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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Aldo Colombini
Il Cane Ammaestrato by Aldo Colombini

Qualche semplice palloncino per modellare animali e un mazzo di carte ti premettono di presentare al tuo pubblico una divertente e intrigante routine in cui un palloncino “recita” la parte di un cane ammaestrato.

Il “cane” compie una serie di evoluzioni e di divertentissimi equilibrismi ed infine trova la carta scelta dallo spettatore. Il tutto condito da una serie di gags. Intrattenimento puro per il tuo pubblico…proprio quello che si richiede all’Artista di oggi.

Prima edizione digitale di questo ormai introvabile volumetto.

9 pagine con molti chiari disegni B/N.

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Ken de Courcy
A Card In Seven by Ken de Courcy

Ken de Courcy's no gimmick version of Scalbert's "The Mystery of the Seventh Card".

The perfect telephone test to present under challenge conditions. No Feke's. No Gimmicks. Yet the medium at the other end of the phone unerringly names the thought of card.

Scalbert's "Mystery of the Seventh Card", sold many years ago, was a commercial principle applied to the transmission of a card to an assistant playing the role of a medium, waiting on the end of a telephone. The distinct novelty at the time was the fact that all communication with the medium was done by a spectator. The secret was an...

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Ken de Courcy
Round the World with a Pack of Cards by Ken de Courcy

Stage card magic routines are relatively rare. In this ebook, however, you will find a complete stage card magic act with a lot of surprises and fun. The performer talks about a trip around the world. Six cards are chosen by six members of the audience. The performer then demonstrates how the cards would be found in several countries: China, USA, France, Russia and India.

A great routine packed with mystery, surprise and a lot of fun. Can be worked with the help of an assistant or solo.

1st digital edition 2013, 17 pages.

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Levitazioni Moderne by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Se sei stanco di spendere tanti soldi per inserire una grande illusione nel tuo repertorio ....
Se vuoi un illusione facile da costruire....addirittura improvvisata.....
Se vuoi eseguire grandi effetti in qualunque situazione....

Allora HAI BISOGNO DI " LEVITAZIONI MODERNE " un grande Classico di quel genio di GRANT!

In questo opuscolo Grant ti spiega come costruire con una spesa davvero minima, a volte irrisoria, ben 6 levitazioni ! Bada che stiamo parlando di levitazioni complete vere e proprie non del sollevarsi da terra di pochi cm come va tanto di moda oggi. Benché scritto diversi...

★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Carosello by Aldo Colombini


Difficilmente troverai un gioco che possa sostituirsi ad essa per chiudere il tuo numero con le carte!

Eccoti l'effetto nelle stesse parole di Aldo

"Esorto l'amico lettore a mettere in repertorio la routine "CAROSELLO" in quanto è di quelle che creano fama di grande artista e “cardician”.

I numerosi effetti contenuti creano un’accattivante programma cartomagico e la sola routine può sostenere un quarto d'ora di pura magia visuale. Coloro che mi hanno visto eseguire il gioco durante le mie conferenze sanno alla perfezione cosa intendo...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Corpi in Orbita by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Un altro Grande Classico di Grant

In questo tempo di crisi economica è davvero utile questo libretto che insegna a costruire ben 5 tra sospensioni e levitazioni pratiche ed economiche.

Tutto materiale facilmente trasportabile e funzionale nel consueto stile di quel genio di Grant- Eccovi in breve i cinque effetti contenuti nel volumetto:

Autolevitazione – un sistema unico!

Immaginate di poter entrare in una qualunque casa, qualunque ufficio, qualunque posto voi vogliate e apparentemente essere capaci di volare! Leggete quanto segue e capirete quanto facile sia poterlo fare.... ...

★★★★ $7
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E. W. Bud Morris & Sam Dalal
Magic in the Morris Manor by E. W. Bud Morris & Sam Dalal
  • What happened to that pretty girl in Boggart's Inn?
  • Why is a novel discovery of a forced card the ultimate in magical entertainment?
  • Who was responsible for the bad vibes emanating from that little box?
  • When can an ordinary spectator predict the past, present and future?
  • How does the confidential message always get to the correct secret agent?
  • Where does Kung-Fu; King of Karate, go after his mission is accomplished?
For the answer to these and other diverse dilemmas, buy this ebook.

1st edition 1974, 128 pages; 1st digital edition 2013, 109 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword ...
★★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Scacco Matto by Aldo Colombini

Questa te la consiglio davvero. E' una delle mie routines preferite e può diventare anche una delle tue con lo stesso successo. Una serie di effetti uno più bello dell'altro con un normalissimo mazzo di carte e le chiarissime istruzioni . Sono spiegate nei dettagli tutte le mosse necessarie per ottenere questa serie di stupefacenti effetti sul tema della "CARTA SANDWICH" Eccoti l'effetto

a) Uno spettatore sceglie una carta che viene guardata e mescolata poi nel mazzo. L’artista estrae i due re neri (di fiori e di picche)ponendoli sul tavolo. Un secondo spettatore sceglie un'altra...

