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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $8
Alton C. Sharpe
Expert Card Chicanery by Alton C. Sharpe

From the Preface:

This booklet, like our other Expert Series, is not designed to be either a reference or an authority in the ordinary sense. Perhaps, at best, it might be called a tickler, a reminder, or a check list, although none of these terms would be exact. It was written and compiled to stimulate one's "thought processes" and to instill creative activity within those who have a fondness for the pasteboards.

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Part One
    • All Shook Up
    • 18-31-35 Farrow
    • 18-35 Farrow
    • Face Up Stacks
    • Turn Me Over!
    • Sandwich Surprise
    • Ultravellers
    • Emanon
★★★★★ $8
Alton C. Sharpe
Expert Card Conjuring by Alton C. Sharpe

From the introduction by Robert Parrish:

This book contains a remarkably select collection of sophisticated means for increasing and deepening the potential for "pleasant illusion" that resides in a pack of cards. These contributions range from presentation ideas such as Fred Lowe's "Second Deal Sam" to the technical refinement of standard effects, as, for example, in Ed Marlo’s "Approach to the ‘Stop’ Trick."

  • Introduction
  • Foreword
  • Part One: New And Improved Sleights
    • Cover-Up Shuffle
    • Perfect False Riffle Shuffle
    • Quadruple Undercut
    • Reverse Double Undercut
    • The Marlo Slip Cuts
    • Slip Cut Routine ...
★★★★★ $8
Alton C. Sharpe
Expert Card Mysteries by Alton C. Sharpe

From the introduction by Robert Parrish:

Although much of the material in this book comes from advanced current contributors to card magic, Al has included some fascinating lore from the past. There is, for example, the first printed information on Eddie Fay's glimmer technique. I recall that the late Rufus Steele, an informed man of gamblers' dodges, simply refused to believe that Fay was using a reflector. He thought it was a put-on and that Fay was probably using a stack or a pack of marked cards. Then there is Paul LePaul's wonderful transportation of cards into a sealed envelope. Although he explained the trick...

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Worlds Within Words by Unknown Mentalist

A new principle "Proactive Anagram" is explained in this ebook. The power of this method is that it can be used to reduce a range of about 30 choices to just 5 choices in a single step. Normally, creating a progressive or branching anagram for about 30 or more words and performing it would be quite complex and cumbersome. That lengthy process would seem tedious to both the performer and the audience members.

But using this Proactive Anagram principle, a set of 30, 40 or even 50 different words can be reduced into a very short list of 5 or 6 words in a single step. This very interesting and...

★★★ $6
Al Baker
Cardially Yours by Al Baker

Here's a terrific ebook with seven mental-flavored card miracles that you will surely add to your arsenal. Written by Al Baker, past Dean of Magic for the famed Society of American Magicians, these effects are entertaining, yet do not require difficult sleight of hand. Your audiences will enjoy watching them as much as you will enjoy performing them.

Here's what's included:

Color Flight - A beautifully routined Cards Across effect where three selected blue backed cards travel across the stage and join a packet of red backed cards.

Out on Location - A great card location that looks absolutely...

★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
First Date Revelation by Devin Knight
"Devin’s method of locating this first date's name is brilliant!" - Ron Levy
Effect: A person is asked to think of the first person that he or she ever dated. Let's assume you are dealing with a woman. So she is asked to think of the first name of the first person she ever dated.

The performer hands her a small ruled pad with a row of numbers from 1-6 running in a column from top to bottom. She is also given a regular gel pen. The performer turns his back to her. She is asked to think of the name of the first person she ever dated. She is instructed to write this person's first name by any...

★★★★ $10
Brian T. Lees
Oops. Now What? by Brian T. Lees

Audience is on the edge of their seats. Every trick is working fantastic. Getting more applause then ever before on your routines. Then BOOM!!! Music cuts out, microphone starts to feedback and the mechanism on the change bag broke while you were trying to use it. Now you are front stage holding a bag you cannot manipulate with no music or microphone ... Now what?

This ebook helps you identify potential problems. A different form of rehearsal is introduced to help you work through these situations. Good magicians smooth over problems, work through situations and still leave their audience...

★★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof December 2016 by Brian T. Lees
  • End of Year Clean Out
  • Holiday Cards
  • Failed Card Trick
  • Set the Environment
  • Don't Let Them Take It With Them
  • Goals
  • What? Did He Just Say "Wow My Neck Is Really Thick"

1st edition 2016, 10 pages.

Devin Knight
Phoenix Page Rising by Devin Knight
"Devin Knight's Phoenix Page Rising has the potential to 'kill' an audience. Brilliant thinking and the instructions walk you through the routine with the clarity needed to present this effect. This will definitely go into my show as the closing effect. I can't imagine anything topping this!" - Tom Craven
Here is what I consider one of the most baffling effects I have ever released. This has been kept under wraps for more than 20 years and is finally being released to the magic world. It has fooled every magician it has been shown to. Read the following and ponder. Every word is true and nothing...
★★★★★ $8
Alton C. Sharpe
Expert Hocus Pocus by Alton C. Sharpe

Fantastic card effects, rope magic, linking rings, vanishing bird cage, money magic, and a special chapter on "Openings".

