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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 7190 to 7213 (of 10405 products)
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Aldo Colombini
Dazed by Aldo Colombini

The effect was created by Peter Duffie. An effect which must give the impression that you are a fantastic card expert. Two cards are placed face up on the table. You now show four misprinted cards that have backs on both sides - except for one, which has a back and a blank face. You now add the first card to the packet and suddenly all the cards print with faces of the selection! You repeat this with the second card to cause all the cards to print to duplicates of this card! Finally you pick up the card with the blank face. "This," you state, "is an eraser!" You now prove this to be so because, suddenly,...

Aldo Colombini
Cordially Yours by Aldo Colombini

This is an unusual trick and one that creates mystery and surprise. It can also be customized according to the venues and type of shows. You show four double-blank cards. You place a colored sticker on one card and the sticker appears on every card. Then, three stickers disappear from the cards and all the stickers are on one card!

You will need four double blank cards (blank on both sides) and some stickers.

★★★★★ $12
Devin Knight
Blindsight 2 by Devin Knight


The performer shows an 8.5 x 11 inch chart that has the names of four different colors printed on it in different color inks. He says he will attempt to confuse a participant's mind. A participant is asked to quickly call out the color of the ink that each word is printed in. Despite his best efforts, he invariably miscalls some of the colors. For example, if the ink is blue, he may say it is red. This is all very amusing to the audience as he cannot seem to say all the colors correctly!

The performer says that if the participant is having trouble correctly naming colors that he...

★★★★★ $17
Chris Stolz
Effects of Beauty and the Beast by Chris Stolz

This is the first volume in Chris Stolz's Theatre Illusions series. This series is meant to provide theatre productions with solutions to those special effects so often called for in the story or script. These can be illusions, special theatre props, transformations and much more. Each ebook in the series focuses on a different popular show. In this first installment, Chris focuses on the magical props and effects for Beauty and the Beast.

Audiences are always prepared to suspend their disbelief. It's when they don't have to that you have something truly special.

Beauty and the Beast is...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Barocco by Aldo Colombini

Un nuevo e-book de Aldo Colombini.

Un concierto compuesto por 28 temas cartomágicos que supondrán un deleite para tus ojos, para tus manos y para tus oídos. Como siempre, cartomagia efectiva, visual, sencilla y práctica.

Made in Aldo Colombini.

28 efectos cartomágicos a un click de ratón. ¿Te lo vas a perder?


  • Obertura
  • Allegro
  • Fuga
  • Andante
  • Aria
  • Tocata
  • Sarabanda
  • Pastoral
  • Minueto
  • Vivace
  • Concerto
  • Presto
  • Cantabile
  • Grave
  • Staccato
  • Affettuoso
  • Maestoso
  • Capriccio
  • Spiritoso
  • Moderato
  • Adagio
  • Largo
  • Divertimento
  • Scherzo
  • Sinfonia
  • Gavotta
  • Fantasia
  • Spiccato ...
Stanton Carlisle
Mentalismo Deluxe by Stanton Carlisle

Ecco finalmente la prima opera di Carlisle in Italiano . Carlisle ha scritto diversi libri di ottimo mentalismo e questo non è da meno. Lo stesso titolo mostra che si tratta di ottimi effetti. Il libro inizia con la descrizione di una duplicazione di un disegno liberamente scelto. Prosegue con una stupenda versione del gioco delle 7 chiavi ( con sei chiavi) di cui Carlisle dice : "Finora abbiamo attentamente salvaguardato questo metodo poiché non richiede attrezzature truccate, gimmick di sorta o manipolazioni. ...". Il libro prosegue con una effetto in cui il mentalista indovina oggetti...

★★★★ $15
Graham Hey
Killer One Liners To Create A Big Buzz by Graham Hey

The best of his first three books, plus over 100 bonus gags!

Graham Hey has been a comedy writer and performer for almost twenty years, writing for a variety of TV stars in the UK, and for many stand-up comedians, magicians and mentalists. Between 1994 and 1999 he had his own comedy section in a UK national newspaper, writing four pages of topical gags each week for Express Newspapers. In total, over 8000 orignal gags were published, and used widely in the UK by comedians and performers. He has been contracted to the BBC and Talkback TV as a comedy writer. His most recent work has been writing...

