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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Edward A. Litzau
How It's Done by Edward A. Litzau

Available again at last. This privately printed gem contains the real work for some of the best card marking inks, daubs, shading and blockout inks that the world has ever seen. Even the infamous luminous reader formula is explained, as is an easy method to produce short or narrow cards that doesn't require a card trimmer!

Best of all, this revised edition includes modern alternatives to the chemical and dye-based compounds, making it easier than ever to obtain professional results in the privacy of your home workshop.

"Your Red Daub is very fine. I find that Daub is the secret of the...

★★★★★ $20
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Jesse Lewis
Legacy Magazine 9 by Jesse Lewis

In this issue:

  • Step 5 Blindfolds and X-ray Eyes
  • Promotional Tools: Publicity
  • The Legacy of Al Koran
  • 8 Different Markets for corporate entertainers

1st edition 2016, 12 pages.

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Devin Knight
Pirate Torture Illusion by Devin Knight

This is not your typical grandma's (ala Grandma's necklace) version of rope through body. Instead, this is ropes through body on steroids. It uses no gimmick rope either and everything can be examined. This is an illusion that fits into a briefcase and yet fills the stage with three spectators and yourself. Talk about playing big and packing small, this is the ultimate. It's based on an historical fact that pirates use to torture people for both information and for the entertainment of the crew. This is a historical fact that makes this version of the trick not only logical, but historically...

★★★★ $7
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Unknown Mentalist
Kolossal Knockout by Unknown Mentalist

Thank you all for taking Kolossal Kisser and Kolossal Kicker right to the top of the hotlist here.

Here is the third and final part of this Kolossal series. Here the odds are an almost impossible looking 1 to 200. Or so it seems. A participant randomly and freely names any country on this planet and you know there are about 200 of them. The performer's prediction initially seems to miss but then again rises to an unexpected climax. All the hard work is done for you here and you just have to print and perform.

  • In Kolossal Kisser, the choice was from about 50-60 options like playing cards or years of birth.
  • In Kolossal...
★★★★ $12
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Gerard Zitta
3-Doors Monty by Gerard Zitta

Here is another close-up (or parlor) version of the Monty Hall problem. It can be a standalone effect, or a premise, or a follow-up to other versions ( "V1" , "V2" , "V3", "Transaction" ), again with a completely different method. It helps to demonstrate that a player should always switch, but in a very baffling way. In the first phase, you show that the spectator should switch the two doors in order to win. But in a second identical phase, they will always loose.

  • Not a "puzzle", no logic involved. (Actually, a real mystery that looks completely illogical, mind-blowing and disturbing.) ...
★★★★ $10
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Bao Ninh
Fast Change by Bao Ninh

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese with English subtitles.

Change a playing card into a bill, or a bill into another bill.

"Fast change is visual, easy to do and fun to perform. All the ingredients for a great effect." - Shaun Dunn

"Looks really good." - Rick Lax

1st edition 2016, length 21 min.

★★★★★ $9.90
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MP4 (video)

Bao Ninh
Bottle Magic by Bao Ninh

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese with sparse English subtitles. However, even without understanding Vietnamese one can follow the visual explanation to construct the gimmick.

Approach a spectator while holding a bottle of water. Ask to borrow any small object and visually melt their object through the walls of your water bottle. The possibilities are endless. Borrow coins, keys, playing cards, even a goldfish. There are so many possibilities, you will be coming up with great ideas in no time. Included in the Bottle Magic download: you will be taught how to make the special bottle...

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MP4 (video)

Ductam Nguyen
4 Change by Ductam Nguyen

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. However, even without understanding Vietnamese one can follow the visual explanation to construct the gimmick.

Paper money changes 4 times.

1st edition 2016, length 18 min.

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MP4 (video)

Baster by MAG

This video is in Vietnamese with an English interpreter translating.

A playing card visually turns into a bill. Very easy to do when you have the gimmick in your hand.

1st edition 2016, length 18 min

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MP4 (video)

(Jerry) J. K. Hartman
Packet Magic by (Jerry) J. K. Hartman

From the introduction:

The title suggests that the routines to be described solely involve small packets of cards. To that extent, it is inaccurate. Many of the routines utilize the full deck in varying degrees. The excuse is that they center around small groups of cards which by themselves are identifiable as packets, and thus can be combined in longer sequences with routines using those groups alone.

