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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 28


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Fred Darevil
Tryptik by Fred Darevil

Fred Darevil is a French professional mentalist and magician. Tryptik is a selection of three effects he's been using professionally for several years with success. Originally sold as a printed booklet by Magic Smith, this ebook version has been updated with more photos, new ideas and subtleties.

Larry Becker said about Taxi Gambler: "I like it very much. Your method is very workable. You have created an excellent piece of mentalism for which you have to be congratulated".
ONE ONLY: Talking about feminine intuition, the mentalist gives an opaque envelope to a woman in the audience. There is a card...
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Fred Betzner
Symbol Dice Reading by Fred Betzner

A unique reading that will set you apart from the crowd!

When I saw a set of "Rory's Story Cubes" for the first time, I thought there was great potential in the product as a reading tool. The product is sold as a set of nine cubes, containing 54 images, and intended as a tool for creative story telling. According to one retailer, there are 10,077,696 possible combinations, when the cubes are tossed out. I purchased a set of these online for under $9.00.

This PDF details the following:

INTRODUCTION to the product and reading concept. Once learned, this presentation can be limited to...

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Fraser Parker
True Mysteries by Fraser Parker

"I just finished editing Fraser Parker's book 'True Mysteries'. I can honestly say I would put this right up there with Luke Jermay's '7 Deceptions' without question. Fraser Parker is about to become as recognized for making the impossible possible as Luke Jermay. I am proud to call Mr. Parker my true Student. Anyone who studies or appreciates my work needs to have this book and read it more than once!" - Kenton Knepper

High praise indeed, and yet possibly understated, given what is in this new work. It's nearly impossible to overstate what is in this ebook.

You may already know Fraser Parker...

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Fraser Parker
Utsukushii by Fraser Parker

Utsukushii, the billet-less pin reveal, is a sure fire way to guess a single digit number someone is only thinking of, without anything having to be written down or props of any kind. It can then be used to work out other numbers such as pin codes, phone locks and entire phone numbers. If you would like to be able to reveal the pin numbers of strangers you meet or guess numbers which only exist as thoughts in a person's mind, using only words, then this method is for you. NO dual reality is used. NO stooges or instant stooges. It can be used close up or on stage with a 100% success rate. It's...

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Fraser Parker
Sync by Fraser Parker

Sync is the perfect method for guessing a name completely prop-less.

I recently went back to my notebooks to an older idea I had for guessing a name without the spectator ever having to say a word and after a few days of playing with scripting all of the pieces of the jigsaw finally fell into place.

It is now possible to guess any name or word thought of by the spectator without them ever having to name letters or words associated with letters from the name - in fact, they can stay completely silent throughout the entire process.

The method itself is pure simplicity and is possibly...

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Fraser Parker
Rose by Fraser Parker

Rose continues the simple, bold and beautiful approach found in Fraser's limited edition False Messiah.

Fraser is now sharing, for the first time outside of his close circle of friends, his most up to date arrangement for guessing names and star signs completely prop-less.

You say a few lines of scripting and you are able to instantly divine practically anything the spectator is thinking of. Method and effect work seamlessly together to create a bold and beautiful deception that relies on fooling those who you perform for via perception.

No naming of letters, anagrams or running through...

★★★★★ $27
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Fraser Parker
Seeing Signs by Fraser Parker

Seeing Signs is Fraser's ground breaking solution to the prop-less star sign divination plot, as featured in Peter Turner's PDF course vol. 9: Zodiac Divinations.

Yes, Fraser has done it again. He's applied his ingenious thought process and approach to prop-less mentalism to create one of the most elegant, beautifully streamlined versions of the star sign divination plot - to date.

NO anagrams. NO focusing on specific letters. NO jumping through letters of the alphabet. NO re-frame. NO eye accessing cues. NO maths. NO cards.

This is a classic of mentalism updated for prop-less use and is fully mechanical...

★★★★★ $13
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Fraser Parker
Ploy by Fraser Parker

Ploy is a way to indirectly obtain a piece of information your spectator is only thinking of without them ever having to say it out loud or write anything down.

You perform a thought of card effect where a card is taken out of a deck of normal playing cards, you either guess it exactly or get very close and are then able to automatically and effortlessly divine other information your spectator is merely thinking of, such as, which colour they are focusing on or their star sign, etc.

No this is not the usual ploy of writing on the faces of the playing cards to force a thought but is actually...