Stephen Ablett
The Money Project by Stephen Ablett

This download DVD features six full routines, all about Money.

One Coin Routine (Gimmick)
A coin is produced, then two more. Two of the coins vanish, upon which the last coin turns into a Jumbo with a kicker ending.

One Coin Routine (Impromptu)
An anytime, anywhere one-coin routine including productions, transpositions, vanishes, penetrations and with numerous endings to choose from.

Three Coins Routine
Three coins are produced, followed by a three-fly routine, a coin swallowing routine of which they all vanish and then has several different endings.

Shopping Spree
Five banknotes...

★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Antics and Interludes: Contextual Card Cozenage by Jon Racherbaumer

Classic Racherbaumer. I had to use the dictionary twice just to make it past the title :-) If you don't learn any card magic you will certainly expand your vocabulary. But I am sure you will learn a good amount of very thoughtful pieces.

From the introduction:

Can we then agree that Card Antics consist of novel actions, cute bits, and amusing maneuvers? This is what happens when cards jump, rise, change, multiply, disappear, reappear, penetrate, spin, and so forth. Aren't Card Antics meant to provoke delight and bewilder?

To explore ways to convert, tweak, and redeem "pasteboard antics"...

★★★★★ $25
Paul Voodini
Ninja Mind-Reading Secrets of the Cold War Psychic Spies by Paul Voodini

Ninja Mind-Reading Secrets of the Cold War Psychic Spies is a 56 page PDF comprising of routines, ideas and thoughts. The reader is taken on a journey from the Victorian London of Scotland Yard to the CIA & Soviet psychic spy initiatives to the Psychic Shadowlands of the Shinobi Ninja. The reader is also introduced to a variety of real life psychic spies and the adventures they undertook!

The ebook is broken down into three parts: Scotland Yard, the CIA, and the Ninja. The book features the following routines: The Hangman's Noose*, The Baker Street Tarot, Past Life Pendulum, Unknown Caller*,...

★★★★ $6
Paul Voodini
Cathy Shadows: Doing It For Real by Paul Voodini

For the first time ever, Paul Voodini is proud to present the work of another performer. Cathy Shadows is the pseudonym of a professional esoteric entertainer, working primarily in the psychic party and psychic fair market.

This 19 page PDF outlines her favourite routines that she employs on a regular basis to amaze her clients. These routines range from ESP and telepathy through to mind-to-mind communication and tools for readings. The great thing about these routines is that there is no 'trickery' involved! These routines are devised to be presented as genuine demonstrations of the paranormal!...

★★★★ $19.95
José Prager
The Scanner by José Prager

Possibly The Scanner is one of the most innocent impression devices/pads you will ever come across.

  • It is perfect for real time and pre-show.
  • The reset takes about 5 seconds.
  • It uses an ordinary pen/pencil.
  • It is very low tech and costs next to nothing to make.
  • Prager uses it all the time to read minds close-up and even stage!
When purchasing The Scanner you will also get access to a secret forum where we will discuss everything about The Scanner.

What they are saying about The Scanner:

"The Scanner is an easy to make impression pad that looks very innocent while holding...

★★★★★ $4.25
John Gelasi
Card Sampler by John Gelasi

Card Sampler by John Gelasi features a sampling of 4 effects from a few of John's previous publications, as well as a brand new bonus effect not currently published anywhere else. If you're looking to check out some of John's magic for the first time, or are simply looking for a great deal, you're sure to find something that you'll enjoy from this little collection.

Effects included:

"Uproarious" from Fit for Kings, Too!: A killer packet trick with normal cards; four jokers become four kings, and then everything changes into a perfect royal flush!

"Slider" from Business as Usual: A visual "correction" of a misprinted...

★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Cards and Coins Parade by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Ten routines with cards and coins.