Small packet routines seem to have a certain niceness and precision about them and thus have a particular fascination for cardmen. Fortunately, laymen are generally impressed as well, ascribing...

★★★ $10
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(Jerry) J. K. Hartman
Card Fare by (Jerry) J. K. Hartman

Get ready for a firework of card magic starting where a card just vanishes, a pair of cards mysteriously rise, another shoots out of the deck as soon as named, and two others change locations. Jerry also presents his spin on prior work by by Trost, Krenzel, Corin, Dingle, Fulves, and others.

  • I. Short Subjects 6
    • Easy Go 6
    • Bi-rise 9
    • Shootout 10
    • Changed Changeling 11
  • II. Selected Subjects 13
    • Trap-ease 13
    • Go-llectors 15
  • III. Subjects under Control 17
    • Twist on the Aces 17
    • A New Twist 19
    • Ace Backwards 22
    • An Impact on Impact 24
    • Poker Face-to-Face 26
  • IV. Subject to Changes 28 ...
★★★★ $10
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Devin Knight
U.F. Grant's Impossible Bill in Lemon by Devin Knight

An impossible bill to lemon that will leave your audience and many magicians wondering how such a thing is possible. That's because it is another lost secret from the mind of U. F. Grant. Read every word, the description is 100% true and sounds impossible. The performer asks to borrow a dollar bill from anyone. This person is not a stooge and the bill has not been planted in the audience as a preshow bit. Any bill, from any person, plain and simple. BEFORE the performer touches the bill, he has the spectator write down the serial number for later verification. The performer still does not touch the bill,...

★★★★ $10
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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Soft Spot: Signed Corner in Glass Bottle by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Make any signed corner melt through a glass bottle.

Imagine this. You show a complete empty glass bottle (real glass) and make a signed corner from the label of the bottle, playing card, banknote, business card etc. melt through the glass - only by a small wave of your fingertips. It's really inside the bottle! No magnets, no slits, no trapdoors and no duplicates.

  • You make the gimmick in under two minutes
  • Works with any bottle
  • The corner is ripped and signed by the spectator
  • Perform completely surrounded

1st edition 2016, length 20 min.

★★★★ $6
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MP4 (video)

Brian T. Lees
Patter: The Story Behind the Magic by Brian T. Lees

As magicians we do the same range of magic over and over again. What makes it different is our character, presentation and patter. We all put our own twist on the routines. Patter is the glue that identifies the magic to us personally. It is our personal signature. If we don't take time to create new or updated patter then our performance begins to sound routine or "follow the motions". This ebook identifies different types of patter, offers some suggestions and provides a few examples.

  • What's in the box
  • Purpose of patter
  • Story patter
  • Instructional patter
  • Narration patter
  • Situation patter ...
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Paul Valentine
Fortune: a fortune cookie effect by Paul Valentine

Spectator is presented with a number of Fortune Cookies and is asked to select anyone they like, they can sign and date the cookie packaging. A deck of cards are mixed, then the spectator is asked to generate a random number by rolling 2 dice.

A number is settled on and they're asked to count down that many cards from the deck to a randomly selected card. The performer asks the spectator to open the Fortune Cookie and encourages them to read aloud the paper fortune inside, they turn over their selected card and it is found that both the paper fortune and card are a perfect match! Leaving...

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Wolfgang Riebe
Kids Party Magic by Wolfgang Riebe

Includes full access to the following videos (available via YouTube and as download from your digital shelf):

  • Wolfie's Kids Magic Part 1 and 2
  • Xmas Magic
  • Balloon Modeling
PLUS: Your own Cool Magic Tricks book with full print rights.

Kids Party Magic is a practical book of magic for children's magicians that contains entertaining and many original tricks that you can add to your show right away. Included are themed tricks around Easter and Christmas, as well as insights into the theory of performing for kids.

Are you looking for new comedy items and gags to perform with assistants?...

★★★★★ $9.99
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Jonathan H. Green
Gamblers' Tricks with Cards by Jonathan H. Green

Scores of street scams, swindles, and card table ruses are explained in this 163 page ebook, guaranteed to separate a sucker from his money just as quickly today as when this tome was first written in the mid-1800s. Don't read this book to cheat -- instead, get it for protection so you don't become a victim.

This a fascinating study, filled with accounts of colorful, larger-than-life characters. Some were victims, others turned the tables and made suckers out of the swindlers. The author, "a reformed gambler," goes beyond playing cards to detail the inside work on thimbles (the precursor...