★★★★★ $20
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Fraser Parker
Opus by Fraser Parker
"Fraser Parker is one of the finest thinkers in contemporary mentalism. If you are interested in practical, impressive effects based on subtlety and often breathtaking ingenuity, you will love his work." - Ian Rowland​
Limited to only 200 copies. Contains over 8 hours of video, including thoughts on prop-less as well as a two-part interview with Fraser.

Opus is a "master-class" from Fraser released in video format, detailing his unique approach towards creating believable mind reading. In this video project, he outlines his use of words to create shifts in perception, in order...

★★★★★ $185
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Fraser Parker
Jinn by Fraser Parker

Jinn is Fraser’s ingenious solution to the classic card calling plot but with a subtle difference - the spectator performs the mind reading and successfully guesses each and every card.

A deck of cards is shuffled by a spectator and a group of random cards are taken from the top of the deck, sight unseen. These are mixed further by the spectator and then held faces towards themselves.

They look over the cards and a second spectator is able to successfully name each and every card as the first spectator merely thinks of each card.

This can be performed utilizing an assistant or taught...

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Fraser Parker
Oculus 2: propless date of birth by Fraser Parker

Oculus 2 is an updated handling on the prop-less date of birth divination. Included are various direct prop-less methods, as well as a streamlined handling with playing cards.

1st edition 2021, PDF 38 pages.

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Fraser Parker
Gestalt: Propless Cue EMOG Principle by Fraser Parker

Gestalt is a groundbreaking new propless principle that allows you to secretly obtain a cue from your spectator. It stays completely hidden from the conscious awareness of those who you perform for and is modular in nature, which means it can be utilized in other effects.

Inside this ebook is taught a propless star sign utilizing this principle, as well as other various applications for it. You will be able to guess someone's star sign in literally 20-30 seconds with very little process or scripting.

1st edition 2021, PDF 34 pages.

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Fraser Parker
Null by Fraser Parker

Progressive anagrams

In Null Fraser shares his work on the progressive anagram. However, as we have come to expect from his previous releases, this is not the standard fare or typical approach to this system. In fact, you wouldn't even recognize the classic tool at play in these effects from the performance, unless their secrets were revealed to you fully.

This manuscript contains entirely new ideas and presentations that turn the basic concept of the anagram on its head to create a streamlined and efficient way to divine information.

No letters are spoken out loud and there is no...

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Fraser Parker
3CSC: Propless Security Code Guess by Fraser Parker

"One of the coolest pieces of prop-less Mentalism I've seen. It felt so free and easy that I honestly thought I was messing things up and was making my own free choices, right up until Fraser told me the number I was just thinking of." - Paul Brook

In 3CSC Fraser teaches his propless method for divining a three-digit security code made up by a spectator, otherwise known as a 3CSC or CVC number that would typically appear on the back of a credit or debit card.

This is a unique take and novel presentation on the now modern classic propless pin reveal, which uses a streamlined method...

★★★★★ $23
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Fraser Parker
Sui Generis by Fraser Parker

"This is on a whole different level than any of his previous work". - Ori Asher

Sui Generis is a breakthrough system for guessing any word entirely propless. It allows for what is essentially a mental billet peek, without the need for anything to be written down by your spectator. Fraser has searched for this work all of his life and is something he considers his best work to date and a crowning achievement in the mystery arts.

There is very little process, everything is justified presentationally, and the method is practically self-working and will become second nature to perform...

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Fraser Parker
Zarathustra by Fraser Parker

In Zarathustra Fraser shares a few pieces from his notebooks. This is work Fraser has created over the past eight months. Following on from his decision to break down the larger book he was working on into smaller releases, he has decided to now share these ideas with you. This work compliments his other released work perfectly and will give you yet more options and different ways into creating feats of seeming real mind reading for your audiences.

To begin, you will learn how to force a single digit number entirely prop-less, in a conversational manner that looks completely fair and only...

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Fraser Parker
Messija by Fraser Parker

Messija is a booklet that contains various propless approaches to obtain information from a spectator using the fingers of their hand under the guise of esoteric palmistry. First of all, you will learn how to force a colour or item from any category of your choice. This can then be used as a 'jumping off' point to reveal other information or as a way to give a reading which is relevant to the spectator's life situation.

You don't need to give a reading to perform the effects taught in this booklet.

Fraser will then show you how to secretly obtain any thought of letter using the fingers...

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Fraser Parker
Noah's Ark by Fraser Parker

A propless animal guess.