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Remarks By Alan Keith
  • A Word About The Author And The Book
  • A Young Man From Texas
  • Preface
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgement
  • CHAPTER I: Magical Openings
    • The Devilish Watch
    • A Smart Opening
    • The Proverbial Opener
    • Thread It
    • Jackie Gould's Idea
    • Snap! Snap! Snap!
    • The Ring and the Rose
    • A Phantom Tube Becomes a Small Illusion
  • CHAPTER II: Money Magic
    • The Bill in Cigarette Mystery
    • An Infallible Illusion
    • Billo
    • The Modern Banker or Money and...
★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Powerful Poker Routines by Paul A. Lelekis

There are six videos provided to demonstrate and explain the some little-known sleights, for of which are important false shuffles. Finally learn the "real work" for those false shuffles that are rarely taught - look professional.

This e-book is a wealth of information for the performing magician, providing spectators with some highly entertaining routines that will delight your spectators. Paul presents some killer routines that he has played for his spectators for decades...all the "kinks" worked out with excellent provided. The added "Comedy Shuffles" will provide a comic relief for your...

★★★★★ $7.95
Harry George
Harry George Versus Magic by Harry George

This is zany and wild interpretation of magic. Harry George is a man who plays only for laughs. All the ideas in his ebook end up in a laugh! Over two dozen tricks of all kinds in the very amusing ebook, delightfully but zanily illustrated by Tom Rietze. For fun in your magic, or magic in your fun, get this.

  • Fourword
  • About The Author
  • Introduction
  • It's A Ringer
  • Raisins Of Rath
  • Cannoned
  • Copper And Silver
  • Short Treatise On Misdirection
  • The Fair Sex
  • Only For Magicians
  • Pull In Case Of Emergency
  • Indexed
  • Real Lifesaver Of A Trick
  • To Get Off To A Running Start
  • Cheater's Proof
  • Hot Finish ...
★★★★ $150
more than one
type to choose


(on USB flash)

Stan Allen
Magic Magazine by Stan Allen

All 301 issues (1991-2016)

One of the greatest magic magazines ever. Own a complete file, more than 31500 pages, and enjoy the many wonderful tricks, articles, interviews and feature stories. The PDFs are fully in color, searchable, and printable.

If you buy the USB flash memory option you will still be able to download all issues from your digital shelf. The USB flash has 32GB and Magic Magazine takes about 25GB. It makes a great present for a friend or for yourself.

1st edition 1991-2016, digital edition 2016.

★★★ $4
Ryan Shaw
Beginnings by Ryan Shaw

A wonderful collection of original magic/mentalism effects and theory.

The Assumption Principle: A deceptive but simple and versatile principle that you'll surely be making your own tricks with.

Bluff ACAAN: To the spectator, it is a meaningful take on the ACAAN using a shuffled deck and free choice. They can handle the deck for the naming of the card and number. They can deal the cards.

The Passive Force: An idea for an elaborate forcing method which you may already use, but have never realized it or thought of it in this way.

The Build Up Principle: You'll totally transform your...

★★★★ $5
Geo DeLawrence
Silken Secrets (Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks) by Geo DeLawrence

Originally titled Miscellaneous Handkerchief Tricks.

Here's an exciting look-behind-the-counter of the local magic dealer to examine many beautiful silk and handkerchief effects. You'll learn vanishes, appearances, color changes, transpositions, solid thru solid and more. Several utility devices are explained and illustrated, as well.

This is more than a "tell all" book, as DeLawrence also includes an entertaining, 15-minute silk act that uses the very effects described.

Silks and scarves add color and glamour to any magic routine. Audiences will fall in love with your presentation...

★★★★★ $36
Unknown Mentalist
Skullptor by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical products which will be shipped to you. The ebook can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf. You can only make one purchase per customer to avail this intro price. This is to prevent unauthorized resellers from stocking up at the lower intro price. Currently, this is available only here at

A participant is asked to imagine buying a lotto (lottery) ticket. She even gets to choose a lotto number. From here on she is asked to imagine a series of special events like winning the lottery, celebrating by drinking a beverage, traveling to a holiday destination,...

★★★★ $4
Michael Daniels
Understanding and Using Gilbreath Principle by Michael Daniels

This ebook is a beginner's guide to the famous Gilbreath Principle and its applications in card magic and mentalism. It includes two ESP-type routines:

Fingertip Sensation

The spectator shuffles the deck. The mentalist (who can be blindfold) then uses his fingertips to correctly identify the colour of cards.

Trinities Card Divination

The mentalist correctly divines attributes (colour, suit, value) of playing cards which the spectator has shuffled, dealt, and covered with his hands while the mentalist has turned away.

[Note: This ebook is a revised extract from Michael Daniels' ebook Trinities, plus an additional routine (Fingertip Sensation).

1st edition...

★★★ $10
Gerard Zitta
Chair'z by Gerard Zitta

A simple chair test.

A very simple and practical chair test with three participants.