★★★★★ $8
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Jesse Lewis
Legacy Magazine 8 by Jesse Lewis

In this issue:

  • 13 steps - Predictions
  • Developing a marketing plan and calendar. This is gold for any business.
  • Legacy Michel de Nostredame

1st edition 2016, 12 pages.

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Manuale di Ipnosi e Cold Reading by Giochidimagia

Guida Pratica all'apprendimento della Lettura a Freddo e dell'Ipnosi

La possibilità di poter leggere nella mente di una persona sconosciuta e vedere eventi della sua vita passata e futura ha sempre affascinato enormemente.

C'è una tecnica che viene usata da varie categorie di persone, tra cui i mentalisti in ambito illusionistico ma da tanto tempo da cartomanti, divinatori, sensitivi, ecc, questa tecnica si chiama "Lettura a freddo" in inglese "Cold Reading".

In questo manuale vedremo approfonditamente come imparare questa tecnica e come applicarla al fine di essere in grado di fare...

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Alessandro Delvecchio
Persuasione in Pratica by Alessandro Delvecchio

Principi, metodi e strategie di Persuasione messi in pratica

L'idea di poter persuadere, convincere qualcuno della nostra idea oppure a fare qualcosa che noi desideriamo è chiaramente qualcosa di allettante e che potenzialmente può portarci grossi benefici sotto più aspetti della vita quotidiana.

Occorre quindi stabilire il presupposto che tutto ciò che si fa in questo senso deve essere fatto con responsabilità e buon senso e con l'idea di base del "Non nuocere agli altri".

Premesso questo, è opportuno differenziare il connotato negativo che solitamente viene attribuito all'atto...

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Salvatore Cimo
Enciclopedia dell'Illusionismo vol. XI: Magia Con Candele E Orologi by Salvatore Cimo

MAGIA CON CANDELE E OROLOGI di Salvatore Cimò è l'undicesimo volume della collana. All'interno di questo libro, composto da 136 pagine, troverete un ampio numero di effetti magici con le candele (apparizioni, sparizioni, cambi di colore ecc.) e con gli orologi (mentalismo, orologio distrutto e risanato, apparizione di sveglie ecc.) così suddivisi:

  • Candele (68 effetti)
  • Orologi (22 effetti)
Lista dettagliata del contenuto:
    • NON C'È PIÙ! (Magic Kim)
    • CLEAR CANDLE TUBE (Fabyance)
    • AL CENTRO DI...
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Vero o Falso by Giochidimagia

La possibilità di capire quando una persona mente o dice la verità ha sempre affascinato. Premettiamo che le bugie fanno parte della vita quotidiana e dell’essere umano, ne esistono di varie tipologie e per diversi scopi quindi in realtà tutti mentiamo in una certa misura e nessuno può sottrarsi da questo gioco quindi la cosa migliore da fare è conoscere le modalità e i segnali con i quali si manifesta una bugia al fine di potersi così destreggiare meglio nelle situazioni giornaliere che ci capitano nell’amicizia, nell’amore, nel lavoro e in qualsiasi altro settore.


★★★★★ $1.50
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Gordon Miller
New Tops all Volumes 1-34 (1961-1994) by Gordon Miller

The New Tops magazine was the successor to Tops Magazine. Abbott's printed and bound both Tops and New Tops itself at its own location, achieving an international circulation via mail delivery.

★★★★★ $74.95
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Gordon Miller
New Tops Volume 34 (1994) by Gordon Miller

Greg Bordner, Publisher
Gordon Miller, Editor

729 pages

  1. The New Tops - Volume 34, Number 1 - January 1994 - 56 pages
  2. Cover - "Obie" O'Brien
  3. Contents
  4. Geoffrey Hansen's Magic Quiz
  5. Counter Intelligence - reviews
    • Out Of This Galaxy - Tom Daugherty
    • Misdirection Seque - Tom Daugherty
    • Utterly Blown Away - Tom Daugherty
    • But Four Wrongs Do! - Tom Daugherty
    • The Sefalaljia Twins - Tom Daugherty
    • Camera Magic - The Magician's Guide To Exceptional Publicity Photos - Anne White
    • Mark Allen's 1994 Catalog
    • Abracadabra - weekly
    • The Quest For The Ultimate Secret - Bob...
★★★★ $4
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