"Do you like mentalism that is propless, fun, quick, and animal-related? Then get Noah's Ark by Fraser. It provides all the above. It is a great method and effect to have in your arsenal, as it can be performed in isolation, or embedded within a larger routine or set." - Ross Bartels

"Noah's Ark is a fun animal guess that makes you feel like a kid again when you perform it. The fun and playfulness of the method will blow the minds of your participants" - Perna

"When Fraser performed his animal guess on me it took me by surprise. It's so casual and the reveal...

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Franklin M. Chapman
Twenty Stunners with a Nail Writer by Franklin M. Chapman

The nail writer is an extremely powerful tool for the mentalist. It's origin is unclear. One of the earliest references can be found in the book Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena, written by William. E. Robinson and published in 1898. Therein it was called "The Thumb Pencil Carrier". This booklet will give you an easy start using this gimmick.

Paul Fleming wrote:

We have had a high opinion of the "nail-writer" ever since, a good many years ago, Paul Rosini gave us a demonstration in which he used this tiny piece of apparatus. Of course, it does not follow that, just because Mr. Rosini produces a near-miracle with the aid of this "fake," all magicians...

★★★★★ $5
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Frank Tousey
How to Tell Fortunes by Frank Tousey

Containing Napoleon's Oraculum, and the key to work it. Also tells fortunes by cards, lucky and unlucky days, signs and omens.

  • How To Tell Fortunes By Cards
    • Signification Of The Cards
    • Signification Of Different Cards Of The Same Denomination
    • Dealing The Cards By Threes
    • Dealing The Cards By Sevens
    • Dealing The Cards By Fifteens
    • The Italian Method
    • Present, Past, And Future
    • The Star Method Of Consulting The Cards
    • To Know If You Will Get Your Wish
    • The English Method Of Consulting The Cards
    • To Tell Whether You Will Get Your Wish
  • Good And Bad Omens
    • Concluding Remarks
  • Weather...
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Frank Sinclair
Catching a Marked Bullet in the Teeth (Know-How Series) by Frank Sinclair

The bullet catch is an extremely dangerous trick to perform. It can cost you your life. Before attempting anything like it you might want to read Twelve Have Died by Ben Robinson. Some of the best performers have paid the ultimate price performing this stunt.

We provide this ebook purely for historical purposes. Do not try this at home. If you do, you accept all responsibility for any injuries, property damage or loss of life.

If you are a trained and experienced professional, skilled in the use of fire arms, the bullet catch can be a reputation maker.

This was part of the Supreme 'Know How' series. ...

★★★★★ $9.50
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Floyd Gerald Thayer
Dr. Q's Simplicity Mindreading Act by Floyd Gerald Thayer

From the fertile mind of Dr. Q comes this fair and convincing 10-minute act of apparent mindreading. It looks so authentic that you may be tempted to claim genuine psychic powers.

Everything in this 10-minute act is explained in plain English, so even if you're new to performing pseudo-mindreading, you can present these tests and convince most any audience. Best yet, no hidden gimmicks, one-ahead, or secret assistants are used. No chemicals, secret preparations or "instant stooges," either. But still, believe it or not, your audience does most of the work for you.

If you travel frequently,...

★★★ $10
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Floyd Gerald Thayer
Dr. Q's Tarot Telepathy by Floyd Gerald Thayer

Finally, a two-person mentalism act that doesn't use complicated codes, expensive electronics or stooges.

This is a godsend for the average mentalist, who may be wary of the time spent in training (and retraining) partners for the traditional two-person act. Tarot Telepathy transcends the code requirement, relying instead on the clever application of the "cradle-to-grave" type of psychological reading offered by the professional medium.

The performer, acts as the Medium, and is blindfolded and seated upon stage. His female assistant circulates among the audience, and randomly stands beside...

★★★★ $8
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Ferry Gerats
Astro Gems by Ferry Gerats

Divination of Zodiac sign involving a chart with the gems that are in accordance with astrology allocated to the star signs. Uses the branching anagram principle. A version of Bob Farmer's "Fate Accompli".

Effect: You reveal the zodiac-sign of someone you never met.

This is what happens:

A participant is handed a chart with all the zodiac signs and the gemstones which on the basis of astrology are allocated to these signs. While the participant focuses on the name of the gemstone of his sign, the mentalist first discloses some letters of that name and then reveals his zodiac sign.



★★★★★ $15
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