCarron

Clearly Mental contains 11 entertaining mental routines, including a subtlety used by one of America's most prominent performers to ensure that a beautiful woman is selected as a volunteer.

Inside these 58 pages, McCarron explains not only routines, but 30 additional ideas for coming up with your own custom-crafted effects.

The Name Game - Reveal the names two spectators are trying hard not to think of.

Easy Money - Two spectators take turns attempting to exchange their $1 bill for a $5, $20, or $100 bill.

Autograph Party - Audience members write the names of their favorite celebrities...

B. W. McCarron
Video Magic by B. W. McCarron

Use your VCR as a video prediction chest!

Add amazing, audience-tested effects to your act, including French Postcards, Jokers Wild, Batter Up!, Break the Bank, Headlines of the Past, Mental Shopping, Lucifer's Lexicon, Movie-ola, Mental Lottery, and many others.

The subtle methods are broken into chapters where you'll discover the Three Outs Principle, The Multiple Outs Principle, the Index Principle, The Ultima Principle, and more. The author had previously sold this work only through Micky Hades' Seattle retail shop, which has since closed. The material in this ebook is just too good...

★★★★★ $20
B. W. McCarron
Kara's Crystal Visions by B. W. McCarron

Projected Answers from the Q&A Master

The late Paul Kara galvanized audiences with his remarkable feats of crystal gazing and mindreading. Yet for all of Kara's remarkable stage presence, staging, and costumes, audiences and critics alike said it was his answers that kept them coming back, night after night.

Now you can learn from the master with this amazing collection of over 300 of Kara's answers to questions, just as audiences would have received them back in his day. Not only that, but the questions themselves can be used for practice purposes, to hone your own answering abilities...

Displaying 1 to 37 (of 37 products)