  • It can be performed close-up, at a restaurant or dinner table, a bar, etc., or even on stage or TV
  • Impromptu
  • Easy reset
  • OK for strolling too
This e-book includes the "H-out", a very clever, practical and direct solution for a prediction with two outs on a billet that will look very innocent and casual.

[The basic effect is included in Pocket Mysteries, and in Cool Hot Pocket Mysteries.

Watch Max Maven perform a very similar effect. (Max Maven never published his method thus his method could be different how Gerard does it.):

1st edition 2016, 17 pages....

★★★★★ $25
Stan Allen
Magic Magazine 2016 by Stan Allen

Volume 25, Number 5 - The Final Issue, Issue 301
January 2016 - September 2016
Stan Allen & Associates
Stan Allen, Editor

966 pages

  1. Magic - Volume 25, Number 5 - January 2016 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - Martin Lewis
  3. Contents
  4. From The Editor - Stan Allen
    • Turning the Page
  5. Your Stories - Lee Asher
    • Making Real Connections
  6. Classic Correspondence from Egyptian Hall Museum - Mike Caveney
    • Dick Ricton to Gerald Heaney
  7. For What It's Worth - Mark Kornhauser
    • I Love It When You Say Google
  8. Walkabout Soup - Simon Coronel
    • The Institute of Layman Studies,...
Stan Allen
Magic Magazine 2015 by Stan Allen

Volume 24, Number 5 - Volume 25 Number 4
January 2015 - December 2015
Stan Allen & Associates
Stan Allen, Editor

1200 pages

  1. Magic - Volume 24, Number 5 - January 2015 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - Mac King
  3. Contents
  4. From The Editor - Stan Allen
    • Howdy, Mac King!
  5. The Magic Digital Network
  6. Letters to the editor
  7. Errata - December 2014 -
  8. Classic Correspondence from Egyptian Hall Museum - Mike Caveney
    • George Boston to Larry Carter
  9. For What It's Worth - Mark Kornhauser
    • Mugged
  10. Walkabout Soup - Simon Coronel
    • Sticky Situations
  11. Magic Update
    • Illusionists...
Stan Allen
Magic Magazine 2014 by Stan Allen

Volume 23, Number 5 - Volume 24 Number 4
January 2014 - December 2014
Stan Allen & Associates
Stan Allen, Editor

1200 pages

  1. Magic - Volume 23, Number 5 - January 2014 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - David Oliver
  3. Contents
  4. From The Editor - Stan Allen
    • Why History?
  5. Letters to the editor
  6. Finally Feedback
  7. 10Classic Correspondence from Egyptian Hall Museum - Mike Caveney
    • Chefalo to LeRoy
  8. For What It's Worth - Mark Kornhauser
    • OMG! Maturity!
  9. Walkabout Soup - Simon Coronel
    • Performance Enhancing Drugs
  10. Magic Update
    • Play Dead in California
    • A...
Stan Allen
Magic Magazine 2013 by Stan Allen

Volume 22, Number 5 - Volume 23 Number 4
January 2013 - December 2013
Stan Allen & Associates
Stan Allen, Editor

1200 pages

  1. Magic - Volume 22, Number 5 - January 2013 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - Danny Cole
  3. Contents
  4. From The Editor - Stan Allen
    • Happy New Year!
  5. 50 Years at the Castle - Milt Larsen
    • Part 2 - And We're Off!
  6. For What It's Worth - Mark Kornhauser
    • On The Road Again
  7. Paynefully Obvious - Payne
    • The Myth of Mentoring
  8. Magic Update
    • Magician Burned on TV Show
    • Criminal Kid Shows?
    • The Card Shark Show
    • Conventions At A Glance...
Stan Allen
Magic Magazine 2012 by Stan Allen

Volume 21, Number 5 - Volume 22 Number 4
January 2012 - December 2012
Stan Allen & Associates
Stan Allen, Editor

1160 pages

  1. Magic - Volume 21, Number 5 - January 2012 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - Pit Hartling
  3. Contents
  4. From The Editor - Stan Allen
    • C's & G's
  5. Letters ...
  6. For What It's Worth - Mark Kornhauser
    • Welcome to the Underbelly
  7. Viewpoint - YouTube - David Rowyn
  8. Magic Update
    • A Magical Nutcracker
    • Gary Darwin Tribute
    • Marco Tempest, You're Next
    • Mother Goose and Doc
    • Comings & Goings
    • Peter Elliott - died
    • A Moment With ... Matt Field
Stan Allen
Magic Magazine 2011 by Stan Allen

Volume 20, Number 5 - Volume 21 Number 4
January 2011 - December 2011
Stan Allen & Associates
Stan Allen, Editor

1216 pages

  1. Magic - Volume 20, Number 5 - January 2011 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - Mark Setteducati
  3. Contents
  4. From The Editor - Stan Allen
    • Where the Road Separates
  5. Classic Correspondence from Egyptian Hall Museum - Mike Caveney
    • George LaFollette to Charles Carter
  6. Viewpoint - The Real Purpose - Thomas Solomon
  7. Magic Update
    • Dead in the Water
    • A Family Gathering
    • A Magic Castle
    • McMillan's International Magic
    • A Moment With ... Simon Lovell ...
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