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Aldo Colombini
La Banda El Buco by Aldo Colombini

I fori sulle carte che si spostano…veramente! In questo manoscritto trovi tutto il segreto per eseguire questo fantastico trucco che lascerà il tuo pubblico a bocca aperta !


Una carta scelta viene firmata. Sulla stessa carta vengono fatti quattro piccoli fori nei rispettivi angoli. Ora leggi attentamente:

Uno dopo l’altro i fori si spostano per riunirsi in un unico angolo. I fori si spostano effettivamente e ogni volta il pubblico vede la carta VERAMENTE forata.

Infine, la carta con i quattro fori in un angolo viene mostrata ed è proprio quella scelta e firmata!...

★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Ballata by Aldo Colombini

Ancora un volumetto con grande cartomagia dalla fertile penna di Aldo. Aldo ha raccolto in queste pagine una serie di effetti tutti splendidi che da molto tempo fanno parte del suo repertorio. Materiale testato in pubblico di sicuro successo e di semplice esecuzione.

Il materiale trae spunto da effetti e metodi di grandi della cartomagia quali Marlo, Duffie, Harthman West, Mentzer, Walton, Leech e altri ricostruiti e trasformati dal “tocco di Colombini”…

Eccoti un assaggio del contenuto:

  • AUTOGRILL - Quattro Re sono mostrati. Le facce dei Re spariscono e infine si trasformano...
★★★★ $7
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Peter Duffie
Duet by Peter Duffie

POINT BLANK ASSEMBLY gives you the maximum effect for the minimum effort. Four Kings change places one at a time with four blank cards. The transposition is repeated only this time it occurs instantly. Finally the four Kings disappear altogether.

[You will need four blank-faced cards and four kings of which three have blank backs.]

IMPULSE starts as a transposition effect between a selected card and a blank card but ends with a finish that those who have seen it describe as 'NOT POSSIBLE'. Truly original thinking.

[You will need three blank-faced cards. One is gimmicked. The gimmick is easy to make with a pair of scissors, paper and glue.]

1st edition 1984, 1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages....

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Matteo Filippini
Chop by Matteo Filippini

Appassionato di close-up da più di vent'anni e avido consumatore e collezionista di libri magici, Matteo Filippini presenta una semplice routine di chop cup.

Nonostante la chop cup sia spesso stata considerata come la "parente povera" dei bussolotti, in realtà, se accompagnata dallo studio accurato di molte tecniche e sleight, può divenire un effetto killer del repertrio di qualsiasi prestigiatore. La semplicità della chop cup non sta di certo a significare banalità, tutt'altro. Basta vedere come grandi personaggi della Magia come Don Alan o Paul Daniels l'abbiano portata a livelli di...

★★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Carte in Tavola by Aldo Colombini

In questo ebook trovate dettagliatamente spiegati

Tridente: Tre mazzetti di carte sono usati per rivelare tre predizioni in una maniera incredibile.

DADI PROFETICI - Tu consegni una previsione ad uno spettatore. Due dadi, senza punti, sono mostrati e due spettatori scelgono due numeri a caso. Da un mazzo di carte il primo spettatore distribuisce tante carte quante ne indica il suo numero. L' ultima carta viene mostrata e ha lo stesso valore del numero detto dal SECONDO spettatore. II secondo spettatore distribuisce le carte a seconda del suo numero e l' ultima carta rivela il numero del...

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Devin Knight
Blindsight: the original by Devin Knight

One of the most talked about effects at the 2006 Mindvention. It virtually fooled anyone who saw it. Since then over 5000 copies of Blindsight have been sold world-wide. It has become a classic of mentalism and used by some of the biggest names in mentalism. In fact, one performer was able to book a $10,000 gig by performing this one trick alone for the decision maker! Yes, Blindsight is that good.

This routine is now available in a Do-It-Yourself PDF and can be easily made up in a few minutes.


Performer patters that Blindsight is the apparent ability to see colors and shapes...

★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Cappelli con Palloncini by Aldo Colombini

In questo manoscritto Aldo ti insegna una serie di cappelli da creare con i palloncini per modellare di semplicissima esecuzione e di grande effetto.

Puoi utilizzarli in mille occasioni nel tuo spettacolo. Sono originali e divertenti e, soprattutto se lavori con i bambini, sono uno strumento per creare momenti indimenticabili di sicuro successo. Come dice Aldo stesso nell'introduzione: "L' idea di creare cappelli con palloncini è relativamente nuova. I cappelli sono divertenti, attirano adulti e bambini e sono DIVERSI, creando novità nelI' arte di modellare i palloncini Ogni occasione...