  • A BOOK IS BETTER (Aldo Colombini): A selected card vanishes from the deck and reappears in a book at a page randomly selected by a spectator. Easy to do. No palming.
  • SHADES OF SILVER (Cameron Francis): An easy ‘shadow’ (assembly) coin routine using only four coins and your hands, with a backfire ending.
  • COIN WRAP (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and replaced. You try to produce the selected card but you fail. Then, you decide to do a coin trick. You perform a couple of very strong transpositions with a copper and a silver coin. At...
★★★★ $20
Devin Knight
Knight's Tour Excalibur by Devin Knight

This is Devin Knight's New and improved version of the Knight's Tour. This is the Knight's Tour on steroids. It takes this classic of magic and turns it into a real masterpiece of mentalism that has climaxes that pack a wallop! You can do some mind-boggling effects with the Knight's Tour that have never been possible before, including a prediction that seems completely impossible.

In the past, the Knight's Tour has been featured by such famous magicians as, Peter Reveen, David Berglas, and Ricky Jay. Now you can add this effect to your act and have your audiences on the edges of their seats as you race...

Scott Xavier
Visions of London: The Blindfold Gospel According to Xavier by Scott Xavier

From the Magic Circle Lecture Series. Visions reveals the basic workings of blindfolds. More then this it reveals 25 amazing stunts to perform with a blindfold on. This is a must have for anyone interested in blindfold routines. Included are some great ideas for Russian roulette and blindfold drives.

1st edition 2012, 13 pages.

★★★★ $10
Dave Arch
What's My Sign by Dave Arch

Dave Arch writes:

I loved Ray Grismer's "What's Your Sign?" However, I never performed it often enough to commit the process to memory and I didn't like the fact that I could only do it once in a group without the method becoming apparent. So I commissioned a graphic artist (with Ray Grismer's permission) to create a mystical looking chart that could be made as small (wallet-size) or as large (poster) as I want. Not only have I hidden the method in the poster but also hidden two methods in the poster so I can repeat it (such as in the case of a couple) without repeating the method and making...

★★★★★ $6
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Chapter 27 by Roberto Giobbi


  • Some Thoughts on Theoretical Subjects
  • Presentation
  • Construction
  • Directing Attention
  • Technique, Handling and Management
  • Timing
  • Outs for Disasters and Disturbances
  • The Study of Card Conjuring

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

★★★★★ $6
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Chapter 26 by Roberto Giobbi

Flourishes, Part 2

  • Turning Over the Top Card IV
  • Turning Over the Top Card V
  • Turning Over the Top Card VI
  • Springing the Cards
  • The Cascade
  • The Swivelleroo Cut
  • The Flip-flap Cut
  • One-handed Riffle Shuffle

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

★★★★★ $6
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Chapter 25 by Roberto Giobbi

False Cut Techniques, Part 2

  • A True, Single, Tabled Cut
  • Single, Tabled, False Cut I
  • Single, Tabled, False Cut II
  • A True Running Cut
  • Up the Ladder
  • Dai Vernon’s Cold-deck Cut
  • Affas-gaffas False Cut
  • Gambler’s False Triple Cut
  • Acebo’s False Quadruple Cut

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Chapter 24 by Roberto Giobbi

The Reverse

  • The Braue Reverse
  • Double Lift Reverse
  • Double Turnover Reverse
  • The Leg Reverse
  • Deck Turnover Reverse


  • The Whistle
  • Reversible Mix-up

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Chapter 23 by Roberto Giobbi

The Crimp

  • Crimping with the Index Finger
  • Crimping with the Heel of the Thumb
  • Crimping with an Overhand Shuffle
  • Cutting to a Crimped Card
  • Applications


  • Transposition Extraordinary

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

★★★★★ $6
Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Chapter 22 by Roberto Giobbi

The Top Change

  • The Top Change
  • Top Change Covers
  • The Top Change as an Out for the Classic Force


  • Metamorphosis
  • The Lucky Coin

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Roberto Giobbi
Card College 2: Chapter 21 by Roberto Giobbi

The Double Lift, Part 2

  • Another Double Turnover


  • Vanished without a Trace!
  • The Ambitious Card

The full volume ebooks can be found here: Card College 1 & 2

[Note that to view the embedded video clips on iPad you will need the PDF-Expert app. And to view them on Android tablets use ezPDF. There could be other apps that work but these two have been tested.]

Displaying 7190 to 7213 (of 10405 products)
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