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Roberto Giobbi
Card Stories by Roberto Giobbi

In diesem E-Buch beschreibt Giobbi nur zwei Routinen, aber diese sind bis ins kleinste Detail aufgearbeitet und präsentiert, wie man das von Roberto Giobbi geradezu erwartet. Die Routinen heissen

  • Ein abgekartetes ... Risiko
  • Die Zeitmaschine
Besonders ausführlich ist auch Robertos empfohlene Lektüre, die den eifrigen Studenten in ein vertiefendes und weitergehendes Studium veranlasst.

Erstausgabe 1986, erste digitale Ausgabe 2013, 36 Seiten.

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Devin Knight
Puzzle Mania by Devin Knight

A brilliant routine which is perfect for children's shows. Both the magician and then the birthday child, manage to correctly guess which pieces have been removed from a completed tray puzzle.

Puzzle Mania is a new twist on the standard jigsaw puzzle effect. This version has been designed especially for kid shows. Yes, it is mind reading for kids and has been a proven winner in hundreds of kid shows. Every phase is logical and makes perfect sense. You can easily make this up using kid tray puzzles available in most all toy stores. This effect has previously only been shared in Devin's lectures,...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 1 by Alexander de Cova

AL KORAN FINESSE - An additional idea for the well-known Al Koran 5-star forcing deck which enables you to perform a baffling version of the "Oscar" card trick.

THROUGH THE LOUPE - The fastest loading technique for a ring in a sealed envelope. This one has fooled more than one magician!

CLIPPED OUT - A concept for a headline prediction or a live prediction. Some subtle thinking behind this one.

MAGIC VS. MUSIC - A thought provoking article on practise, performance and more. Music is compared to magic and this will get you started thinking different about our art.

ENTHYMEMATA - Various...

★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 2 by Alexander de Cova

BOXED - A signed bill ends up in the interior of a lighter, which has been inside a cigarette packet. This one has fooled everyone on my last lecture tour. Perfect for table-hopping, instant reset and easy to do. [Note: This routine was intended to be published as a separate eBook for a much higher price than this issue of Scrapbook. However, for completeness sake I decided to add it here.

TOTALLY STONED - A mental routine based on a Max Maven idea. I changed the routine, method and added an additional climax to it. Very powerful and easy to do.

ENTHYMEMATA - Thoughts, tips and hints.

1st edition 2014, 6 pages....

★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 3 by Alexander de Cova

ABSTRACTOR - My take on the "Extractor" gimmick which is completely different. The deck can be fanned, spread and quite freely shown. The spectator himself can insert his card into the case. The case is shut and rubber bands are placed all around the case (!). You can show the case from all sides - all looks perfect. You put the deck in your pocket and immediately have the selected card at your disposal! Easy to construct in less than half an hour with only one deck used.

TAMARIZ MEMO DECK - Here I start with a five part "course" on the memorization of this brilliant stack. It's fun to read,...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 4 by Alexander de Cova

The new issue is packed with workable stuff. This time, you'll find also something for the stage magician! Here the contents:

ESPACOLOGY 2 - My take on a routine by David Berglas. This one is intended for stage/plattform use and can be made to play really big. Multiple predictions lead to a knockout climax incorporating the name of the company you are working for.

GIANT CARD TO SILK - This is truly the most visual and baffling transformation of a giant card into a silk. It looks like trick photography and you end clean. I describe some tips for the table-hopping magician as well.


★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 5 by Alexander de Cova

In this issue, I go into great detail for my version of the routine "Cards Through Newspaper", an effect which was popularized by the great Albert Goshman in his professional act.

CARDS THROUGH NEWSPAPER - I taught this version to Doc Eason years ago. Here is the complete description with all the details (for you, Doc!). Doc told me that he showed the routine to Eric Mead and Eric had some nice words for it, means, he liked it. Four cards (any four cards, signed or unsigned) penetrate a sheet of newspaper one at a time. This is a worker's version, no duplicates, preparation or anything. You...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 6 by Alexander de Cova

This issue deals with the kind of tricks Pat Page would have loved and performed. Therefore it is dedicated to him. Here the contents:

STAB IN THE DARK - A card stab routine, where you stab (underneath a silk) into the deck and hit the mate of a spectator's selected card.

SIMPLE MISRES DREAM - This gimmick enables you to do a perfect coin catch without any sleight of hand! Can be applied to many other things as well.

POOR MANS RINGFLIGHT - The easiest ringflight with an unprepared leather key case. This is really for the working performer and perfect for table hopping.


★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 7 by Alexander de Cova

PAPER DARTS - This is the routine I've kept back. You stand on stage with a folded paper dart. Spectators decide on a three digit number. The dart is thrown into the audience and the audience member catching it brings it to the stage. The paper dart is opened and on it is PRINTED in big bold letters the chosen number! NO nail writing or whatsoever, the method will make you laugh. Completey "out-of-the-box" thinking here. Hopefully, only a few magicians will go into the troubles making this one up.

HOPA-GIMMICK - This can be made up withing minutes and enables you to force two cards as convincingly...

★★★★★ $7
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